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Rick Corley

Health Impacts & Exposure Science
Laboratory Fellow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: J4-02
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Teeguarden JG, YM Tan, S Edwards, JA Leonard, K Anderson, RA Corley, ML Kile, SL Massey Simonich, D Stone, R Tanguay, KM Waters, S Harper, and DE Williams. 2016. "Expanding on Successful Concepts, Models, and Organization." Environmental Science & Technology 50(17):8921-8922.  doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b03027
  • Teeguarden JG, YM Tan, S Edwards, JA Leonard, KA Anderson, RA Corley, ML Kile, SL Simonich, D Stone, R Tanguay, KM Waters, S Harper, and DE Williams. 2016. "Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework." Environmental Science & Technology 50(9):4579-4586.  doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b05311
  • Asgharian B, O Price, S Kabilan, RE Jacob, DR Einstein, AP Kuprat, and RA Corley. 2016. "Development of a Zealand white rabbit deposition model to study inhalation anthrax." Inhalation Toxicology 28(2):80-88.  doi:10.3109/08958378.2016.1140850
  • Colby SM, S Kabilan, RE Jacob, AP Kuprat, DR Einstein, and RA Corley. 2016. "Comparison of realistic and idealized breathing patterns in computational models of airflow and vapor dosimetry in the rodent upper respiratory tract." Inhalation Toxicology 28(4):192-202.  doi:10.3109/08958378.2016.1150367
  • Kabilan S, SR Suffield, KP Recknagle, RE Jacob, DR Einstein, AP Kuprat, JP Carson, SM Colby, JH Saunders, S Hines, JG Teeguarden, TM Straub, M Moe, S Taft, and RA Corley. 2016. "Computational fluid dynamics modeling of Bacillus anthracis spore deposition in rabbit and human respiratory airways." Journal of Aerosol Science 99:64-77.  doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2016.01.011
  • Kabilan S, SR Suffield, KP Recknagle, RE Jacob, DR Einstein, AP Kuprat, JP Carson, SM Colby, JH Saunders, S Hines, JG Teeguarden, TM Straub, M Moe, S Taft, and RA Corley. 2016. "Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Bacillus anthracis Spore Deposition in Rabbit and Human Respiratory Airways." Journal of Aerosol Science 99:64-77.  doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2016.01.011
  • Sadler NC, P Nandhikonda, BJM Webb-Robertson, C Ansong, LN Anderson, JN Smith, RA Corley, and AT Wright. 2016. "Hepatic cytochrome P450 activity, abundance, and expression throughout human development." Drug Metabolism and Disposition 44(7):984-91.  doi:10.1124/dmd.115.068593


  • Jacob RE, WJ Lamm, DR Einstein, M Krueger, RW Glenny, and RA Corley. 2015. "Comparison of CT-derived Ventilation Maps with Deposition Patterns of Inhaled Microspheres in Rats." Experimental Lung Research 41(3):135-145.  doi:10.3109/01902148.2014.984085
  • Corley RA, S Kabilan, AP Kuprat, JP Carson, RE Jacob, KR Minard, JG Teeguarden, C Timchalk, S Pipavath, RW Glenny, and DR Einstein. 2015. "COMPARATIVE RISKS OF ALDEHYDE CONSTITUENTS IN CIGARETTE SMOKE USING TRANSIENT COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS/PHYSIOLOGICALLY BASED PHARMACOKINETIC MODELS OF THE RAT AND HUMAN RESPIRATORY TRACTS." Toxicological Sciences 146(1):65-88.  doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfv071
  • Hu JZ, X Wang, J Feng, BJM Webb-Robertson, KM Waters, SC Tilton, JG Pounds, RA Corley, M Liu, and MY Hu. 2015. "Metabolite Signatures in Hydrophilic Extracts of Mouse Lungs Exposed to Cigarette Smoke Revealed By 1H NMR Metabolomics Investigation." Metabolomics 5(2):Article No. 143.  doi:10.4172/2153-0769.1000143
  • Madeen EP, RA Corley, SR Crowell, K Turteltaub, TJ Ognibene, M Malfatti, TJ McQuistan, MM Garrard, D Sudakin, and DE Williams. 2015. "Human in Vivo Pharmacokinetics of [14C] Dibenzo [def,p]chrysene by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Following Oral Microdosing." Journal of the American Chemical Society 28(1):126-134.  doi:10.1021/tx5003996
  • Miller FJ, B Asgharian, JD Schroeter, O Price, RA Corley, DR Einstein, RE Jacob, TC Cox, S Kabilan, and T Bentley. 2015. "Respiratory Tract Lung Geometry and Dosimetry Model for Male Sprague-Dawley Rats." Inhalation Toxicology 26(9):524-544.  doi:10.3109/08958378.2014.925991
  • Xi J, JW Kim, XA Si, RA Corley, S Kabilan, and S Wang. 2015. "CFD Modeling and Image Analysis of Exhaled Aerosols due to a Growing Bronchial Tumor: towards Non-Invasive Diagnosis and Treatment of Respiratory Obstructive Diseases." Theranostics 5(5):443-455.  doi:10.7150/thno.11107
  • Xi J, JW Kim, XA Si, RA Corley, S Kabilan, and S Wang. 2015. "CFD Modeling and Image Analysis of Exhaled Aerosols due to a Growing Bronchial Tumor: towards Non-Invasive Diagnosis and Treatment of Respiratory Obstructive Diseases." Theranostics 5(5):443-455.  doi:10.7150/thno.11107


