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Pacific Southwest, Region 9: Superfund

Serving Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations

Del Amo Facility

Superfund Site

Dual Site Groundwater Operable Unit (part 5)

Administrative Record Index

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On March 30, 1999, after considering and responding to public comments, EPA selected the cleanup action for the Dual Site Groundwater Operable Unit at the Montrose Chemical and Del Amo Superfund Sites, in Los Angeles, California. This cleanup applies to groundwater at both sites.
For the Montrose Chemical and Del Amo Superfund sites, EPA is housing a copy of its administrative record at this library. The documents contained in this AR were considered by the EPA in the process of selecting this groundwater cleanup action. A copy of the AR is also maintained at the EPA Regional Office in San Francisco.

The Dual Site Groundwater Operable Unit AR is entirely on microfilm. These microfilmed documents are arranged in ascending chronological order with undated documents at the beginning of the sequence. Each document has been assigned a unique identification number.

This administrative record includes by reference the documents in the Del Amo Superfund Site Waste Pits Operable Unit AR and the Montrose Chemical Corporation Superfund Site Removal Action No. 2 AR (Sediments in Sanitary Sewers). These administrative records are also available for viewing at this repository.

The list of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidance documents that were considered or relied upon in the selection of the remedial action is document AR #5014 in this AR file. Copies of the guidance documents are contained in the Compendium of CERCLA Response Selection
Guidance Documents and are available for review in the Region 9 Superfund Records Center.

As an additional service to the public, EPA has also placed paper (hard) copies of 6 critical reports related to this remedial action selection process in this library. While these reports appear on the microfilm as well, they are easier to use and review in paper copy. If you are interested in the paper copies of these reports, please ask the librarian where they can be reviewed.

The reports which are present in this library in both paper copy and microfilm copy are:

1. Final Remedial Investigation Report for the Montrose Site; Los Angeles, California; May 18, 1998; originally prepared by Montrose Chemical Corporation of California and Revised by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX. 2 volumes.

2. Final Groundwater Remedial Investigation Report; Del Amo Study Area; May 15, 1998; prepared by Dames & Moore for the Shell Oil Company and The Dow Chemical Company. 3 volumes.

3. Final Joint Groundwater Feasibility Study for the Montrose and Del Amo Sites; Los Angeles, California; May 19, 1998; prepared by CH2M Hill for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX. 1 volume.

4. Joint Groundwater Risk Assessment; Montrose and Del Amo Sites; Los Angeles County, California; February 1998; prepared by McLaren Hart for the Montrose Chemical Corporation, and Dames & Moore for the Shell Oil Company and The Dow Chemical Company. 1 volume.

5. Supplement to the Joint Groundwater Risk Assessment for the Montrose and Del Amo Sites; Los Angeles, California; May 18, 1998; prepared by CH2M Hill for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX. 1 volume.

6. Record of Decision for Dual Site Groundwater Operable Unit; Montrose Chemical and Del Amo Superfund Sites; March 30, 1999; U.S. EPA Region IX. 2 volumes.

The Record of Decision (item 6) can also be viewed or downloaded from the World Wide Web at http://www.epa.gov/region09/waste.

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in Administrative Record Index

AOAdministrative Order
AOCAdministrative Order on Consent
APAerial Photo
ARARApplicable or Relevant and Appropriate Restriction (or requirement)
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
ATIAnalytical Technologies, Inc
BHCBenzene Hexachloride
BNABureau of National Affairs
CAState of California
CERCLAComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (Superfund)
CERCLISComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System
CH2M HillEnvironmental Company
CPTCone Penetrometer Test
CRWQCBCalifornia Regional Water Quality Control Board
DNAPLDense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid
DTSCCalifornia Department of Toxic Substances Control
EIREnvironmental Impact Report
EMSLEnvironmental Monitoring Support (or Systems) Laboratory
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
ESEmergency Standard
FFSFocused Feasibility Study
FRCFederal Records Center
FSFeasibility Study
FSPField Sampling Plan
FYFiscal Year
GS/MSGas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
HSPHealth and Safety Plan
ICIPRP Contractor
IRMInterim Remedial Measure
JGWFSJoint Groundwater Feasibility Study
LALos Angeles
LACFCDLos Angeles County Flood Control District
LDRLand Disposal Restriction(s)
LNAPLLand Nonaqueous Phase Liquid
LOELevel of Effort
NAPLNonaqueous Phase Liquid
NJState of New Jersey
NOPESNon-occupational Pesticide Exposure Study
NPLNational Priorities List
NRRBNational Remedy Review Board
OUOperable Unit
OUFSOperable Unit Feasibilty Study
PAPreliminary Assessment
PAHPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
p-CBSAPara-Chlorobenzene Sulfonic Acid
PEAPreliminary Endangerment Assessment
PHEEPublic Health and Environmental Evaluation
PRPPotentially Responsible Party
QAQuality Assurance
QA/QCQuality Assurance/Quality Control
QAMSQuality Assurance Management Staff
QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan
QCQuality Control
RARemedial Action
RAGSRisk Assessment Guidance for Superfund
RAPRegional Analytical Program
RASRoutine Analytical Services
RCRAResource Conservation and Recovery Act
RIRemedial Investigation
RI/FSRemedial Investigation /Feasibility Study
ROCRecord of Communication
RODRecord of Decision
RWQCBRegional Water Quality Control Board
SAPSampling & Analysis Plan
SASSpecial Analytical Services
SDGSample Delivery Group
SOWStatement of Work or Scope of Work
STORETStorage and Retrieval of Water Quality Data System
SVESoil Vapor Extraction
SVOCSemivolatile Organic Chemical
SWRCBState Water Resources Control Board
TAGTechnical Assistance Grant
TCLToxicology Data Base or Target Compound List
TLTransmittal Letter
TOCTotal Organic Carbon (or Compound)
USUnited States
USAUnited Stated of America
vversus or volume
VOCVolatile Organic Compound
WRCWater Resources Council

