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12.13.16Science Highlight

Polarized Partners: Spinning Electrons Yield Spinning Positrons

Researchers demonstrate a new technique for producing polarized positrons that could improve manufacturing and lead to new discoveries.

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12.13.16Science Highlight

Helium: When You Must be Sure it’s Ultra-Pure

A new method detects residual contaminants in ultra-pure helium gas, critical to nuclear physics experiments.

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BES-2016-11-b-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Berkelium’s Unexpected Chemistry Has Been Captured

The first well-characterized materials containing berkelium differ from expectations

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Improved Tests of the Weak Nuclear Force from Beta Decay08.19.16Science Highlight

Improved Tests of the Weak Nuclear Force from Beta Decay

Studies of the neutrinos emitted in the radioactive decay of nuclei held in an ion trap allow sensitive searches for new interactions.

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Demonstrating Strong Electric Fields in Liquid Helium for Tests of Matter-Antimatter Symmetry07.29.16Science Highlight

Demonstrating Strong Electric Fields in Liquid Helium for Tests of Matter-Antimatter Symmetry

Team’s approach enables a highly sensitive search for a neutron electric dipole moment, which provides insights into the nature of the universe. Read More »

Jet Tomography of Hot Matter07.29.16Science Highlight

Jet Tomography of Hot Matter

Using fast particles to probe hot matter in nuclear collisions. Read More »

A depiction of the experimental apparatus used to distinguish the pear shape (upper left) present in some barium nuclei from the more common spherical (upper right) or ellipsoidal (lower left) shapes characteristic of most nuclei.06.06.16Science Highlight

Confirmed: Heavy Barium Nuclei Prefer a Pear Shape

Cutting-edge experiment with a beam of radioactive barium ions provides direct evidence of nuclear pear-shape deformation. Read More »

In the 1980s, scientists discovered that a proton's three valance quarks (red, green, blue) account for only a fraction of the proton's overall spin. New measurements from RHIC's PHENIX experiment reveal that gluons (yellow corkscrews) contribute as much as or possibly more than the quarks.06.06.16Science Highlight

Zooming in on Gluons' Contribution to Proton Spin

New data that "wimpy" gluons, the glue-like particles that bind quarks within protons, have a big impact on proton spin. Read More »

The green dot at the bottom of the glass vial is a solution containing 22 milligrams of ultra-pure 249Bk produced at ORNL’s High Flux Isotope Reactor and Radiochemical Engineering Development Center at ORNL.05.17.16Science Highlight

DOE Isotope Program Provides Target Material for the Discovery of Superheavy Elements

New element 117 and its decay products establish the existence of long-sought Island of Stability. Read More »

A yarn spun of boron-nitride nanotubes suspends a quarter.03.09.16Science Highlight

Nuclear Physics Accelerator Technology Yields New Process for Producing Boron-Nitride Nanotubes

Using tools that enable nuclear physics research into the heart of matter, scientists created a material for applications from aerospace to solar panels. Read More »

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Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:58:42 PM