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South-Central California Area
Click for More Information 1. 2014-2018 Transfer of CVP Water from Firebaugh Canal Water District Transfer to Pacheco, Panoche, San Luis and Westlands Water Districts ********* 2. 2014-2018 Transfer of CVP Water from Central California Irrigation District to Del Puerto, Panoche, San Luis and Westlands Water Districts********* 3. 2012-2013 Transfer of CVP Water from Central California Irrigation District or Firebaugh Canal Water District to San Luis, Panoche, Del Puerto, and/or Westlands Water Districts 1. In 2014, Reclamation proposes to approve a series of annual transfers of up to 7,500 acre-feet (A... Comments are due April 17, 2014.
Click for More Information 2-Gates Fish Protection Demonstration Project Environmental Assessment The proposed Demonstration Project is a 5-year experiment to validate a new delta smelt behavioral m... Appendices to the EA are available by contacting the person listed above.
Click for More Information 20-Year Extension of the 2005 Mendota Pool Exchange Agreements Reclamation and the Mendota Pool Group (MPG) propose a 20-year long extension of the existing Excha... Draft EIS expected to be available for review in Fall 2013.
Click for More Information 2015 Temporary Change in Water Quality Requirements for Groundwater Introduced into the Upper-Portion of the Delta-Mendota Canal For groundwater introduced into the upper portion of the Delta-Mendota Canal, the Bureau of Reclamat... The FONSI was signed and EA completed on July 28, 2015.
Click for More Information 2016 Temporary Change in Water Quality Requirements for Groundwater Introduced into the Upper Portion of the Delta-Mendota Canal Based on hydrologic conditions and regulatory requirements, Reclamation declared a 5 percent allocat... Public review period is from July 27 to August 5, 2016.
Click for More Information 3-Year Extension of the Mendota Pool Group Exchange Agreements Reclamation proposes to execute a series of one-year exchange agreements with the Mendota Pool Group... FONSI signed and EA completed on May 5, 2015.
Click for More Information 5-Year Friant-Kern Canal Groundwater Pump-In Program Due to ongoing drought conditions and reduced water supplies, Friant Division Central Valley Project... FONSI signed on 03/04/2016
Click for More Information Accelerated Water Transfer and Exchange Program for Friant Division and Cross Valley Contractors - Contract Years 2016-2020 Reclamation proposes to continue facilitating efficient and timely water management practices betwee... Comments due January 12, 2016.
Click for More Information Accelerated Water Transfer Program for Friant Division and Cross Valley Central Valley Project Contractors, 2011-2015 EA The proposed Accelerated Water Transfer Program (AWTP) would provide a streamlined process for annua... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 11, 2011.
Click for More Information Accelerated Water Transfers and Exchanges between South of Delta Contractors for Contract Years 2011-2015 EA Reclamation proposes to continue to implement an accelerated water transfer program (AWTP) that has ... FONSI signed and Final EA prepared February 14, 2011.************************************** FONSI signed on July 29, 2013 and Supplemental EA completed for including water acquisitions for refuges in the South-of-Delta Accelerated Water Transfer Program
Click for More Information Addition of North-Kern Water Storage District to the Friant-Kern Canal Groundwater Pump-in Program Reclamation proposes to approve the introduction of up to 10,000 acre-feet (AF) of North-Kern Water ... Comments due October 7, 2014.
Click for More Information Amendment to the Meyers Groundwater Banking Exchange Agreement Reclamation will amend the existing long-term water banking exchange program to increase the annual ... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on September 16, 2013.
Click for More Information Annual Exchange at the Mendota Pool between the Bureau of Reclamation and Donald J. Peracchi and affiliates for up to 3,600 acre-feet of Farmers Water District’s Groundwater for Central Valley Project Water through February 2015 Reclamation proposes to execute a series of one-year exchange agreements with Donald J. Peracchi and... FONSI signed and final EA completed on June 29, 2012.
Click for More Information Antioch Community Park Soccer Field Improvements Reclamation has provided the East Bay Regional Parks Department approval for the City of Antioch's i... FONSI signed and EA completed on September 25, 2012
Click for More Information Approval of Warren Act Contract and Renewal of Right of Way License for Westlands Water District Reclamation proposes to issue a Warren Act Contract (WAC) for Westlands Water District (WWD) to intr... Comments due April 7, 2014.
Click for More Information Arvin Edison Water Storage District/Westside Mutual Water Company Exchange (2011-2016) EA and Supplemental EA Reclamation proposes to approve a water exchange program between Arvin Edison Water Storage District... Supplmental EA completed and FONSI signed on July 10, 2013 for adding (Westside)member lands in Westlands Water District to the Exchange Program
Click for More Information Arvin-Edison Water Storage District and Metropolitan Water District 10-year Water Transfer/Exchange Program 2013 Reclamation proposes to approve the following for Arvin-Edison Water Storage District (AEWSD) and Me... Comments are due December 21, 2013.
Click for More Information Arvin-Edison Water Storage District and Metropolitan Water District 12-month Water Exchange Project 2012 EA The purpose of the proposed action is to provide for the expeditious and timely delivery of surface ... FONSI signed and final EA completed on April 27, 2012.
