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Apply For Tax Freeze
Learn about the Tax Freeze Program available for seniors on residential property taxes.
Apply for Tax Freeze

Apply For Tax Relief
Learn about the Tax Relief Program available for seniors and disabled citizens.
Apply for Tax Relief

Business Tax
Obtain information about Shelby County's business tax and how it affects our community.
Business Tax 

Personalty Taxes 
Learn about how taxes are levied on business furnishings and equipment.
Personalty Taxes

Property Tax
Search for property tax information by property location, owner or business name, or parcel identification number.
Property Tax 

Realty Taxes
Learn about Realty taxes.
Realty Taxes

Other Taxes
Access information about in-lieu-of (INL) taxes, rollback taxes, and utility / transportation property taxes.
Other Taxes

Vasco A. Smith, Jr. County Administration Building • (901) 222-2300
160 North Main Street Memphis TN 38103
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