Administrative Record Index

Doc DateSUBJECTAuthor / Author AffiliateAddressee / Addressee AffiliateAR #Roll #Frame #Doc ID
1995/07/24Memo: Notification that conference call, to discuss phase 2 wells, will be held on 7/28/95 (faxed)Tom Vinckier / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9400002801080639-93130
1995/07/25Mtg agenda: Dow/EPA mtg on Del Amo, w/TL to J Rosati fr L Bone (lobbyists for Dow)Dow Chemical Co-400102801100639-94129
1995/07/27Ltr: Transmits draft well location figures for use during conference call scheduled for 7/28/95, w/o encls, w/fax TLAndrew Barnes / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9400202801120639-93128
1995/07/31Field rpt - surface water, sediments & biological sampling in stormwater pathway fr Montrose Chemical Co to LA Harbor, w/TL to Dhont fr SinghC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9400302801150639-02164
1995/07/31Oversize maps (5): Draft depositional environments - cross sections A-A' through E-E', Del Amo study area, 24in x 36.5in, 1in=5ft (mapcase)Dames & MooreShell Oil Co400402804560639-04846
1995/08/00Article: Havoc in hormones (in Audubon, Cranes of Japan, 7/95-8/95, 60-67)Jon Luoma / Audubon Society-400502804580639-02030
1995/08/00Fact sheet: EPA announces extension of public review period of removal workplan (English & Spanish)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-400602804680639-92237
1995/08/01Ltr: Additional gw monitoring, w/attchs & TL to J Dhont, U Singh & F Bachman fr D HargisDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9400702804710639-02148
1995/08/01Ltr: Additional gw monitoring, w/attchsDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9400802804820639-02149
1995/08/01Ltr: Transmits interim plan, phase 2 gw investigs, w/plan, well tables, benzene concentrations figs, & attch A (gw investigs operating procedures)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9400902804920639-03215
1995/08/18Ltr: Phase 2 RI gw investigations, observation of hydrocarbon at exploratory soil boring B-6, w/memo 8/17/95 re same & draft field boring logChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9401002805270639-03234
1995/08/18Ltr: Transmits initial release Public health assessment, 7/18/95, w/o attchWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease RegistryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9401102805370639-92276
1995/08/21Memo: Comments on draft phase 2 RI workplan, data gaps, soil gas QC & final remedy selection for contaminated soil in waste pit areaUdai Singh / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9401202805390639-03777
1995/08/21Expanded workplace air monitoring draft rpt, phase 1 RI, w/handwritten note & TL to J Rosati fr U Singh, 8/22/95C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9401302805620639-03955
1995/08/22Public health assessment (initial release)CA Dept of Health ServicesEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9401402809090639-02165
1995/08/23Data validation rpt: Case: 23705, memo #1, 18 volatile & 9 semivolatile water samples, collected 6/21-23/95 & 6/27/95, w/TL to J Rosati fr M WeinerMike McIntosh / I C F Kaiser Engineers, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9401502810000639-03235
1995/08/29Articles (19): Biological degradation of para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA), 1982-94--401602810400639-03380
1995/08/29TL: Literature re biological degradation of specified chemical (p-CBSA research)Ann Azadpour / Dynamac CorpMichelle Baron / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9401702812030639-93240
1995/08/30Review of Montrose FS documents (draft), w/TL to J Dhont fr U SinghC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9401802812050639-03778
1995/08/30Memo: Review & comments on 8/1/95 Hargis ltr re gw monitoringUdai Singh / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9401902812500639-94479
1995/08/31Memo: Surface pathways from Del Amo site, w/attchsSteve Simanonok / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Janet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9402002812540639-93080
1995/09/00EPA comments on draft Public health assessment for Montrose Chemical Corp by ATSDR 8/22/95, w/TL to W Nelson fr J Dhont 9/6/95Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry402102812590639-02146
1995/09/00Verbal comments re workplan unsupported conclusions, phase 2, w/handwritten notes by J DhontPeter Mock / C H 2 M Hill-402202812670639-03232
1995/09/0012 graphics (drafts) for planning discussions re locations of phase 2 gw monitoring wellsDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9402302812770639-03255
1995/09/00Fact sheet: DDT-contaminated sediments to be removed fr county sewers along Normandie Ave (in English & Spanish)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-402402812990639-92188
1995/09/00Ltr: Request for gw treatability test results, phase 1, QAPP & SAP, w/TL to M Palmer fr J Dhont 9/5/95Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Michael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, Inc402502813020639-92251
1995/09/00Fact sheet: DDT-contaminated sediments to be removed fr county sewers along Normandie Ave (English & Spanish)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-402602813050639-93215
1995/09/01Gw monitoring rpt, 4th quarter 1994, Del Amo (draft), w/TL to J Dhont fr J DudleyDames & Moore-402702813080639-02150
1995/09/06Memo: Transmits list of possible discussion topics for scoping/planning work sessions, phase 2 Del Amo RI, w/encl (faxed)John Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9402802813440639-93111
1995/09/07Memo: Preliminary unvalidated lab data - 4 core samples collected at exploratory boring B-5, w/rpt of analytical results (faxed)John Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9402902813470639-03247
1995/09/12Memo: Requests help in reviewing gw treatability test results rpt re effectiveness of carbon treatment system for p-CBSA, w/TL to D Draper fr M BaronMichelle Baron / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Don Draper / Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Research & Development403002813570639-93241
1995/09/14PA/SI, Gardena Valley Dump #4, w/9/19/95 remedial site assessment decisionGregory Carroll / Bechtel Environmental, IncGordon Woodrow / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9403102813590639-03609
1995/09/15Ltr: Transmits tech note, proposed relocation of phase 2 monitoring wells U-5 & B-5, w/tech note, figs, ltr 9/12/95 & memo 9/6/95 fr Shell re samplingD Fates / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9403202813750639-03199
1995/09/18Ltr: DTSC review of Final preliminary endangerment assessment (PEA) rpt (English & Spanish)Haissam Salloum / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control-403302813980639-92211
1995/09/18Memo: 5 wells purged re monitoring for presence of dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL), w/TL to J Dhont fr M Palmer 9/25/95J Callian / Hargis & Assoc, Incfile --403402814010639-92238
1995/09/18Memo: Review of Remedial investigative work phase 2A - gw, soil & sediment sampling plan & Remedial investigative work QAPP, w/TL 9/19/95Udai Singh / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9403502814040639-94480
1995/09/19Mtg agenda: Discussion topics for RI work session #1, phase 1 RI review & phase 2 RI planning, held on 9/21/95, w/fax TLJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9403602814080639-93117
1995/09/21Mtg agenda: RI work session #1, phase 1 RI review & phase 2 RI planning, quarterly project mtg, w/handouts re soil gas & risk assessment strategy rptEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-403702814110639-03248
1995/09/21Mtg agenda: RI work session #1, phase 1 RI review & phase 2 RI planning, quarterly project mtg, w/handouts, handwritten notes & marginaliaEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-403802814270639-04873
1995/09/25Memo: Responds to 9/12/95 request re effectiveness of carbon treating para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) in gw, w/TL headerDon Draper / Environmental Protection Agency - Superfund Technical Support Center for Monitoring & Site CharacterMichelle Baron / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9403902814430639-92310
1995/09/25Memo: Responds to 9/12/95 request re effectiveness of carbon treating para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) in gwDon Draper / Environmental Protection Agency - Superfund Technical Support Center for Monitoring & Site CharacterMichelle Baron / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9404002814460639-93550
1995/09/26Ltr: Notice of gw monitoring field activity scheduled at siteMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9404102814490639-92220
1995/09/26Ltr: Notice of gw monitoring field activity scheduled at site, w/TLMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9404202814510639-92221
1995/09/26Ltr: Notice of potential EPA staff furlough & consequencesJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp404302814540639-92252
1995/09/27Well destruction workplan, LA County Flood Control District (LACFCD) well #795Hargis & Assoc, Inc-404402814570639-02187
1995/09/27Ltr: Response to EPA comments re LA County Flood Control District (LACFCD) well #795 & additonal closure tasks, w/attch 2, w/o attch 1David Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9404502814760639-02188
1995/09/27Memo: Review & comments re 2/18/94 draft field sampling plan (FSP), app A of draft phase 2 RI workplanMark Petersen / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Janet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9404602814920639-03205
1995/09/27Ltr: Transmits requested gw data fr wells in backyard on West 204th St, w/enclsJohn Blevins / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Tom Frame / Del Amo Action Committee404702815000639-93131
1995/09/28Ltr: Transmits EPA comments on Montrose Chemical Corp proposal for gw sampling, w/attch & TL to M Palmer fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp404802815060639-02147
1995/09/28Ltr: Transmits EPA comments on Montrose Chemical Corp proposal for gw sampling, w/handwritten note & attchJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp404902815140639-02151
1995/09/28ROC: 9/21/95 & 9/28/95 calls re review of Montrose treatability test & effectiveness of para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA), w/marginaliaMichelle Brown / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Don Draper405002815210639-93376
1995/09/29Draft rpt & workplan laboratory & data analysis & hydraulic extraction workplan MW-20 pilot program, Del Amo study area, w/o platesDames & MooreShell Oil Co405102815230639-03129
1995/09/29Oversize plates 1-5 (correlation of stratigraphic cross sections A-A - E-E, & plate 6 (3-D fence diagram), MW-20 pilot program, w/overlays (mapcase)Dames & MooreShell Oil Co405202820360639-03130
1995/09/29Response to comments fr EPA & DTSC re 9/29/95 draft rpt & workplan, lab data/analysis & hydraulic extraction workplan, MW-20 pilot prog, w/TL, 1/12/96Shell Oil CoEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9405302820380639-03210
1995/10/00Article: Can environmental estrogens cause breast cancer? (Scientific American, 166-170 & 172)Devra Davis / World Resources Insitute-405402821030639-02028
1995/10/00Ltr: Transmits Water table zone benzene concentrations map (1st quarter 1995), 9/27/95, w/map & TL to M Palmer fr J Dhont 10/17/95Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Michael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, Inc405502821100639-92223
1995/10/04Ltr: Transmits EPA review comments on NW corner soil SAP for former Montrose Chemical Plant, 6/8/95, w/attchJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp405602821150639-02198
1995/10/04Ltr: Followup to 10/2/95 phone conversation re capital improvement at Jones ChemicalsTimothy Gaffney / Jones Chemical CoGloria Conti / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control405702821250639-92218
1995/10/04Ltr: Request for analyses of gw samples, w/tableJoe Nuzzolo / C H 2 M HillJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9405802821270639-92222
1995/10/04Memo: Request for analyses, quarterly gw monitoring program, w/table (analyses requested for split samples of gw)Joe Nuzzolo / C H 2 M HillJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9405902821310639-93332
1995/10/10Ltr: Provides additional information re Well destruction workplan, LA County Flood Control District (LACFCD) well #795, w/attchMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9406002821350639-02189
1995/10/10ROC: Para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA)Michelle Baron / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jerry Jones406102821490639-93377
1995/10/11Handouts fr phase 2 work session #2 mtg re gw contamination source areas, including summary of planned phase 2 investigations & drawings, w/marginaliaDames & Moore-406202821550639-03530
1995/10/11Press Release EPA awards Superfund grant to Torrance groupEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-406302821670639-91772
1995/10/12Draft graphic depicting water table zone, benzene concentrations, w/notation stating graphic is for internal reviewDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9406402821690639-03256
1995/10/12Mtg notes: Phase 2 work session #2, quarterly project mtg, w/agenda TL, handouts re gw contamination source areas & marginalia (phase 2 RI/FS)Janet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-406502821720639-03389
1995/10/19Ltr: FSP & QAPP guidance, w/o attchsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9John Heiser / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp406602900010639-92217
1995/10/19Ltr: Transmits 2 guidances which EPA uses to determine the adequacy of field sampling plans (FSP) & quality assurance project plans (QAPP), w/o enclsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9John Dudley / Dames & Moore406702900030639-93118
1995/10/20Ltr: 2nd information submission re well desturction workplan, well #795Michael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9406802900050639-92280
1995/10/23Ltr: Approval to proceed with closure of LA County Flood Control District (LACFCD) well #795Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp406902900080639-92307
1995/10/24Ltr: Transmits lab rpts & QA/QC documentation for level 2 shallow soil gas investigations conducted by Optimal, w/encls & marginalia (MW-20)D Fates / Dames & MooreJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9407002900110639-04767
1995/10/24Ltr: 3rd information submission re well destruction workplan, well #795Andrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9407102900570639-92281
1995/10/24Ltr: 3rd information submission re well destruction workplan, well #795, w/TLAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9407202900600639-92282
1995/10/27Ltr: DTSC review of documents re well destruction workplan for LA County Flood Control District well #795Haissam Salloum / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9407302900640639-92224
1995/10/27Ltr: Request for documents detailing site characterization at McDonnell Douglas facility, 19503 S NormandieHaissam Salloum / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlScott Lattimore / Douglas Aircraft Co407402900660639-92225
1995/10/30FSP & QAPP amendment for additional gw monitoring, w/TL to J Dhont fr D Hargis & M PalmerHargis & Assoc, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9407502900690639-02152
1995/10/31Mtg agenda (proposed): EOP Group mtg 10/31/95, EPA, Del Amo respondents (lobbyists for Dow)E O P Group-407602904410639-94130
1995/11/00Review of FSP & QAPP amendment for additional gw monitoring, 10/30/95, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati 11/8/95C H 2 M Hill-407702904430639-94482
1995/11/02Ltr: David Hargis designated project coordinator, w/envBarry Shotts / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9407802904460639-92258
1995/11/02Summary of additional proposed locations, w/TL to J Rosati fr A Austin (phase 2 RI)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9407902904490639-94211
1995/11/07Mtg summary - between EPA, Del Amo respondents, EOP Group, 10/31/95, w/marginalia (lobbyists for Dow)E O P Group-408002904550639-04772
1995/11/07Ltr: Respondents propose to include additional figures in future quarterly gw monitoring rpts, w/1st quarter 1995 gw elevation & benzene mapsChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9408102904620639-93083
1995/11/07News item - J Dhont conference call with Dames & Moore (phase 2 RI)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-408202904690639-94567
1995/11/08Ltr: Discusses & transmits summ tables of reported & maximized analytical results for surface soil samples fr undeveloped areas, w/attchs (phase 1 RI)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9408302904730639-04889
1995/11/08Fig #3 (gw elevations - middle Bellflower aquitard B sand) & fig #4 (gw elevations middle Bellflower aquitard C sand), w/fax TL to J Dhont fr A BarnesDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9408402904860639-93084
1995/11/10Memo: Review comments on 9/29/95 draft submittal lab data analysis revised conceptual hydrostratigraphic model & proposed extraction workplan MW-20Terry Foreman / C H 2 M HillCynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9408502904920639-03131
1995/11/14Mtg agenda: Health risk assessment, waste pit area, w/sign-in sheetEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-408602904990639-94225
1995/11/17Phase 2 RI, gw contamination source areas, data summary & proposed target areas, Del Amo study areaDames & MooreShell Oil Co408702905010639-03188
1995/11/17Ltr: Transmits 2 tables fr Montrose sampling plan for additional gw sampling & docs re closure of Jones well #795, w/o attchsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9John Dudley / Dames & Moore408802906450639-92207
1995/11/20Contour maps: Depict mean benzene/ethylbenzene concentrations in water table, mid Bellflower B&C-sand, upper Bellflower aquitard & gage aquifer, draftDames & Moore-408902906470639-02224
1995/11/20Memo: Review of rpt & workplan MW-20 pilot program (#94-R09-006), w/rtg slipSteven Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6Cynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9409002906680639-03132
1995/11/20Ltr: EPA contingent approval for FSP & QAPP amendment for additional gw monitoringJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp409102906750639-92226
1995/11/20Ltr: Minutes fr Del Amo mtg on 10/31/95Nancy Lindsay / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Michael O'Bannon / E O P Group409202906780639-93085
1995/11/20Memo: Review of soil gas sampling & analytical procedures, Del Amo study area rpts (draft)Mark Petersen / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Janet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9409302906810639-94224
1995/11/21Memo: Transmits preliminary (draft) data for monitoring well SWL0049, w/encl (faxed)Andrew Barnes / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9409402906840639-92347
1995/11/22Memos: Field oversight of phase 2 field work, drilling of exploratory soil borings & installation of wells, conducted 8/95-11/95, w/attchs & TLsNatasha Raykhman / C H 2 M HillUdai Singh / C H 2 M Hill409502906880639-03160
1995/11/22News item - review notes for source areas at site, w/D Rodriguez notes on source areas at Del Amo & marginalia (phase 2 RI)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-409602907810639-04881
1995/11/22Mtg agenda (draft): Phase 2 RI work session #3, 11/28/95, w/fax TLs fr J DudleyJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9409702907920639-93086
1995/11/29Memo: Review of rpt & workplan, MW-20 pilot program (#94-R09-006), w/rtg slipSteven Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6Cynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9409802907960639-03133
1995/11/29Memo: Request to review 1st quarter 1995 gw monitoring rpt, examine MW-20 treatability study rpt & field oversight of gw samplingJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill409902908020639-92298
1995/11/29Memo: Transmits prelim unvalidated VOC results re interim phase 2 monitoring wells U-5 & B-5, installed at New Hampshire Ave & Milton St, w/encl (fax)Gib Fates / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9410002908040639-93087
1995/11/30TL: Dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) white paper, w/marginaliaMichael Shook / Lockheed Martin CorpRichard Russell / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9410102908100639-93554
1995/12/00Data assessment validation package, 10/95-12/95 samplingHargis & Assoc, Inc-410202908120639-03947
1995/12/00Diagram: Conceptual draft re treatability test for hydraulic extractionJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-410302908620639-93098
1995/12/01Memo: Field oversight re collection of gw samples, w/attchs & TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati 12/8/95Boumediene HadjKaddour / C H 2 M HillHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill410402908640639-02199
1995/12/01Ltr: Info package addressing evaluation of NAPL dissolution, & transmits 6/28/93 addendum, draft MW-20 NAPL treatability study evaluation rpt, w/rptChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9410502908740639-03220
1995/12/01Information package re evaluation of 1993 NAPL dissolution, MW-20 area, w/TL to J Dhont & J Rosati fr C Paine--410602909940639-03439
1995/12/04Ltr: Review & comments re 9/29/95 draft rpt & workplan, lab data & analysis & hydraulic extraction workplan MW-20 pilot programHaissam Salloum / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlCynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9410702911140639-93088
1995/12/04News item - J Dhont notes about quarterly mtg, w/marginalia (phase 2 RI)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-410802911190639-94558
1995/12/04News item - J Dhont conversation with Dames & Moore (phase 2 RI)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-410902911220639-94559
1995/12/05Ltr: Transmits comments on draft rpt & workplan, lab data & analysis & hydraulic workplan, Del Amo study area, w/commentsCynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co411002911250639-03134
1995/12/06Oversize maps (4): Sampling locations & well locations - Del Amo Blvd, 22 in x 34 in, scale not given (mapcase)--411102911360639-04848
1995/12/06Memo: Montrose NAPL removal estimateJim Hartley / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9411202911380639-94077
1995/12/07Montrose/Del Amo briefing - gw remedial & administrative options, or light at the end of the tunnel?Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-411302911410639-02221
1995/12/07Ltr: Transmits prelim unvalidated data for samples collected during 3rd quarter 1995 sampling event, gw monitoring wells installed 8/95-11/95, w/enclJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9411402911710639-03222
1995/12/07Ltr: Summary of action items & understandings reached during phase 2 RI work session #3, quarterly project mtg, on 11/28/95, w/attchs (phase 2 RI/FS)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9411502911810639-93089
1995/12/07Figure 1-6, distribution of vapor phase VOCs in shallow soils, pit site (draft)Dames & Moore-411602911870639-93349
1995/12/08Memo: Mtg notes for 12/7/95 quarterly project mtg with PRPs re Del Amo waste pits, w/TL header to J Dhont fr R Haimann (FFS)Richard Haimann / C H 2 M Hill-411702911890639-94078
1995/12/08Memo: Montrose NAPL removal estimateHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9411802911940639-94079
1995/12/08Memo: Montrose NAPL removal estimateJim Hartley / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9411902911970639-94080
1995/12/08Memo: Mtg notes for 12/7/95 quarterly project mtg with PRPs re Del Amo waste pits (FFS)Richard Haimann / C H 2 M Hill-412002912010639-94207
1995/12/08Table of flux chamber modeling options, baseline health risk assessment, waste pit area, w/marginaliaDames & Moore-412102912050639-94306
1995/12/10Handwritten notes: Risk assessment, waste pitsJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-412202912070639-94307
1995/12/11Oversize maps (15): Shallow soil gas sampling conditions & concentrations, Del Amo study area, height & width varies, scale varies (mapcase)Dames & MooreShell Oil Co412302912090639-04847
1995/12/12Technical memo: Results of shallow soil gas sampling pipeline & trench transmission system, Del Amo study area, w/TL 12/12/95 to J Rosati fr C PaineDames & MooreShell Oil Co412402912110639-03187
1995/12/14Memo: Review comments re 1st 95 quarterly gw monitoring rpt, Del Amo, w/TL headerPeter Mock / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9412502912430639-94081
1995/12/15Data validation rpt: SAS #24091, memo #1, 18 water samples for VOAs & 14 water samples for BNAs, collected 10/16-23/95, w/TL to J Rosati fr M WeinerBarbara Gordon / I C F Kaiser Engineers, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9412602912460639-02226
1995/12/19News item - J Dhont notes on mtgs with Dames & Moore 12/13/95-12/14/95 re QC, additional samples (phase 2 RI)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-412702912920639-94560
1995/12/20Memo: Requests & reconfirms technical support fr Kerr Lab for Montrose & Del Amo projects, w/visual schematics used for briefingsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Don Draper / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory412802912970639-02222
1995/12/20Data validation rpt: SAS #24091, memo #2, 3 volatile & 2 semivolatile water samples, collected 10/24/95, w/TL to J Rosati fr M WeinerMitzi Dooley / I C F Kaiser Engineers, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9412902913180639-02227
1995/12/26Memo: Requests & reconfirms technical assistance fr Kerr Lab for Del Amo & Montrose sitesJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Don Draper / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory413002913370639-94082
1995/12/29Summary of available information re lot 37 & pit 1-A, w/attchs & TL to J Rosati fr D Laney (phase 1 RI)Dames & Moore-413102913410639-04887
1996/00/00Article: Field eval of granular activated carbon fluid-bed bioreactor for treatment of chlorobenzene in gw (Environmental Progress, v15, #2), w/fax TLG Klecka / Dow Chemical Co-413202914140639-02214
1996/00/00Figures 1-16 - chlorobenzene concentrations (draft), w/marginalia (joint gw model)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-413302914310639-02223
1996/00/00Article: Field evaluation of granular activated carbon fluid-bed bioreactor for treatment of chlorobenzene in gw, w/fax TL 7/16/96, (joint gw model)G Klecka / Environmental Progress (Publication)-413402914480639-03262
1996/00/00Maps (5): Chlorobenzene water table, Bellflower C-Sand, Gage & Lynwood & p-CBSA Lynwood (drafts) (joint gw model)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-413502914650639-03390
1996/00/00Cross-sections - distribution, physical testing data, interpretive generalized stratigraphy & analytical results for pit site investigationDames & Moore-413602914760639-03539
1996/00/00Interpretive benzene distribution in soil, pit site investigation, w/table 2-2, air permeability of wasteDames & Moore-413702915010639-03540
1996/00/00Figures (27) - benzene & plume reduction concentrations, w/marginalia (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-413802915110639-03559
1996/00/00Tables & test summaries used in development of gw model, w/marginalia--413902915390639-03914
1996/00/00Overheads for Waste Pits Alternatives re 1996 proposed planDames & Moore-414002915530639-04768
1996/00/00VLEACH modeling re Del Amo Waste Pits FS (various docs)Dames & Moore-414102915820639-04769
1996/00/00Overheads & handouts of remedial alternatives re focused FS (FFS)Environmental Protection Agency-414202917110639-04771
1996/00/00Table of generalized modeling scenarios (revised version), w/definition of symbols & scenarios & TL fr J Dhont (joint gw model)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-414302917190639-92324
1996/00/00Gw modeling - proposed sequence of remedial scenario group simulations (draft)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-414402917230639-93300
1996/01/00Language for operational history section of RI rpt (redline/strikeout draft)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-414502917250639-03327
1996/01/00Overheads - preliminary gw containment & zone of influence contours, w/photocopiesHargis & Assoc, Inc-414602917410639-03584
1996/01/00Language for operational history section of RI rpt (original rewrite)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-414702917640639-03635
1996/01/02Ltr: Summary of agreement re gw monitoring rpt formatChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9414802917800639-93090
1996/01/09Memo: Notification of conference call on 4/11/96 to discuss focused transport calibration exercise (benzene), & other modeling-related deliverablesJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9414902917830639-92356
1996/01/09Revised methodology for baseline health risk assessment, waste pit area, w/marginalia--415002917850639-94515
1996/01/10Memo: Response to QAMS comments re Del Amo soil gas dataJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Mark Petersen / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9415102917870639-94083
1996/01/11Ltr: Transmits 1/11/96 tech memo, short-term pumping tests data collection & interpretation procedures, w/tech memoChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9415202917900639-03209
1996/01/12Ltr: Response to Respondents 12/7/95 ltr to EPA re summary of action items & understandings reached during Del Amo phase 2 RI work session #3Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co415302918020639-93091
1996/01/12Memo: Summary of 12/13/95 mtg re phase 2 soil gas sampling & analytical procedures, Del Amo study area (phase 2 RI)Mark Petersen / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Janet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9415402918080639-93092
1996/01/15Amended 12/14/95 analytical rpt for chemical testing of 12/2/95 samples, w/analysis request forms & TL to Netto fr B MooreB C Analytical-415502918140639-03407
1996/01/17Ltr: Transmits gw sampling data submittal, 10/95-12/95, w/attchDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9415602918470639-02153
1996/01/17Memo: Transmits info on short-term/wellbore storage effects on time-drawdown data, w/encls (faxed)Tom Vinckier / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9415702921330639-93093
1996/01/17Memo: Site contamination highlights re releases of hazardous waste - soil, gw, DNAPLHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9415802921390639-94178
1996/01/22ROCs: AREA-ST model (waste pits risk assessment), 1/6/96 & 1/22/96, w/TL to J Rosati & S Smucker fr D Kringel, 3/6/96Danny Kringel / Dames & MooreRuss Lee / Environmental Protection Agency - Research Triangle Park415902921420639-94308
1996/01/25Ltr: Summary of well destruction activities re LA County Flood Control District (LACFCD) well #795, w/attchsMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9416002921460639-02166