Click for More Information Arvin-Edison Water Storage District and Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Exchange 2011 EA Arvin-Edison Water Storag District (AEWSD) would deliver up to 100,000 af of its CVP supplies, inclu... FONSI signed and EA completed on March 31, 2011.
Click for More Information Buena Vista Water Storage District BV8 State Water Project Turnout EA Reclamation proposes to award a Water for America Challenge Grant (Challenge Grant) to Buena Vista W... FONSI signed and final EA completed on January 12, 2012.
Click for More Information Cachuma Lake Resource Management Plan EIS The purpose of the RMP is to establish management objectives, guidelines, and actions to be impleme... Record of Decision signed on May 27, 2011.
Click for More Information Caltrans Intersection Widening State Highway 165 and Wolfsen Road Reclamation proposes to authorize the Federal Highway Administration to widen the intersection of Wo... No comments were received.
Click for More Information Cantua Creek Stream Group Improvement Project Under the Proposed Action, Reclamation would approve and partially fund DWR’s proposed Cantua Creek ... FONSI signed and final EA completed on April 19, 2016.
Click for More Information Categorical Exclusion Checklists for SCCAO for 2011 Attached are complete Categorical Exclusion Checklists (CECs) for 2011 for our South Central Califor...
Click for More Information Categorical Exclusion Checklists for SCCAO for 2012 Attached are complete Categorical Exclusion Checklists (CECs) for 2012 for our South Central Califor...
Click for More Information Categorical Exclusion Checklists for SCCAO for 2015 Attached are completed Categorical Exclusion Checklists (CECs) for 2015 for our South Central Califo...
Click for More Information Categorical Exclusion Checklists for SCCAO for 2016 Attached are completed Categorical Exclusion Checklists (CECs) for 2016 for our South Central Califo...
Click for More Information Categorical Exclusion Checklists for SCCAO in 2013 Attached are completed Categorical Exclusion Checklists (CECs) for 2013 for our South Central Califo...
Click for More Information Categorical Exclusion Checklists for SCCAO in 2014 Attached are completed Categorical Exclusion Checklists (CECs) for 2014 for our South Central Califo...
Click for More Information Central Valley Project Draft Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment Interim Renewal Contract for Cross Valley Contractors 2016-2018 In accordance with, and as required by, Section 3404(c) of the CVPIA, Reclamation proposes to execut... Comments are due by October 25th, 2015
Click for More Information Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contract for Westlands Water District, Santa Clara Valley Water District, and Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency 2016-2018 Reclamation proposes to execute six interim renewal contracts for Westlands Water District, Santa Cl... Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) signed February 29, 2016.
Click for More Information Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for Panoche Water District and San Luis Water District 2013 – 2015 Reclamation proposes to execute two San Luis Unit interim renewal contracts beginning March 1, 2013 ... The FONSI was signed on 2/28/2013.
Click for More Information Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for Panoche Water District and San Luis Water District 2015-2017 Bureau of Reclamation proposes to execute two interim renewal water service contracts between the Un... FONSI signed and EA completed on February 12, 2015.
Click for More Information Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for the Cities of Avenal, Coalinga, Huron and the California Department of Fish and Game 2013 – 2015 Reclamation proposes to execute four San Luis Unit interim renewal contracts beginning March 1, 2013... The FONSI was signed on 2/25/2013.
Click for More Information Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for the Cities of Avenal, Coalinga, Huron and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2015 – 2017 In accordance with and as required by Section 3404(c) of the CVPIA, Reclamation proposes to execute ... FONSI signed and EA completed on December 11, 2014.
Click for More Information Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for Westlands Water District, Santa Clara Valley Water District, and Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency 2014-2016 Reclamation proposes to execute six interim renewal contracts for the Pajaro Valley Water Management... Comments due January 14, 2014.
Click for More Information Central Valley Project Water Service Interim Renewal Contract for the City of Tracy 2014-2016 Reclamation proposes to execute a Delta Division interim renewal contract beginning January 1, 2014 ... FONSI signed and final EA completed on December 6, 2013
Click for More Information City of Fresno Raw Water Pipeline EA Reclamation proposes to approve a permit for the City of Fresno (City) to build a new turnout on the... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 10, 2016.
Click for More Information City of Tracy Long-term Central Valley Project Water Groundwater Banking with Semitropic Water Storage District Reclamation would approve a long-term (through Contract Year 2035) groundwater banking program betwe... FONSI signed and final EA completed May 26, 2011.
Click for More Information Clayton Regency Mobile Home Park Out of Area Service Agreement Reclamation proposes to permit the delivery of Central Valley Project water by Contra Costa Water Di... Comments due by November 1, 2012.
Click for More Information Contra Costa Canal Replacement Segment 2 Reclamation proposes to authorize Contra Costa Water District to complete a second segment of the pr... FONSI signed and final supplemental EA completed on September 12, 2013
Click for More Information Contra Costa Water District Emerson Property Inclusion EA Reclamation proposes to include the 140 acre Emerson Property into Contra Costa Water District’s ser... FONSI signed and final EA completed on November 6, 2014.
Click for More Information Contra Costa Water District Exchange with Alameda County Water District and Zone 7 Reclamation proposes to approve an exchange of up to 5,000 AF of water between Contra Costa WD and A... FONSI signed and EA completed on November 10, 2015.
