
NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) is a center of expertise in preparing for, evaluating, and responding to threats to coastal environments, including oil and chemical spills, releases from hazardous waste sites, and marine debris. To fulfill its mission of protecting and restoring NOAA trust resources, the Office of Response and Restoration:

  • Provides scientific and technical support to prepare for and respond to oil and chemical releases.
  • Determines damage to natural resources from these releases.
  • Protects and restores marine and coastal ecosystems, including coral reefs.
  • Works with communities to address critical local and regional coastal challenges.

OR&R is comprised of four divisions: Emergency Response, Assessment and Restoration, Marine Debris, and the Disaster Preparedness Program. Collectively, the Office of Response and Restoration provides comprehensive solutions to marine pollution.

Map of the U.S. with dots indicating locations.

If you're a journalist with a question about the Office of Response and Restoration and its activities, please contact NOAA National Ocean Service Public Affairs, at 301.713.3066 or oceanservicepress@noaa.gov. You can view a variety of photos, videos, and podcasts on our Multimedia page.

The history of the Office of Response and Restoration began in 1976 with grounding of the tanker Argo Merchant near Nantucket Shoals in Massachusetts. Lessons learned from that incident led to the development of oil and chemical spill emergency response as we know it today.

NOAA Regional Response Team (RRT) Representation

NOAA provides representatives (and alternates) for each Regional Response Team (RRT) around the U.S. RRTs provide technical advice, equipment, or manpower to assist with oil or chemical spill responses, the planning for spills, training, and coordination.

OR&R Strategic Plan | Fiscal Years 2017-2021

OR&R Vision: The Nation’s oceans and coasts are healthy for future generations, protected and restored from pollution and other environmental threats.

Contact Us

Find various ways to contact our office and specific email addresses to use to ask us about our software, products, and publications.

OR&R Field Staff Locations and Contact Information

Here is information that will help you locate and contact the field staff for OR&R's three divisions.

Gulf of Mexico Disaster Response Center

NOAA's Disaster Response Center establishes a unique presence in the Gulf of Mexico region, expanding federal capacity to plan for and respond to all hazards.

Accomplishment Reports

Read a few highlights about our efforts in past years.


Learn about internship opportunities with the Office of Response and Restoration. Gain valuable resume-building experience and an insider's perspective from the nation's scientific leader in oil spill response, restoration, and marine debris.

NOAA Regional Response Team (RRT) Representation

NOAA provides representatives (and alternates) for each Regional Response Team (RRT) around the U.S. RRTs provide technical advice, equipment, or manpower to assist with oil or chemical spill responses, the planning for spills, training, and coordination.

OR&R Strategic Plan | Fiscal Years 2017-2021

OR&R Vision: The Nation’s oceans and coasts are healthy for future generations, protected and restored from pollution and other environmental threats.

Contact Us

Find various ways to contact our office and specific email addresses to use to ask us about our software, products, and publications.

OR&R Field Staff Locations and Contact Information

Here is information that will help you locate and contact the field staff for OR&R's three divisions.

Gulf of Mexico Disaster Response Center

NOAA's Disaster Response Center establishes a unique presence in the Gulf of Mexico region, expanding federal capacity to plan for and respond to all hazards.

Accomplishment Reports

Read a few highlights about our efforts in past years.


Learn about internship opportunities with the Office of Response and Restoration. Gain valuable resume-building experience and an insider's perspective from the nation's scientific leader in oil spill response, restoration, and marine debris.