Student looking at painting; interns outside the White House; student studying a butterfly



If a picture is worth a thousand words,
a real-life experience is worth a million.

That’s why our students don’t just learn from books —
they learn in action.




Internships & Career Services





When you study in the heart of the nation’s capital, your dream internship isn’t hard to find. Walk from our Foggy Bottom Campus to monumental locations like the White House, U.S. State Department, International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Take the Metro to Capitol Hill, anywhere in the city or explore neighboring Virginia and Maryland. Find opportunities at embassies near our Mount Vernon Campus. According to Princeton Review, there’s no better school than GW in the nation to find your dream internship.

As an intern in government, nonprofit, media, research, the arts and beyond, you’ll use what you learn in the classroom to actively address some of our generation’s most important issues. Undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to put their knowledge into action while preparing for life after graduation with one of our more than 12,000 yearly internship opportunities.

At GW, we empower you to find the internship of your dreams, whether it is paid or not. Apply to the Knowledge in Action Career Internship Fund for a grant to pursue an unpaid internship. The Center for Career Services offers career coaching, self-assessment, online resume and cover letter development, and assistance with networking and interviewing. Students and alumni discover their talents and interests, decide on an academic major, explore industries and career options and create an effective job search strategy.



$449,068 KACIF Awards since 2013



13 GW students interned in the White House in 2016



Our GWork system has more than 15,000 internships, part-time jobs, co-op and service opportunities



GW has twice-yearly career fairs hosting more than 120 companies




Charlie Spirtos

Charlie Spirtos

Class of 2018
Majors: International Affairs and Middle East Studies

My favorite thing about GW is that we are completely integrated into the city. I walked 15 minutes from my residence hall to my internship at the Human Rights Campaign. I also hopped on the Metro when I interned on the Hill for a senator. No other student in D.C. has this opportunity, but we do because we're so close to everything.”




Graduate Internships

Whether you’re expanding your field of knowledge or making a career pivot, your education can be enhanced with real-world experience through one of GW’s thousands of graduate student internship opportunities. If finding the one for you seems daunting, don’t worry: We wouldn’t be Princeton Review’s “Best School for Internships” if we didn’t offer numerous resources to help. From career coaches and our GWork portal to our twice-yearly Career and Internship Fair or your school, there are plenty of resources to find the best available opportunity for you and your career.

Faezeh Behzadnejad

Faezeh Behzadnejad

Master of Tourism Administration, 2016

I was dreaming about meaningful work in international development and my internship showed me that it is possible. It was an opportunity to use tourism to positively affect international development and was only possible because GW has so many fabulous networking opportunities and connections to organizations like the World Bank.”