Click for More Information Contra Costa Water District Transfer to Byron Bethany Irrigation District Reclamation proposes to approve the transfer of up to 500 AF of Contra Costa Water District’s CVP wa... Draft FONSI and EA were available for review from May 22, 2015 to June 5, 2015.
Click for More Information Contra Costa Water District Transfer to Byron Bethany Irrigation District Reclamation proposes to approve the transfer of up to 4,000 acre-feet of Contra Costa Water Distric... FONSI signed and EA completed on August 29, 2014.
Click for More Information Contra Costa Water District Exchange and/or Transfer with Alameda County Water District Alameda County Water District (ACWD) currently has 5,000 acre-feet of water stored in Los Vaqueros R... Comments due on June 6, 2014.
Click for More Information Contra Costa Water District Exchange with Alameda County Water District and Zone 7 Alameda County Water District (WD) and Zone 7 are State Water Project (SWP) contractors located in A... Comments due on October 12, 2015.
Click for More Information Contra Costa Water District Installation of a French Drain at Mori Court near Rose Ave On July 28, 2014, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) completed a Categorical Exclusion Checkli... Categorically exempted May 2015
Click for More Information Contra Costa Water District Shortcut Pipeline Improvements Project The Shortcut Pipeline (Shortcut) is a cement-mortar-lined and coated steel water supply pipeline bui... Comments due by COB 1/30/2017
Click for More Information Contra Loma Reservoir and Recreation Area, Resource Management Plan and EIS The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has prepared a RMP/EIS for Contra Loma Reservoir and Recreat... Record of Decision signed on April 22 ,2015.
Click for More Information Conveyance of State Water Project Water in Federal Facilities in Santa Clara Valley Water District, 2015-2019 Reclamation proposes to issue a five-year Warren Act contract to Santa Clara that would allow conv... EA completed and FONSI signed on June 1, 2015. Draft EA/FONSI was available for public comment from May 7, 2015 to COB May 22, 2015.
Click for More Information County of Fresno, Arvin-Edison Water Storage District, Lower Tule River Irrigation District, and Terra Bella River Irrigation District Request for Approvals of Water Transfers to Serve the Millerton New Town Development Under the Proposed Action, Reclamation would approve the delivery of CVP M&I supplies to additional ... FONSI and Environmental Assessment with Appendices A-H posted.
Click for More Information County Service Area 34 Winchell Cove Pipeline Project EA Reclamation proposes to issue a license to Fresno County (County) to construct, maintain, and operat... FONSI signed on April 5, 2013.
Click for More Information Cross Valley CVP Contractors' Interim Renewal Contracts and Exchanges 2012 Reclamation proposes to renew Interim renewal contracts (IRCs) for the Cross Valley contractors begi... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 29, 2012.
Click for More Information Cross-Valley Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts 2014 The Bureau of Reclamation proposed to execute up to eight Interim Renewal Contracts with the seven C... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 28, 2014.
Click for More Information Del Puerto Water District Alternate Points of Delivery on the California Aqueduct Reclamation proposes to approve State Water Project (SWP) Turnouts #B, #C, and # D in reach 2B of th... Comments due September 16, 2013.
Click for More Information Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District Turnipseed Expansion EA Reclamation proposes to award Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District (DEID) with grants that would hel... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on May 3, 2011.
Click for More Information Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District Turnipseed Groundwater Bank Phase II Reclamation will award DEID with a Recovery Act-funded Challenge Grant to help the district fund the... Final EA completed and FONSI signed May 3, 2011.
Click for More Information Delta Lands Reclamation District 770, 2010 Warren Act Contract and License Reclamation entered into a Warren Act contract and license with RD770 in 2010 to allow for the intro... Final Supplemental FONSI and EA signed June 1, 2011.
Click for More Information Delta Lands Reclamation District No. 770 Long-term Warren Act Contract EA Reclamation proposes to approve a Warren Act contract and license, both to be executed for a 25-year... Waiting for completion of endangered species consultation.
Click for More Information Draft Environmental Assessment Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contract for the City of Tracy 2016-2018 EA-15-021 This Environmental Assessment has been prepared to examine the impacts on environmental resources as... Comments due by December 8, 2015.
Click for More Information East Bay Regional Park District's Contra Loma Boat Launch Facility Improvements Project The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) constructed the Contra Loma Reservoir in 1967 as part of the... The EA was available for public review from December 9, 2015 to December 23, 2015.
Click for More Information Eastside Conveyance Project EA Reclamation proposes to approve a transfer from the San Luis Canal Company to Panoche Water District... FONSI signed and final EA completed July 7, 2011.
Click for More Information Exchange Agreement for Water in San Luis Reservoir and Millerton Lake to Facilitate Water Supply for the Exchange Contractors and Friant Division Contractors In order to avoid an interruption in water deliveries and disputes between the parties, Reclamation ... Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI are released.
Click for More Information Exchange Agreement for Water in San Luis Reservoir and Millerton Lake Between Arvin-Edison Water Storage District and the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Reclamation proposes to facilitate the exchange of up to 30,000 acre-feet of Arvin-Edison’s availabl... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on May 19, 2014.