  • Crowell SR, S Hanson-Drury, DE Williams, and RA Corley. 2014. "In vitro Metabolism of Benzo[a]pyrene and Dibenzo[def,p]chrysene in Rodent and Human Hepatic Microsomes." Toxicology Letters 228(1):48-55.  doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2014.04.004
  • Miller FJ, B Asgharian, JD Schroeter, O Price, RA Corley, DR Einstein, RE Jacob, TC Cox, S Kabilan, and T Bentley. 2014. "Respiratory tract lung geometry and dosimetry model for male Sprague-Dawley rats." Inhalation Toxicology 26(9):524-544.  doi:10.3109/08958378.2014.925991


  • Crowell SR, A Sharma, S Amin, JJ Soelberg, NC Sadler, AT Wright, WM Baird, DE Williams, and RA Corley. 2013. "Impact of Pregnancy on the Pharmacokinetics of Dibenzo[def,p]chrysene in Mice." Toxicological Sciences 135(1):48-62.  doi:10.1093/toxsci/kft124
  • Einstein DR, AP Kuprat, X Jiao, JP Carson, DM Einstein, RA Corley, and RE Jacob. 2013. "An Efficient Algorithm for Mapping Imaging Data to 3D Unstructured Grids in Computational Biomechanics." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 29(1):1-16.  doi:10.1002/cnm.2489
  • Kuprat AP, S Kabilan, JP Carson, RA Corley, and DR Einstein. 2013. "A Bidirectional Coupling Procedure Applied to Multiscale Respiratory Modeling." Journal of Computational Physics 244:148-167.  doi:10.1016/
  • Snellings WM, RA Corley, KE McMartin, CR Kirman, and SM Bobst. 2013. "Oral Reference Dose for ethylene glycol based on oxalate crystal-induced renal tubule degeneration as the critical effect." Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 65(2):229-241. 
  • Tilton SC, KM Waters, NJ Karin, BJM Webb-Robertson, RC Zangar, MK Lee, DJ Bigelow, JG Pounds, and RA Corley. 2013. "Diet-Induced Obesity Reprograms the Inflammatory Response of the Murine Lung to Inhaled Endotoxin." Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 262(2):137-148.  doi:10.1016/j.taap.2012.12.020
  • Tilton SC, NJ Karin, BJM Webb-Robertson, KM Waters, VB Mikheev, KM Lee, RA Corley, JG Pounds, and DJ Bigelow. 2013. "Impaired Transcriptional Response of the Murine Heart to Cigarette Smoke in the Setting of High Fat Diet and Obesity." Chemical Research in Toxicology 26(7):1034-1042.  doi:10.1021/tx400078b


