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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Industries Electric General Information Electric Market-Based Rates

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Electric Market-Based Rates

Recent Highlights

The Commission grants market-based rate authorization for wholesale sales of electric energy, capacity and ancillary services by sellers that can demonstrate that they and their affiliates lack or have adequately mitigated horizontal and vertical market power. Discussed herein are the most common types of filings made concerning electric market-based rate authority and details on how to submit those filings.

The Final Rule on Electric Market-Based Rates For Wholesale Sales Of Electric Energy, Capacity And Ancillary Services By Public Utilities and its progeny (Order Nos. 697 through 697-D), offer greater detail regarding the Commission’s currently effective policies applicable to electric market-based rate authorization.

On October 16, 2015, FERC issued Order No. 816, which clarifies and streamlines certain aspects of its market-based rate program. Order No. 816 details requirements for market-based rate filings, including requirements that the horizontal market power wholesale market share and pivotal supplier indicative screens, simultaneous transmission import limit (SIL) Submittals 1 and 2, and the asset appendix each be submitted in workable electronic spreadsheet form.

Types of Filings This section contains information for first-time filers seeking initial authorization. It also includes information on Change in Status Filings, Triennial Filings, Tariff Changes, and Notices of Succession and Cancellation for sellers with existing authorization.     Filing Process Information This section contains basic information and links about the filing process, including information about the eTariff system and XML encoding.    

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This section contains information on common issues for filers, including information on SILs, Category Status, Horizontal and Vertical Market Power Screens, and the Blanket OATT Waiver, as well as information for Power Marketers and Qualifying Facilities.     Important Orders This section contains links to important and recent orders as well as to current NOPRs.    

Market Power Analysis This section contatins information regarding the Commission's Horizontal and Vertical Market Power analysis for market-based rate companies.