1996/01/25Memo: Transmits partially reviewed data, w/analytical results (unvalidated data), case #R95S68, level water samples for volatilesDawn Conley / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9416102921940639-92336
1996/01/25Memo: Transmits Del Amo progress notes - conference call agenda, w/attch (lobbyists for Dow)Michael O'Bannon / E O P GroupNancy Lindsay / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9416202921990639-93094
1996/01/25Memo: Transmits Del Amo progress notes - conference call agenda, w/attch & marginalia (lobbyists for Dow)Michael O'Bannon / E O P GroupNancy Lindsay / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9416302922030639-94369
1996/01/29Ltr: Transmits EPA comments on Draft RI, 10/29/92, w/attchJeff Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp416402922070639-02261
1996/01/29Memo: Transmits partially reviewed data, w/analytical results (unvalidated data), case #R96S06, low level water samples for volatilesDawn Conley / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Janet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9416502922540639-92337
1996/01/30Memo: Request for status table re outstanding split sampling dataJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill416602922580639-92299
1996/01/30Memo: Review comments & recommendations for Del Amo pumping test, well 46Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9416702922600639-94084
1996/01/31Tables 1A, 1B & 2 re VLEACH input files, assumptions & parameters, w/marginalia & TL to J Rosati fr D LaneyDames & Moore-416802922640639-03532
1996/01/31Memo: Review comments & recommendations - Del Amo pumping test, well 46Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9416902922910639-93100
1996/01/31Proposed methodology for baseline health risk assessment, lot 37 (pit 1-A) (draft), w/marginaliaDames & Moore-417002922950639-94516
1996/02/00Environmental impact rpt (EIR), Del Amo Blvd overcrossing at Route 405 - traffic rptH N T B CorpCity of Carson417102922980639-03695
1996/02/00VLEACH modeling methodology, w/marginaliaDames & Moore-417203000010639-93348
1996/02/02Tables 1A (revised version) & 1C re VLEACH input files, assumptions & parameters, w/TLs to J Rosati & J Dhont fr D LaneyDames & Moore-417303000040639-03533
1996/02/05Ltr: "Short-term" (2-hour) aquifer tests proposed by Dames & Moore for estimates of transmissivity in water-bearing units at Del Amo study areaJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co417403000110639-03212
1996/02/05TL: Ltr on pump testsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co417503000190639-93124
1996/02/05TL: Ltr on pump testsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9John Dudley / Dames & Moore417603000210639-93126
1996/02/06Data validation rpt: SAS #R96S06, 5 water samples, collected 10/17/95 & 10/19/95, w/TL to J Rosati fr D ConleyDawn Conley / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Janet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9417703000230639-02265
1996/02/06Data validation rpt: SAS #R96S06, 5 water samples, collected 10/17/95 & 10/19/95, w/TL to J Rosati fr D ConleyDawn Conley / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-417803000380639-03264
1996/02/07Ltr: Discussion of negotiations re RI & waste pits risk assessment (lobbyists for Dow)Nancy Lindsay / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Michael O'Bannon / E O P Group417903000530639-94128
1996/02/10Gw remedy overheadsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-418003000560639-03422
1996/02/12Risk-based screening levels (RBSLs) for individual compounds in soils - leaching to gw, w/spreadsheet, schematic & TL to J Dhont fr J GustafsonShell Development Co-418103001120639-03534
1996/02/15Memo: Del Amo clinic data, w/Del Amo/Montrose community, 1/95-1/96, environmental medicine clinic activities, # of new residents seen & p,p'-DDE serumWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease RegistryKeith Takata / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9418203001210639-92341
1996/02/16Technical memo: 1/10/96 Del Amo field oversight, petrophysical core collection at MW-20 study areaHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9418303001260639-03524
1996/02/16Per 2/12/96 VLEACH conference call request, backup documentation for values in table 2 of 1/31/96 ltr, w/marginalia & TL to J Rosati fr D LaneyDames & Moore-418403001290639-03536
1996/02/16Memo: Field oversight observation of well #795 abandonment activities performed by Hargis 12/7-12/13/95Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9418503001370639-92227
1996/02/19Memo: Field oversight, collection of gw split samples, for period 1/31/96-2/14/96, w/site inspection forms & TLs to J Rosati & J DhontHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9418603001400639-03162
1996/02/20Action items fr 2/20/96 VLEACH conference call, w/marginalia & TL to J Rosati fr D LaneyDames & Moore-418703001640639-93347
1996/02/21Ltr: Transmits ATSDR health consultation re house dust sampling of 5/95, dated 12/95, w/attchWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease RegistryJohn Blevins / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9418803001670639-02191
1996/02/21Ltr: Transmits aerial photos of Montrose site & environs, & oblique photos of Montrose & Del Amo sites & environs, w/o attchsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Karl Lytz / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)418903001800639-92257
1996/02/23Gw monitoring rpt, 3rd sampling period 1995, Del Amo, w/TL 2/23/96 to J Dhont fr C PaineDames & MooreShell Oil Co419003001820639-03178
1996/02/23Memo: Request for information re outstanding data fr QAMS & request for discussion re comparing PRP data with EPA split sample dataJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill419103008120639-92300
1996/02/23Memo: Del Amo Superfund site - response to comments on rpt & workplan, MW-20 pilot programSteven Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryCynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9419203008140639-92966
1996/02/27Ltr: Response to EPA comments on NW corner sampling proposal, w/marginaliaMargaret Eggers / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9419303008180639-92271
1996/02/28Technical memo: Analysis of gw flow & mass transport, Del Amo study areaDames & MooreShell Oil Co419403008240639-03211
1996/02/28List of participants - 2/28/96 mtgEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-419503008600639-92342
1996/03/00Disc with ASCII text file containing gw chemical & water level data through 12/95, w/TL to J Dhont fr J Layton 3/27/95Hargis & Assoc, Inc-419603008620639-02275
1996/03/00EIR, Del Amo Blvd overcrossing at I-405 - air quality analysis rptTerry A Hayes AssocCity of Carson419703008650639-03700
1996/03/00Notes on source areas at Del Amo - includes info re Trico, Amoco, RR Donnelley, Coca Cola, Tri-lite, Obie, Ace Clearwater, Toyota, Ferro & WRC bldgsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-419803009240639-93081
1996/03/00S Smucker preliminary comments on risk assessment for conference call discussion, w/marginaliaEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-419903009300639-94517
1996/03/01Data summary package w/TLs (3/1/96 & 5/19/97)Dames & Moore-420003009320639-04797
1996/03/04Tables re screening of COCs for VLEACH modeling, w/TL to J Dhont fr D LaneyDames & Moore-420103009410639-03537
1996/03/04Memo: Response to comments on rpt & workplan, MW-20 pilot program, (faxed)Natasha Raykman / C H 2 M HillCynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9420203009480639-92964
1996/03/08Ltr: Informal submittal for discussion purposes - preliminary recovery analysis on 6 12-hour pump tests, w/attchs (draft)John Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9420303009510639-03229
1996/03/11Data validation rpt: Case #R96S07, RAP volatiles for 5 water samples, collected 11/29-11/30/95, w/TL to Dhont fr Conley & TL to Nezafati fr Dhont 4/1Dawn Conley / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-420403009630639-02154
1996/03/11Ltr: Response to 2/27/96 ltr re developing sampling plan for additional NW corner soil samplingJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp420503009860639-92308
1996/03/11Ltr: Determination of irrrelevance & rejection of method & conclusions re 2/28/96 technical memo - analysis of gw flow & mass transportJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co420603009920639-93095
1996/03/12Memo: Review of informal submittal for discussion purposes, preliminary analyses on 6 12-hr pumping tests, Del Amo study areaHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9420703009980639-94085
1996/03/14Ltr: Proposed modification of gw monitoring program, w/encls (proposed sampling schedule, 4 benzene concentration figs, & distribution list)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9420803010020639-03231
1996/03/14Ltr: EPA concurs with Respondents re pilot hydraulic extraction test, w/memo 2/23/96 re response to comments on rpt & workplan, MW-20 pilot programCynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co420903010220639-93184
1996/03/15Ltr: Transmits selected docs & info re Del Amo study area, w/o encls (joint gw model)John Dudley / Dames & MooreSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6421003010280639-92325
1996/03/18Draft tech memo fr Montrose/Del Amo modeling group, conceptual workplan for joint modeling effort, w/TL to J Dhont fr C Paine (joint gw model)Shell Oil Co-421103010300639-02267
1996/03/18Memo: Transmits info for 3/19/96 conference call re VLEACH, w/attchsDames & Moore-421203010430639-03538
1996/03/18Draft tech memo fr Montrose/Del Amo modeling group, conceptual workplan for joint modeling effort, w/marginalia & TL (used in development of gw model)Shell Oil Co-421303010670639-03915
1996/03/19Memo: Transmits partially reviewed data for case #R96S07 for pesticides/PCBs, w/attchDawn Conley / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9421403010800639-92228
1996/03/21Memo: Transmits excerpts fr draft RI rpt & floppy disc with database excerpts, w/o attchsGreg Cranham / Hargis & Assoc, IncSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory421503010830639-92260
1996/03/21Memo: Directions to Dames & Moore, w/map, agenda for 3/26/96 Montrose/Del Amo joint modeling mtg, distribution list, & fax TLs 3/21/96Dames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9421603010850639-92360
1996/03/21Memo: Transmits excerpts fr draft RI rpt & floppy disc with database excerpts, w/o attchs, w/TL to J DhontGreg Cranham / Hargis & Assoc, IncSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory421703010920639-92373
1996/03/22Record of interviews of Jim Suhrer, Montrose Chemical plant production foreman, conducted 6/2/95 & 3/22/96,by S Simanonok, J Dhont & J LyonsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-421803010950639-02177
1996/03/22Records of 6/2/95 interview & mtgs with J Suhrer, former Montrose plant foremanJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-421903011080639-03632
1996/03/22Mtg agenda: Hydraulic conductivity fields, Montrose/Del Amo hydrostratigraphic units, 3/28/96, w/marginalia & fax TL to J DhontTom Vinckier / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9422003011730639-92355
1996/03/22Memo: Request for additional sections of final draft focused feasibility study (FFS) for review & commentsEd Aul / Edward Aul & Assoc, IncDave Laney / Dames & Moore422103011770639-93143
1996/03/22Responses to preliminary comments fr S Smucker on baseline health risk assessment, waste pit area, w/attchs & marginaliaDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9422203011790639-94309
1996/03/25Ltr: Inspection of asphalt cap at siteJohn Heiser / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9422303011830639-92309
1996/03/26Oversize maps (4): Del Amo study area drafts, 3/25/96-3/26/96, used in development of gw model, 1 in = 600 ft (see finding aid)Dames & Moore-422403011850639-03807
1996/03/26Oversize drawings (5): Del Amo study area recovery data, figures 41U, 41X, 45, 47 & 50 (draft) - used in development of gw modelDames & MooreShell Oil Co422503011870639-03916
1996/03/26Additional responses to S Smucker preliminary comments on baseline health risk assessment, waste pit area, w/attchs & TL to J Rosati fr D LaneyDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9422603011980639-04890
1996/03/26Regional modeling mtg attendee list, w/handwritten note fr J Dhont re 3/18/96 conceptual workplan for joint Montrose/Del Amo modeling effortEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-422703012260639-92354
1996/03/26Oversize drawings (4): Del Amo study area drawdown data, figures 42U, 42X, 44 & 46 (draft) - used in development of gw modelDames & MooreShell Oil Co422803013600639-94179
1996/03/26Oversize drawings (2): Del Amo study area, lower Bellflower & Gage-Lynwood aquitards, figures 48 & 49 (draft) - used in development of gw modelDames & MooreShell Oil Co422903013670639-94180
1996/03/27Oversize drawings (6): Location of vertical hydraulic conductivity samples, Del Amo study area, 1st quarter 1996 - used in development of gw modelDames & MooreShell Oil Co423003013720639-03917
1996/03/27Mtg agenda (proposed): MW-20 modeling mtgEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-423103013850639-92353
1996/04/00Fact sheet: Workshop announcement - waste pits risk assessment (in English & Spanish)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-423203013870639-93329
1996/04/02Agenda items for mtg with EPA re Del Amo Respondents, w/draft schedule for gw remedy modeling discussions, faxed (joint gw model)Michael O'Bunnon / E O P GroupNancy Lindsay / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9423303013900639-92334
1996/04/05Ltr: Focused transport calibration for benzene sources, w/schedule, 3/26/96 flow/transport model mtg summary & pits/Hamilton Dutch map, joint gw modelJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9423403013930639-92328
1996/04/08Data validation rpt: Case #R96S26, RAP semi-volatiles for 3 water samples, collected 2/7-2/13/96, w/TL to J Dhont fr D RichmondDawn Richmond / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-423503014000639-02155
1996/04/08Memo: Transmits draft summary table of proposed sampling schedule & rationale for conference call re modificatin to gw monitoring plan, w/encl (faxed)Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9423603014120639-03492
1996/04/08Memo: Status of split sampling analytical data & LOE estimate for comparison, w/TLHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9423703014220639-92229
1996/04/08Memo: Dames & Moore will send modeling & data info, 4/16/96 mtgJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Steve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory423803014260639-94086
1996/04/0912 draft figs - vertical/horizontal hydraulic conductivity of upper/lower/middle Bellflower Aquitard, B&C-Sand & Mud, & Gage Aquifer (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-423903014280639-02218
1996/04/09Ltr: Transmits docs for comment, w/table of input parameters & revised table of lab hydraulic conductivity values, w/o draft maps (joint gw model)John Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9424003014520639-92327
1996/04/09Memo: Comments re conceptual workplan for joint modeling effort (Montrose/Del Amo), w/rtg slip to J Dhont fr D Draper, 4/15/96 (joint gw model)Steven Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9424103014580639-92329
1996/04/09Memo: Review & comments re Montrose & Del Amo conceptual workplan for joint modeling effort, w/fax TLs 4/10/96, (joint gw FS)Steven Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9424203014630639-92369
1996/04/09Memo: Review & comments re Montrose & Del Amo conceptual workplan for joint modeling effort, w/fax TLs 4/10/96 (joint gw FS)Steven Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9424303014690639-93341
1996/04/10Data validation rpt: Case #R96S26, RAP volatiles for 6 water samples, collected 1/31-2/1/96, w/TL to J Dhont fr D RichmondDawn Richmond / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-424403014750639-02156
1996/04/10Ltr: EPA response to request by Respondents for modifications to gw monitoring program, w/table (proposals & revisions to gw monitoring program)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co424503014940639-03230
1996/04/10Memo: Expansion of model domain & selection of boundary conditions, w/plate (gw model domain) (joint gw model)Ming Zhu / Dames & MooreAndrew Barnes / Dames & Moore424603015070639-92330
1996/04/11TL: 2/23/96 gw monitoring rpt, 3rd sampling period 1995, Del Amo study areaJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6424703015110639-93127
1996/04/12Draft NW corner soil sampling & analysis plan (SAP), w/TL to J Dhont fr J HeiserFrederick R McLaren Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9424803015130639-02160
1996/04/12Draft conceptual joint gw remedy scenarios (joint gw model)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-424903015460639-03497
1996/04/12Oversize drawings (3): Draft hydrogeologic cross sections, Del Amo study area, 1 in = 20 ftDames & Moore-425003015520639-03815
1996/04/12TL: Rev draft cross sections G-G', H-H' & K-K' & rev draft maps plotting distribution of hydraulic conductivity data - used in development of gw modelJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9425103015560639-91605
1996/04/12Slide presentation (paper copies) - conceptual joint gw remedy process (draft)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-425203015580639-92338
1996/04/12Map: Gw modeling - vertical hydraulic conductivity, upper Bellflower aquitard, Del Amo (draft)Dames & Moore-425303015670639-93301
1996/04/1515 draft figs - vertical/horizontal hydraulic conductivity - lower/mid/upper Bellflower Aquitard/B&C-Sand/Mud, & Gage/Lynwood aquifers (joint gw modelDames & Moore-425403015700639-02219
1996/04/17Memo: Transmits revised figs 51058 & 61-68, re vertical & horizontal hydraulic conductivity by Hydrostratigraphic unit, w/o enclJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreNatasha Raykhman / C H 2 M Hill425503016010639-93114
1996/04/19Memo: Request to review PRP documents - removal action workplan for JO"D" sewer cleanup (draft), 4/12/96, & NW corner soil SAP (draft), 4/12/96Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill425603016030639-92303
1996/04/22Technical memos: Del Amo oversight, drilling & well installation at MW-20 study area, conducted 4/11/96 & 4/17/96Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9425703016050639-03275
1996/04/22General framework, gw RA scenarios, simulations with joint regional gw model, Del Amo/Montrose joint modeling group, w/fax TL (joint gw model)Tom Vinckier / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9425803016100639-92331
1996/04/23Ltr: Transmits health & safety plan for vegetation control & debris removal, & notification that plan will be incorporated into RI/FS workplan, w/enclJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9425903016130639-03488
1996/04/23General framework, gw RA scenarios, simulations with joint regional gw model, Del Amo/Montrose joint modeling group (draft), w/fax TL (joint gw model)Tom Vinckier / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9426003016190639-92332
1996/04/24Memo: Comparison of data fr EPA oversight samples with Dames & Moore & Hargis data, 1995 3rd quarter gw monitoring, w/tables & TLHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9426103016220639-92230
1996/04/24Diagram: Joint gw remedial selection scheduleJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-426203016420639-92344
1996/04/24Diagram: Dissolved gw & hydraulic containment of NAPL for Del Amo & Montrose (joint site aspect)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-426303016440639-93335
1996/04/26Technical memos: Del Amo field oversight, drilling & well installation MW-20, aquifer testing of wells, conducted 2/96, 3/96, & 4/96, w/TLsHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeff Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9426403016460639-03164
1996/04/26Draft proposed methodology to estimate performance goals for individual compounds at Pits site - subsurface soils - migration to gw pathway, w/fax TLDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9426503016770639-03226
1996/04/29Ltr: Agreement to extend deadline for revised RI rpt submission to 5/10/96, ROD timing & RI revision issuesJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp426603016870639-92269
1996/04/30Data summary rpt measurement of emission rates & speciation of vapor phase contaminants from disturbed waste, Del Amo Waste Pit area, w/TL 4/30/96Dames & MooreShell Oil Co426703016900639-03161
1996/05/00Sequential Gaussion K-field color depiction (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-426803100010639-03495
1996/05/00Summary of TOC data, saturated zone (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-426903100290639-92333
1996/05/00Proposed schedule for joint gw FS rptMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-427003100330639-93256
1996/05/00Resource Conservation & Recovery Information System (RCRIS) rpt re Montrose Chemical, w/marginaliaResource Conservation & Recovery Information System-427103100360639-93383
1996/05/01Memo: Transmits updated gw modeling task schedule & notification that proposed mtg is tentatively scheduled for 5/30/96, w/schedule (faxed)Andrew Barnes / Dames & Moore-427203100400639-92352
1996/05/03Memo: Transmits draft agenda for 5/7/96 Del Amo/Montrose joint regional gw modeling mtg, w/agenda (faxed)John Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9427303100430639-92351
1996/05/03Ltr: Response to EPA proposed revised gw monitoring program, w/table re metal concentrations & TL to J Dhont fr J Dudley, 5/3/96Chuck Paine / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9427403100460639-93336
1996/05/03Review comments on NW corner soil SAP for former Montrose Chemical Plant (draft), 4/12/96, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati w/marginaliaC H 2 M Hill-427503100510639-94483
1996/05/04Map: Gw modeling - lithologic control locations, w/marginaliaDames & Moore-427603100570639-93302
1996/05/07Mtg agenda (draft): Joint regional gw modeling mtg, w/revised schedule, flow calibration plots & run F12C (joint gw model)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-427703100590639-02215
1996/05/10Ltr: Responds to 4/29/96 ltr re RI rpt & proposes revisions, w/attchFrank Bachman / Montrose Chemical CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9427803100810639-03324
1996/05/15DTSC comments on Draft NW corner soil SAP workplan including draft QAPP, w/TL to J Dhont fr G HolmesCA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control-427903100910639-92383
1996/05/23Ltr: Transmits draft working docs re joint regional gw modeling, w/status memo, parameter rationale & simulations (joint gw model)Thomas Vinckier / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9428003100940639-02216
1996/05/23Draft Del Amo/Montrose joint regional gw model - model simulations, w/marginalia (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-428103101280639-92370
1996/05/24EIR, Del Amo Blvd overcrossing at I-405 - historic property survey rptCA Dept of Transportation-428203101340639-03701
1996/05/30Mtg agenda: Joint gw modeling mtg (joint gw model)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-428303101840639-92321
1996/05/30Mtg agenda: Joint gw modeling mtg (joint gw model)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-428403101860639-92326
1996/05/31Table: Short-term & long-term performance standards (draft, for discussion), w/fax TL 5/31/96 to J Dudley fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-428503101880639-93110
1996/06/00Flow calibration plots, Run F21 (joint gw model)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-428603101910639-02217
1996/06/00Containment zone policy, final functional equivalent doc, amend of SWRCB resolution #92-49, policies re abatement of discharges under water code 13304CA Water Resources Control Board-428703102050639-03227
1996/06/00Transmits & summarizes docs on facility waste discharges, w/docs & supplement to request for industrial waste permitSteve Simanonok / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-428803105540639-03420
1996/06/03Memo: SVE beneath 1 series pitsRichard Haimann / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9428903105760639-94088
1996/06/04EIR, Del Amo Blvd overcrossing at I-405 - initial study/environmental assessmentCA Dept of Transportation-429003105790639-03702
1996/06/10Memo: Lists topics to be discussed at 6/18/96 joint regional gw modeling mtg (faxed)Tom Vinckier / Dames & MooreSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory429103106390639-92376
1996/06/10Memo: Lists topics to be discussed at 6/18/96 joint regional gw modeling mtg (faxed)Tom Vinckier / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9429203106410639-93149
1996/06/11Ltr: Proposed additional aquifer testing, Montrose site, Torrance, CA, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr D Hargis, 6/11/96 (joint gw model)David Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9429303106430639-92322
1996/06/11Ltr: Proposed additional aquifer testing, Montrose site, Torrance, CA (joint gw model)David Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9429403106480639-92323
1996/06/11Map: Gw modeling - benzene contours, water table zone, Del Amo, w/marginaliaDames & Moore-429503106520639-93303
1996/06/13Memo: Summary of field activities 6/4/96-6/12/96, w/TL header to J Dhont fr H NezafatiGabriel Silva / C H 2 M HillHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill429603106550639-92202
1996/06/14Ltr: Response to 6/11/96 ltr fr Hargis & Assoc re aquifer tests at wells BF-32A & BF-33 in support of gw modeling, Montrose (joint gw model)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp429703106580639-92320
1996/06/14Memo: Review of Proposed additional aquifer testing, by Hargis, 6/11/96, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati w/handwritten notePeter Mock / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9429803106650639-94484
1996/06/17Figures (9) - Del Amo benzene, p-CBSA, trichloroethane/tetrachloroethane, dichloroethane & vinyl chloride contours (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-429903106710639-03551
1996/06/17Oversize maps (12): Used in development of gw model, 1 in = 1200 ft (mapcase)Dames & Moore-430003106900639-03806
1996/06/17Maps: Gw modelingDames & Moore-430103106920639-93304
1996/06/18Draft water table sources (joint gw model)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-430203106970639-92335
1996/06/18Mtg agenda: Joint regional gw modeling mtgEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-430303107010639-92388
1996/06/19Ltr: Transmits EPA review comments on Draft NW corner soil SAP & QAPP, 4/12/96, w/attchJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp430403107030639-02200
1996/06/20Ltr: Project organization & responsibilities for Montrose/Del Amo sites gw FS, w/gw FS rpt outline, fax TL & marginalia, (joint gw FS)J Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9430503107110639-03521
1996/06/20Memo: Lists agreed upon 6/18/96 joint regional gw modeling mtg action items (faxed)Tom Vinckier / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9430603107210639-92357
1996/06/20Ltr: Project organization & project responsibilities for joint gw FS, w/fax TL, 6/20/96 (joint gw model)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9430703107230639-92365
1996/06/20Ltr: Project organization & project responsibilities for joint gw FSChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9430803107280639-92366
1996/06/20Ltr: Project organization & project responsibilities for joint gw FS, w/outline of gw FS rptJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9430903107320639-92367
1996/06/20Ltr: Project organization & responsibilities for Montrose/Del Amo sites gw FS, w/gw FS rpt outline, fax TL & marginalia (joint gw FS)J Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9431003107400639-92368
1996/06/24Mtg agenda: Montrose/Del Amo gw FS, w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-431103107500639-92284
1996/06/25Gw modeling source term definition (draft), w/attchs & marginalia (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-431203107530639-03560
1996/06/25Mtg agenda (draft): Montrose/Del Amo gw FS study mtg, w/ltr 6/20/96 to J Dhont fr J Morabito re project organization/responsibilities (joint gw model)McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-431303108460639-92364
1996/06/25Joint gw modeling - sign-in sheet for Del Amo/Montrose FS mtgEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-431403108570639-92389
1996/06/27Memo: Confirms technical direction re field oversight of removal action & review of modeling doc on sources fr Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill431503108590639-92304
1996/06/27Memo: Summary of mtg discussion/action items of 6/25/96 Montrose/Del Amo FS mtg, w/draft agenda, mtg attendees list, & fax TLJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corpmtg participants431603108610639-92315
1996/06/27Ltr: Transmits 6/27/96 draft (version #6) outline, Del Amo gw RI rpt, w/enclChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9431703108690639-93107
1996/06/28Ltr: Draft schedule for discussion & planning purposes, Del Amo gw investigations, joint FS, w/o encl (draft schedule)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9431803108750639-92345
1996/06/28Draft schedule for discussion & planning purposes - Del Amo gw investigations, joint FS & remedy selectionDames & Moore-431903108780639-93253
1996/07/00Pamphlet: Your health & Montrose siteDel Amo/Montrose Environmental Health Clinic-432003108800639-93385
1996/07/02Monthly inspection & maintenance rpts 5/95-7/96, w/TLs to J Dhont fr J KallokKallok Enterprises, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9432103108830639-02162
1996/07/03Workplan to conduct para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) treatability study (draft), w/TL to J Dhont fr J HeiserMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9432203109120639-03408
1996/07/05Memo: Review of focused health risk assessment contained in revised focused FS (FFS) rpt, w/marginaliaStanford Smucker / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Janet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9432303109450639-94310
1996/07/08Joint gw flow & contaminant transport model progress summary, w/tables 1-8, figures 1a-6e, marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr M Zhu (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-432403109470639-03552
1996/07/08Joint gw flow & contaminant transport model progress summary (revised), w/figures 3 & 7-8d & marginalia (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-432503110080639-03553
1996/07/08Memo: Request for review of p-CBSA treatability study workplan, 7/3/96Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill432603110200639-92305
