API:Parsing wikitext

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MediaWiki APIsAPI:Main page

MediaWiki action API

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Returns parsed wikitext. Partly overlaps with the functionality provided by Expandtemplates. Retrieving just the raw source wikitext can be done through prop=revisions. Extension:TextExtracts provides additional APIs.


The uselang parameter from the main module is also useful with Parse to localize various items. Please see that page for details. Note: MediaWiki wikis include several other parameters for this module which are added by extensions. They are not documented here.

  • title: Act like the wikitext is on this page. Note: This only really matters when parsing links to the page itself or subpages, or when using magic words like {{PAGENAME}}. Type: string (Default: API.)
  • text: Wikitext to parse. Type: string
  • summary: Summary to parse. Type: string 1.16+
  • page: Parse the content of this page. Cannot be used together with text and title. Type: string
  • pageid: Parse the content of this page. Overrides page. Type: integer 1.17+
  • redirects: If the page parameter is set to a redirect, resolve it. Type: bool 1.14+
  • oldid: Parse the content of this revision. Overrides page and pageid. Type: integer 1.13+
  • prop: Which pieces of information to get. A pipe character | separated list containing one or more of the following options: (Default: text|langlinks|categories|links|templates|images|externallinks|sections|revid|displaytitle|iwlinks|properties)
    • text: Gives the parsed text of the wikitext.
    • langlinks: Gives the langlinks the parsed wikitext.
    • categories: Gives the categories of the parsed wikitext.
    • categorieshtml: Gives the html version of the categories. 1.17+
    • languageshtml: Gives the html version of the language links. 1.17+ (deprecated in 1.23) (removed in 1.24)
    • links: Gives the internal links in the parsed wikitext.
    • templates: Gives the templates in the parsed wikitext.
    • images: Gives the images in the parsed wikitext.
    • externallinks: Gives the external links in the parsed wikitext.
    • sections: Gives the sections in the parsed wikitext (TOC, table of contents).
    • revid: If page was used, specify the ID of the revision parsed. 1.13+
    • displaytitle: Adds the title of the parsed wikitext. 1.15+
    • headitems: Gives items to put in the <head> of the page. 1.16+ (deprecated in 1.28)
    • headhtml: Gives parsed <head> of the page. 1.16+
    • modules: Gives the ResourceLoader modules used on the page. To load, use mw.loader.using(). Either jsconfigvars or encodedjsconfigvars must be requested jointly with modules. 1.24+
    • jsconfigvars: Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page. To apply, use mw.config.set(). 1.26+
    • encodedjsconfigvars: Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page as a JSON string. 1.26+
    • indicators: Gives the HTML of page status indicators used on the page. 1.25+
    • iwlinks: Gives interwiki links in the parsed wikitext. Note: Section tree is only generated if there are more than 4 sections, if the __TOC__ keyword is present, or if sections is explicitly requested and the page contains headings/sub-headings (overrides __NOTOC__). Type: string 1.17+
    • wikitext: Gives the original wikitext that was parsed. 1.17+
    • properties: Gives various properties defined in the parsed wikitext. 1.20+
    • limitreportdata: Gives the limit report in a structured way. Gives no data, when disablepp is set. 1.23+
    • limitreporthtml: Gives the html version of the PP report. Returns empty if disablepp is true. 1.23+
    • parsetree: Gives the XML parse tree of revision content (requires contentmodel=wikitext). 1.26+
  • pst: Do a pre-save transform (PST) on the input before parsing it (makes {{subst:}} work properly, expands tildes to signatures, etc.). Ignored if page, pageid or oldid is used. Type: bool 1.14+
  • onlypst: Only do a pre-save transform (PST) on the input, don't parse it. Returns the same wikitext, after a PST has been applied. Ignored if page, pageid or oldid is used. Type: bool 1.14+
  • effectivelanglinks: Includes language links supplied by extensions (for use with prop=langlinks). Type: bool 1.22+
  • section: Only retrieve the content of this section number. When the value is new adds a new section, but then requires the text param. Type: string 1.17+
  • sectiontitle: The title for the new section Type: string 1.25+
  • disablepp: Replaced by disablelimitreport. Type: bool 1.17+ (deprecated in 1.26)
  • disablelimitreport: Omit the limit report ("NewPP limit report") from the parser output. Type: bool 1.26+
  • disableeditsection: Disable edit section links from the parser output. Type: bool 1.24+
  • disabletidy: Do not run HTML cleanup (e.g. tidy) on the parser output. Type: bool 1.26+
  • generatexml: Generate the XML parse tree (requires contentmodel=wikitext). Use prop=parsetree instead. Type: bool 1.20+ (deprecated in 1.26)
  • preview: Parse in preview mode. Type: bool 1.22+
  • sectionpreview: Parse in section preview mode (enables preview mode too). Type: bool 1.22+
  • disabletoc: Disable table of contents in output. Type: bool 1.23+
  • contentformat: Content serialization format used for the input text. Only valid when used with text. One value: text/x-wiki, text/javascript, application/json, text/css, text/plain. 1.21+
  • contentmodel: Content model of the input text. Only valid when used with text. Possible values: wikitext, javascript, css, text, json. (Default: model of the specified title, or wikitext if title is not specified) 1.21+


Parse wikitext: [[foo]] [[API:Query|bar]] [http://www.example.com/ baz]

Possible errors[edit]

Code Info
invalidsection The section parameter must be a valid section id or 'new'
missingrev There is no revision ID oldid
missingtitle The page you specified doesn't exist
nosuchpageid There is no page with ID $1
nosuchsection There is no section sectionnumber in page
params The page parameter cannot be used together with the text and title parameters
permissiondenied You don't have permission to view deleted revisions
readapidenied You need read permission to use this module

Note Note: missingtitle is returned only for syntactically invalid page titles (eg. empty). Trying to fetching a missing page will return the rendered HTML of the "page missing" notice, not an error. However, you can check the revid attribute of <param>, which will always be 0 for missing pages.


