5.3103.1 Balancing Valve Installation

Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
Piping (Distribution Installation)
Desired Outcome: 
Desired flow provided to system devices
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.
Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

Ensure a safe work environment

Determine locations for balancing valves

Prior to installation of balancing devices, the distribution will be cleaned of any debris that can clog the new devices

Available plans will be reviewed to assess system design and intent

Balancing valve location and condition will be visually verified; valves should be located on all distribution loops and critical flow dependent devices (e.g., boilers, air handlers, heat exchangers, fan coils, etc.)

Determine current configuration

Evaluate balancing options

Use of automatic vs. manual balancing valves will be evaluated in terms of life cycle cost (installation labor, hardware, labor to balance, and impact on energy consumption)

Determine a balancing strategy that ensures balancing throughout peak heating and shoulder seasons

Isolate balance valve location

Nearest valves on either side of valve location will be closed

Eliminate water supply to valve location

Repair and/or install balance valve

Functionality of balance valve will be assessed and repaired/replaced if necessary

New balance valves will be installed on all distribution loops and critical flow dependent devices (e.g., boilers, air handlers, heat exchangers, fan coils)

System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

Install valves in appropriate locations

Set balance valve

Valve will be adjusted to match device specification

Water flow will be measured in accordance with ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org Standard 5 or ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ASHRAE ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, www.ashrae.org Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

Ensure proper flow through device

Reinsulate area

Where insulation was removed, valve will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC IECC International Energy Conservation Code 2012 and ASHRAE ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, www.ashrae.org 90.1-2010, at a minimum

Reduce energy loss

Maintain safe surface temperature


Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item