
Pantex Plant has several national security missions that protect our country and our allies around the world. Providing the nuclear deterrent for our nation and allies, ensuring our stockpile is strong and viable, reducing the total nuclear weapons in the stockpile, and supporting the stockpile as the High Explosives Center of Excellence are key activities at this historic site.

Providing the nuclear deterrent for our nation and allies

Pantex is the nation’s primary site for assembly and disassembly of nuclear weapons. Our production technicians have the training and skills to support requirements for inspection, retrofit, and surveillance of our stockpile.

Ensuring our stockpile is strong and viable

Pantex builds and delivers nuclear weapons for the nation’s stockpile, replacing parts and components to extend the lives of these weapons. Since the country no longer tests nuclear weapons, Pantex plays an important role in confirming the effectiveness of the weapons in the stockpile, through Joint Test Assembly (JTA) builds and Quality Evaluation/Surveillance work. JTAs test the weapon’s delivery system and mechanics, while Quality Evaluation and  Surveillance test components to determine the effects of aging, environmental conditions, and material incompatibilities. These vital programs enable the U.S. national weapon’s laboratories to annually validate the effectiveness of the nuclear stockpile to the President of the United States.

Reducing the total nuclear weapons in the stockpile

Pantex also completely dismantles retired weapons and dispositions the various components and materials. This work reduces the number of nuclear weapons in the world and ensures the nuclear material is in safe and secure storage.

Supporting the stockpile as the High Explosives Center of Excellence

NNSA selected Pantex as the High Explosive Center of Excellence for manufacturing high explosives. Pantex develops, tests, and fabricates high explosives components.