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These documents were recently added to the CASAC Web site:

Hide details for Draft ReportsDraft Reports
Peer Review of EPA’s Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur – Environmental Criteria (Second External Review Draft). (PDF, 86 pp., 617,803 bytes) (Date Posted: 10/24/2008)

CASAC Peer Review of Draft Ch. 8 of EPA’s REA to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary NAAQS (10- 17-2008 Draft). (PDF, 0 pp., 29,521 bytes) (Date Posted: 10/17/2008)

Hide details for Federal Register NoticesFederal Register Notices
Notification of a Public Teleconference of the CASAC NOx & SOx Secondary Review Panel (Date Posted: 11/03/2008)

Hide details for MeetingsMeetings
CASAC Oxides of Nitrogen Primary NAAQS Review Panel Teleconference to Review the Completed NO2 REA (Meeting Date: 12/05/2008)

CASAC NOx & SOx Secondary Review Panel Meeting to Discuss its Working-draft REA report (Meeting Date: 11/19/2008)

CASAC Review and Approval of CASAC NOx & SOx Secondary NAAQS Review Panel's Report from October 2008 Peer Reviews of EPA's Draft Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) (Meeting Date: 10/30/2008)

CASAC Oxides of Nitrogen Primary NAAQS Review Panel Meeting - Peer Review of draft Exposure and Risk Characterization Chapter for EPA's Nitrogen Oxides Risk and Exposure Assessment (Meeting Date: 10/22/2008)

Hide details for ReportsReports
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of Draft Chapter 8 of EPA’s Risk and Exposure Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard. (PDF, 42 pp., 128,778 bytes) (Date Posted: 10/28/2008)

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