(main | parse)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0+

Parses content and returns parser output.

See the various prop-modules of action=query to get information from the current version of a page.

There are several ways to specify the text to parse:

  1. Specify a page or revision, using page, pageid, or oldid.
  2. Specify content explicitly, using text, title, and contentmodel.
  3. Specify only a summary to parse. prop should be given an empty value.

Title of page the text belongs to. If omitted, contentmodel must be specified, and API will be used as the title.


Text to parse. Use title or contentmodel to control the content model.


Summary to parse.


Parse the content of this page. Cannot be used together with text and title.


Parse the content of this page. Overrides page.

Type: integer

If page or pageid is set to a redirect, resolve it.

Type: boolean (details)

Parse the content of this revision. Overrides page and pageid.

Type: integer

Which pieces of information to get:

Gives the parsed text of the wikitext.
Gives the language links in the parsed wikitext.
Gives the categories in the parsed wikitext.
Gives the HTML version of the categories.
Gives the internal links in the parsed wikitext.
Gives the templates in the parsed wikitext.
Gives the images in the parsed wikitext.
Gives the external links in the parsed wikitext.
Gives the sections in the parsed wikitext.
Adds the revision ID of the parsed page.
Adds the title of the parsed wikitext.
Deprecated. Gives items to put in the <head> of the page.
Gives parsed <head> of the page.
Gives the ResourceLoader modules used on the page. To load, use mw.loader.using(). Either jsconfigvars or encodedjsconfigvars must be requested jointly with modules.
Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page. To apply, use mw.config.set().
Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page as a JSON string.
Gives the HTML of page status indicators used on the page.
Gives interwiki links in the parsed wikitext.
Gives the original wikitext that was parsed.
Gives various properties defined in the parsed wikitext.
Gives the limit report in a structured way. Gives no data, when disablelimitreport is set.
Gives the HTML version of the limit report. Gives no data, when disablelimitreport is set.
The XML parse tree of revision content (requires content model wikitext)
Values (separate with | or alternative): text, langlinks, categories, categorieshtml, links, templates, images, externallinks, sections, revid, displaytitle, headitems, headhtml, modules, jsconfigvars, encodedjsconfigvars, indicators, iwlinks, wikitext, properties, limitreportdata, limitreporthtml, parsetree
Default: text|langlinks|categories|links|templates|images|externallinks|sections|revid|displaytitle|iwlinks|properties

Do a pre-save transform on the input before parsing it. Only valid when used with text.

Type: boolean (details)

Do a pre-save transform (PST) on the input, but don't parse it. Returns the same wikitext, after a PST has been applied. Only valid when used with text.

Type: boolean (details)

Includes language links supplied by extensions (for use with prop=langlinks).

Type: boolean (details)

Only parse the content of this section number.

When new, parse text and sectiontitle as if adding a new section to the page.

new is allowed only when specifying text.


New section title when section is new.

Unlike page editing, this does not fall back to summary when omitted or empty.


Use disablelimitreport instead.

Type: boolean (details)

Omit the limit report ("NewPP limit report") from the parser output.

Type: boolean (details)

Omit edit section links from the parser output.

Type: boolean (details)

Do not run HTML cleanup (e.g. tidy) on the parser output.

Type: boolean (details)

Generate XML parse tree (requires content model wikitext; replaced by prop=parsetree).

Type: boolean (details)

Parse in preview mode.

Type: boolean (details)

Parse in section preview mode (enables preview mode too).

Type: boolean (details)

Omit table of contents in output.

Type: boolean (details)

Content serialization format used for the input text. Only valid when used with text.

One of the following values: application/json, text/x-wiki, text/javascript, text/css, text/plain

Content model of the input text. If omitted, title must be specified, and default will be the model of the specified title. Only valid when used with text.

One of the following values: GadgetDefinition, SecurePoll, MassMessageListContent, flow-board, JsonSchema, wikitext, javascript, json, css, text, Scribunto

Return parse output in a format suitable for mobile devices.

Type: boolean (details)

Disable images in mobile output.

Type: boolean (details)

Apply mobile main page transformations.

Type: boolean (details)

Template sandbox prefix, as with Special:TemplateSandbox.

Separate values with | or alternative. Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for bots).

Parse the page using templatesandboxtext in place of the contents of the page named here.


Parse the page using this page content in place of the page named by templatesandboxtitle.


Content model of templatesandboxtext.

One of the following values: GadgetDefinition, SecurePoll, MassMessageListContent, flow-board, JsonSchema, wikitext, javascript, json, css, text, Scribunto

Content format of templatesandboxtext.

One of the following values: application/json, text/x-wiki, text/javascript, text/css, text/plain