Time Zone Table

Click here for a World Map of Time Zones from the USNO.

In the new NOAA solar calculators, we have changed our time zone definition to conform with the standard, which is the number of hours to add to UTC to get local time. Please note that if you use the old calculators (those without the Google Maps interface), you will need to reverse the sign (+7 becomes -7) from the numbers in this table.

Western Hemisphere
0 Greenwich, England
-1 SE Greenland
-2 Atlantic Ocean
-3 Greenland Time
-3.5 Newfoundland Time
-4 Atlantic Time
-5 Eastern Standard Time
-6 Central Standard Time
-7 Mountain Standard Time
-8 Pacific Standard Time
-9 Alaska Time
-10 Hawaii
-11 Pacific Ocean
+/-12 International Date Line
Eastern Hemisphere
+1 Mid Europe/Africa
+2 E Europe, E Central Africa
+3 Moscow, Mid-East, E Africa
+4 NW Caspian Sea
+5 Ural Mountains, Russia
+6 Almaty (Alma ATA), Russia
+7 W Mongolia
+8 China
+9 Japan
+10 Eastern Russia
Sydney, Australia
+11 Kamchatskiy, E Russia
+3.5 Iran
+4.5 Afghanistan
+5.5 India
+6.5 Burma
+9.5 Mid Australia
+12 New Zealand

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