The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is responsible for managing and protecting California’s water resources. DWR works with other agencies to benefit the State’s people and to protect, restore and enhance the natural and human environments.

Winter Outlook Workshop Aims to Improve Precipitation Forecasting
DWR and the Scripps Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes led a working meeting with researchers at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, November 16-18, 2016. The workshop focused on efforts to improve seasonal precipitation forecasting, which could help agencies better manage water resources.

“We'd all like to know if 2017 will be wet or dry, but determining that is scientifically difficult. We’re trying to emphasize the need for prioritizing this research in the science community,” said Jeanine Jones, Interstate Resources Manager at DWR.

Find more information on water conditions, including whether La Niña will make a difference in 2017.

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