1996/07/08Memo: Notification of 7/10/96 gw modeling team conference call, w/marginalia (faxed)Tom Vinckier / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9432703110220639-92358
1996/07/10Gw modeling - table 2, summary of K distribution (revised), for 7/8/96 progress summary on joint flow & transport model, w/TL fr M ZhuDames & Moore-432803110240639-93305
1996/07/10Detailed modeling schedule (draft)--432903110270639-93549
1996/07/15Ltr: Comments on 7/3/96 workplan to conduct para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) treatability study, w/TLsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp433003110300639-03350
1996/07/15Simulation criteria (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-433103110380639-93350
1996/07/15Review of State Water Resources Control Bd containment zone policyJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-433203110400639-94318
1996/07/17Model behavior & source characterization simulations (draft), w/marginalia (joint gw model)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-433303110430639-93351
1996/07/19FSP, NW corner of former Montrose Chemical plant, w/TL to J Dhont fr D Jones & S CarltonMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9433403110460639-02167
1996/07/19QAPP, NW corner of former Montrose Chemical plantMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-433503111280639-02168
1996/07/19Focused abstracts (5) for selected sections of pending Del Amo gw RI rpt (AOC #92-13), w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr C PaineDames & Moore-433603117040639-03409
1996/07/19Memo: Transmits group 5 text, chlorobenzene source terms & model behavior & source characterization simulations, w/attchs & TL (joint gw model)Roger Niemeyer / Hargis & Assoc, IncTom Vinckier / Dames & Moore433703117250639-03561
1996/07/22Regional gw model, general modeling scenarios (joint gw model)--433803117330639-93547
1996/07/24Results for volatile organic compounds analysis - case #R96S51, 4 water samples, w/TL to J Rosati fr B Bettencourt, 8/8/96Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 Laboratory-433903117360639-03918
1996/07/24Analysis of halogenated volatile organics by GC - chlorobenzene data to supplement removal action progress rpt 4, w/TL to J Dhont fr J Heiser, 7/26/96Valerie Brunell / Del Mar AnalyticalJohn Heiser / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp434003117430639-93257
1996/07/26Public health assessment (draft), w/8/21/96 draft pages & TL to J Rosati fr J RigganCA Dept of Health Services-434103117470639-03582
1996/07/29Memo: Review of FSP & QAPP for NW corner of former plant, w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr P TorreyHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9434203118510639-94506
1996/07/30Modification of Kv in LBF SW of Montrose (draft), w/attchs & marginalia (joint gw model)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-434303118550639-03558
1996/07/30CBT5 chlorobenzene sources table & concentration figures, w/marginalia (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-434403118800639-03562
1996/07/30SIM25 visual Modflow figures & graphs (draft) (joint gw model)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-434503118880639-03563
1996/07/30Deposition of Ferdinand Suhrer, v1 of 3, US v Montrose Chemical Corp, w/review of original deposition by deponent, 8/1/96 & exhibits 1 & 2Ferdinand Suhrer-434603119050639-03969
1996/07/30Mtg agendas (2): 7/31/96 joint gw FS mtg & Del Amo RI mtg (draft), w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-434703200010639-93308
1996/07/31Deposition of Ferdinand Suhrer, v2 of 3, US v Montrose Chemical Corp, w/exhibits 3 & 4Ferdinand Suhrer-434803200050639-03970
1996/07/31TL: Example 8080 data package for soil sampling project, w/TL to J Dhont fr B Amorfini, 8/1/97Bud Amorfini / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpArtemis Antipas / C H 2 M Hill434903202060639-92483
1996/07/31Attendance sheet for joint gw FS mtg--435003202090639-93309
1996/08/01Recommended modifications to EPA comments on focused feasibility study (FFS) rpt, w/EPA comments & marginaliaDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9435103202110639-03444
1996/08/01Deposition of Ferdinand Suhrer, v3 of 3, US v Montrose Chemical Corp, w/exhibit 5Ferdinand Suhrer-435203202190639-03971
1996/08/01Memo: Status of technical memo summarizing recommendations & rationale for changes to gw flow modelMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9435303204040639-93307
1996/08/02Technical memo: Rationale for changes to gw flow model - low Kv & aquitard mass issues, w/TL to J Dhont fr M Palmer & R Niemeyer (joint gw model)Roger Niemeyer / Hargis & Assoc, IncSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory435403204060639-03565
1996/08/02Memo: Discusses example 8080 data package review, w/attch (ltr to A Antipas fr B Amorfini, 7/31/96)Bud Amorfini / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9435503204140639-92484
1996/08/06On behalf of Del Amo Respondents, support for geometric mean approach to contour gw data in RI rpt, w/marginaliaDames & Moore-435603204170639-03443
1996/08/06Ltr: Response to EPA comments on para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) treatability study workplan, w/attchJohn Heiser / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9435703204450639-93258
1996/08/07Chlorobenzene & para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) source terms, w/TLs (joint gw model)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-435803204510639-03564
1996/08/07Ltr: Provides notice of proposed field activities for gw sampling & aquifer testing, w/TL to J Dhont fr M PalmerMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9435903204560639-92485
1996/08/07Ltr: Notice of field activities at Montrose site - gw samples & aquifer testingMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9436003204590639-93259
1996/08/07Memo: Transmits focused feasibility study (FFS) rpt wording & supplemental comments on EPA comments for conference call, w/encls & marginaliaDave Laney / Dames & MooreJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9436103204610639-93314
1996/08/13Abstract for section 4.0 of joint gw FS, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9436203204650639-03709
1996/08/13Memo: Transmits 8/14/97 technical memo re status of gw flow & transport model & revised table of chlorobenzene & p-CBSA source terms (joint gw model)Roger Niemeyer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9436303204730639-93352
1996/08/14Modeling results - F25 measured vs simulated heads & chlorobenzene concentrations, w/TL to J Dhont fr A Barnes & M Zhu (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-436403204780639-03566
1996/08/14TL: MBT method detection limit (MDL) study & detection limits for pesticide immunoassay testing, w/TL to J Dhont fr B Amorfini, 8/15/96Bud Amorfini / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpArtemis Antipas / C H 2 M Hill436503204940639-92487
1996/08/15Ltr: Request for access to Southern Pacific rail spur for soil sampling, w/TL to J Dhont fr B AmorfiniBud Amorfini / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9436603204970639-92486
1996/08/15Ltr: Modifications to contaminant distribution section of Del Amo gw RI, w/enclsChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9436703205010639-93260
1996/08/16Transport parameters selected for remedial simulations, w/TL fr M Zhu (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-436803205070639-93353
1996/08/19Ltr: Notice of field activity for gw & soil sampling, w/TL to J Dhont fr M PalmerMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9436903205110639-93188
1996/08/19Ltr: Notice of field activity at Montrose site - gw & soil samples at request of Latham & WatkinsMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9437003205140639-93261
1996/08/19Mtg agenda (draft): 8/22/96 joint gw modeling team, w/TL fr A BarnesDames & Moore-437103205160639-93262
1996/08/19Wording to replace 2nd paragraph under soil vapor extraction zone, EPA fax, w/TL to J Rosati fr D LaneyDames & Moore-437203205190639-93315
1996/08/19Memo: Review of FSP & QAPP for NW corner of former plant, w/marginaliaHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9437303205220639-94521
1996/08/20Draft language to insert in last paragraph of section 2.4.1, w/TL to J Dhont fr J DudleyDames & Moore-437403205250639-93316
1996/08/21Ltr: Notication Dames & Moore will use revised facsimile for transmission of info to EPA, w/TL to J Dhont fr J DudleyMichael Steuer / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9437503205280639-93146
1996/08/22Data validation rpt: Case #R96S51, 4 low level water samples, collected 6/5/96 & 6/6/96, w/TL to J Dhont fr D RichmondDawn Richmond / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9437603205310639-03397
1996/08/22Mtg agenda: 8/22/96 joint gw modeling team mtg, w/handouts (joint gw model)--437703205460639-03567
1996/08/23Copies of overheads presented in 8/22/96 modeling mtg, w/TL to J Dhont fr R Niemeyer (joint gw model)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-437803205600639-03568
1996/08/23Simulation results of no-action scenarios & benzene isolation zone scenario, w/TL to J Dhont fr M Zhu (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-437903205860639-03569
1996/08/26Memo: Daily field activity log for oversight activities, 8/14/96-8/19/96Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9438003206240639-92477
1996/08/27Memo: Comments on abstract for section 4.0 of joint gw FS, w/TL header to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 8/28/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9438103206270639-94070
1996/08/27Memo: Review of gw FS section 4 abstract, Montrose/Del Amo study area w/TL headerHooshang Nezfati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9438203206300639-94089
1996/08/28Containment zone & shrinkage zone scenarios, w/marginalia (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-438303206330639-93354
1996/08/28Memo: Review of response to EPA comments re p-CBSA (para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid) treatability study, McLaren/Hart, 8/6/96Hooshang Nezfati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9438403206380639-94090
1996/08/29Data validation rpt: Case #24743, memo #1, 8 low level gw samples, collected 6/5/97, 6/10/97 & 6/11/97, w/TL to J Rosati fr J BergesAdriane Scheele / Lockheed Martin Environmental ServicesEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9438503206410639-03403
1996/08/29Ltr: Intent to discharge gw at Montrose site & status of monitor well sampling, w/encl & TL to J Dhont fr M PalmerMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJosh Workman / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin Region438603206720639-93263
1996/08/30Ltr: Transmits data assessment & data validation supplement to 1/17/96 gw sampling data submittal, w/supplement, w/o amended laboratory analytical rptMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9438703206770639-03410
1996/08/30Maps (4): Benzene half-life distribution, Del Amo (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-438803206880639-03570
1996/08/30Ltr: Transmits data assessment & data validation suppl to 1/17/96 results, gw sampling data submittal, 10/95-12/95, & amended analytic rpt, w/attchsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Michael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, Inc438903206970639-03931
1996/08/30Draft table of contents, joint gw FSMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9439003207410639-92134
1996/08/30Mtg agenda (draft): Joint gw FS progress mtg, 9/4/96, w/TLs to J Rosati & J Dhont fr J Dudley (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-439103207460639-93355
1996/08/30Memo: Review of 8/96 transmittals fr Montrose & Del Amo re flow & solute transport model, w/TL header to J Dhont fr H Nezafati (joint gw model)Peter Mock / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9439203207500639-93356
1996/09/00Proposed outline for joint gw FS mtg between EPA & joint partiesEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-439303207520639-03706
1996/09/00Article: Ground water currents - chlorinated solvents biodegradation (Ground water currents, #16) w/marginaliaEnvironmental Protection Agency - Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Response-439403207590639-93267
1996/09/00Draft proposal - risk assessment for gwJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-439503207640639-93282
1996/09/02Draft list of figures, joint gw FSMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9439603207670639-92135
1996/09/04Mtg minutes: Gw modeling & FS mtg, w/TL fr M Schultheis, 9/9/96Dames & Moore-439703207690639-93264
1996/09/04Sign-in sheet for 9/4/96 joint gw FS progress mtg (joint gw model)--439803207740639-93357
1996/09/07Simulation results of group 3 runs for benzene & chlorobenzene, w/summary of well fields & TL to J Dhont fr M Zhu (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-439903207760639-03571
1996/09/09Memo: Summarizes oversight of field activities, including 9/4/96-9/5/96 aquifer tests at wells BF-33 & BF-32A, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 9/13/96Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9440003207900639-93191
1996/09/10Ltr: Comments on gw RI rpt section 4.0 abstract, joint gw FS & joint gw risk assessment, w/TLs to J Moribido & M Schultheis fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp440103207940639-03411
1996/09/11Ltr: Responds to 5/10/96 ltr re RI rpt & addresses schedule for completionJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp440203208020639-03323
1996/09/20Memo: Transmits draft comments on final focused feasibility study (FFS) & draft response to 9/4/96 ltr fr C Paine, w/attchsHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9440303208120639-03445
1996/09/20Ltr: Off-site access update for NW corner soil sampling, w/TLsDouglas Jones / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9440403208240639-93205
1996/09/20Ltr: Response to J Dhont ltr of 9/11/96 to F Bachman re RI rpt for site, w/fax TL to fr K LytzKarl Lytz / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)John Lyons / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9440503208290639-94421
1996/09/24TL: transmits VHS videotape documenting sediments in D31-D30 segment of JO"D" sewerJohn Heiser / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9440603208350639-92471
1996/09/24Memo: Announces 10/2/96 joint gw modeling team mtgJohn Dudley / Dames & Moore-440703208370639-93265
1996/09/26Memo: National Remedy Review Board (NRRB) progress update & operating procedures, w/fact sheet & TLs to M Palmer fr J Dhont, 1/24/97Stephen Luftig / Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Emergency & Remedial ResponseEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9440803208390639-03402
1996/09/27Ltr: Commitment to conduct SOW for baseline gw risk assessment at Del Amo site to support joint gw FS (AOC #92-13), w/attchChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9440903208500639-93266
1996/09/30Visual Modflow figures (10) - scenarios 3A3 & 3A5, 9/25/96-9/30/96 (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-441003208560639-03572
1996/10/01Review draft final RI, sections 2, 3 & 4 (text, tables & illustrations), w/TL to J Dhont fr M Palmer & A HalliburtonHargis & Assoc, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9441103208670639-03644
1996/10/02Amended SWRCB resolution #92-49, policies & procedures for inves & cleanup & abatement of discharges under water code sect 13304, w/TL fr E BabcockCA Water Resources Control Board-441203211400639-03526
1996/10/02Sign-in sheet for joint gw modeling/FS mtg (joint gw model)--441303211570639-93373
1996/10/03Montrose RI rpt appendices A-C, E & F (preliminary draft)Hargis & Assoc, IncMontrose Chemical Corp441403211590639-03674
1996/10/03Montrose RI rpt appendices D & G-J & section 1 air photos (preliminary draft), w/TL to J Dhont fr A HalliburtonHargis & Assoc, IncMontrose Chemical Corp441503215200639-03675
1996/10/03Memo: Summary of gw modeling mtg, including action itemsTom Vinckier / Dames & Moore-441603220630639-93268
1996/10/08Ltr: Transmits amended resolution #92-49 (State Water Resources Control Bd) w/enclChristine Bailey / CA Environmental Protection Agency-441703220650639-04786
1996/10/09EPA facilitative review comments of Montrose FS docs, w/TLsEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-441803220820639-03386
1996/10/10Draft Technical Memo: RCRA landfill closures case histories, BKK Landfill, West Covina, w/TL 11/13/96 (land-use)Timothy Laumakis / C H 2 M HillHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill441903300010639-04777
1996/10/15Model results (draft) - initial & projected MCB concentrations & containment zone, w/TL to J Dhont fr T Leo (joint gw model)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-442003300230639-03573
1996/10/18Modeling results for discussion in 10/30/96 conference call - RW31, w/TL to J Dhont fr T Leo, 10/29/96 (joint gw model)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-442103300520639-03576
1996/10/18Preliminary review draft RI, sections 1, 5 & 6 (text, tables & illustrations), w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr M Palmer & A HalliburtonHargis & Assoc, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9442203300740639-03645
1996/10/22Ltr: Transmits draft gw RI rpt, Del Amo study area (AOC #92-13) & distribution table, w/o rpt, w/tableChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9442303306090639-00224
1996/10/22Draft gw RI rpt, Del Amo, v1 of 3, text, tables & figures (AOC #92-13), w/TL to J Dhont fr C PaineDames & MooreShell Oil Co442403306120639-03313
1996/10/22Draft gw RI rpt, Del Amo, v2 of 3, appendices A-D (AOC #92-13)Dames & MooreShell Oil Co442503310620639-03314
1996/10/22Draft gw RI rpt, Del Amo, v3 of 3, appendices E-J (AOC #92-13)Dames & MooreShell Oil Co442603400010639-03315
1996/10/23TL: Planning, scope & methods docs pertinent to gw sampling & monitoring activities at Del AmoGib Fates / Dames & MooreLiza Finley / Environmental Protection Agency - Richmond Field Station442703411580639-93269
1996/10/25Del Amo Action Committee comments to public health assessmentSherry Chan / CA Dept of Health Services - Environmental Health Investigations Branch-442803411610639-04789
1996/10/25Table - monochlorobenzene (MCB) plume reduction scenario, 3A15 well field, hybrid approach, w/TL to J Dhont fr A Barnes, 10/30/96Hargis & Assoc, Inc-442903411930639-93270
1996/10/29Additional results of 3A15 well field, w/TL to J Dhont fr M Zhu (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-443003411960639-03574
1996/10/29Figures (9) - TCE/PCE plumes, 3A15 well field, w/TL to J Dhont fr M Zhu (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-443103412070639-03575
1996/11/01Ltr: Transmits scenario 3 results discussed in 10/30/96 conference call & results for 3CB18, 3CB19 & 3CB20, w/attchs (joint gw model)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Ming Zhu / Dames & Moore443203412180639-03577
1996/11/05Ltr: Follow-up on recent phone conversation re status of RI rpt, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr M Palmer, 11/6/96Michael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9443303412330639-93365
1996/11/06Model results (draft) for 11/7/96 conference call, w/TL to J Dhont fr T LeoHargis & Assoc, Inc-443403412360639-03423
1996/11/07Memo: Transmits 3A15 annual flushed pore volume & hydraulic dradient, w/encls (joint gw model)Ming Zhu / Dames & Moore-443503412640639-93358
1996/11/083A15 flushed pore volume plots (computer disc) & chlorobenzene plume reduction scenario 3 head drop, w/TL to J Dhont fr M Zhu (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-443603412690639-03578
1996/11/11TL: Computer disc containing sections 1.3 & 1.4 of RI rptAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9443703412730639-93370
1996/11/15Results for volatile organic compounds analysis - case #R97S04, low level water samples, w/TL to J Dhont fr B Bettencourt, 12/2/96Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 Laboratory-443803412750639-03404
1996/11/18Memo: Field oversight rpt - litigation support field activities by Hargis, including gw & soil samplingHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9443903412810639-03396
1996/11/19Ltr: Transmits annotated table of proposals & revisions to gw monitoring prog & annotated benzene concentration maps for water table zone, w/enclsGib Fates / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9444003412930639-03412
1996/11/19Road map to responses to RI comments, w/TL to J Dhont fr A HalliburtonHargis & Assoc, Inc-444103413090639-92488
1996/11/19Ltr: Approves revisions to 9/4/96 final focused FS (FFS), Del Amo waste pit areaJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9C Paine / Shell Oil Co444203413140639-94126
1996/11/20Health consultation - potential health impact due to emissions fr waste pits, w/rtg slipCA Dept of Health Services - Environmental Health Investigations Branch-444303413160639-03442
1996/11/22Memo: Transmits proposed revised gw FS outline & schedule of deliverables, w/encls & TL to J Dhont fr T Vinckier, 11/26/96Mark Schultheis / Dames & MooreJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp444403413400639-03413
1996/11/22Memo: Transmits ARARs comments on focused FS rpt, w/enclsDavid Laney / Dames & MooreJanet Rosati / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9444503413500639-94320
1996/11/25Ltr: Transmits final Del Amo & Montrose community relations plan (CRP), w/o computer disc, w/hard copyChristine Roberts / C H 2 M HillDavid Cooper / Environmental Protection Agency - Hazardous Site Control Div444603413560639-03585
1996/11/26Ltr: Permit application for construction/operation of an air stripper & thermal oxidizer at MW-20 LNAPL areaCynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co444703413960639-92967
1996/11/26Ltr: Conditionally approves FSP & QAPP for NW corner, gives notice to proceed on soil sampling & reiterates request to patch asphalt capJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp444803413990639-93192
1996/11/26Table of monitoring wells & chemical analyses for annual Del Amo gw monitoring event (AOC #92-13), w/TL to J Dhont fr C PaineShell Oil Co-444903414050639-93271
1996/11/26Ltr: Review of permit application for construction/operation of air stripper & thermal oxidizer at MW-20 LNAPL areaCynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co445003414100639-93311
1996/11/27Computer disc: RW35 extraction/injection well details, maps & estimated chemical characteristics of effluent water, w/printouts & TL (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-445103414130639-03579
1996/11/27Data validation rpt: Case #25065, memo #01, low level gw, collected 10/11, 15 & 16/96, w/TL to D Rodriguez fr J BergesDina David / Lockheed Martin CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9445203414210639-04780
1996/12/00Preliminary screening of remedial technology types & process options (draft) (joint gw model)Dames & Moore-445303414450639-93374
1996/12/00Handwritten Notes: Public mtg presentation (land-use)Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-445403414500639-94132
1996/12/00Supplement to proposed plan for cleanup of Del Amo waste pit areaDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-445503414570639-94325
1996/12/00Fact sheet: Community mtg on status of Del Amo/Montrose cleanup effort (in English & Spanish)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-445603414620639-94395
1996/12/00Original 1997 due dates for PRP version of joint gw FS--445703414650639-94418
1996/12/02Ltr: Transmits Spanish translation of Del Amo proposed plan w/plan on computer disc (WP 5.1) & paper copy, w/enclsGary Bippert / OMNI Interpreting & Translating NetworkDavid Cooper / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9445803414670639-04787
1996/12/02Memo: Announces 12/4/96 joint gw modeling & FS mtgJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9445903414880639-93272
1996/12/04Insertion (alternative paragraph) for section 7 of focused FS (FFS) w/TL & marginaliaDames & Moore-446003414900639-94125
1996/12/05Excerpt: Focused FS (FFS) Del Amo Waste Pit Area, w/TLDames & Moore-446103414930639-04770
1996/12/06Memo: Transmits insertions & replacements to proposed plan, w/encl & marginaliaJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9446203415200639-94321
1996/12/10Mtg agenda: Joint gw remedy mtg, 12/13/96, w/TLs to P Garcia & H Marley fr J Dhont, 12/9/96Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-446303415230639-93248
1996/12/10Memo: Position on para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA), w/TL to J DhontCA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionCA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin Region446403415270639-93283
1996/12/10Mtg agenda: Superfund site mtg, w/sign-in sheetEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-446503415290639-93362
1996/12/11Memo: Transmits draft table of contents & master schedule for proposed joint gw FS, w/encls & marginaliaJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9446603415320639-03425
1996/12/11Ltr: Transmits hard copy & computer disc (WP 5.0) of final draft of English to Spanish translation of proposed plan, w/enclsGary Bippert / OMNI Interpreting & Translating NetworkDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9446703415440639-04788
1996/12/11Ltr: Approves 9/4/96 final focused feasibility study (FFS) rptDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co446803415530639-93384
1996/12/12Gw monitoring rpt, 2nd sampling period 1996, Del Amo (AOC #92-13), w/TL to J Dhont fr C PaineDames & MooreShell Oil Co446903415560639-03421
1996/12/13Overheads, including agenda, for 12/13/96 joint gw remedy mtgCA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin Region-447003500010639-03424
1996/12/13Draft schedule for joint gw FS modeling & rpt deliverables, w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-447103500190639-93284
1996/12/16Memo: Interim FS schedule of deliverablesJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill447203500240639-94330
1996/12/16Proof of publication of public notice that EPA begins public comment period for waste pits proposed cleanup planNancy Green / Daily Breeze (Newspaper)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9447303500260639-94417
1996/12/17Memo: Draft review of 10/1/96 review draft final RI (sects 2, 3 & 4) & 10/18/96 preliminary review draft RI (sects 1, 5 & 6), w/marginaliaHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9447403500280639-03345
1996/12/18Memo: Review of 10/22/96 draft Del Amo gw RI rpt (draft), w/attchs & TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 12/24/96Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9447503500460639-03435
1996/12/18Risk assessment issue paper for para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA), w/TL to J Dhont fr S SmuckerEnvironmental Protection Agency - National Center for Environmental AssessmentStanford Smucker / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9447603500620639-94092
1996/12/19Method detection limit (MDL) study for immunoassay screening test for DDT in NW corner soil, w/TLsC L S LabsMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp447703500680639-03347
1996/12/19Ltr: Question re para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) plume, w/o responsesAlan Youkeles / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9447803500880639-94071
1996/12/24Memo: Transmits review of public comments on HRS package & summary p fr HRS documentation record, w/attchsGary Yao / Bechtel Environmental, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9447903500900639-92140
1996/12/30Memo: Review of 10/22/96 draft Del Amo gw RI rpt, w/attchs (mw-20)Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9448003500960639-03437
1996/12/30Memo: Review of responses to EPA comments on draft Montrose RI rpt (superseded)Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9448103501110639-03770
1996/12/30Memo: Del Amo gw sampling field auditLiza Finley / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9448203501300639-93298
1996/12/31Memo: Figures referenced in CH2M Hill 12/18/96 review of responses to EPA comments on draft Montrose RI rpt, w/attchsAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, Inc-448303501340639-03768
1996/12/31Memo: Comments on Del Amo gw monitoring rpt, 2nd sampling period 1996, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 1/2/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9448403501420639-94508
1997/00/00Draft revised Montrose RI rpt, pt 1 of 3C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9448503501460639-04762
1997/00/00Draft revised Montrose RI rpt, pt 2 of 3, physical characteristicsC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9448603504570639-04765
1997/00/00Draft revised Montrose RI rpt, pt 3 of 3, nature & extent of contaminationC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9448703505860639-04766
1997/01/00National Remedy Review Board (NRRB) progress rpt for fiscal year 1996, w/TL fr B Means, 12/19/96Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Emergency & Remedial Response-448803506860639-03406
1997/01/00Fact sheet: Public mtg for comments on proposed cleanup plan for waste pitsEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-448903507480639-91759
1997/01/03Ltr: Results of aquifer testing at Montrose, 9/4/96-9/6/96, w/attchsMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9449003507510639-03426
1997/01/03Revised abstracts for sections 1.0-3.0 of joint gw FS, w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9449103507610639-03707
1997/01/06Gw risk assessment approach for combined plumes, w/TLsMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-449203507770639-03427
1997/01/06Table indicating corrected scope for annual Del Amo gw monitoring event, w/TL to J Dhont fr E WeaverDames & Moore-449303507850639-93273
1997/01/07Memo: Para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) at siteJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Alan Youkeles / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9449403507900639-94093
1997/01/08Rough draft response to final installment EPA comments on draft Del Amo gw RI rpt, w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr J DudleyDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9449503507940639-03764
1997/01/09Figure 5.2 of joint gw FS, w/fax TLsMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9449603508060639-03708
1997/01/09Ltr: Review of 12/12/96 Del Amo gw monitoring rpt, 2nd sampling period 1996 (AOC #92-13)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co449703508130639-93285
1997/01/09Headers for RI - 5.0, nature & extent of contamination, w/TL to A Halliburton fr J Dhont, 1/10/97C H 2 M Hill-449803508160639-93364
1997/01/09Technical memo: Suggested remedial action objectives (RAOs) for joint FS rpt, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 1/10/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9449903508210639-94072

