EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB)

In 1978, Congress directed the EPA to establish an SAB to provide scientific advice to the Administrator.
  • What the SAB is authorized to do
    • review the quality and relevance of the scientific and technical information being used by the EPA or proposed as the basis for Agency regulations;
    • review EPA research programs and plans;
    • provide science advice as requested by the EPA Administrator, and
    • advise the agency on broad scientific matters.
    Most (though not all) preliminary work of the SAB is done by subcommittees or panels focused on various environmental science topics. These groups are chaired by SAB members. Recommendations of subcommittees and panels are transmitted to the SAB for discussion and deliberation. Recommendations are forwarded to EPA only if the SAB determines that it is appropriate.
  • About this Website

    This website provides information on:

    • the committees and membership of the SAB, including the annual process for nominating and providing comment on candidate experts to serve on the chartered SAB and SAB standing committees,
    • SAB advisory activities and reports,
    • how you can participate in the science advisory process, including the use of EPA's Web-based process for public nomination of experts, and
    • how to contact the SAB's Designated Federal Officer to obtain additional information about the SAB.
    Our recent additions page provides information on recent draft reports, Federal Register notices, upcoming meetings, recently announced advisory activities, and recently finalized reports.

  • Recent additions and SAB Recent Happenings RSS More about RSS news feeds (USA.gov)

Recent Reports

Advisory Reports
  • 12/20/2016 - Review of conclusions in Efficacy of Ballast Water Treatment Systems: a Report by the Science Advisory Board
  • 08/11/2016 - SAB Review of the EPA’s draft Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources
  • 04/13/2016 - Science Advisory Board (SAB) Consideration of EPA Planned Actions in the Fall 2015 Unified (Regulatory) Agenda and their Supporting Science
  • 04/05/2016 - Review of EPA's Draft Assessment entitled Toxicological Review of Benzo[a]pyrene (September 2014)
  • 01/11/2016 - Review of the EPA’s Draft Fourth Contaminant Candidate List (CCL 4)
More Reports and Agency Responses

Committees, Panels and Membership