Click for More Information Exchange Agreement for Water in San Luis Reservoir and Millerton Lake Between Dudley Ridge Water District and the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Reclamation proposes to facilitate an exchange of up to 6,900 AF of Dudley Ridge Water District’s S...
Click for More Information Exchange Agreement for Water in San Luis Reservoir and Millerton Lake Between Kern-Tulare Water District, Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District, and the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Reclamation proposes to facilitate an exchange agreement between Kern- Tulare Water (Kern-Tulare), ... FONSI signed and final EA prepared on April 21, 2015.
Click for More Information Exchange Agreement for Water in San Luis Reservoir and Millerton Lake between Reclamation and Westlands Water District to Facilitate Water Supply for the Exchange Contractors and Friant Division Contractors Reclamation proposes to facilitate an exchange of 13,195 AF of Westlands available CVP and non-CVP ... FONSI signed on June 25, 2015.
Click for More Information Exchange with City of Fresno and Fresno Irrigation District for Up to 10,000 acre-feet of Water in Millerton Lake for Water in San Luis Reservoir Reclamation proposes to exchange up to 10,000 acre-feet of the City of Fresno's (City) and Fresno Ir... FONSI signed on July 29, 2016.
Click for More Information Exchange with Friant Division Contractors for up to 10,000 Acre-Feet of Water in Millerton Lake for Water in San Luis Reservoir To satisfy historic water rights, the Bureau of Reclamation has agreed to provide water to the San J... Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact released.
Click for More Information Firebaugh Canal Water District 2nd Lift Canal Lining Project Phase 5 - Washoe Avenue to Ashlan Avenue The Bureau of Reclamation proposes to award $564,000 to FCWD through CALFED Water Use Efficiency Gra... EA made available for public review from November 30, 2016 through December 7, 2016.
Click for More Information Five-year Warren Act Contracts for Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, Byron-Bethany Irrigation District, Patterson Irrigation District, and West Stanislaus Irrigation District EA and Supplemental EAs Reclamation proposes to issue five-year temporary Warren Act contracts in 2010 for the storage and c... Supplemental EA prepared and FONSI for Additional Point of Delivery for Byron Bethany Irrigation Distric't Non-Central Valley Project Water to Westlands Water District signed on June 12, 2012.
Click for More Information Flyin' J Ranch 5-Year Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater Within Friant Division Facilities Reclamation proposes to issue a five-year (through February 28, 2019) Warren Act contract for the co... FONSI signed and EA completed on March 23, 2015. Draft EA was available for public comments from October 23, 2014 to November 5, 2014.
Click for More Information Four Separate Assignments between Friant Division Contractors and Central Valley Project Contractors Located within the Friant Division Service Area EAs Reclamation proposes to approve assignments of Central Valley Project water between Friant Division ... FONSIs signed on September 27, 2012.
Click for More Information Fresno County Water Works District No. 18 and Lower Tule River Irrigation District Request for Approvals Pursuant to the Friant Ranch Specific Plan Reclamation proposes to approve Fresno County Waterworks District No. 18 (FCWW 18)request for(1)incl... Final EA available, FONSI signed August, 2013.
Click for More Information Fresno Irrigation District Gould Canal to Friant Kern Canal Intertie Project Reclamation proposes to: (1) enter into a series of Warren Act Contracts and exchange agreements ove... FONSI signed on August 24, 2016, Final EA, and Appendix A are now posted.
Click for More Information Fresno Irrigation District Oleander Groundwater Banking Project EA Reclamation would issue a Water Conservation Challenge Grant to Fresno Irrigation District for const... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 28, 2011.
Click for More Information Fresno Irrigation District's Briggs Canal Improvement Project Reclamation proposes to award a $300,000 WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency grant (WaterSMART G... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on November 21, 2011.
Click for More Information Friant-Kern Canal Groundwater Pump-In Program Warren Act Agreements Reclamation proposes to enter into Warren Act agreements with the CVP contractors located in the Fri... Draft FONSI and EA available for public review on April 10, 2014.
Click for More Information Grazing Authorization for Retired Lands in Fresno County Reclamation proposes to issue a land use authorization that would provide access to and allow grazin... FONSI signed on January 11, 2016.
Click for More Information Hilton Creek Temporary Water Tanks Reclamation, or its designee, will install four temporary above-ground water tanks near the Lower Re... Categorical Exclusion Checklist (CEC-16-020) completed and Signed on June 21, 2016
Click for More Information Inclusion Review for Baldocchi Property into Contra Costa Water District Boundaries Reclamation proposes to approve including the Baldocchi Property into the Contra Costa Water Distric... Comments due on November 26, 2014.
Click for More Information Issuance of a Permit to the Cachuma Operation and Maintenance Board for Modification to Four Air Vacuum/Air Release Valves along the South Coast Conduit In 2012, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) performed an inspection of the South Coast Conduit... Categorically Excluded May 2015
Click for More Information James Irrigation District's Water Banking Expansion Project Reclamation proposes to award grant(s) to James ID for its’ proposed Project in order to partially f... Comments due COB on March 27, 2015.
Click for More Information Kaweah River Water Warren Act Agreements Reclamation proposes to issue Warren Act agreements to seven Friant Division contractors under Artic... Comments are due July 31, 2014.