1997/01/10Data validation rpt: Case #R97S04, 5 low level water samples, collected 10/11/96, w/TL to J Dhont fr D RichmondDawn Richmond / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9450003508240639-03398
1997/01/10Notes on supporting comments fr 12/18/96 review of responses to EPA comments, Montrose RI, for conference call, w/marginalia & TL fr A HalliburtonAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, Inc-450103508240639-03767
1997/01/10Ltr: Request for proposed state ARARs for joint gw remedyJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Peter Garcia / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control450203508510639-93249
1997/01/12Technical memo: Proposed methodology for final ecological risk assessment, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 1/17/97Harry Ohlendorf / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9450303508540639-03338
1997/01/12Mtg agenda: EPA revised version of joint gw FS, w/handoutsEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-450403508700639-03723
1997/01/12Technical memo: Proposed methodology for final ecological risk assessment, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 2/18/98Harry Ohlendorf / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9450503508810639-04920
1997/01/13Technical memo: Comments on abstracts for sections 1 to 3 & figure 5-2 of joint gw FS, w/attch & TLs, 1/24/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9450603508970639-03436
1997/01/13Sample draft RI tables showing analytical methods for soil & gw samples, w/TL to J Dhont fr A HalliburtonHargis & Assoc, Inc-450703509070639-93561
1997/01/141st installment EPA comments on 10/22/96 draft Del Amo gw RI rpt (AOC #92-13), w/TL to C Paine fr J Dhont, 1/14/97Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Shell Oil Co450803509110639-03383
1997/01/14Ltr: Discusses status of joint FS study, FS & ROD sched, National Remedy Review Board & gw risk assessment issues (AOC #85-04 & AOC #92-13), w/TLsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp450903509270639-03384
1997/01/14Mtg agenda: EPA revised version of joint gw FS, w/handoutsEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Montrose Chemical Corp451003509380639-03753
1997/01/14Technical memo: Remaining tasks for review of draft RI rpt, w/draft RI p 2-36 & TL to J Dhont fr J Dolegowski, 1/16/97John Dolegowski / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9451103509490639-94067
1997/01/15Abstract for section 6.0 & table 6.1 of joint gw FS, w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9451203509540639-03385
1997/01/15Abstract for section 6.0 & table 6.1 of joint gw FS, w/marginalia & TLs to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9451303509620639-03710
1997/01/17Ltr: Transmits draft interim data submittal, tables & figures of final joint gw model & model simulations, w/enclsAndrew Barnes / Dames & MooreSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory451403509710639-03414
1997/01/17Summary of remedial wellfield simulations (draft), w/TL to S Acree fr T Leo, 1/20/97Hargis & Assoc, Inc-451503511590639-03415
1997/01/17Memo: Review of responses to EPA comments on draft Montrose RI rpt (revised)Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9451603514500639-03769
1997/01/17Ltr: Response to 1/9/97 ltr re EPA comments on 1/12/96 Del Amo gw monitoring rpt, 2nd sampling period, 1996 (AOC #92-13)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9451703514690639-93250
1997/01/22Abstract for section 7 & tables 7-1, 7-2, 7-2a, 7-3 & 7-3a of joint gw FS, w/marginalia & TLsMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9451803514720639-03711
1997/01/22Modified draft response to final installment EPA comments on draft Del Amo gw RI rpt, w/TL to J Dhont fr E WeaverDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9451903514840639-03763
1997/01/22Table for gw RI comments, w/fax TL to J Dudley fr J Dhont--452003514910639-93242
1997/01/22Map: Hydraulic isolation zone plot for C-Sand (draft), w/TL to S Acree fr T LeoHargis & Assoc, Inc-452103514950639-93251
1997/01/23Memo: Comments on 1/9/97 immunoassay method detection limit (MDL) study, NW corner sampling, w/TL to J Dhont fr H NezafatiHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9452203514980639-93381
1997/01/24Ltr: Workplan to conduct para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) carbon treatability study, w/attch & TLsDouglas Jones / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9452303515010639-03387
1997/01/24Technical memo: Field oversight of MW-20 extraction system pilot testing - installation of new treatment system components, w/attchHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9452403515140639-93318
1997/01/24Memo: National remedy review board statementJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp452503515170639-94095
1997/01/28Ltr: Discusses EPA position on recovery/treatment of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) & evaluates whether existing NAPL docs can serve as FSJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp452603515190639-02323
1997/01/28Abstract for section 8.0 & tables 8-2 & 8-2a of joint gw FS, w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9452703515270639-03712
1997/01/29Mtg agenda: Proposed plan public comment mtg, w/handwritten notes, overheads & handoutsDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-452803515360639-04907
1997/01/29Presentation visuals for public mtg on waste pitsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-452903515550639-93319
1997/01/30Cost estimates for Del Amo RA alternatives, gw FS, w/TL to J Dhont fr M SchultheisDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9453003515580639-03714
1997/01/31Article: Demonstration of cleanup technology for liquids yields promising results (BNA Environment Reporter, v27, 2012-3), w/TL fr S O'Rourke, 2/10/97Environment Reporter-453103515670639-92474
1997/02/01Proposed plan information fr Simpson Environmental, w/TLsSimpson Environmental-453203515710639-02117
1997/02/04Draft interim submittal, joint gw model remedial simulation results, w/TL to J Dhont fr M ZhuDames & Moore-453303517430639-03416
1997/02/04Memo: Additional review of potentiometric gw elevation countour cross sections in draft Del Amo gw RI rpt, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 2/5/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9453403519980639-94509
1997/02/052nd installment EPA comments on 10/22/96 draft Del Amo gw RI rpt (AOC #92-13), w/TL to C Paine fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Shell Oil Co453503520020639-93243
1997/02/05Memo: Request for memo documenting review of natural attenuation arguments of gw RI for Del AmoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Steve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory453603520070639-94096
1997/02/06Ltr: Discusses & transmits draft model results for Montrose/Del Amo, w/attchsTimothy Leo / Hargis & Assoc, IncSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory453703520090639-03715
1997/02/06Ltr: Transmits request for environmental monitoring to assess exposures of residents living adjacent to Del Amo/Montrose sites w/encl (health)Dean Baker / Univ of California, IrvineWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry453803520330639-04782
1997/02/06Ltr: Announces 2/25/97-2/26/97 interagency/stakeholder mtg, w/2/4/97 ltr fr Del Amo Action Committee supporting partnershipWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease RegistryMichael Montgomery / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9453903520650639-93306
1997/02/06Memo: Supplementary forecast 2/17/97 - 2/28/97 w/TL (MW-20)John Dudley / Dames & MooreDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9454003520690639-94124
1997/02/06Ltr: Announces 2/25/97-2/26/97 interagency/stakeholder mtgWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease RegistryDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9454103520720639-94202
1997/02/11Ltr: Comments on potentiometric elevation cross-section contours in draft gw RI, w/attch & fax TL to J Dudley fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9John Dudley / Dames & Moore454203520750639-93244
1997/02/12Memo: Review of cost estimates for Del Amo gw remedial alternatives, w/TL headerHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9454303520790639-94098
1997/02/13Public comments to waste pits proposed plan, 12/11/96-2/13/97, including 1/29/97 public mtg transcript & notes-Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9454403520810639-02114
1997/02/14Memo: Comments on draft gw model summary & simulation resultsSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9454503522060639-91326
1997/02/19Ltr: Transmits risk assessment approach & preliminary results for joint gw risk calculations, w/attchsDouglas Jones / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9454603522110639-03724
1997/02/19Memo: Comments on chapter 6, contaminant fate & mobility, of draft gw RI rpt, w/rtg slip to J Dhont fr D DraperSteven Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Research & DevelopmentJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9454703523710639-93274
1997/02/19Mtg agenda: Interagency/stakeholder partnering workshop, 2/25/97 & 2/26/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr W NelsonUS Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry-454803523750639-93388
1997/02/20Health consultation - infant health implications of breastfeeding when considering maternal serum DDT levelsCA Dept of Health Services-454903523790639-03543
1997/02/21Memo: Del Amo field oversight of gw monitoring prog, 3rd period 1996 sampling event, 10/11/96-10/16/96, w/attch & TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 2/24/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9455003523950639-03388
1997/02/21Ltr: Proposed scope of model sensitivity analysis for joint gw model, w/attch & TL to J Dhont fr R NiemeyerDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9455103524030639-03428
1997/02/21Section 5.0 of joint gw FS, w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9455203524130639-03716
1997/02/21Figures - monochlorobenzene (MCB) concentration contours, w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr N RaykhmanC H 2 M Hill-455303524920639-93275
1997/02/21Remedial action objectives (draft), w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-455403524980639-93286
1997/02/24Montrose natural attenuation study (phase I), w/errors ltr, 3/10/97, & TL to J Dhont fr F Bachman, 4/9/97A Gray / Zeneca IncMontrose Chemical Corp455503525010639-03678
1997/02/24Remedial action objectives (RAOs) & possible alternatives for eastern benzene, w/TLs to M Schultheis & J Morabito fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-455603525390639-93287
1997/02/24Email: Assessment of para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA), w/forward to J Dhont fr S SmuckerHarlal Choudhury / Environmental Protection Agency - National Center for Environmental AssessmentStanford Smucker / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9455703525440639-93367
1997/02/25Ltr: Reviews McDonnell Douglas final phase 2 subsurface inves, phase 2 FSP & workplan for post remediation confirmation soil sampling (file 100.315)J Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMichael Young / Integrated Environmental Services455803525460639-93234
1997/02/25Ltr: Modification to sampling locations, NW corner sampling program, w/TL to J Dhont fr J HeiserDouglas Jones / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9455903525520639-93380
1997/02/25Mtg agenda (draft): Review of phase 1 RI & potential areas for phase 2 RI work, 2/27/97, w/fax TL to D Rodriguez fr J DudleyDames & Moore-456003525560639-94212
1997/02/26Method detection limit (MDL) study for immunoassay analysis for DDT in soil, w/TLs to J Dhont fr S Carlton, 3/7/97Inchcape Testing Services Environmental Laboratories-456103525590639-02324
1997/02/27Data validation rpt: Case #25274, memo #1, 2 low level gw samples for volatiles, collected 1/17/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr J BergesMargaret May / Lockheed Martin Environmental ServicesEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9456203525660639-03400
1997/02/27Quarterly project mtg handouts, including list of key RI docs, criteria for eval of deep soil gas profiles & 6 figs (phase 2 RI)Dames & Moore-456303600010639-04872
1997/02/27Figures - benzene concentration contours for 3/97 draft joint gw FS, w/marginaliaDames & Moore-456403600160639-93276
1997/02/27RI rpt distribution list, w/TL to J Dhont fr M PalmerHargis & Assoc, Inc-456503600190639-93363
1997/02/28Ltr: Status & performance summary for MW-20 hydraulic extraction pilot program (AOC 92-13) w/attchsChuck Paine / Shell Chemical CoCynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9456603600220639-03316
1997/02/28Ltr: Conceptual plan for dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) testing & evaluation in support of FS, w/TL to J Dhont fr D Hargis & M PalmerMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9456703600510639-03326
1997/02/28Memo: Comments on draft Del Amo gw RI rpt, w/TLs to J Dhont fr P Garcia, 3/21/97Kim Christmann / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlPeter Garcia / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control456803600600639-03417
1997/02/28Memo: Comments on 10/22/96 draft gw RI rpt, w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr P Garcia, 3/21/97Kim Christmann / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlPeter Garcia / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control456903600720639-03661
1997/02/28Ltr: Conceptual plan for additional testing & evaluation of DNAPL in support of DNAPL FS, MontroseDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9457003600830639-03771
1997/02/28Technical memo: Review of Del Amo/Montrose numerical model & preliminary simulation results, w/marginalia (mw-20)Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9457103600910639-92136
1997/03/00Hydrous pyrolysis/oxidation, in-ground thermal destruction of organic contaminants (American Institute of Chemical Engineers Spring Mtg, 3/10-12/97)Kevin Knauss-457203600970639-03792
1997/03/00Dumping pump & treat, rapid cleanups using thermal technology (American Institute of Chemical Engineers Spring Mtg, 3/10-12/97)Robin Newmark-457303601200639-03793
1997/03/03Ltr: Imminent schedule deadlines & DTSC activities related to gw OU RODJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Peter Garcia / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control457403601470639-93288
1997/03/03Ltr: Recommendation for gw cleanup standard for para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) [file #100.315]J Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionHamid Saebfar / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control457503601510639-93289
1997/03/05Section 6.0 of joint gw FS, w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9457603601530639-03713
1997/03/06Results for volatile organic compounds analysis - case #R97S20, low level water samples, w/TL to J Dhont fr B Bettencourt, 3/10/97Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 Laboratory-457703601690639-03405
1997/03/06Cost estimates for CB/B plume alternatives, gw FS, Montrose, w/TLs to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9457803601760639-03717
1997/03/06Sensitivity analysis of benzene transport model (draft), w/TL to J Dhont fr M ZhuDames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9457903601850639-93277
1997/03/07Ltr: Detailed description of state ARARs not addressed in 12/10/96 final focused FS (FFS) rpt (ROD file)Haissam Salloum / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9458003601890639-94312
1997/03/10Memo: Response to inquiry on voucher dated 3/3/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9458103601940639-92049
1997/03/11Ltr: Per EPA verbal approval, commencing work on sensitivity analysisMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9458203601960639-93290
1997/03/13Public health assessmentCA Dept of Health Services-458303601980639-02319
1997/03/13Mtg agenda (draft): EPA/Montrose monthly status mtg, 3/19/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr M PalmerHargis & Assoc, Inc-458403603400639-93360
1997/03/13Briefing on dual-site gw OU remedy in preparation for 4/22/97-4/23/97 National Remedy Review Board (NRRB) mtg (mw-20)-Keith Takata / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9458503603440639-94073
1997/03/14Remedial action objectives (RAOs) for joint gw FS, w/TLs to J Dhont fr J MorabitoJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-458603603510639-93291
1997/03/16Memo: Update of QAPP specifications w/TL headerArtemis Antipas / C H 2 M HillHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill458703603560639-94099
1997/03/17Ltr: Finalized review of draft phase 2 FSP for McDonnell Douglas C-6 facility, w/o attchs (file 100.315)J Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMichael Young / Integrated Environmental Services458803603580639-93235
1997/03/17Memo: Field oversight activities during site investigation of NW corner, 3/10/97-3/13/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9458903603610639-93382
1997/03/18Memo: Studies on p-CBSA (para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid) w/TL headerLouise Brogan / Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Research & DevelopmentStanford Smucker / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9459003603640639-94100
1997/03/19TEG mobile laboratories field inspection rpt, w/attchs & TL to M Stavale fr J RossCA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin Region-459103603660639-03349
1997/03/19Revised text of operational history & stormwater pathway sections of draft Montrose RIEnvironmental Protection AgencyMontrose Chemical Corp459203603950639-03676
1997/03/19Revised text of chapter 5 of draft Montrose RI - source discussion modifications & additionsEnvironmental Protection AgencyMontrose Chemical Corp459303604820639-03677
1997/03/19Cost estimates for 104 gpm extraction alternative, gw FS, Del Amo, w/TL to J Dhont fr M SchultheisDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9459403604900639-03718
1997/03/19Mtg agenda: EPA/Montrose monthly status mtg, w/10/30/72 aerial photo, fig 1-6NHargis & Assoc, Inc-459503604980639-93361
1997/03/20Operational history section of RI rpt (draft), w/TL to K Lytz fr J Dhont--459603605050639-03636
1997/03/22Ltr: Setting up 1st mtg of steering committee (partnering), w/fax TL to D Rodriguez fr C Babich, 3/23/97Cynthia Babich / Del Amo Action Committee-459703605120639-94203
1997/03/24Ltr: Transmits interpretive rpt for 2/25-2/26 Del Amo/Montrose community interagency partnering mtg & stakeholders list, w/attchs & storyboard notesWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease RegistryMichael Montgomery / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9459803605150639-03419
1997/03/24Memo: Comments on additional testing & evaluation of DNAPL in support of DNAPL FS, Montrose site, w/TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 3/31/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9459903605380639-93562
1997/03/24Memo: Comments on additional testing & evaluation of DNAPL in support of DNAPL FS, Montrose (e-mail version)Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9460003605420639-93564
1997/03/24Memo: National Remedy Review Board (NRRB) deliberation checklistJohn Kemmerer / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9460103605450639-94510
1997/03/25Ltr: Transmits docs re chlorinated compounds in soil & gw at Amoco Chemical Co & Trico Industries (AOC #92-13), w/attchs & marginaliaChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9460203605480639-00237
1997/03/25Memo: Transmits Remedy Review Board position paper on Del Amo gw remedy & technology cost estimates, w/enclsMark Schultheis / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9460303605830639-03418
1997/03/25Preliminary draft cancer risk & non-cancer hazard index calculations for B-Sand benzene plume, w/TL to J Dhont fr J KesterDames & Moore-460403605910639-03719
1997/03/25Ltr: Response to request for information re state determination for DDT-contamination soils & sediments, w/enclsGreg Holmes / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlMichael Montgomery / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9460503606280639-93371
1997/03/26Ltr: Comments on condition of gw problem & remedy (corrected version), w/initial version & TLsCynthia Babich / Del Amo Action CommitteeJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9460603606320639-03429
1997/03/26Comments on 2/11/97 draft workplan to conduct treatability study for removal of DDT-impacted sediment fr portion of JO"D" line, w/TL to J HeiserEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp460703606390639-92059
1997/03/27Statements fr Del Amo Action Committee, Del Amo Respondents & Montrose Chemical, w/regional gw source map--460803606440639-03432
1997/03/27Memo: Review of proposed scope of model sensitivity analysisSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9460903606640639-92137
1997/03/27Memo: Montrose sensitivity analysesSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9461003606670639-94101
1997/03/27Ltr: Requests feedback on conference overview & discusses steering committee mtg on 4/2/97 (partnering)Cynthia Babich / Del Amo Action Committee-461103606690639-94206
1997/03/31Data validation rpt: Case #25295, memo #1, 7 low level gw samples, collected 1/27/97, 2/4/97 & 2/5/97, w/addition & TL to J Dhont fr J BergesAdriane Scheele / Lockheed Martin Environmental ServicesEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9461203606710639-03401
1997/03/31Remedial action objectives (RAOs), w/TL to J Morabito & D Jones fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-461303607030639-93292
1997/03/31Memo: Transmits 10/96 schematic of Montrose plant & surrounding property & 10/1/68 cross section of Kenwood Ave drain, south segment, w/attchsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Peter Torrey / C H 2 M Hill461403607060639-94507
1997/04/00National Remedy Review Board (NRRB) information package for dual site gw OUJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-461503607120639-03433
1997/04/00Map: Plant surface drainage, figure 1.11 (draft), w/TL to J Dhont fr P Torrey, 5/27/97C H 2 M Hill-461603607700639-92112
1997/04/00Flier - recent evidence of people exposed to hazardous substances at Superfund sitesUS Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry-461703607740639-93202
1997/04/00Fact sheet: Workshop announcement - gw study results (in English & Spanish)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-461803607770639-93294
1997/04/01Internal deadlines for remaining sections of FS, w/marginalia & TLsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-461903607800639-92103
1997/04/01Drawing: Mock-up of treatment trains w/TL to H Nezafati fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-462003607860639-94358
1997/04/02Tables & map of wells in Montrose/Del Amo study area, w/TL to J Dhont fr G Fates, 4/21/97Dames & Moore-462103607890639-03392
1997/04/02Table of Montrose documents for RI operations historyJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-462203608030639-03772
1997/04/04Draft joint gw FS, w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoHargis & Assoc, IncMontrose Chemical Corp462303608180639-03329
1997/04/04Remedial action objectives (RAOs), w/marginalia & TLs to J Dudley & J Morabito fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-462403613120639-93293
1997/04/07Ltr: Deadline for draft joint gw FS, w/TLsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp462503613160639-03430
1997/04/07Remedial action objectives, w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-462603613260639-93278
1997/04/08EPA comments on Del Amo draft gw RI rpt requiring discussion, w/TL to J Dhont fr G FatesDames & Moore-462703613290639-93245
1997/04/08Memo: Approves proposed change to remedial action objectives (RAOs)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9J Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp462803613340639-93295
1997/04/10Data validation rpt: Case #R97S20, 5 low level water samples, collected 1/16/97 & 1/27/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr D RichmondDawn Richmond / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9462903613360639-03399
1997/04/143rd installment EPA comments on 10/22/96 draft Del Amo gw RI rpt (AOC #92-13), w/TLsEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Shell Oil Co463003613510639-03391
1997/04/14Ltr: Transmits 3rd installment EPA comments on draft Del Amo gw RI rpt & summarizes EPA actions with respect to each comment, w/o enclJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Peter Garcia / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control463103613600639-93252
1997/04/15Mtg agenda (draft): Del Amo phase 2 RI planning mtg #2, 4/17/97-4/18/97, w/sign-in sheets & fax TLs fr J DudleyDames & Moore-463203613650639-93246
1997/04/15Table 8-2, process option cost factors for CB/B plume (draft), w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-463303613720639-93279
1997/04/16Ltr: Transmits requested background docs, w/encls & fax TLJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Karl Lytz / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)463403613750639-03341
1997/04/16Table 8-2, process option cost factors for CB/B plume & B plume (draft), w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-463503613970639-93280
1997/04/16Mtg agenda: Dual site OU for gw, EPA-state of CA mtg, 4/17/97, w/attendee list & TL to P Garcia fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-463603614000639-93296
1997/04/17Presentation for public workshop on gwJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-463703614040639-03431
1997/04/17Overheads for public workshop on gw, w/TL to C Babich fr J Dhont, 5/14/97Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-463803614390639-03662
1997/04/17Invoice: Matrix visual solutions, w/TL fr J Dhont to M Embree 4/21/97Matrix Visual SolutionsKim Russart / C H 2 M Hill463903614580639-92056
1997/04/17Sign-in sheet for dual site OU for gw, EPA-state of CA mtg--464003614610639-93297
1997/04/20Memo: Literature review re biological degradation of monochlorobenzene (MCB), joint gw FS, w/marginalia & TL header, 4/21/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9464103614630639-94076
1997/04/20Memo: Biodegradation of MCB (monochlorobenzene) w/TL headerHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9464203614670639-94102
1997/04/21Revised draft of operational history of Montrose plant for RI/FS, w/marginalia & TLs to J Lyons & J Dhont fr S CaseLatham & Watkins (Attorneys)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9464303614710639-03773
1997/04/22Ltr: Review of 2/28/97 status & performance summary for MW-20 hydraulic extraction pilot program (AOC #92-13) (mw-20)Cynthia Wetmore / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co464403615260639-93247
1997/04/23TL: Health consultation - infant health implications of breastfeeding when considering maternal serum DDT levels & public health assessmentWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease RegistryDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9464503615290639-94134
1997/04/24Ltr: Issues raised by C Babich re Montrose public health assessmentSherry Chan / CA Dept of Health Services - Environmental Health Investigations BranchJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9464603615310639-92117
1997/04/25Ltr: Transmits 4/3/97 steering committee mtg minutes & discusses next mtg, w/attch, marginalia & TL, 4/28/97Cynthia Babich / Del Amo Action CommitteeWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry464703615330639-03663
1997/04/25Ltr: Transmits 4/3/97 steering committee mtg minutes & interpretive rpt & announces 6/16/97 partnership mtg, w/o rpt, w/minutes & mailing listWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry-464803615410639-03664
1997/04/25Ltr: Response to comments in 12/11/96 DTSC ltr on 9/4/96 draft focused FS (FFS) rpt, w/o attch, w/marginalia & fax TL (ROD file)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9464903615570639-04891
1997/04/25Ltr: Response to comments in 12/11/96 DTSC ltr on 9/4/96 draft focused FS (FFS) rpt, w/o attch (ROD file)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9465003615640639-94313
1997/04/28Draft supplement to joint gw risk assessment (found in 4/93 final draft PHEE), w/TL to J Dhont fr D SheltonC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency465103615700639-03680
1997/04/28Ltr: State ARARs, waste pit area, w/marginalia & TL header to D Rodriguez fr G Conti (ROD file)CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control-465203617450639-94518
1997/05/00Draft joint gw risk assessment, w/marginaliaMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpMontrose Chemical Corp465303617500639-03795
1997/05/00Article: Natural attenuation - in situ methods are viable way of remediating soil & gw (Environmental protection, pp 25,28-29)Deborah Tremblay / Environmental Protection AgencyPeter Feldman / Environmental Protection Agency465403621970639-94332
1997/05/01Montrose Chemical rewrite of chapter 5 of draft Montrose RI - source discussion modifications & additions, w/marginalia & TL fr S CaseMontrose Chemical CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency465503622010639-03681
1997/05/01Memo: re inquiry on monthly progress rpt for 3/97Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9465603622090639-92048
1997/05/02TL: Montrose Chemical proposal for natural attenuation study for monochlorobenzene (MCB)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Steve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory465703622110639-93281
1997/05/02Fig 7.4.1-1, missing fr 4/25/97 response to comments in 12/11/96 DTSC ltr on 9/4/96 draft FFS rpt, w/TL to D Rodriguez fr C Paine (ROD file)Dames & Moore-465803622130639-94314
1997/05/05Memo: Transmits draft TL for final Del Amo gw RI rpt & draft response to comments package (AOC #92-13), w/attchsJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9465903622160639-03393
1997/05/06Revised table 5 for draft supplement to joint gw risk assessmentC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency466003622610639-93574
1997/05/07Notes on proposed ARARs fr DTSC, w/marginalia (ROD file)Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-466103622630639-94519
1997/05/13Proposal for expanded study of natural attenuation, Montrose (draft), w/TLsZeneca IncFrank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp466203622680639-03679
1997/05/13Summary table of 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) results for gw, w/TL to J Dhont fr G FatesDames & Moore-466303622830639-93570
1997/05/14Memo: Review of chlorobenzene sulfonic acid data, w/TL to J Dhont fr S SmuckerHarlal Choudhury / Environmental Protection Agency - National Center for Environmental AssessmentStanford Smucker / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9466403622860639-92094
1997/05/15Mtg agenda: MW-20 hydraulic extraction treatability test (mw-20)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-466503622880639-92095
1997/05/16Draft joint gw FS, v1 of 2 (text, tables & figures), w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr J Morabito & S GametteHargis & Assoc, IncMontrose Chemical Corp466603622900639-03647
1997/05/16Draft joint gw FS, v2 of 2 (appendices)Hargis & Assoc, IncMontrose Chemical Corp466703700010639-03648
