EU democracy promotion in the Eastern neighbourhood: a turn to civil society?

On December 18, 2012, TA Fellow Richard Youngs published a working paper with his colleague Natalia Shapovalova. For the full paper please visit the FRIDE Website.

Risks and Potentials of the Shale Gas Revolution: Consequences for Markets and the Environment

Former TA Fellows Tim Boersma and Corey Johnson Published a piece entitled "Risks and Potentials of the Shale Gas Revolution: Consequences for Markets and the Environment," in the December issue of SWP Comments.

Model Democracies or Democracies in Deficit? The United States and Canada after U.S. Elections

Event date
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - 09:15 - 13:00

On November 13, 2012, the Transatlantic Academy hosted “Model Democracies or Democracies in Deficit? The United States and Canada after U.S. Elections,” a conference held with the Munk School of the University of Toronto.

A Truth Commission for Georgia

On December 5, 2012, TA Joachim Herz Fellow Anna Dolidze and Carnegie Endowment Senior Associate Thomas de Waal, published a piece on Georgia's future in the wake of recent parliamentary elections. The full article can be found on the Carnegie Endowment website.