Click for More Information Kern-Tulare Water District and Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District Warren Act Contract EA Reclamation proposes to approve storage, conveyance, and/or diversion of non-CVP water in Federal fa... Comments are due on February 24, 2014
Click for More Information Kern-Tulare Water District/West Kern Water District Groundwater Banking Project Reclamation proposes to approve a water banking project in which Kern-Tulare Water District would ba... FONSI signed and final EA completed on May 16, 2013.
Click for More Information Lake Casitas Fire Station Upgrades The Forest Service has identified an opportunity to improve water quality protection at their Lake C... Comments due March 13, 2014.
Click for More Information Lake Casitas Resource Management Plan EIS Resource Management Plan for Federal lands associated with the Casitas Dam and Lake Casitas, Ventura... Record of Decision signed on April 11, 2011.
Click for More Information Land Use Authorization and License Amendment for PG&E’s Proposed Gas Pipeline Installation and Bayview Station Expansion near the San Luis (Volta) Wasteway Reclamation will issue a perpetual land use authorization to PG&E for the installation, operation, a... Comments due March 14, 2014.
Click for More Information Long-term Contract for the Exchange of Water between the Bureau of Reclamation and Byron-Bethany Irrigation District – Delta Division and San Luis Unit Reclamation proposes to execute a long-term (up to 40-year) exchange contract and a long-term (up to... FONSI signed on February 7, 2014.
Click for More Information Long-Term Warren Act Contract with Cawelo Water District EA Reclamation proposes to execute a Warren Act (WA) contract to allow for the conveyance of up to 20,0... FONSI signed on December 23, 2011.
Click for More Information Los Banos Creek Diversion Project Reclamation proposes to issue a series of Warren Act contracts to Central California Irrigation Dist... Daft EA/FONSI open for public review between November 25, 2014 and December 22, 2014 COB. FONSI signed and EA completed on March 13, 2015.
Click for More Information Madera Irrigation District Hidden Unit 5-Year Warren Act Contract EA Reclamation proposes to issue Warren Act contract to Madera Irrigation District (MID) for use of Hid... Comments were due October 18, 2010.
Click for More Information Madera Irrigation District Long-Term Banking Project with North Kern and Semitropic Water Storage Districts Reclamation propoes to approve Madera Irrigation District’s (MID) delivery of its Central Valley Pro... The Draft EA and Draft FONSI are available for public review from July 2, 2012 through August 2, 2012.
Click for More Information Madera Irrigation District One-Year Transfer to North Kern Water Storage District and/or Semitropic Water Storage District 2011 EA Reclamation proposes to approve a one year transfer prior to February 28, 2012 of up to 20,000 acre-... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on September 16, 2011.
Click for More Information Madera Irrigation District Storage and Conveyance of Non-Project Water in Friant Division and Hidden Unit Facilities, 2013-2043 the District requests approval of storage and conveyance of up to 25,000 af of non-CVP water in Fria... FONSI signed on January 31, 2014.
Click for More Information Madera Irrigation District Water Supply Enhancement Project EIS Madera Irrigation District (MID)proposes to construct a groundwater bank on the property known as Ma... Record of Decision signed on August 1, 2011.
Click for More Information Mendota Pool 10-Year Exchange Agreements EIS This EIS evaluated the exchange of up to 25,000 acre-feet of water per year over a 10-year period b... Record of Decision signed on March 30, 2005.
Click for More Information Mendota Pool 2001 Exchange Agreement EA The Mendota Pool Group (MPG) proposed to introduce up to 31,000 acre-feet of non-CVP water from grou... FONSI signed on August 6, 2001.
Click for More Information Merced Irrigation District Garibaldi/McCoy Laterals Water Conservation Project Reclamation proposes to partially fund Merced Irrigation District's (MID) Garibaldi and McCoy Latera... FONSI signed and final EA completed on October 21, 2011.
Click for More Information Mercy Springs Water District and Fresno Slough Water District Multi-Year Transfers to Angiola Water District EA Reclamation proposes to approve a series of annual transfers of up to 1,300 acre-feet per year (AFY)... FONSI signed and final EA completed on August 23, 2012.
Click for More Information Millerton Lake Resource Management Plan and General Plan Programmatic EIS/EIR The plan will establish management objectives, guidelines and actions to protect water supply and qu... Record of Decision signed on November 4, 2011.
Click for More Information Millerton Lake State Recreation Area South Shore Maintenance Yard Improvements Project Reclamation proposes to approve and fund, through an existing 50/50 cost share financial assistance ... FONSI signed and final EA completed on August 3, 2012.
Click for More Information Modification of the Grassland Bypass Project 2009 Use Agreement to Correct the Boundary of the Grasslands Drainage Area The Grassland Bypass Project (GBP) was designed to improve water quality in more than 93 miles of w... Categorically Exempted May 2015
Click for More Information MU5 Farms Lateral 32.2 Turnout and Irrigation Pipeline Project on the Madera Canal Reclamation proposes to issue an MP-620 encroachment permit to MU5 Farms for construction of a turno... Comments due by COB December 14th, 2016.
