5.3003.12 Package Units—Repair and Service

Forced Air
System Assessment and Maintenance
Desired Outcome: 
Maximize efficiency and performance of existing system, when required by the authority having jurisdiction
Work assessment

Assessment will be performed to identify problems with air, refrigerant, electrical, load, safety, indoor environmental quality (IEQ), and/or other needed repairs

If new installation or replacement is necessary, ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org Manual J, Manual S, and/or Manual D will be referenced to determine if the existing duct system is adequate for the sizing of the furnace, and the procedures outlined in ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org 5 QI-2010 HVAC HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Quality Installation Specification will be followed

Determine the scope of repair, service, and level of expertise required to perform the work

Remove existing system components

Nonsalvageable components and waste will be removed and disposed of properly

Refrigerant will be removed in accordance with EPA EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, www.epa.gov requirements

Prepare for installation of new equipment or components

Ensure environmental and legal compliance


Repairs will be performed by qualified specialist as identified in the assessment

Maintenance will be done in accordance with ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org 4

Maintenance of Residential HVAC HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Systems-2007 and ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org 6 HVAC HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

System Cleanliness-2007

Optimize performance of the system

Service existing components

Service will be performed by qualified personnel as identified in the assessment

Maintenance will be done in accordance with ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org 4

Maintenance of Residential HVAC HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Systems-2007 and ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org 6 HVAC HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

System Cleanliness-2007

Optimize performance of the system


Equipment will be fully tested for proper operation following procedures outlined in ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org 5 QI-2010

Property manager/occupant will be educated on how to operate and maintain system, including thermostat operation and system changes

Ensure proper system operation

Ensure property manager/occupant is educated