Compendium of Evidence-Based Interventions and Best Practices for HIV Prevention

The Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs) and Best Practices in the Compendium are identified by the CDC’s Prevention Research Synthesis (PRS) Project through a series of ongoing systematic reviews. Each eligible intervention is evaluated against explicit a priori criteria (PrEP criteria; SI criteria; LRC criteria; MA criteria; RR criteria) and has shown sufficient evidence that the intervention works. The PRS Project will regularly update this Compendium as new EBIs and Best Practices are identified. Additional details about the Compendium or the PRS Project can be obtained by contacting PRS.

Project Research Synthesis

Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs) Criteria
  • Shown to have significant effects in HIV-related outcomes
  • Tested with a comparison group

EBIs work, are rigorously evaluated and provide the strongest evidence of efficacy.

Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs) Criteria
  • Shown to have significant effects in HIV-related outcomes
  • Tested with a weaker design or fewer participants

EIs have some evidence of working and need further testing.

The Compendium comprises five chapters. A complete listing of each chapter can be accessed below.

Our recommendation on how to cite the PRS Compendium:

HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis Project. Compendium of Evidence-Based Interventions and Best Practices for HIV Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Date last updated. Date Accessed.