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Bureau of Reclamation

Bureau of Reclamation

Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona (Photo: Alex Stephens, USBR)
Yankee Fork, Idaho (Photo: Kirsten Strough, USBR)
Pueblo Dam, Colorado (Photo: Alex Stephens, USBR)
Lake Tahoe Dam, California (Photo: Alex Stephens, USBR)
Hoover Dam, Nevada (Photo: Alex Stephens, USBR)
Owyhee Dam, Oregon (Photo: Kirsten Strough)
Elephant Butte Dam, New Mexico (Photo: Alex Stephens)
Causey Dam, Utah (Photo: Alex Stephens, USBR)
Sunnyside Dam, Washington (Photo: Kirsten Strough, USBR)
Boise Diversion Dam, Idaho (Photo: Kirsten Strough, USBR)
Bill Houck, former Deadwood Dam and Reservoir Superintendent.

ThisDayInHistory of Reclamation… Do you like the snow? Can you imagine working in a place where you needed snow shoes and a snow mobile to do your daily duties while at work? For former Deadwood Dam and Reservoir Superintendent, Bill Houck, this was his winter work equipment while working for Reclamation. Deadwood averages 4-5 feet of snow in the winter. Photo taken by J.D. Roderick, 1968. USBR photo.

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Today is #FriendshipDay again at Reclamation! We’re lucky to work with some really great people at Reclamation. In today’s photo, Jim Burke, a boat captain, and Lead for the dive team is giving Peter Soeth and Stephen Major (both from Public Affairs) a tour of Lake Mead. Have you made any friends at your job? If so, tag them and share a photo of them below!

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#ThisDayInHistory of Reclamation… Are you sending any packages through the mail this holiday season? Imagine a time when mail was transported and delivered using a dog sled team! In today’s photo, a U.S. postman and his team of dogs was photographed as they entered the Deadwood Mine camp’s Payette Division on the Boise Project in Idaho. Photo was taken by M.J. Seaman in 1931. USBR photo.

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