  • Asgharian B, O Price, G McClellan, RA Corley, DR Einstein, RE Jacob, JR Harkema, SA Carey, E Schelegle, D Hyde, J Kimbell, and FJ Miller. 2012. "Development of a Rhesus Monkey Lung Geometry Model and Application to Particle Deposition in Comparison to Humans." Inhalation Toxicology 24(13):869-899.  doi:10.3109/08958378.2012.725782
  • Corley RA, S Kabilan, AP Kuprat, JP Carson, KR Minard, RE Jacob, C Timchalk, RW Glenny, S Pipavath, TC Cox, C Wallis, R Larson, M Fanucchi, E Postlewait, and DR Einstein. 2012. "COMPARATIVE COMPUTATIONAL MODELING OF AIRFLOWS AND VAPOR DOSIMETY IN THE RESPIRATORY TRACTS OF RAT, MONKEY, AND HUMAN." Toxicological Sciences 128(2):500-516.  doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfs168
  • Minard KR, AP Kuprat, S Kabilan, RE Jacob, DR Einstein, JP Carson, and RA Corley. 2012. "Phase-Contrast MRI and CFD Modeling of Apparent 3He Gas Flow in Rat Pulmonary Airways." Journal of Magnetic Resonance 221:129-138.  doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2012.05.007
  • Neradilek MB, N Polissar, DR Einstein, RW Glenny, KR Minard, JP Carson, X Jiao, RE Jacob, TC Cox, E Postlewait, and RA Corley. 2012. "BRANCH-BASED MODEL FOR THE DIAMETERS OF THE PULMONARY AIRWAYS: ACCOUNTING FOR DEPARTURES FROM SELF-CONSISTENCY AND REGISTRATION ERRORS." The Anatomical Record 295(6):1027-1044.  doi:10.1002/ar.22476
  • Shorey L, DJ Castro, WM Baird, LK Siddens, CV Lohr, MM Matzke, KM Waters, RA Corley, and DE Williams. 2012. "Transplacental Carcinogenesis with Dibenzo[def,p]chrysene (DBC): Timing of Maternal Exposures Determines Target Tissue Response in Offspring." Cancer Letters 317(1):49-55.  doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2011.11.010


  • Corley RA, SA Saghir, MJ Bartels, SC Hansen, JA Creim, KE McMartin, and W Snellings. 2011. "Extension of a PBPK model for ethylene glycol and glycolic acid to include the competitive formation and clearance of metabolites associated with kidney toxicity in rats and humans." Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 250(3):229-244.  doi:10.1016/j.taap.2010.10.011
  • Kabilan S, AP Kuprat, MP Hlastala, RA Corley, and DR Einstein. 2011. "A Multiscale Bidirectional Coupling Framework ." In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 30-September 3, 2011, Boston, Massachusetts, pp. 2414-2417.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. 
  • Carney EW, B Tornesi, AB Liberacki, DA Markham, KK Weitz, T Luders, KG Studniski, JC Blessing, Jr, RA Gies, and RA Corley. 2011. "The Impact of Dose Rate on Ethylene Glycol Developmental Toxicity and Pharmacokinetics in Pregnant CD Rats ." Toxicological Sciences 119(1):178-188.  doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfq310
  • Crowell SR, SG Amin, KA Anderson, G Krishnegowda, A Sharma, JJ Soelberg, DE Williams, and RA Corley. 2011. "Preliminary physiologically based pharmacokinetic models for benzo[a]pyrene and dibenzo[def,p]chrysene in rodents." Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 257(3):365-376.  doi:10.1016/J.TAAP.2011.09.020


  • Corley RA. 2010. "Pharmacokinetics and PBPK Models." Chapter 12.04 in Comprehensive Toxicology, vol. 12, ed. T Knudsen, G Daston, pp. 27-56.  Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom. 
  • Carson JP, DR Einstein, KR Minard, M Fanucchi, C Wallis, and RA Corley. 2010. "High resolution lung airway cast segmentation with proper topology suitable for computational fluid dynamic simulations." Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 34(7):572-857.  doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2010.03.001


  • Poet TS, H Wu, RA Corley, and KD Thrall. 2009. "In vitro glutathione conjugation of methyl iodide in rat, rabbit, and human blood and tissues." Inhalation Toxicology 21(5-7):524-530. 
  • Corley RA, KR Minard, S Kabilan, DR Einstein, AP Kuprat, JR Harkema, J Kimbell, ML Gargas, and JH Kinzell. 2009. "Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations of Rabbit Nasal Airflows for the Development of Hybrid CFD/PBPK Models." Inhalation Toxicology 21(6):512-518. 
  • Corley RA, KR Minard, S Kabilan, DR Einstein, AP Kuprat, JR harkema, J Kimbell, ML Gargas, and JH Kinzell. 2009. "Magnetic resonance imaging and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of rabbit nasal airflows for the development of hybrid CFD/PBPK models ." Inhalation Toxicology 21(5-7):512-518. 
  • Thrall KD, AD Woodstock, JJ Soelberg, ML Gargas, JH Kinzell, and RA Corley. 2009. "A real-time methodology to evaluate the nasal absorption of volatile compounds in anesthetized animals ." Inhalation Toxicology 21(6):531-536. 
  • Thrall KD, LB Sasser, JA Creim, ML Gargas, JH Kinzell, and RA Corley. 2009. "Studies supporting the development of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for methyl iodide: pharmacokinetics of sodium iodide (NaI) in pregnant rabbits." Inhalation Toxicology 21(6):519-523. 


