North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPDES) Permits Program

Marty Haroldson,  Program Manager E-mail
Phone:  701.328.5234
Fax:  701.328.5200
Mail: 918 East Divide Avenue, 4th Floor
Bismarck, ND 58501

The North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systen (NDPDES) Program, commonly called the Permits Program, was developed in response to the legislation of the 1972 Clean Water Act (CWA). One of the requirements of the CWA was that States needed to create permit programs with the goal of controlling water pollution by regulating sources that discharge pollutants into State water bodies.  

Some examples of sources that discharge pollutants are: 

  • municipal waste water treatment plants or lagoons
  • power plants
  • construction sites
  • oil refineries
  • animal feeding operations
  • septic pumping operations
  • automobile salvage yards, etc....

Most of these sources must obtain a permit to discharge pollutants to North Dakota's water bodies. The type of permit a discharger obtains will depend on which pollutants and the concentrations of pollutants that are present in the waste water. Some sources must test the pollutant levels in their waste water before discharging to a water body and others might need to perform periodic inspections to ensure that their best management practices are working effectively to treat runoff before it leaves their site. 

The list at the left of this page shows the different waste water permit programs that North Dakota manages. The only program that EPA administers within North Dakota is the Biosolids/Sludge Program. 

You are welcome to explore the list of permit programs to learn more about the different requirements and specific sources that require a permit. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. 

EPA has a website that provides a great deal of information on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and waste water discharge rules.


Last Updated: 08/24/2015