Click for More Information Nine-Year Annual Transfer of up to 560 acre feet of Settlement Contract Water to Carvalho Owned Lands Carvalho Ranch currently diverts 600 AF of CVP water pursuant to Settlement Contract Number 11-WC-20... FONSI signed January 22, 2016
Click for More Information North Kern Water Storage District Lerdo/Calloway Canal Intertie Project Under Title IV of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) for drought relief, the Bureau o... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 18, 2010.
Click for More Information North of O’Neill Long-term Exchange Agreements Reclamation proposes to enter into long-term exchange agreements with the Department of Water Resour... FONSI signed and final EA completed on June 16, 2015.
Click for More Information North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program The Del Puerto Water District (DPWD) and the Cities of Turlock and Modesto (Cities) propose to imple... Final EIS available on September 15, 2015. Record of Decision signed on May 6, 2016.
Click for More Information Oro Loma Water District Partial Assignment of 4,000 acre-feet of Central Valley Project Water to Westlands Water District EA Reclamation proposes to issue a partial assignment contract to Westlands Water District (Westlands) ... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 27, 2012.
Click for More Information Patterson Irrigation District 10-Year Transfer and or Warren Act Contract for up to 36,000 acre-feet of Available Surface Water Supply to Santa Clara Valley Water District Reclamation proposes to approve Patterson Irrigation District's (PID) delivery of up to 36,000 acre-... FONSI signed and final EA completed on September 23, 2014.
Click for More Information Patterson Irrigation District One-Time Delivery of Replacement Water to Del Puerto Water District Environmental Assessment Reclamation will approve a request from Patterson Irrigation District (PID), on behalf of Del Puerto... FONSI signed and final EA available August 7, 2009.
Click for More Information Poso Creek Integrated Regional Water Management Plan and 25-Year Groundwater Banking, Transfer, and Exchange Program Reclamation proposes to approve a 25-year groundwater banking, transfer, and exchange program as par... The FONSI was signed on May 9, 2012.
Click for More Information Reclamation District 773 Fabian Tract Spoils Pile Reuse License Reclamation proposes to issue a license to allow RD 773 to use dredged material to reinforce the lev... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on January 17, 2013.
Click for More Information Renewal of Authorization for Department of Water Resources to Store Dredged Material on Reclamation Property The renewed 5-year license would authorize the California Department of Water Resources to continue ... FONSI signed and final EA completed on June 23, 2014.
Click for More Information Root Creek Water District Transfer, Exchange, and Temporary Water Service Contract EA Reclamation's action consists of approving the construction of two new turnouts on Madera Irrigation... FONSI signed and final EA completed on December 30, 2011.
Click for More Information Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District Treatment Integrated Pest Management Plan. EA The proposed action would approve a 10-year license for the Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Cont... Waiting for completion of consultation on endangered species.
Click for More Information San Andreas and Staten Island Salinity Stations Refurbishments FONSI-12-027 Reclamation proposes to replace the San Andreas and Staten Island Salinity Stations with better qual... Comments are due by January 30, 2016.
Click for More Information San Felipe Pipeline Road/Levee and Culvert Repair between the Santa Clara Conduit CFI/CFO EA-15-007 Santa Clara, on Reclamation’s behalf, proposes to replace four culverts and to repair eroded portion... FONSI signed on July 22, 2016.
Click for More Information San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority 2015 Delta-Mendota Canal Reverse Flow Project Reclamation proposes to approve the installation of a 75 cfs temporary pumping plant at MP 54.41 on ... Draft EA was available for review May 18 - May 22, 2015.
Click for More Information San Luis Drainage Feature ReEvaluation Data Gathering Within The purpose of the Proposed Action is to gather subsurface data for facility footprints, pipeline al...
Click for More Information San Luis Drainage Feature Reevaluation Implementation Demonstration Treatment Facility at Panoche Drainage District EA Reclamation proposes to construct, operate, and maintain for 18 months a demonstration facility for ... FONSI signed and final EA completed on June 7, 2012.
Click for More Information San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area Resource Management Plan/General Plan and Programmatic EIS/EIR The San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area (SRA) consists of more than 27,000 acres of land owned ... Public scoping meetings were held in early 2003.
Click for More Information San Luis Solar Project Reclamation proposes to grant a 30-year Land Use Authorization to San Luis Renewables and/or their ... The comment period has been extended to Friday, January 22, 2016.
Click for More Information San Luis Unit Long Term Contract Renewal EIS EIS evaluating the effects of the renewal of 9 San Luis Unit Contractors long-term CVP water contrac... Comment period extended to April 10, 2006. Currently on hold. PROBLEMS VIEWING OR DOWNLOADING FILES? PLEASE CONTACT LYNNETTE WIRTH AT (916) 978-5102 or lwirth@mp.usbr.gov
Click for More Information San Luis Unit Water Service Interim Renewal Contracts 2008 - 2011 The purpose of the proposed action is to execute seven San Luis Unit interim renewal contracts for u... Waiting to complete Endangered Species Act consultation before signing the PWD and SLWD FONSIs. PROBLEMS VIEWING OR DOWNLOADING FILES? PLEASE CONTACT LYNNETTE WIRTH AT (916) 978-5102 or lwirth@mp.usbr.gov
Click for More Information San Luis Unit Water Service Interim Renewal Contracts 2010-2013 Reclamation proposes the renewal of 11 interim renewal contracts beginning March 1, 2010 for Westlan... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on February 27, 2010.
