Science Highlights

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The Controlling Light08.07.16Science Highlight

The Controlling Light

Visible lasers offer exquisite control of x-ray light in a tabletop apparatus, potentially providing access to new insights to chemical reactions, proteins, and even atoms’ inner workings. Read More »

New X-Ray Matter Interaction Observed at Ultra-High Intensity08.05.16Science Highlight

New X-Ray Matter Interaction Observed at Ultra-High Intensity

Previously unobserved scattering shows unexpected sensitivity to bound electrons, providing new insights into x-ray interactions with matter and opening the door to new probes of matter. Read More »

08.05.16Science Highlight

Photoelectrodes Revealed!

New spectroscopic probe will aid design of more efficient sunlight-to-fuel devices.

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Inducing Separation08.05.16Science Highlight

Inducing Separation

Scientists discover a direct electron-transfer process with a higher efficiency for charge separation than previous mechanisms.

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Nature-Inspired Nanotubes that Assemble Themselves, with Precision08.04.16Science Highlight

Nature-Inspired Nanotubes that Assemble Themselves, with Precision

Scientists discover another design principle for building nanostructures.

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Making a One-Way Street for Electricity 08.04.16Science Highlight

Making a One-Way Street for Electricity

Scientists show how a buckyball buffer helps conduct electricity in only one direction, vital for molecule-sized circuits.

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Demonstrating Strong Electric Fields in Liquid Helium for Tests of Matter-Antimatter Symmetry07.29.16Science Highlight

Demonstrating Strong Electric Fields in Liquid Helium for Tests of Matter-Antimatter Symmetry

Team’s approach enables a highly sensitive search for a neutron electric dipole moment, which provides insights into the nature of the universe. Read More »

Jet Tomography of Hot Matter07.29.16Science Highlight

Jet Tomography of Hot Matter

Using fast particles to probe hot matter in nuclear collisions. Read More »

Estimating Rainfall 07.29.16Science Highlight

New Radars for Estimating Rainfall Installed at ARM Sites

Data derived from these instruments will support climate model simulations of cloud processes.

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Modeling Water Runoff07.29.16Science Highlight

Modeling Choices and the Effects of Water Runoff on Plant Productivity

Understanding differences in modeling soil water will help scientists simulate how this moisture affects the climate. Read More »

Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:58:42 PM