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Greetings from the Shelby County Mayor's Office
Mayor Mark H. Luttrell Jr.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope it will quickly link you to the many services provided by Shelby County Government. As Mayor, it is vital you have an easy and effective way to reach me and other elected officials and their staffs.

Those of us chosen to lead our community have a big task before us. It's important we operate an efficient government, one that's based on sound business principles and a commitment to spend your tax dollars wisely.

I'll be working daily with the mayors of our neighboring cities within Shelby County to focus on four priorities:

  • Budget Discipline-Reduce debt without raising taxes
  • Better Jobs-Build a safer community with a talented workforce to attract businesses
  • Smarter Growth-Ensure good roads and public schools to help attract businesses and residents
  • Health Services-Secure funding for the Regional Medical Center and community health clinics

I hope you and your fellow citizens will work with us by being part of an active neighborhood association and reporting any concerns about the appearance of our community. Together, we'll be able to make Shelby County a great place to live and work.

Should I be of assistance, please call or visit my office on the 11th Floor of the Vasco A. Smith Administration Building, 160 North Main, Memphis, Tennessee 38103. My number is (901) 222-2000.

Mark H. Luttrell, Jr.

Contact Information:
Mayor Mark H. Luttrell, Jr.
160 N. Main Street, 11th Floor
Memphis, TN 38103
Voice: (901) 222-2000
Fax: (901) 222-2005

Vasco A. Smith, Jr. County Administration Building • (901) 222-2300
160 North Main Street Memphis TN 38103
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