Click for More Information San Luis Water District Five-Year Warren Act Contract and License Renewal Reclamation proposes to issue a five-year Warren Act contract that would allow San Luis Water Distri... FONSI signed and final EA completed on August 1, 2012.
Click for More Information San Luis Water District's and Panoche Water District's Water Service Interim Renewal Contracts 2011-2013 EA The Proposed Action is the continued delivery of Central Valley Project (CVP) water under the interi... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 28, 2011.
Click for More Information Santa Clara Conduit Maintenance and Repairs Project Reclamation proposes to approve the shutdown, inspection, repair, and refilling of the Santa Clara C... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 8, 2011.
Click for More Information Santa Clara Valley Water District California Aqueduct Reverse Flow Project The State of California is currently experiencing unprecedented water management challenges due to s... Comments on draft EA due COB on November 18, 2014.
Click for More Information South Coast Conduit Upper Reach Reliability Project EIS/EIR Reclamation and the Cachuma Operations and Maintenance Board propose to construct a redundant pipeli... Record of Decision signed May 11, 2011.
Click for More Information South-of-Delta Accelerated Water Transfer and Exchange Program Contract Years 2016- 2020 Reclamation proposes to implement an accelerated process for annual water transfers and/or exchanges... Comments due by January 22, 2016.
Click for More Information Southern San Joaquin Municipal Utility District Partial Assignment of 5,000 acre feet of Central Valley Project Water to Kern-Tulare Water District EA Reclamation proposes to approve the partial assignment of 5,000 AF of Southern San Joaquin Municipal... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on January 26, 2012.
Click for More Information Stone Corral Irrigation District Warren Act Approval Reclamation proposes to issue a five year Warren Act approval (effective through February 29, 2020) ... FONSI signed on July 28, 2015.
Click for More Information Storage and Conveyance of Non-Central Valley Project Water in Federal Facilities for the South of Delta Central Valley Project Contractors (2012-2013) The San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (Water Authority) proposes to purchase up to 30,000 acr... FONSI signed and final EA completed on July 3, 2012.
Click for More Information Storage and Conveyance of the City of Santa Barbara's Gibraltar Reservoir Pass Through Water in and Through Cachuma Project Facilities Reclamation proposes to execute Warren Act contracts [temporary (5-year) and long-term (40-year)] wi... Draft EA and FOSNI available.
Click for More Information Storage, Conveyance, or Exchange of Yuba Accord Water in Federal Facilities for South of Delta Central Valley Project Contractors Reclamation proposes to execute Warren Act contracts with various South of Delta (SOD) Central Valle... The documents are available for public comment May 4 through May 10, 2016.
Click for More Information Table Mountain Rancheria as Recipient for the Madera Irrigation District and Flyin' J Contracts Table Mountain Rancheria has an agreement with Madera Irrigation District (ID) to receive a portion ... Draft EA available for public review July 18 - August 17, 2016.
Click for More Information Temporary Change in the Selenium Maximum Contaminant Level for Groundwater Introduced into the Upper Portion of the Delta-Mendota Canal Reclamation proposes to temporarily change the selenium maximum contaminant level (MCL) in the upper...
Click for More Information Temporary Change in Water Quality Requirements for the Friant-Kern Canal Groundwater Pump-in Program Reclamation proposes to temporarily allow the introduction of groundwater from wells with high nitra... Comments due COB on November 13, 2014.
Click for More Information Ten-Year Exchange Agreements and/or Warren Act Contract for Conveyance of Groundwater in the Delta-Mendota Canal - Contract Years 2013 through 2023 Reclamation executed a 5-year Exchange Agreement and/or 5-year Warren Act contract with requesting C... The EA and FONSI will be available for public review from November 13, 2012 through December 13, 2012.
Click for More Information Three Delta Division and Five San Luis Unit Water Service Interim Renewal Contracts 2012 to 2014 EA The purpose of the Proposed Action is to execute eight interim contracts in order to extend the term... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 29, 2012.
Click for More Information Tranquillity Irrigation District/San Luis Water District Groundwater Transfer/Exchange Program 2011 through 2013 EA The Proposed Action involved the transfer of up to 15,000 acre-feet of water from Tranquillity Irrig... FONSI signed on March 11, 2011.
Click for More Information Transfer of Operations and Maintenance of the Fish Screen at Rock Slough to the Contra Costa Water District EA Reclamation proposes to transfer the operations and maintenance of the Rock Slough Fish Screen facil... Preparing draft EA.
Click for More Information Transfer of up to 1,500 Acre-Feet of Replacement Water from Patterson Irrigation District to Westlands Water District 2014 Reclamation proposes to approve a one time transfer of 1,500 acre-feet from Patterson Irrigation Dis... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 19, 2014.
Click for More Information Transfer of up to 442 Acre-Feet of Replacement Water from Patterson Irrigation District to Del Puerto Water District Reclamation proposes to approve Patterson Irrigation District’s one-time delivery of up to 442 acre-... No comments were received.
Click for More Information Tulare Irrigation District Plum Basin Project Phases II and III EA Reclamation proposes to award Tulare Irrigation District (TID) with a WaterSMART Grant to help fund ... FONSI signed and final EA completed on April 18, 2011.
