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New Guidance for Managing HAB Impacts on California Fisheries

A newly released report from the California Ocean Science Trust highlights efforts to learn from the 2015 massive bloom of the toxin-producing marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia that formed off the U.S. West Coast. The harmful algal bloom (HAB) impacted key fisheries, such as Dungeness crabs and razor clams, and marine mammals from California to Alaska. NOAA […]

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Successful First Year of NOAA’s Deep-Sea Coral Initiative in the Southeast

In 2016, NOAA’s Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program started a new four-year initiative to study deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems across the southeastern U.S., a region including U.S. federal waters in the South Atlantic, Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. The initiative is led by the NCCOS Deep Coral team, and is a […]

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Experts Shape the Future of Caribbean Coral Restoration Science and Practice

Adapted text from Tali Vardi Coral restoration scientists, practitioners, and resource managers gathered at the Workshop to Advance the Science and Practice of Caribbean Coral Restoration in Fort Lauderdale, FL last month to address the rapidly expanding and evolving role of active coral restoration in the management of coral reef ecosystems. The three-day meeting facilitated […]

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NCCOS Research Highlighted at Interagency Oil Pollution Meeting

NCCOS scientists presented their research on oil spill mitigation products at the first quarter meeting of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research (ICCOPR), which was also attended by several congressional staffers. The research compared the toxicity of a variety of oil spill dispersants and shoreline cleaner products on a range of estuarine organisms, […]

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Panel Releases First Recommendations on Oyster Aquaculture Practices that Reduce Nutrients in Chesapeake Bay

This week the Chesapeake Bay Program and its partners approved the Oyster Best Management Practices Expert Panel’s first recommendations on specific oyster aquaculture practices that remove excess nitrogen and phosphorus from Chesapeake Bay. The recommendations are intended to become best management practices in support of the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load, pollution limits established by the U.S. […]

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Stakeholders Meet to Develop Harmful Algal Bloom Action Plan for Alaska

Alaska Sea Grant and the Alaska Ocean Observing System recently cosponsored a two-day workshop to develop an action plan for harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring, event response, outreach, and research in Alaska. NCCOS staff opened the workshop by providing a national perspective on HABs that set the stage for discussions of existing activities and identified […]

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New Infographic Describes Socioeconomics of Guam Coral Reefs

Scientists from NCCOS and NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program have released a new infographic that describes key findings from social surveys conducted in Guam. The infographic highlights the perceptions, values, and level of support Guam’s residents have for Guam coral reef management alternatives. The infographic is part of a larger effort known as the National […]

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NCCOS Supports Oyster Shell Recycling Program in Chesapeake Bay

NCCOS’s Cooperative Oxford Laboratory in Oxford, Maryland, recently joined the Oyster Recovery Partnership’s Shell Recycling Alliance by installing oyster shell recycling bins at the lab. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Oyster Disease Research Program, which under a partnership with NCCOS is housed at the Oxford laboratory, evaluates shellfish health in support of Chesapeake […]

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