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Discussion Forum: Identifying Priority Chemicals for Review and Assessment

This discussion forum is now closed for comments. Thank you for your participation!

As part of EPA’s comprehensive approach to enhance the Agency’s current chemicals management program, EPA plans to use a two-step process to identify priority chemical substances for review and assessment under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPA invites you to share your thoughts on the prioritization factors and data sources the Agency intends to use in this process. EPA will not respond directly to any comments received in this forum, but will look to this public input to help inform its process to identify candidate chemicals for near-term evaluation.

This online discussion forum remained open and available for comment from August 18, 2011 until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 21, 2011. After the discussion forum has closed, EPA will place the entire discussion forum, with comments included and attached to their associated post, in docket EPA-HQ-OPPT-2011-0516, which will be available at

In addition to providing this discussion forum, EPA hosted a webinar on this topic from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on September 7, 2011. Information on the webinar is available here.

Please review the Comment Policy and Frequent Questions pages and then consider the three topics presented below.

Please Read the Discussion Guide First!

Before providing your thoughts on the specific discussion topics presented in this forum, EPA asks that you read the complete Discussion Guide, which describes the two-step process EPA plans to use and presents the discussion questions on prioritization factors and data sources. If you wish, you can download the Discussion Guide in PDF format. The topics presented in this forum link to the appropriate related information in the Discussion Guide.

Step 1(a) Topic:  Prioritization Factors

EPA invites your thoughts on the prioritization factors the Agency is planning to use.

Step 1(b) Topic:  Data Sources for Prioritization Factors

EPA invites your thoughts on the data sources that the Agency intends to use to identify chemicals that meet one or more of the Step 1(a) prioritization  factors.

Step 2 Topic:  Data Sources for Further Analysis

EPA invites your thoughts on the exposure data sources and hazard data sources the Agency is planning to use for further analysis.