Click for More Information Tulare Irrigation District WaterSMART Funding Grant for Visalia Water Conservation Project and 25-year Exchange with the City of Visalia Reclamation proposes to award a $696,000 WaterSMART Grant for the construction of the Tulare Irrigat... FONSI signed and final EA prepared on August 26, 2014.
Click for More Information Tule River Water 5 Year Warren Act Agreement Reclamation proposes to approve a five-year Warren Act agreement with Terra Bella Irrigation Distric... Final EA and FONSI available.
Click for More Information Tule River Water Warren Act Agreement 2014 Reclamation proposes to issue a Warren Act agreement to Terra Bella Irrigation District under Articl... FONSI signed on July 7, 2014.
Click for More Information Two-Year Exchange Agreements and/or Warren Act Contracts for Conveyance of Groundwater in the Delta-Mendota Canal – Contract Years 2012 through 2014 (March 1, 2012 – February 28, 2014) EA Reclamation proposes to approve leases and/or Warren Act Contracts for pumping water into the Delta-... FONSI signed and final EA completed on May 9, 2012.
Click for More Information Two-Year Exchange Agreements and/or Warren Act Contracts for conveyance of groundwater in the Delta-Mendota Canal, 2011-2013 EA The proposed actions would include issuance of two-year Exchange Agreements and/or two-year Warren A... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on February 28, 2011.
Click for More Information Vegetation and Sediment Maintenance Program at Los Banos Detention Dam EA Reclamation and Department of Water Resources propose to implement a 10-year program to remove accum... FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 7, 2011.
Click for More Information Vista Verde Nine Year Annual Transfer of Settlement Contract Water to Vista Verde-Owned Lands within Westlands Water District Reclamation proposes to approve a series of annual temporary water transfers during each of the next... FONSI signed and final EA completed on July 29, 2012.
Click for More Information Warren Act Contract for Conveyance from Turlock to Del Puerto Water District Reclamation proposes to execute a series of Warren Act Contracts for conveyance of up to 13,400 acre... FONSI signed on May 10, 2016.
Click for More Information Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District Reclamation proposes to issue a Warren Act contract for the introduction of up to 23,000 acre-feet/y... Comments are due May 19, 2014.
Click for More Information Warren Act Contract for Conveyance of Up to 15,000 Acre-Feet from Merced Irrigation District to Westlands Water District and/or San Luis Water District Reclamation proposes to approve a Warren Act Contract (WAC)to allow Merced Irrigation District (MID)... FONSI signed and Final EA completed on September 17, 2013.
Click for More Information Warren Act Contract for Merced Irrigation District Transfer of up to 10,000 acre-feet to Westlands Water District Reclamation proposes to approve a Warren Act Contract for a one-year transfer of up to 10,000 acre-f... FONSI signed on October 22, 2012.
Click for More Information Warren Act Contracts for Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, Byron-Bethany Irrigation District, and Patterson Irrigation District Reclamation proposes to allow the continued annual introduction and conveyance of up to 5,000 AF of... FONSI signed and EA completed on February 12, 2015.
Click for More Information Water Year 2016-2026 Transfer and Exchange from Madera Irrigation District and Chowchilla Water District to Red Top Area Madera Irrigation District (MID) and Chowchilla Water District (CWD), both Friant-Division Long-Term...
Click for More Information West Hills Water Treatment Plant Reclamation proposes to permit San Benito County Water District to make a connection to the Holliste... The FONSI was signed and EA completed on March 10, 2015. The FONSI and EA was available for public review from March 10, 2014 through April 9, 2014.
Click for More Information West Stanislaus Irrigation District Warren Act Contracts Reclamation proposes to issue a series of five-year temporary Warren Act contracts beginning in Janu... FONSI signed on December 30, 2014.
Click for More Information Western Area Power Administration's Proposed Installation of Security Gates at the Tracy Substation Facility - FONSI and EA available at the link below: Reclamation will approve the installation of security upgrades by WAPA at three sites within Reclama... FONSI
Click for More Information Westlands Water District Warren Act Contract for Conveyance of Kings River Flood Flows in the San Luis Canal EA Reclamation proposes to execute a Warren Act contract with WWD for up to five years, which would all... FONSI signed and final EA completed January 26, 2012.
Click for More Information Westlands Water District Coalinga Canal Turnout Project at Milepost 11.58 The Proposed Action would approve the removal and replacement of a pressure tank and 18-inch pipe lo... Comments due by July 2, 2012.
Click for More Information Westlands Water District Groundwater Warren Act Contract Reclamation proposes to enter into a five-year Warren Act Contract with Westlands Water District. Un... Draft EA/FONSI was available for public review from March 11, 2015 to March 26, 2015.
Click for More Information Westside Parkway Bridge Construction on Reclamation Right-of-Way Environmental Assessment Reclamation proposes to issue permits to the City of Bakersfield to construct the Westside Parkway B... FONSI signed on November 21, 2008.
Click for More Information Zebra Mussel Eradication Project for San Justo Reservoir; Hollister Conduit, and San Benito County Water Distribution System Reclamation and San Benito propose to either conduct a zebra mussel eradication project or an eradic... Draft EA/FONSI available for public review from March 18, 2015 to COB April 16, 2015.