1997/05/16Focused shallow soil gas investigations, Metlife property, parcel #7351-33-24, w/TL to D Rodriguez fr C Paine (phase 2 RI)Dames & Moore-466803706830639-03673
1997/05/16Revisions to wastewater section 1.3.11 of draft Montrose RI, w/marginalia & TL to K Lytz fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Montrose Chemical Corp466903706930639-03682
1997/05/16Compact disks (2): Draft joint gw FS (media cabinet)Hargis & Assoc, IncMontrose Chemical Corp467003707050639-03805
1997/05/19Memo: Transmits 3/1/96 data summ pkg for Met Life property & discusses focused shallow soil gas investigations, w/attch & marginalia (phase 2 RI/FS)Gib Fates / Dames & MooreDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9467103707070639-03660
1997/05/19Ltr: Describes & transmits 3.5 in computer discs containing draft version of joint gw FS, w/attchsSean Gamette / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9467203707180639-03783
1997/05/19Figures 5 & 6 & table 4-3 re DDT immunoassay at NW corner of former facilityMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-467303707270639-93869
1997/05/20Ltr: Transmits disc containing joint gw FS appendix B & section 4 tables & figures, & list of tables & figures, w/o disc, w/listMing Zhu / Dames & MooreHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill467403707330639-03665
1997/05/20Memo: Discusses & transmits rewrite for RI rpt, w/o attchJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Steve Case / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)467503707420639-92104
1997/05/20Mtg agenda (proposed): Torrance monthly project mtg, 5/21/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr P SundbergMontrose Chemical Corp-467603707440639-92107
1997/05/21Memo: Information re NY State Dept of Environmental Conservation (DEC) guidance on selection of RAs, w/attchJohn Kemmerer / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9467703707470639-92105
1997/05/22Ltr: Approves request presented in soil stockpile rpt for parcel A, rpt #2, at McDonnell Douglas C-6 facilityJ Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMichael Young / Integrated Environmental Services467803707490639-92109
1997/05/22Ltr: Approves request presented in post-remedial excavation confirmation sample rpt for parcel A, rpt #2, at McDonnell Douglas C-6 facilityJ Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMichael Young / Integrated Environmental Services467903707510639-92111
1997/05/23Preliminary analysis of CA ARARs for proposed joint gw remedy, w/TLs to J DhontCA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9468003707530639-03775
1997/05/23Ltr: Transmits compact disc of draft tables & figures for joint gw FS, & table of contents, w/o disc, w/table of contentsRoger Niemeyer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9468103707610639-03784
1997/05/27Memo: Montrose Corp not using NY State Dept of Environmental Conservation (DEC) guidance on selection of RAs, w/attchJohn Kemmerer / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9John Lyons / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9468203707810639-92106
1997/05/30Ltr: Approves request presented in soil stockpile rpt for parcel A, remedial excavation #5, at McDonnell Douglas C-6 facilityJ Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMichael Young / Integrated Environmental Services468303707840639-92110
1997/06/02Deposition of Bernard Bratter, v1 of 3, USA v Montrose Chemical Corp, w/exhibits & indexBernard Bratter-468403707860639-00633
1997/06/03Deposition of Bernard Bratter, v2 of 3, USA v Montrose Chemical Corp, w/exhibits & indexBernard Bratter-468503709840639-00634
1997/06/03Ltr: Proposed initial investigation for Del Amo soil & NAPL RI (AOC #92-13), w/D Rodriguez handwritten notes & fax TL (phase 2 RI)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9468603710910639-03961
1997/06/03TL: Draft supplement to joint gw risk assessmentHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillGloria Conti / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control468703711000639-92118
1997/06/03Memo: Comments on additional testing & evaluation of DNAPL, MontroseSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9468803711020639-93563
1997/06/04Deposition of Bernard Bratter, v3 of 3, USA v Montrose Chemical Corp, w/exhibits & indexBernard Bratter-468903711050639-00635
1997/06/04Ltr: Discusses & transmits results of para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) activated carbon treatability study, w/attchDouglas Jones / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9469003713510639-03657
1997/06/06Ltr: Status of gw monitoring program with respect to sampling & analyses of metals (AOC #92-13)Chuck Paine / Shell Chemical CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9469103714200639-92119
1997/06/06Ltr: Status update for gw monitoring program & proposal to begin annual gw sampling frequency (AOC #92-13)Chuck Paine / Shell Chemical CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9469203714230639-92120
1997/06/13Granular activated carbon-fluidized bed reactor (GAC-FBR) bench-scale treatability study, w/TL to J Dhont fr D JonesMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9469303714260639-02043
1997/06/13Soil FS outline (draft), w/TLs to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-469403719350639-03666
1997/06/13Ltr: Response to 2/28/97 ltr re additional testing of DNAPL in support of DNAPL FS, w/TLsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp469503719430639-03667
1997/06/16Mtg agenda: Del Amo/Montrose partnership mtg, 6/16/97, w/handoutsDecker Assoc-469603719500639-03672
1997/06/16Mtg agenda (tentative): Torrance monthly project mtg, 6/18/97, w/TLs fr P SundbergMontrose Chemical CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9469703719900639-92108
1997/06/17Mtg agenda (tentative): Torrance project monthly mtg, 6/18/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr P SundbergLatham & Watkins (Attorneys)-469803719940639-94550
1997/06/18Mtg agenda: Torrance project monthly mtg, 6/18/97Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9469903719970639-92122
1997/06/19Ltr: Proposal to abandon well SWL0045Chuck Paine / Shell Chemical CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9470003719990639-92121
1997/06/20Draft response to comments on draft Del Amo gw RI rpt (AOC #92-13), w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr J Dudley, 12/11/97Shell Oil CoEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9470103720010639-03765
1997/06/24Memo: National Remedy Review Board (NRRB) recommendations on Montrose & Del Amo, w/TL to J Kemmerer fr R Norris, 7/1/97Bruce Means / Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Solid Waste & Emergency ResponseKeith Takata / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9470203720480639-94512
1997/06/26Draft results of sensitivity analysis for joint gw flow & contaminant transport model, w/TL to J Dhont fr D HargisHargis & Assoc, Inc-470303720520639-03659
1997/06/30Listing of data EPA has collected on Del Amo site in response to request by Partners Group, w/TL to W Nelson fr D RodriguezEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9William Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry470403721170639-03688
1997/06/30Quality assurance management plan, to be appended to RI/FS workplan dated 2/25/93Quanterra, IncDames & Moore470503721270639-03894
1997/07/00Maps (81): Sampling results & locations, 1983-95, figures 5.1-5.82 (map dates 1986-7/97)Hargis & Assoc, IncMontrose Chemical Corp470603800010639-03921
1997/07/00Notes re info missing fr gw FS rptJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-470703801610639-92144
1997/07/00Mtg minutes: Summary rpt of clean up sources & relocation sub-group, 6/16/97 mtg (partnering)--470803801660639-94200
1997/07/02Proposed NAPL screening investigations, soil & NAPL RI, w/summary matrix table, flow chart & TL to D Rodriguez fr G FatesDames & MooreShell Oil Co470903801700639-03721
1997/07/03Mtg agenda: P-CBSA mtg, 7/8/97, w/fax TL fr P GarciaCA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control-471003802680639-92123
1997/07/08Ltr: Transmits comments on joint gw FS & suggested annotated outline, w/o outline, w/commentsHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9471103802710639-03725
1997/07/08Mtg agenda (draft): Del Amo soil & NAPL RI planning mtg #3, 7/10/97, w/earlier drafts, 7/7/97 & 6/20/97, & fax TLs (phase 2 RI)Dames & Moore-471203802930639-04877
1997/07/09Memo: Review of natural attenuation study for monochlorobenzene (MCB) & supplemental workplan, w/marginaliaSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9471303803040639-03722
1997/07/09Memo: Review of natural attenuation study for monochlorobenzene (MCB) & supplemental workplan, w/TL to H Nezafati fr J DhontSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9471403803130639-03819
1997/07/09Memo: Tentative mtg agenda for 7/15/97 joint gw FS mtgHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9471503803230639-92125
1997/07/10Ltr: 7/22/97 sub-group mtg schedule & transmits 6/16/97 partnership mtg summary & working draft sub-group mtg minutes, w/attchsCynthia Babich / Del Amo Action Committee-471603803250639-03720
1997/07/10Draft of operational history of Montrose plant for RI/FS, w/TLs fr S CaseLatham & Watkins (Attorneys)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9471703803370639-03774
1997/07/10Draft operational history section for Montrose RI/FS, w/marginalia & TLsLatham & Watkins (Attorneys)-471803803940639-03919
1997/07/10Memo: Monochlorobenzene (MCB) studySteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - Robert S Kerr Environmental Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9471903804510639-94121
1997/07/15Ltr: Transmits rapid optical screening tool (ROST) & cone penetrometer test summ rpt, & lists docs re NAPL screening investigs, w/encl (phase 2 RI)John Dudley / Dames & MooreDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9472003804530639-03683
1997/07/16Soils risk assessment approach, w/TL to J Dhont fr D JonesMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp - ChemRisk Div-472103804780639-03776
1997/07/18Computer discs (3) & hardcopy version of additional documentation supporting TI waiver for gw at Del Amo site (AOC #92-13), w/TL to J Dhont fr C PaineShell Oil CoEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9472203804850639-03726
1997/07/23Technical memo: Comments on granular activated carbon fluidized bed reactor (GAC-FBR) bench-scale treatability study, w/TL, 7/28/97Ken Martins / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9472303805080639-03728
1997/07/23Memo: Telephone call fr J Morabito re Montrose gw risk assessment discHildegard Parvex / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9472403805190639-92126
1997/07/24FSP, NAPL screening investigation, soil & NAPL RI (AOC #92-13), w/TL to D Rodriguez fr C Paine (phase 2 RI)Dames & MooreShell Oil Co472503805210639-03684
1997/07/25Memo: Requests review of 7/24/97 FSP, NAPL screening inves, soil & NAPL RI, & transmits FSP & referenced docs, w/o attchs (phase 2 RI)Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9David Taylor / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9472603806250639-93566
1997/07/28Ltr: Investigation of historical stormwater pathway fr former Montrose facility, Kenwood ditch, w/attch & TL to J Dhont fr S CarltonStephen Carlton / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9472703806270639-03685
1997/07/28Technical memo: Summarizes & transmits checklists for joint gw FS rpt electronic files, w/attchsHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9472803806370639-03727
1997/07/28Memo: Upcoming conference call for Del Amo/Montrose community exposures & health subgroup (partnering)Tere Brown-472903806700639-94201
1997/07/30Memo: Summary of progress in preparation for joint gw FS rpt revision, w/TL headerHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9473003806720639-92145
1997/07/31Memo: Comments on joint gw FS appendix B, w/TL to H Nezafati fr J Dhont, 10/14/97Steve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9473103806740639-93565
1997/07/31Memo: Additional examples re joint gw FS (JGWFS)Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9473203806800639-94103
1997/08/04Ltr: Transmits 7/22/97 subgroup mtg minutes, 7/25/97 partners list & EPA list of Del Amo site data, w/attchsWilliam Nelson / US Dept of Health & Human Services - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry-473303806820639-03686
1997/08/04Memo: Comments on rpt of sensitivity analysis, MontroseSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9473403807080639-93569
1997/08/04Memo: In situ thermal desorption (presentation) w/TL headerJim Steed / Terra, Inc-473503807100639-94104
1997/08/05Water quality standards, establishment of numeric criteria for toxic pollutants for CA, proposed rule (Federal Register, v62, #150, pp 42160-42208)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-473603807130639-03920
1997/08/06Ltr: Missing electronic versions of figures & tables, draft joint gw FS rpt, w/fax TLsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp473703807640639-03729
1997/08/06Memo: Summary of VOC (volatile organic compound) issueHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9473803807710639-94106
1997/08/07Memo: Agenda for 8/7/97 mtgHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9473903807760639-94105
1997/08/11ROC: Discharge to storm drain option for Del Amo siteJohn Lovenburg / C H 2 M HillJosh Workman / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin Region474003807780639-92127
1997/08/13Ltr: Transmits table 4-1 & zip computer disc of tables & figures for draft joint gw FS, w/attchsMark Schultheis / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9474103807800639-03785
1997/08/14Ltr: EPA disapproval & takeover of draft joint gw FS, w/TLs fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp474203807900639-03730
1997/08/18ROC: Sanitary sewer discharge option for Del Amo siteJohn Lovenburg / C H 2 M HillDavid Samboli / Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts474303808290639-92128
1997/08/18Memo: Comments on field sampling plan (FSP) for NAPL screening investigation, soil & NAPL RI (phase 2 RI)David Taylor / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9474403808320639-94213
1997/08/18Memo: Comments on field sampling plan (FSP) for NAPL screening inves, soil & NAPL RI, w/marginalia notes fr 8/19/97 conference call (phase 2 RI)David Taylor / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9474503808380639-94214
1997/08/18TL: EPA comments on 7/24/97 field sampling plan (FSP), NAPL screening investigation, soil & NAPL RI (phase 2 RI)Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co474603808450639-94215
1997/08/19Memo: Likelihood intrinsic biodegradation of monochlorobenzene (MCB) will affect selection of remedial alternative for gw (draft), w/fax TLRichard Haimann / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9474703808470639-03758
1997/08/19Mtg agenda (draft): Torrance monthly project mtg, 8/20/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr P SundbergMontrose Chemical Corp-474803808620639-92146
1997/08/20Technical memo: Topography & surface runoff history, southwestern portion of Del Amo study area, 1924 to present, w/TL to J Dhont fr C PaineDames & MooreShell Oil Co474903808650639-03656
1997/08/21Memo: Comments on field sampling plan (FSP) for NAPL screening investigation, soil & NAPL RI (phase 2 RI)David Taylor / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9475003808920639-94216
1997/08/22FSP, NAPL screening investigation, soil & NAPL RI, phase 2 RI (AOC #92-13), w/TL & response to EPA commentsDames & MooreShell Oil Co475103808980639-02118
1997/08/22Gw monitoring rpt, 3rd sampling period 1996 & 1st sampling period 1997, Del Amo (AOC #92-13), w/TL to J Dhont fr C PaineDames & MooreShell Oil Co475203810170639-03649
1997/08/22Ltr: Transmits updated compact disc of tables & figures for draft joint gw FS, & cross-reference table, w/o disc, w/tableRoger Niemeyer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9475303814330639-03786
1997/08/22TL: Review draft RI, MontroseDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9475403814400639-92138
1997/08/27Ltr: Response to Del Amo Respondents requests re gw monitoring program & abandonment of well SWL0045, w/fax TL to J Dudley fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co475503814430639-92129
1997/08/27Ltr: Additional data requested for FS discussion of benzene TI waiver at Del Amo siteJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co475603814470639-92130
1997/08/28Memo: Technologies remaining after screening for effectiveness, implementalbility & costHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9475703814500639-94107
1997/08/28Memo: Identification & screening of technologies & process options in FSHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9475803814530639-94108
1997/08/28Memo: Temporary well point gw sample - preliminary results fr source area 12, w/fax TL to D Rodriguez fr J Dudley, 9/2/97 (phase 2 RI, NAPL screening)Joanne Heffleger / V O C Analytical Laboratories, IncSteve Cole / Dames & Moore475903814570639-94218
1997/08/29Memo: Comments on revised field sampling plan (FSP) for NAPL screening investigation, soil & NAPL RI (phase 2 RI)David Taylor / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9476003814600639-04878
1997/08/29Memo: Assumptions re inorganic & organic chemical concentrations in extracted gw for design & cost estimation of B Plume gw treatment system (GWTS)Jude Francis / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9476103814680639-92148
1997/08/29Suggested edits for F Bachman MCB biodegradation ltr, w/TL to J Dhont fr R HaimannRichard Haimann / C H 2 M Hill-476203814710639-94074
1997/08/29Ltr: Approves 8/22/97 revised field sampling plan (FSP), NAPL screening investigation, soil & NAPL RI, w/o attch (phase 2 RI)Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co476303814750639-94217
1997/09/02Ltr: B Bratter changes to 6/2/97-6/4/97 deposition transcripts, w/attchsLinda Brangwynne / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)-476403814770639-03968
1997/09/03EPA/CH2M Hill joint gw FS mtg, 9/3/97 - summary of mtg notes affecting section 3Davi Richards / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9476503814870639-94075
1997/09/04Memo: Progress rpt on Montrose/Del Amo FSHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9476603814910639-94109
1997/09/05Ltr: Review of record of decision (ROD) for waste pit area - state concurrence with EPA selected remedy #4Nennet Alvarez / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlJohn Kemmerer / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9476703814940639-94316
1997/09/05Memo: Discusses & transmits FSP/QAPP, DNAPL evaluation, w/o attchJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Vance Fong / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9476803814980639-94514
1997/09/10Info packet re initial findings, ROST profiles at gw contamination source areas 6, 11 & 12, w/TL fr E Weaver (phase 2 RI, NAPL screening)Dames & Moore-476903815000639-03731
1997/09/10Ltr: Summarizes & transmits comments on 5/97 draft joint gw risk assessmentJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp477003815490639-03732
1997/09/10Ltr: Position on intrinsic biodegradation of monochlorobenzene (MCB) in gw at Montrose & review of unsolicited study proposals, w/additional commentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp477103815610639-03733
1997/09/10TL: Info packet re initial findings, ROST profiles at gw contamination source areas 6, 11 & 12, w/marginalia (phase 2 RI, NAPL screening)Erich Weaver / Dames & MooreDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9477203815870639-94219
1997/09/11TL: Discharge options table w/TL headerHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9477303815890639-94110
1997/09/11Press Release EPA approves plan to clean up site (ROD file)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-477403815910639-94315
1997/09/15Discussion draft for section 1, joint gw FS, w/TL to H Nezafati fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-477503815930639-03759
1997/09/15Ltr: 9/25/97 partnership mtg postponed, steering committee mtg that day insteadCynthia Babich / Del Amo Action Committee-477603816000639-92092
1997/09/15Mtg agenda (draft): Torrance monthly project mtg, 9/17/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr P SundbergMontrose Chemical Corp-477703816020639-92147
1997/09/16Ltr: Evidence of NAPL & proposed boring locations, gw contamination source areas 6, 11 & 12 (phase 2 RI)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9477803816050639-92149
1997/09/17Ltr: Invitation to 9/29/97 mtg re Lockheed Martin Corp & requests assistance in formation of Consultative Work Group, w/TL header to J Dhont fr C YenYolanda Garza / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control-477903816080639-92115
1997/09/19Ltr: 8/27 ltr response & transmits detailed hydrostratigraphy, upper Bellflower aquitard & mid Bellflower B-Sand (joint gw FS app E attch 1), w/attchChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9478003816110639-03689
1997/09/19Memo: 9/22/97 joint FS mtg agenda, w/marginaliaHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9478103817460639-92116
1997/09/24Draft risk assessment for on-property & off-property soilsMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpMontrose Chemical Corp478203817480639-03895
1997/09/24Ltr: Use of material prepared by McLaren/Hart for draft joint gw FS, w/fax TLJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9478303821180639-92150
1997/09/24Memo: Request for additional info on joint gw FS (JGWFS)Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9478403821220639-94111
1997/09/24TL: Draft risk assessment for on-property & off-property soilsMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpMontrose Chemical Corp478503821240639-94440
1997/09/25TL: Technical memo - topography & surface runoff history, southwestern portion of Del Amo study area, 1924 to presentJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreFrank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp478603821260639-93575
1997/09/29Memo: Comments on draft SAP, including FSP & QAPP, for DNAPLMichael Mahoney / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9478703821280639-03779
1997/09/29Memo: Preparation of draft agenda for technical mtg & transmits Hargis production schedule for RI appendices, w/attch & fax TLPaul Sundberg / Montrose Chemical CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9478803821350639-92139
1997/09/30Ltr: Transmits 9/22/97 additional data submittal ltr & addresses item 5 of 8/27/97 ltr (AOC #92-13), w/attchChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9478903821400639-92151
1997/10/00Ltr: Transmits 9/25/97 steering committee mtg minutes & 10/29/97 partnership mtg agenda, w/attchsCynthia Babich / Del Amo Action Committee-479003821450639-92163
1997/10/01Ltr: Transmits figures & spreadsheets requested by N Raykhman in 9/26/97 memo, joint gw FS (AOC #92-13), w/attchsChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9479103821510639-03800
1997/10/02Ltr: Responds to 9/24/97 ltr re use of material prepared by McLaren/Hart for draft joint gw FSJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9J Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp479203821620639-92152
1997/10/03Memo: Comments on FSP & QAPP, DNAPLSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9479303821650639-92153
1997/10/06Slip sheet for appendix H of RI rpt sent 10/3/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr A HalliburtonHargis & Assoc, Inc-479403821680639-92154
1997/10/09Mtg agenda (draft): Montrose soil/DNAPL FS technical mtg, 10/15/97, w/TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-479503821710639-92155
1997/10/13Memo: Brief list of general alternative components that trigger ARARsHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9479603821750639-94112
1997/10/14Mtg agenda (draft): Conference call - Montrose soil/DNAPL FS technical mtg, w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr J MorabitoMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp-479703821770639-92156
1997/10/15Memo: Review of 8/22/97 review draft RI, MontroseHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9479803821800639-03780
1997/10/17Ltr: Confirms request for electronic version of draft RI rpt, Montrose siteJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Paul Sundberg / Montrose Chemical Corp479903821940639-92157
1997/10/20Technical rationale re impracticability of additional remediation of water table plume, Montrose, w/marginalia & attchs (figures only)Hargis & Assoc, Inc-480003821980639-03781
1997/10/22Ltr: No comments on response to comments on parcel A, phase 2 soil characterization for McDonnell Douglas Realty Co C-6 facilityJ Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMichael Young / Integrated Environmental Services480103822050639-92158
1997/10/22Memo: Verifies guidance document on data quality objectives, w/attchMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9480203822070639-92159
1997/10/22Memo: Visit to PTS Laboratory to review Dames & Moore soil core lab procedures for project, w/TL to D Rodriguez fr N Jensen, 12/31/97 (phase 2 RI)Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9480303822100639-94220
1997/10/24Draft agenda for DNAPL FS conference call, 10/28/97, w/conference call instructions & TL to J Dhont fr M PalmerHargis & Assoc, Inc-480403822140639-92160
1997/10/27TL: Regional QA/QC guidances for preparation of FSPs & QAPPs, w/fax TLsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Michael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, Inc480503822180639-92161
1997/10/29Ltr: Technical concerns re Hargis submittal of information re hydraulic containment in upper Bellflower aquitardJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp480603822230639-92162
1997/10/30Comments on FSP & QAPP for dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) evaluation, w/TLsEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Montrose Chemical Corp480703822270639-03735
1997/10/31TL: Literature re hydrous pyrolysis/oxidationJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Michael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, Inc480803822380639-92164
1997/11/00Draft joint gw risk assessment, w/marginaliaMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpMontrose Chemical Corp480903822400639-03797
1997/11/04Draft table 4-5, identification & initial screening of technology types & process options for treatment of COCs, joint gw FS, w/TL fr H NezafatiC H 2 M Hill-481003824350639-03760
1997/11/06Ltr: List of retained technologies in gw FSJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Gloria Conti / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control481103824510639-92165
1997/11/07Draft figures 2-1 to 2-29 for joint gw FS, 4/2/97 & 11/7/97Hargis & Assoc, Inc-481203824550639-03801
1997/11/08Memo: Response to gw FS document requestMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9481303825130639-94113
1997/11/12Memos: Community relations activities updates for Del Amo/Montrose for periods 10/13/94-3/4/96 & 7/11/96-11/11/97Christine Roberts / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9481403825150639-03114
1997/11/12Ltr: Confirmation of proposed environmental activities associated with Kenwood ditch, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr D JonesDouglas Jones / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9481503826430639-03736
1997/11/12Ltr: Status of source area borings & physical testing program (AOC #92-13), w/attch (phase 2 RI, NAPL screening)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9481603826500639-04879
1997/11/13Ltr: Comments on 11/12/97 McLaren Hart ltr re Kenwood ditch investigation, w/TL to D Jones & J Morabito fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp481703826580639-92166
1997/11/17TL: Detailed hydrostratigraphy, upper Bellflower aquitard & middle Bellflower B-Sand, gw contamination source areas (AOC #92-13)John Dudley / Dames & MooreHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill481803900010639-92167
1997/11/18DNAPL information submission, w/TL to J Dhont fr R NiemeyerHargis & Assoc, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9481903900030639-03897
1997/11/18Agenda for DNAPL FS conference call, 11/19/97, w/marginalia, conference call instructions & TLs to J DhontHargis & Assoc, Inc-482003902360639-92169
1997/11/19Figure re TI waiver at C-Sand, Del Amo, w/TL to H Nezafati fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-482103902410639-92168
1997/11/21Memo: Comments on 10/22/96 draft Dames & Moore Del Amo gw RI rpt, w/marginalia (privileged, FOIA ex 5)John Lyons / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 - Office of Regional CounselJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9482203902440639-03761
1997/11/24TL: Computer disc containing additional figures for draft joint gw FS rptMing Zhu / Dames & MooreHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill482303902460639-93568
1997/11/25Ltr: Transmits draft RA objectives for DNAPL FS, listing of remedial technologies, & table of data uses & limitations, w/marginalia, attchs & TLMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9482403902480639-03737
1997/11/25Response to EPA & DTSC comments on draft joint gw risk assessment, w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr R RichterMontrose Chemical CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9482503902570639-03782
1997/11/26Memo: Transmits excerpts fr draft joint gw FS for review of proposed TI waiver & discusses ARAR issues, w/attchsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Alan Youkeles / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9482603902720639-03739
1997/11/26Explanation of significant differences to National Remedy Review Board (NRRB) information package, dual site gw OUJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-482703904560639-94513
1997/11/28TL: Draft joint gw FS rptHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9482803904600639-94123
1997/12/00Montrose joint gw FS appendix B, gw modeling results (draft)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9482903904620639-03904
1997/12/01Draft joint gw FS rptC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9483003906740639-04763
1997/12/02Final installment comments on draft Del Amo gw RI rpt (AOC #92-13), w/TLsEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-483103913880639-03738
1997/12/03Ltr: Correction of deficiencies in 12/2/97 McLaren Hart monthly inspection rpt, w/fax TL to J Morabito fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Paul Sundberg / Montrose Chemical Corp483203913960639-92171
1997/12/06Declaration of David Hargis, USA v Montrose Chemical Corp, w/attchDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncUS District Court - Central District of California483303913990639-03740
1997/12/07Declaration of David Hargis in support of defendants opposition to plaintiff motion for partial summary judgment, USA v Montrose Chemical CorpDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncUS District Court - Central District of California483403914100639-03750
1997/12/07Memo: Sensitivity analysisMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9483503914560639-94114
