
Q. Is high-fructose corn syrup bad for you?

By Joyce Hendley, M.S., September/October 2007

Is high-fructose corn syrup bad for you?

A. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a manmade sweetener that’s found in a wide range of processed foods, from ketchup and cereals to crackers and salad dressings. It also sweetens just about all of the (regular) soda Americans drink. HFCS used in foods is between 50 to 55 percent fructose—so chemically, it’s virtually identical to table sugar (sucrose), which is 50 percent fructose. Metabolic studies suggest our bodies break down and use HFCS and sucrose the same way.

Yet, after HFCS began to be widely introduced into the food supply 30-odd years ago, obesity rates skyrocketed. And because the sweetener is so ubiquitous, many blame HFCS for playing a major role in our national obesity epidemic. As a result, some shoppers equate HFCS with “toxic waste” when they see it on a food label. But when it comes right down to it, a sugar is a sugar is a sugar. A can of soda contains around nine teaspoons of sugar in the form of HFCS—but, from a biochemical standpoint, drinking that soda is no worse for you than sipping home-brewed iced tea that you’ve doctored with nine teaspoons of table sugar or an equivalent amount of honey.

Even Barry Popkin, Ph.D., a nutrition professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who previously suggested, in an influential 2004 paper, a possible HFCS-obesity link, stresses that the real obesity problem doesn’t lie just with HFCS. Rather, it’s the fact that sugars from all sources have become so prevalent in our food supply, especially in our beverages. He scoffs at the “natural” sweeteners sometimes added to upscale processed foods like organic crackers and salad dressings. “They all have the same caloric effects as sugar,” he explains. “I don’t care whether something contains concentrated fruit juice, brown sugar, honey or HFCS. The only better sweetener option is ‘none of the above.’”

At EatingWell, it’s our philosophy to keep any sweeteners we use in our recipes to a minimum—and likewise, to limit processed foods with added sugars of any type, including HFCS. We recommend you do the same.

Did you know?

The corn syrup found on supermarket shelves is only a distant cousin to the high-fructose corn syrup used commercially. Both start by processing corn starch with enzymes and/or acids, but the HFCS process is much more complex and results in a different chemical structure.

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A Veterinarian friend of mine & I were eating last week. I grabbed the ketchup for my S P fries (healthy right?) and he picked up the bottle after I had doused them and he told me, "Not the fat but the High Fructose Corn Syrup... will kill you!" Albeit slowly, he added. It gums up your amino acids big time. You're better off with out it. Like a horse that eats a lot of oats and barley to make them "healthy". They develop diabetes! Put them back on a good range/ranch land eating grass and the diabetes goes away. Same with this kind of sugar.
From the Horse's Mouth!!!
D Thompson


10/06/2016 - 4:23pm

Thanks Jennifer!! You can never have too many toasted marshmallows.


09/09/2016 - 3:26pm

The comment about higher income bracket. doesn't consume HFCS, is a lie , i think its education that will keep people away from this. I dont purchase anything with HFCS


06/29/2016 - 11:07am

I think that HFCS contributes to diabetes. Seems no one wants to come right out and say it. Since the use of HFCS look how many people have some form of diabetes. One comment stated that the fructose and glucose in HFCS are not bonded and really hit the liver hard. That the body has trouble processing the sugar properties of HFCS I would like to see more research on this. Ted


04/22/2016 - 5:42pm

So much chemophobia in this comments. Yes, fructose is very unhealthy but HFCS is virtually the same composition as normal sugar. HFCS is 55% fructose, sucrose is 50%. And to people saying that unbonded fructose in HFCS is bad - you do NOT realize how quickly sucrose is broken down by enzymes. Enzymes called sucrase start digesting sucrose right from the esophagus. By the time sucrose reaches the intestine, it is already unbonded - the same as HFCS. The body treats both the same. And, HFCS is sweeter than normal sugar, with the same calories per gram. So, for the same amount of sweet taste, you actually end up eating lesser HFCS and thus lesser calories than cane sugar (sucrose).

People just bashing companies for being fat - while they have no willpower themselves.


04/21/2016 - 1:10pm

Does anyone else get a gel-like substance in your mouth after drinking cocaine-cola?


03/08/2016 - 3:49pm

The problem with HFCS is that it is in most things that are indeed enjoyable. Why would we want to give up a delicious Dr. Pepper or Sprite? Arizona Teas are amazing and cheap. I am capable of going without that stuff. For me? I lack sugar in my body since I rarely consume any sugary goodness. I will have one of those tiny Gatorade's a day to keep my balance. It's always been said over and over again, in moderation anything is okay. The problem with HFCS is that it's actually addicting. It gets people hooked on sodas and caffeine doesn't help, it just makes it much more addicting. The proof is in the people, how many people do you see walking around on a daily bases that are obese and still buying 24 packs of soda? Doesn't matter if it's diet. Still bad for you. The best alternative people can go to is carbonated water with any kid of flavoring to put into it, the problem? It's expensive. It's much more convenient to purchase a coke from 7-11 One day people will learn somehow to use better alternatives. There is no point in loading your body with all those horribly delicious beverages.


01/27/2016 - 10:15pm

Fructose also raises the blood pressure, I did not know that so now I have to watch my sugar intake and what kind of sugar I can have. I removed most salt from my diet and am eating more vegetables. I also have to stop smoking all together. That is the hardest thing I have found to stop doing.


10/01/2015 - 3:35pm

Should I really care how healthy HFCS is. My standard is if it's good I eat it.


07/29/2015 - 11:03am

Eats Austin Peanut Butter Crackers as I read this. Whoops! I mean....


07/07/2015 - 2:02pm

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