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Yahoo! Privacy Policy > Yahoo! Privacy Policy > Yahoo! Privacy Policy

Yahoo! Privacy

To find out how Yahoo! treats your personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy. This page describes current Yahoo! practices with respect to this product. Information on this page may change as Yahoo! adds or removes features.

Relevant Advertising

By bringing content and advertising to you that is relevant and tailored to your interests, Yahoo! provides a more compelling online experience. Our customized "smart" services save you time and cut through the clutter. Learn More about relevant advertising.


Prefer not to receive advertising based on your interests? Learn about your ability to opt out of interest-matched advertising served by Yahoo!.


Yahoo! offers a variety of location-aware products and services to provide you with more relevant content for where you are in the world. We obtain information about your location through various methods like pinpointed GPS data or when you submit a partial address to look at a map of an area.

Collection of Information

Pinpointed Physical Location

  • You must first provide permission through your device, browser or with Yahoo! directly, before Yahoo! obtains pinpointed physical location information from technologies like GPS, Wi-Fi, or cell tower proximity. You are able to withdraw your permission for Yahoo! to access pinpointed location information but depending on the device or browser associated with the Yahoo! product or service you’re using location information permissions may not be controlled by Yahoo!. Please visit the Location Opt-Out help page to learn more about withdrawing location permissions on your device.

IP Address

  • When your web browser or email application requests a web page or email from another computer on the Internet, it automatically sends that computer the address where it should reply with the information requested. This is your computer's "IP address" (IP stands for "Internet protocol"). Depending on how you connect to the Internet through your Internet Service Provider (ISP), the IP address assigned to your computer may be different every time you log on. Yahoo! may derive information about where your device is generally located based on your IP Address. Please refer to IP Address for more information.

Account Location Information

  • When you register for a Yahoo! account, you are asked to provide a postal code. Yahoo! may access your postal code information to provide a starting point for location-aware products and services like Yahoo! Weather.

Partner Location Information

  • Yahoo! tries to provide relevant advertising and content to you. One of the ways we can customize your experience is based on your postal code. Yahoo! may work with select partners to obtain postal code information about some of our registered users. For more information see Appended and Matched Data. Yahoo! may receive location data from third parties that you have linked your account with. You can view, manage, add, or remove Linked Accounts.

Use of Information

Yahoo! may access, store, and use the location information described above to provide location-aware products and services (such as Yahoo! Local), serve advertising, search results, and other content. Other uses of location information may include determining the appropriate language for presenting a website and assisting in the detection of fraud and abuse.

Yahoo!’s location selector and the corresponding location management page may maintain a history of locations. Please visit the Location Help for information on how to add names to common locations you use, disable the auto-save feature or clear your location history from the location selector and the location management page. Yahoo! is committed to helping create a safe online experience. Please refer to the Yahoo! Safely site for more information.

Sharing of Information

With your consent, Yahoo! may share some location information with third party applications. Please note that third parties’ use of location information that you provide to them is subject to their own privacy policies and not the Yahoo! Privacy Policy.


When you access Yahoo!, you are subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. This page describes current Yahoo! practices with respect to this particular service. This information may change as Yahoo! revises this service by adding or removing features. To find out how Yahoo! treats your personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy.

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