1997/12/08Joint gw FS section 10, detailed analysis & comparison of alternatives (draft), w/marginalia & fax TL to J Dhont fr H NezafatiC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9483603914590639-04921
1997/12/12Draft agenda for DNAPL FS conference call, 12/16/97, w/marginalia, conference call instructions & TL to J Dhont fr M PalmerHargis & Assoc, Inc-483703914960639-92170
1997/12/15Section 10 of joint gw FS (JGWFS) - detailed analysis & comparison of alternatives (draft) w/TLC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9483803915000639-04790
1997/12/18Comments on revised draft joint gw risk assessment, w/TLs fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-483903915350639-03751
1997/12/19Memo: Update to pre-project activities & transmits 12/8/97 project planning mtg minutes, w/o coordinator rpt, schedule, map & agenda, w/minutesMitch Clark / Environmental Chemical CorpPaul Apodaca / US Army Corps of Engineers - Los Angeles District484003915480639-03754
1998/00/00Figures 6.3-1a to 6.3-4b for Del Amo gw RI rpt - benzene concentrations as a function of distance fr sourceDames & Moore-484103915560639-00144
1998/00/00Draft table 10-1 of joint gw FS (JGWFS)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9484203915650639-04818
1998/01/06Interim drafts & comments for various sections of joint gw FS during development, 7/31/97-1/6/98, w/marginaliaJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-484304000010639-02047
1998/01/06Ltr: A Antipas request to review documents at Federal Records Center (FRC)ChereAmie Bischoff / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Edmund Kelly / US National Archives & Records Administration - Federal Records Center (San Bruno)484404003840639-92131
1998/01/07Memo: Review of DNAPL information submissionSteve Acree / Environmental Protection Agency - National Risk Management Research LaboratoryJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9484504003860639-92172
1998/01/07Mtg agenda: Scope of work for Kenwood investigation & 204th St removal, w/sign-in sheet & marginaliaEnvironmental Chemical Corp-484604003890639-92175
1998/01/08Ltr: Notice of disapproval & takeover of Montrose RI rpt (order 85-04 as amended)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp484704003920639-03752
1998/01/08Montrose RI redline version, section 1, introduction, w/TL & marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9484804004050639-04793
1998/01/08Mtg agenda (draft): Torrance monthly project mtg, 1/14/98, w/TL to J Dhont fr P SundbergMontrose Chemical CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9484904005180639-92132
1998/01/09Memo: Del Amo gw RI comments on responses by Dames & MooreHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9485004005210639-94115
1998/01/12Response to rough draft response to comments on Del Amo gw RI, w/TL to J Dudley fr J Dhont, 1/14/98Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Dames & Moore485104005240639-93560
1998/01/13Proposed revisions to draft joint gw risk assessment/PHEE in response to EPA 12/18/97 comments, w/marginalia & TL to J Dhont fr R RichterMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency485204005310639-03905
1998/01/13Ltr: Proposed soil FS scope & schedule, w/attch & marginaliaJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9485304007200639-04924
1998/01/14Agenda for Torrance project mtgPaul Sundberg / Montrose Chemical Corp-485404007280639-94333
1998/01/15EPA split field sample & analysis plan (FSP/SAP) for determination of non-aqueous phase liquids at well P-1, w/TL 1/15/98 (Del Amo RI/FS)Susan Sanders / I C F Technology, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9485504007300639-04775
1998/01/15Site investigation activities, RI redline version, sections 2 & 4, w/TL & marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9485604007950639-04792
1998/01/15Memo: ROC with T Smith, Jones Chemical plant manager, re actions by Union Pacific on adjacent Montrose propertyJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-485704009160639-92142
1998/01/15Memo: ROC of 1/14/98 mtg with McLaren Hart re actions by Union Pacific at site, w/attchsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-485804009180639-92143
1998/01/16Ltr: Discusses & transmits revised figure 5.3 of preliminary review draft RI, w/fax TL & attchsAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9485904009230639-03787
1998/01/16Ltr: Detailed list of Title 22 & state water quality regulation ARARs for Montrose/Del Amo gw remedy (unsigned)Haissam Salloum / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9486004009290639-04925
1998/01/16Memo: Observation of railroad construction activities during 1/15/98 site visit, w/attchsGabriel Silva / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9486104009360639-92141
1998/01/16Ltr: Summarizes proposed sampling & analytical plan for annual gw monitoring event (AOC #92-13), w/encl & fax TL to J Dhont fr J DudleyChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9486204009440639-92173
1998/01/16Map: Locations of dirt piles after digging unauthorized tracks, w/marginalia & TL header to J Dhont fr M GrantUnion Pacific Environmental ManagementJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9486304009500639-94165
1998/01/20Ltr: Detailed list of Title 22 & state water quality regulation ARARs for Montrose/Del Amo gw remedyHaissam Salloum / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9486404009520639-03344
1998/01/20Computer disc: Montrose site file index, 3.5 in, w/TL to P Sundberg fr J Dhont, 1/21/98Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-486504009590639-03788
1998/01/20Montrose RI redline version, section 6, w/TL & marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9486604009620639-04791
1998/01/21Computer disc: Del Amo site file index, 3.5 in, w/TL to C Paine fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-486704010260639-03789
1998/01/21Memo: Transmits ARARs & review of 11/97 revisions to draft joint gw risk assessment & 1/25/97 response to EPA comments, w/o ARARs, w/reviewGloria Conti / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9486804010290639-94164
1998/01/22Memo: Review comments on RI rptHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9486904010330639-94116
1998/01/22Informal notes on EPA issues with para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) section of state ARARs 1/20/98 ltr, w/fax TL to G Conti fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Gloria Conti / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control487004010360639-94420
1998/01/23Mtg agenda: DNAPL FS conference call, 1/27/98, w/marginalia, handouts, conference call instructions & TL fr M PalmerHargis & Assoc, Inc-487104010420639-04926
1998/01/23Ltr: Response to EPA notice of disapproval & takeover of Montrose Chemical RI rpt, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr E BlissErik Bliss / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9487204010510639-94422
1998/01/26Memo: Change in Torrance project consultants, including Earth Tech address & phone information, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr P SundbergPaul Sundberg / Montrose Chemical CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9487304010550639-94419
1998/01/26Ltr: Follow-up to Montrose Chemical request for informal conference with EPA re disapproval & takeover of RI rpt, w/fax TL fr E BlissErik Bliss / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)John Lyons / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9487404010580639-94423
1998/01/26Ltr: Response to 4/24/97 ltr relaying comments received on Montrose public health assessmentJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Sherry Chan / CA Dept of Health Services487504010620639-94424
1998/01/27Ltr: Clarifies illegible text on last set of EPA comments on joint gw risk assessment, w/fax TL to R Richter fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Richard Richter / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp487604010650639-94425
1998/01/27Memo: Observation of railroad construction activities on SE corner of Montrose site, w/attchsGabriel Silva / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9487704010690639-94426
1998/01/27Draft cost summary sheets for 3 chlorobenzene plume reduction scenarios in joint gw FS app C, w/fax TL to P Sundberg fr J Dhont--487804010750639-94427
1998/01/29Ltr: Notice of change in analytical laboratory services for Del Amo RI/FS (phase 2 FS)Chuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9487904010800639-94221
1998/01/30Technical memo: Request for clarification on QA/QC issues for Montrose RI rpt, w/ltr containing missing data, 1/19/98Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, Inc488004010830639-02811
1998/01/30Ltr: Concerns re content of final RA alternatives contained in draft gw FS, w/TLsChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9488104010910639-04927
1998/01/30Ltr: 1/30/98 DNAPL evaluation/FS conference call summary, w/attchDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9488204010990639-04928
1998/01/30Memo: Review of Montrose RI rpt for data quality assurance, w/TL headerHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, Inc488304011060639-94117
1998/01/30Technical memo: Request for clarification on QA/QC issues for Montrose RI rpt, w/fax TLs to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 2/2/98 & 3/9/98Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, Inc488404011090639-94150
1998/02/00Joint gw risk assessment, Montrose & Del Amo sites (rev 5/15/98)McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpMontrose Chemical Corp488504011140639-03896
1998/02/00Joint gw risk assessment, Montrose & Del Amo sites (superseded pp)McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpMontrose Chemical Corp488604015800639-04637
1998/02/00Joint gw FS section 10 (redline/strikeout draft)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9C H 2 M Hill488704016500639-04922
1998/02/00Joint gw FS section 10 (redline/strikeout draft), w/marginaliaJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9C H 2 M Hill488804016960639-04923
1998/02/03Ltr: Transmits Del Amo final gw RI rpt, for preliminary review, & responses to comments fr EPA (AOC #92-13), w/o rpt, w/responsesChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9488904017410639-00146
1998/02/03Draft gw RI rpt, Del Amo study area, v1 (text, tables & figures, & apps A & H)Dames & MooreShell Oil Co489004018000639-00305
1998/02/03Ltr: Discusses & transmits comments on draft joint gw FS, w/o section 10 redline/strikeout version, w/table of commentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill489104023710639-04929
1998/02/03Memo: EPA headquarters review of draft technical impracticability waiver justification for portions of gw dual site OU remedyAlan Youkeles / Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Emergency & Remedial ResponseJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9489204024100639-94119
1998/02/03Ltr: Response to 1/13/98 McLaren Hart ltr & to proposed soil FS scope & scheduleJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Paul Sundberg / Montrose Chemical Corp489304024130639-94428
1998/02/03Ltr: Final modifications for joint gw risk assessment completionJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Richard Richter / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering Corp489404024190639-94429
1998/02/04Ltr: Responds to 1/30/98 ltr re 1/27/98 DNAPL conference callJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9David Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, Inc489504024220639-94430
1998/02/09Memo: Comments on 12/1/97 joint gw FS (privileged, FOIA ex 5)John Lyons / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 - Office of Regional CounselJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9489604024250639-02176
1998/02/09Comments on draft ch 5 fr CH2M Hill, Montrose RI, w/fax TL to H Nezafati fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9C H 2 M Hill489704024270639-04930
1998/02/09Memo: Request for analyses, quarterly gw monitoring program, w/attchGabriel Silva / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9489804024440639-94431
1998/02/102nd installment of comments on draft joint gw FS rpt, CH2M Hill draft, w/fax TL to H Nezafati fr J DhontJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9C H 2 M Hill489904024480639-04931
1998/02/11Draft Del Amo & Montrose 98 community involvement position paperEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-490004024630639-04799
1998/02/11Ltr: Response to comments on potential RWQCB p-CBSA ARARs, Montrose/Del Amo gw remedy (draft), w/TL header to J Dhont fr G Conti, 2/18/98J Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionGloria Conti / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control490104024740639-94163
1998/02/12Revised references (section 9) for Del Amo final gw RI rpt, for preliminary review (AOC #92-13), w/TL to J Dhont fr C PaineDames & Moore-490204024780639-00145
1998/02/16Supplement to joint gw risk assessment (draft), w/marginalia & fax TL to J Dhont fr H NezafatiC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9490304024920639-02812
1998/02/18Memo: Transmits field rpt data for stormwater pathway & 1/12/97 memo proposing methodology for final ecological risk assessment, w/o data, w/memoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill490404025080639-03365
1998/02/19Memo: Comments on 12/1/98 draft joint gw FS rpt, w/marginalia & fax TLsKim Christmann / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlGloria Conti / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control490504025240639-02814
1998/02/19Joint gw risk assessment pp 3-5, 3-6, 5-8 & 5-42, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr R RichterMcLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpMontrose Chemical Corp490604025490639-94433
1998/02/19Memo: 11/10/97 briefing re EPA approach to para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid (p-CBSA) in gw at Montrose/Del Amo sitesJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-490704025550639-94434
1998/02/20Memo: Requests review of data quality for 3 investigation rpts, w/marginalia (phase 2 RI)Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9David Taylor / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9490804025580639-94205
1998/02/20Memo: Requests review of data quality for 3 investigation rpts (phase 2 RI)Dante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9David Taylor / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9490904025600639-94222
1998/02/20Ltr: Response to 1/14/98 ltr suggesting separate records of decision (RODs) for gw remedies at Montrose & Del Amo sitesKeith Takata / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Rand Shulman / Shell Soil Products Co491004025620639-94435
1998/02/20Ltr: Response to 1/14/98 ltr suggesting separate records of decision (RODs) for gw remedies at Montrose & Del Amo sitesKeith Takata / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jerry Martin / Dow Chemical Co491104025650639-94436
1998/02/23Memo: Review of 2/3/98 preliminary final gw RI rpt, Del Amo study area (draft), w/handwritten notes & TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 3/3/98Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9491204025680639-94153
1998/02/24TL: Final joint gw risk assessment, Montrose & Del Amo sitesRichard Richter / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9491304025750639-94437
1998/02/25TL: Draft supplement to joint gw risk assessmentHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillGloria Conti / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control491404025770639-94335
1998/02/27Ltr: Transmits final draft DNAPL evaluation FSP & QAPP, & response to EPA SAP comments 10/30/97, w/attchsDavid Hargis / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9491504100010639-03898
1998/03/00Montrose joint gw FS section 2, physical characteristics & conceptual model (draft), w/marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9491604102240639-03900
1998/03/00Montrose joint gw FS section 5, gw remedial scenarios (draft)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9491704103220639-03901
1998/03/00Montrose joint gw FS section 5, gw remedial scenarios (draft)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9491804104640639-03902
1998/03/00Montrose joint gw FS section 5, gw remedial scenarios (strikeout draft)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9491904106010639-03903
1998/03/00Montrose joint gw FS section 6, detailed screening of process options for treatment of COCs (draft), w/marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9492004107390639-03908
1998/03/00Montrose joint gw FS section 7, evaluation of discharge & ancillary treatment technology options (draft), w/marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9492104107500639-03909
1998/03/00Montrose joint gw FS section 8, development & analysis of treatment trains (draft)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9492204107760639-03910
1998/03/00Montrose joint gw FS section 10, detailed analysis & comparison of alternatives (strikeout draft), w/marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9492304107970639-03911
1998/03/004 Montrose joint gw FS figures (draft), w/marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9492404108510639-94148
1998/03/00Draft revised soil FS outline for 3/98 monthly mtgMontrose Chemical CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9492504108540639-94152
1998/03/03Memo: Requests more information on FBR (fluidized bed reactor) in FS rptJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill492604108590639-94336
1998/03/05Revised 3rd installment comments on sections 5 & 6 of RI, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr F LewisC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9492704108610639-02818
1998/03/05Memo: Review of 2/3/98 preliminary final gw RI rpt, Del Amo study areaHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9492804108680639-02828
1998/03/05Memo: Request for information for Montrose RI rpt, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr P TorreyHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, Inc492904108780639-94154
1998/03/06Monthly inspection & maintenance rpts 8/96-5/98, w/TLs to J DhontJohn Kallok / Kallok Enterprises, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9493004108830639-02318
1998/03/06Memo: QA/QC issues re Montrose RI dataHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9493104109330639-94118
1998/03/09Ltr: Discusses & transmits EPA comments on 2/3/98 check draft, Del Amo gw RI, w/attch & TLsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Shell Oil Co493204109400639-02939
1998/03/09Joint gw FS table 10-3, remedial alternative costs, present worth calculations for years 31-100, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr H NezafatiC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9493304109570639-94438
1998/03/11Response to 2/20/98 DTSC comments on EPA revision to draft joint gw FS, w/TL to G Conti fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control493404109610639-02942
1998/03/11Memo: Data quality issues, w/TLJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill493504109870639-94348
1998/03/12Memo: Response to 3/5/98 request for information for Montrose RI rpt, w/fax TL to H Nezafati fr A HalliburtonAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, IncHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill493604109920639-02943
1998/03/12Ltr: Proposes pilot feasibility study (PFS) & transmits PFS outline, Del Amo study area, soils OU (AOC #92-13), w/enclChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9493704110020639-03000
1998/03/12Ltr: Follows up 1/29/98 ltr re search to identify new contract analytical lab (per AOC 92-13) & transmits 6/30/97 quality assurance mgt plan, w/o enclChuck Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9493804110130639-94146
1998/03/12Memo: Summarizes UT-flagged data fr draft Montrose RI rpt, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 3/14/98John Dolegowski / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9493904110150639-94155
1998/03/13Supplement to joint gw risk assessment for Montrose & Del Amo sites (draft)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9494004110200639-04635
1998/03/16Memo: Request for Montrose RI data, w/fax FL to J Dhont fr H Nezafati, 3/17/98John Dolegowski / C H 2 M HillAndrew Halliburton / Hargis & Assoc, Inc494104112040639-94156
1998/03/17Mtg agenda: Torrance monthly project mtg, 3/18/98, w/marginalia & fax TL to J Dhont fr P SundbergMontrose Chemical CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9494204112080639-94439
1998/03/18Draft DNAPL FS rpt outline for 3/98 monthly mtgMontrose Chemical CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9494304112110639-02816
1998/03/19Montrose joint gw FS section 2, physical characteristics & conceptual model (draft)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9494404112210639-03899
1998/03/19TL: Draft Montrose joint gw FS section 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9494504113260639-94147
1998/03/20Montrose RI section 7.0, references, w/TL to J Dhont fr P TorreyC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9494604113280639-03796
1998/03/23TL: Montrose joint gw FS sections 2 & 5Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9494704113480639-94157
1998/03/24TL: Section 1.0 of Montrose RI, w/TL header to J Dhont fr P TorreyPeter Torrey / C H 2 M HillSteve O'Rourke / US Dept of Justice - Environmental Enforcement Section494804113500639-94158
1998/03/24Ltr: EPA intentions re state ARARs for compound p-CBSA in gw, Montrose & Del Amo sites (draft), w/fax TL to G Conti fr J DhontMichael Montgomery / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Nennete Alvarez / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control494904113520639-94159
1998/03/25Ltr: Transmits Montrose RI section 1, joint gw FS (JGWFS) appendix A & 4 figures, w/o app A & figs, w/sect 1C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9495004113560639-04794
1998/03/25TL: Ltrs (4) pertaining to siteJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Kim Christmann / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control495104114780639-94329
1998/03/25Memo: Appropriation requests & raw materials used for DDT manufactureJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Hooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M Hill495204114800639-94350
1998/03/26Memo: Request for documents re Montrose litigationJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9M Brenner / C A C I International Inc495304114820639-94351
1998/03/27Ltr: Comments on stockpile & post-remedial excavation confirmation rpt, parcel A, rpt #3-10, & soil boring rpt, parcel A, for Boeing RealtyJ Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMichael Young / Integrated Environmental Services495404114840639-94160
1998/03/30Tables 5.1-5.15 for draft Montrose RIC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9495504114860639-03547
1998/03/30Montrose joint gw FS section 2, physical characteristics & conceptual model (draft)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9495604115310639-03906
1998/03/30Montrose joint gw FS section 4, preliminary screening & evaluation of technologies & process options for COCs (draft), w/marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9495704116410639-03907
1998/03/31Ltr: Disregard legally privileged & confidential headers & footers on final draft DNAPL FSP & QAPP, w/fax TL to J Dhont fr M Palmer, 4/1/98Michael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9495804116900639-94161
1998/04/00Draft figures 2-5a, 2-28a & E-2 for joint gw FSC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9495904116930639-94564
1998/04/02Memo: Comments on technical memo outlining Montrose Chem draft ecological risk assessment, methodology, 1/12/97, w/TL to H Nezafati fr J Dhont, 4/8/98Ned Black / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9496004116960639-94162
1998/04/03Montrose RI section 6, containment fate & transportC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9496104117000639-04815
1998/04/03Memo: Review of FSP & QAPP DNAPL evaluation, 2/27/98Richard Haimann / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9496204117450639-94338
1998/04/08Screening of combined remedial scenarios fr draft joint gw FS (JGWFS), w/marginaliaC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9496304117510639-04817
1998/04/08Memo: Response to agency comments - post-demolition risk assessment, Boeing realty corp c-6 facility, parcel AJames Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMichael Young / Integrated Environmental Services496404117610639-94339
1998/04/09Revised pilot feasibility study (PFS) outline, Del Amo study area, soils OU (AOC #92-13), w/TL to D Rodriguez fr C PaineShell Oil CoEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9496504117640639-03006
1998/04/09Memos: Notification of Del Amo project field activities & sample loading forecasts for 10/31/96-5/22/98, w/fax TLs to J Dhont fr J DudleyJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9496604117730639-03394
1998/04/10TL: Material responsive to 3/26/98 emailWalter Brown / C A C I International IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9496704120970639-94352
1998/04/14Ltr: Transmits revised DNAPL & soil FS outlines w/marginalia & enclsPaul Sundberg / Montrose Chemical CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9496804120990639-04801
1998/04/14Ltr: Transmits redline/strikeout text fr draft response to EPA 3/9/98 comments on "check draft" final gw RI rpt, w/enclC Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9496904121150639-04807
1998/04/14Ltr: EPA intentions re state ARARs for compound p-CBSA in gw, Montrose & Del Amo sitesMichael Montgomery / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Nennete Alvarez / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control497004121660639-94341
1998/04/15EPA comments on sect 2 of draft joint gw FS, w/sec 2 (physical characteristics & conceptual model), marginalia, & TL to H Nezafati fr J Dhont 4/17/98C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9497104121690639-04813
1998/04/15EPA comments on section 2 & 5 of draft joint gw FS, w/sec 5 (gw remedial scenarios)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9497204122900639-04814
1998/04/15EPA comments on section 10 of draft joint gw FS (JGWFS), w/sec 10 (detailed analysis & comparison of alternatives)C H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9497304124220639-04816
1998/04/15Ltr: Torrance AOC #85-04 re naming of parties for submittals, project coordinators & notices, w/list of current partiesFrank Bachman / Montrose Chemical CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9497404124700639-94342
1998/04/16Ltr: Removal of soil contaminated with DDTThomas Greenland / Union Pacific Railroad CoRobert Howard / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)497504124730639-94343
1998/04/17Memo: Transmits analytical results for soil in 6-20CY bins, w/enclsJames Gorley / Union Pacific Railroad CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9497604124760639-04800
1998/04/17Ltr: Union Pacific/Montrose access agreementRobert Howard / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)Thomas Greenland / Union Pacific Railroad Co497704124900639-94344
1998/04/20Memo: Assessment of potential impacts of gw & subsurface conditions on indoor air quality in residential community near Del Amo & Montrose sitesGabriel Silva / C H 2 M HillDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9497804124930639-04809
1998/04/21Ltr: No further action for shallow soil - parcel A, Boeing Realty Corp, C-6 facility, w/enclJames Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMario Stavale / Boeing Realty Corp497904125200639-94355
1998/04/21Ltr: History of Union Pacific soils & debris at former Montrose plant, w/TLJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9James Gorley / Union Pacific Railroad Co498004125250639-94363
1998/04/22Agenda for Torrance monthly project mtg, w/TL to Dhont & Lyons fr SundbergPaul Sundberg / Montrose Chemical CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9498104125300639-94345
1998/04/22Agenda for Torrance monthly project mtg, w/marginaliaPaul Sundberg / Montrose Chemical CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9498204125330639-94346
1998/04/23Technical Memo: Del Amo field oversight - collection of gw split samples, w/attchsHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9498304125350639-04802
1998/04/24Ltr: Transmits 2nd installment of draft (sec 6) responses to EPA 3/9/98 comments on "check draft" final gw RI rpt, w/encl & marginaliaC Paine / Shell Oil CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9498404125460639-04803
1998/04/27EPA talking points conference call 4/27/98Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-498504125790639-04804
1998/04/27Data Validation Rpt: Case 26016, Memo #01 for volatiles & semivolatiles, collected 2/26 & 3/4/98, w/TL to J Dhont fr J BergesMargaret May / Lockheed Martin CorpEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9498604125890639-04808
1998/04/27Memo: Union Pacific confirms 5 stipulations set by EPAJames Gorley / Union Pacific Railroad CoJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9498704126060639-94353
1998/04/27Ltr: Comments on parcel B supplemental sampling & analysis plan - Boeing C-6 facility, LA CAJames Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionMichael Young / Integrated Environmental Services498804126080639-94354
1998/04/30Action plan for Del Amo/Montrose community interagency partnering (draft version)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-498904126100639-04805
1998/04/30Ltr: Transmits map, communication chart & agenda re 5/14 partnership mtg, w/enclsCynthia Babich / Del Amo Action Committee-499004126340639-94347
1998/05/01Ltr: Figures in joint gw FS rptJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9499104126390639-94356
1998/05/04Ltr: Transmits pilot FS for shallow soilsC Paine / Shell Oil CoDante Rodriguez / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9499204200010639-04810
1998/05/04Ltr: Comments on FSP & QAPP DNAPL eval 2/27/98Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Frank Bachman / Montrose Chemical Corp499304200140639-94357
1998/05/04Excerpt: Risk-contouring approach (fr supplement to joint gw risk assessment) w/marginalia & TL to H Nezafati fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-499404200210639-94364
1998/05/04Ltr: Disclaimer statement at beginning of joint gw FS rpt, w/TL to M Palmer fr J DhontJohn Dudley / Dames & MooreJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9499504200240639-94365
1998/05/05Memo: Transmits ch 3 (chemical data quality) of RI rpt, w/encl, marginalia & TL to H Nezafati fr J Dhont 5/6/98David Taylor / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9499604200270639-04811
1998/05/05Memo: Review of joint gw risk assessmentStanford Smucker / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9499704200390639-94366
1998/05/07Ltr: Proposal for well abandonment - Boeing C-6 facility, LAJ Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionChris Stoker / Integrated Environmental Services499804200410639-94359
1998/05/08Ltr: Authorization to implement modification of parcel B supplemental SAP Boeing C-6 facility, LA, CAJames Ross / CA Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Basin RegionChris Stoker / Integrated Environmental Services499904200430639-94360

