Stable Isotope Laboratory

Using stable isotopes to understand Earth systems

INSTAAR Stable Isotope Lab. (Left to right) Richard Kraemer, Tyler Jones, Bruce Vaughn, Amy Steiker, Owen Sherwood, Andrea Sack, Isaac Vimont, Valerie Morris, Jim White, and Sylvia Michel.

  • We study the carbon cycle by measuring stable isotopes of greenhouse gases from a global air sampling network.

  • We study climates of the past by measuring stable isotopes of water in ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica.

  • We measure methane on a local scale to study the sustainability of oil and gas extraction in the Rocky Mountain West.

  • We continually improve our methods with new, automated techniques for measuring environmental stable isotopes.

  • We provide analytical services to scientists and institutions around the world.

We excel at measurements of

  • δ13C and δ18O in ambient or pure carbon dioxide

  • δ13C of atmospheric methane and local sources of elevated methane

  • water from ice cores as well as environmental waters

Our instrumentation includes dual-inlet and continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometers, as well as multiple laser-based cavity ring-down spectrometers.






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Contact Information

(Phone) 303 492-7985
1560 30th Street
Boulder, CO 80303