Provide Matching Funds

Help make conservation happen

The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act and North American Wetlands Conservation Act provide financial resources to conserve birds and their habitats. These grant programs require anywhere between 1:1 and 3:1 matching funds. It is difficult, especially outside the U.S., for conservationists to secure the required match to be eligible for a grant.

By providing matching funds for a grant, your organization can advance its conservation mission.  The grants we fund are an effective, efficient, low risk investment - one of the most successful long-term conservation programs in the world.  Our grant review and selection process is accountable and transparent.  Our grantees and the species and habitats they conserve benefit from the long-term stability of our program.

To be referred to bird habitat conservation projects in need of matching funds, contact a member of the Division of Bird Habitat Conservation Grants Branch.

What are the benefits of providing match?


Our grant projects benefit business by protecting bird species before they become endangered, reducing the need for regulatory actions. Providing match is also a tangible way to demonstrate your business's commitment to conservation and the environment. Matching funds you provide may be tax deductible.  


Our grants allow states to add important wetland resources into their public land portfolios.  The projects you help fund will support and complement the work being done through state wildlife action plans.

Non-Government Organizations

Our partnerships achieve consensus, collaboration, and positive press.  Your support will help communities find common ground to improve natural resources that matter to them. Our grants are also adaptable in the face of emerging conservation priorities, including climate change and other evolving threats to wildlife.

Last Updated: May 29, 2015