Welcome to the National Association of State School Nurse Consultants

The National Association of State School Nurse Consultants (NASSNC)  improves the health and learning of our nation’s children by:

  • Providing national leadership and advocacy to promote the health and learning of children;
  • Envisioning and proactively influencing the future of school health and school nursing practice;
  • Advocating for quality school nursing services;
  • Providing a support network and sharing information among individual state school nurse consultants; and
  • Impacting public policy related to children’s health and education issues through collaborative endeavors with other associations and agencies.


The mission of NASSNC is to provide expertise in health and promote the academic success of the nation’s children and youth by providing national leadership and advocacy, impacting public policy, collaborating and proactively influencing school health programs and school nursing practice.

2017 Winter Conference Registration Now Available!

Please join us in Chicago on January 18th and 19th. A tentative agenda can be found here. All NASSNC members are welcome, please submit this Winter Registration form to Karen Erwin.

It is also time for annual membership renewal, it can be submitted with your conference registration or separately using this member renewal form.

Step Up & Be Counted!  

School nurses collect rich and important data. NASSNC is proud to partner with the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) to  develop a national uniform, standardized data set for all school nurses to collect specific data points the same way.

The new data to be collected for the 2016-2017 school is available on the NASN website. More information about the project  and state data champions can be found here.

The 2014-2015 school year data has been compiled and provide great opportunities for learning more about the status of school health across the country. 

To find a state school nurse consultant in your area, please select your state below.

US Map

Alabama Illinois Montana Rhode Island
Alaska Indiana Nebraska South Carolina
Arizona Iowa Nevada South Dakota
Arkansas Kansas New Hampshire Tennessee
California Kentucky New Jersey Texas
Colorado Louisiana New Mexico Utah
Connecticut Maine New York Vermont
Delaware Maryland North Carolina Virginia
Florida Massachusetts North Dakota Washington
Georgia Michigan Ohio West Virginia
Hawaii Minnesota Oklahoma Wisconsin
Idaho Mississippi Oregon Wyoming
Missouri Pennsylvania

Alaska Hawaii Maine New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Massachusetts New York Connecticut New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland West Virginia Virginia Ohio North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Tennessee Kentucky Indiana Mississippi Louisiana Arkansas Michigan Illinois Wisconsin Missouri Iowa Minnesota Texas Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota New Mexico Colorado Utah Arizona Nevada Wyoming Montana Idaho California Oregon Washington