  • Corley R, DM Wilson, GC Hard, KE Stebbins, MJ Bartels, JJ Soelberg, MD Dryzga, R Gingell, KE McMartin, and W Snellings. 2008. "Dosimetry considerations in the enhanced sensitivity of male Wistar rats to chronic ethylene glycol-induced nephrotoxicity." Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 228(2):165-178. 
  • Corley RA, DM Wilson, GC Hard, KE Stebbins, MJ Bartels, JJ Soelberg, MD Dryzga, R Gingell, KE McMartin, and W Snellings. 2008. "Dosimetry Considerations in the Enhanced Sensitivity of Male Wistar Rats to Chronic Ethylene Glycol-Induced Nephrotoxicity." Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 228:165-178.  doi:10.1016/j.taap.2007.11.024
  • Einstein DR, B Neradilak, N Pollisar, KR Minard, C Wallis, M Fanucchi, JP Carson, AP Kuprat, S Kabilan, R Jacob, and R Corley. 2008. "An Automated Self-similarity Analysis of the Pulmonary Tree of the Sprague-Dawley Rat." The Anatomical Record 291(12):1628-1648.  doi:10.1002/ar.20771
  • Minard KR, RE Jacob, G Laicher, DR Einstein, AP Kuprat, and RA Corley. 2008. "MR Imaging of Apparent 3He Gas Transport in Narrow Pipes and Rodent Airways ." Journal of Magnetic Resonance 194(2):182-191.  doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2008.07.006
  • Sweeney LM, KD Thrall, TS Poet, R Corley, TJ Weber, BJ Locey, J Clarkson, S Sager, and ML Gargas. 2008. "Physiologically based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of 1,4-Dioxane in Rats, Mice, and Humans." Toxicological Sciences 101(1):32-50.  doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfm251
  • Thrall KD, JJ Soelberg, T Powell, and RA Corley. 2008. "Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of the Disposition of Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) Migration from Implants in Humans." Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants 18(2):133-144. 


  • Carey SA, KR Minard, LL Trease, JG Wagner, GM Garcia, CA Ballinger, J Kimbell, CG Plopper, RA Corley, E Postlewait, and JR Harkema. 2007. "Three-Dimensional Mapping of Ozone-Induced Injury in the Nasal Airways of Monkeys Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Morphometric Techniques." Toxicologic Pathology 35(1):27-40. 


  • Minard KR, DR Einstein, RE Jacob, S Kabilan, AP Kuprat, C Timchalk, LL Trease, and RA Corley. 2006. "Application of Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging for the Development and Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Models of the Rat Respiratory System." Inhalation Toxicology 18(10):787-794.  doi: 10.1080/08958370600748729


