• Open enrollment for Prepaid Plans has ended. But the opportunity to save has not. You may enroll your child in a Florida 529 Savings Plan anytime. Start saving today!
  • Ranked #1 among 529 Savings Plans for 5-year performance by SavingForCollege.com!
  • A savings plan that's easy, affordable, and available any time. Purchase a Florida 529 Savings Plan any time of year. But there's no better time than right now.
  • Easy access to all your info. Current plan holders can access their account, change login details, or print a student identification card.

  • Cost of Waiting

    Use our calculator to see the cost benefits of saving for college now.

    Start Saving
  • Savings Planner

    This comprehensive tool takes several factors into account to help you reach your college savings goals.

    Start Planning
  • Compare Plans

    Take a quick look at all of the plan options available to help you save for college.

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  • Webinars

    Join the next live Webinar or watch previous Webinars and learn more about our Prepaid Plans.

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  • Sign Up & Keep Up

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    Submit your information to stay up to date and fully informed about the Florida Prepaid College Plans.

News & Updates

Open Enrollment for the Florida Prepaid College Plan is now closed.

Enrollment is now closed for the Stanley G. Tate Florida Prepaid College Program for the 2012-2013 season. While we are not accepting Prepaid applications at this time, you may be eligible to enroll in a Florida 529 Savings Plan.

The Florida College Investment Plan is now the Florida 529 Savings Plan.

The Florida College Investment Plan is now the Florida 529 Savings Plan. It's an outstanding way to save for all or just a few of those qualified higher education expenses.

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Featured Story
M. Berry, Jr.
3rd Mate, USCG Licensed Unlimited Tonnage
Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Prepaid Plan leads to a degree from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

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Get Your Enrollment Kit

Open Enrollment for the Florida Prepaid College Plan 2012-2013 season has ended. While we are not accepting Prepaid applications at this time, you may be eligible to enroll in a Florida 529 Savings Plan. You can now view online or print an Enrollment Kit with your Savings Plan options.

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