What are the conversion rates from European Monetary Union (EMU) currencies to Euros?

We use simple multipliers to convert the national currencies of European Monetary Union (EMU) members to euros. The following are the irrevocable euro conversion rates, as adopted by the European Union (EU) Council on January 1, 1999:

1 euro = 40.3399 Belgian franc
= 1.95583 German mark
= 166.386 Spanish peseta
= 6.55957 French franc
= 0.787564 Irish pound
= 1936.27 Italian lira
= 40.3399 Luxembourg franc
= 2.20371 Netherlands guilder
= 13.7603 Austrian schilling
= 200.482 Portuguese escudo
= 5.94573 Finnish markka
= 340.750 Greek drachma (in effect from 2001)

The following are conversion rates for countries which joined after 1999:

1 euro  = 0.585274 Cypriot pound (1 January 2008)
= 15.6466 Estonian kroon (1 January 2011)
= 0.702804 Latvian lats (1 January 2014)
= 3.45280 Lithuanian litas (1 January 2015)
= 0.4293 Maltese lira (1 January 2008)
= 30.126 Slovak koruna (1 January 2009)
= 239.64 Slovenian tolar (1 January 2007)

Please note that historical data series valued in euros prior to the official adoption of the euro should be used with caution. For example, cross-country aggregations should not be compiled. The conversion rates are used as a way to create a consistent euro time-series for each country, and allow for easy conversion back to the original national currency. Pre-1999 series that are created are, in effect, "Belgian euros," "German euros," "French euros," and so forth, and thus are unique and applicable only to each individual country. The data from 1999 onwards, however, are actual euros and are comparable across countries.

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