  • Corley RA, and KE McMartin. 2005. "Incorporation of Therapeutic Interventions in Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Human Clinical Case Reports of Accidental or Intentional Overdosing with Ethylene Glycol." Toxicological Sciences 85(1):491-501.  doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfi120
  • Corley RA, ME Meek, and EW Carney. 2005. "Mode of Action: Oxalate Crystal-Induced Renal Tubule Degeneration and Glycolic Acid-Induced Dysmorphogenesis-Renal and Developmental Effects of Ethylene Glycol." Critical Reviews in Toxicology 35(8-9):691-702.  doi:10.1081/10408440591007322
  • Hinderliter PM, KD Thrall, RA Corley, LJ Bloemen, and MS Bogdanffy. 2005. "Validation of Human Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Vinyl Acetate Against Human Nasal Dosimetry Data." Toxicological Sciences 85(1):460-467.  doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfi091
  • Teeguarden JG, PJ Deisinger, TS Poet, JC English, WD Faber, HA Barton, RA Corley, and HJ Clewell, III. 2005. " Derivation of a human equivalent concentration for n-butanol using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for n-butyl acetate and metabolites n-butanol and n-butyric acid ." Toxicological Sciences 85(1):429-446. 
  • Johnston RB, RA Corley, L Cowan, and RD Utiger. 2005. "The NAS perchlorate review: Adverse effects?" Environmental Health Perspectives 113(11):A728-A729. 
  • Kirman CR, LM Sweeney, RA Corley, and ML Gargas. 2005. "Using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling to address nonlinear kinetics and changes in rodent physiology and metabolism due to aging and adaptation in deriving reference values for propylene glycol methyl ether and propylene glycol methyl ether acetate. ." Risk Analysis 25(2):271-284. 
  • Minard KR, C Timchalk, and RA Corley. 2005. "T2-Shortening of 3He Gas by Magnetic Microspheres." Journal of Magnetic Resonance 173(1):90-96. 
  • Seed J, EW Carney, RA Corley, KM Crofton, JM DeSesso, PM Foster, R Kavlock, G Kimmel, JE Klaunig, ME Meek, RJ Preston, W Slikker, S Tabacova, GM Williams, J Wiltse, RT Zoeller, P Fenner-Crisp, and DE Patton. 2005. "Overview: Using Mode of Action and Life Stage Information to Evaluate the Human Relevance of Animal Toxicity Data." Critical Reviews in Toxicology 35(8-9):663-672.  doi:10.1080/10408440591007133
  • Slikker W, JF Young, RA Corley, DC Dorman, RB Conolly, T Knudsen, BL Erstad, RH Luecke, EM Faustman, C Timchalk, and DR Mattison. 2005. "Improving Predictive Modeling in Pediatric Drug Development: Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Mechanistic Modeling." In NPA Workshop: PBPK/PD Models for Developing Humans: Risk Assessment Strategies and Research Recommendations. Published in Annals of the New York Academy of Science, vol. 1053, pp. 505-518.  New York Academy of Sciences, New York.  doi:10.1196/annals.1344.044


  • Poet TS, H Wu, JC English, and RA Corley. 2004. "Metabolic Rate Constants for Hydroquinone in F344 Rat and Human Liver Isolated Hepatocytes: Application to a PBPK model." Toxicological Sciences 82(1):9-25. 
  • Cruzan G, RA Corley, G Hard, JW Mertens, KE McMartin, W Snellings, R Gingell, and JA Deyo. 2004. "Subchronic toxicity of ethylene glycol in Wistar and F-344 rats is related to metabolism and clearance of metabolites." Toxicological Sciences 81(2):502-511. 


  • Poet TS, JJ Soelberg, KK Weitz, TJ Mast, RA Miller, BD Thrall, and RA Corley. 2003. "Mode of Action and Pharmacokinetic Studies of 2-Butoxyethanol in the Mouse with an Emphasis on Forestomach Dosimetry." Toxicological Sciences 71(2):176-189. 


  • Timchalk C, HE Trease, LL Trease, KR Minard, and RA Corley. 2001. "Potential Technology for Studying Dosimetry and Response to Airborne Chemical and Biological Pollutants." Toxicology and Industrial Health 17(5-10):270-6. 


  • Corley RA, SM Gordon, and LA Wallace. 2000. "Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic modeling of the temperature-dependent dermal absorption of chloroform by humans following bath water exposures." Toxicological Sciences 53(1):13-23. 
  • Poet TS, KD Thrall, RA Corley, XY Hui, JA Edwards, KK Weitz, HI Maibach, and RC Wester. 2000. "Utility of real time breath analysis and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling to determine the percutaneous absorption of methyl chloroform in rats and humans ." Toxicological Sciences 54(1):42-51. 
  • Poet TS, RA Corley, KD Thrall, JA Edwards, H Tanojo, KK Weitz, X Hui, HI Maibach, and RC Wester. 2000. "Assessment of the Percutaneous Absorption of Trichloroethylene in Rats and Humans Using MS/MS Real Time Breath Analysis and Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling." Toxicological Sciences 56(1):61-72. 
  • Thrall KD, TS Poet, RA Corley, H Tanojo, JA Edwards, KK Weitz, X Hui, HI Maibach, and RC Wester. 2000. "A Real-Time In-vivo Method for Studying the Percutaneous Absorption of Volatile Chemicals." International Journal of Occupational Environmental Health 6(2):96-103. 


  • Thrall KD, TS Poet, and RA Corley. 1999. "An Innovative Method to Determine Percutaneous Absorption: Real-Time Analysis and Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling ." Chapter 55 in Percutaneous Absorption: Drugs-Cosmetics-Mechanisms-Methodology, ed. Robert L. Bronaugh and Howard I. Maibach, pp. 929-937.  Marcel Dekker, Inc. , New York, NY. 

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