
Service Interruption

NASA Distributed Active Archive Center at NSIDC

User Support

In order to best serve our data users and continue to improve our offerings in the form of data archival, processing, distribution, and analysis tools, NSIDC provides the following resources and points of contact:

NSIDC User Services: NSIDC User Services provides prompt and accurate responses to all user inquiries. NSIDC data users represent a diverse range of individuals from commercial, government, and educational sectors. Data inquiries range from students requesting information for school projects and reports, media and textbook publishers requesting photographs and interviews, and science researchers requiring information about data holdings, processing, formats, and science algorithms.

User Working Group: The Polar DAAC User Working Group (PoDAG) oversees a variety of issues regarding NSIDC DAAC data holdings in order to best serve the needs of our data users and the scientific community in general.

Feedback: We welcome feedback regarding your experience obtaining and using NSIDC DAAC data, and all cryosphere tools and services offered by NSIDC.

Contact Us | NSIDC Web Policy | Use & Copyright | Our Sponsors

The National Snow and Ice Data Center

Supporting Cryospheric Research Since 1976
449 UCB  University of Colorado  Boulder, CO 80309-0449

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) University of Colorado Boulder NASA