1998/05/11Contaminant mass reduction (fr draft paragraph of Del Amo gw RI rpt) w/TL to J Dhont fr J DudleyDames & Moore-500004200450639-94368
1998/05/12Ltr: Site-specific factors related to contaminant transport, w/sampling dataJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Dean Baker / Univ of California, Irvine500104200480639-94362
1998/05/13Ltr: Notification of transmittal of draft proposed plan, gen factsheet version & technical & expanded version & request for review, w/enclsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Gloria Conti / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances Control500204200550639-94361
1998/05/13Notice & correction of error in total hazard index calculations re final version of joint gw risk assessment, w/TL to G Conti fr J DhontEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-500304200600639-94367
1998/05/15Final gw RI rpt, Del Amo study area, v1 of 3 (text, tables & figures), w/responses to EPA comments, distribution list & TL to J Dhont fr C PaineDames & MooreShell Oil Co500404200630639-04641
1998/05/15Final gw RI rpt, Del Amo study area, v2 of 3 (appendices A-D)Dames & MooreShell Oil Co500504206140639-04642
1998/05/15Final gw RI rpt, Del Amo study area, v3 of 3 (appendices E-J)Dames & MooreShell Oil Co500604212880639-04643
1998/05/15TL: Revised pp for final joint gw risk assessment, Montrose & Del Amo sitesJ Morabito / McLaren Hart Environmental Engineering CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9500704300010639-94563
1998/05/18Supplement to joint gw risk assessment for Montrose & Del Amo sitesC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9500804300030639-04636
1998/05/18Final joint gw FS for Montrose & Del Amo sitesC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9500904301880639-04638
1998/05/18Final RI rpt for Montrose site, v1 of 2Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-501004311980639-04639
1998/05/18Final RI rpt for Montrose site, v2 of 2Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-501104319900639-04640
1998/05/20Memo: Submitting docs to file, considered approved & final pending public comment, re dual site gw OU for Montrose/Del Amo sitesJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-501204332810639-94565
1998/05/20Memo: Response to 6/24/97 National Remedy Review Board (NRRB) memo on Montrose/Del Amo gw OUKeith Takata / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Bruce Means / Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Emergency & Remedial Response501304332840639-94566
1998/05/21Compendium of CERCLA guidance documents, Montrose & Del Amo sites, gw OUEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-501404332870639-04644
1992/03/26Final PRP search rpt: Index to parcel/tract maps & title docs 1-972 collected in PRP search but not used in final rpt, 1922-91 (privileged, FOIA ex 6)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-501504400010639-02534
1995/00/00Site mgt plan - fiscal 1995/1996 (privileged, FOIA ex 5)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-501604400030639-02134
1998/06/00Fact sheet: EPA proposes gw cleanup plan (proposed plan - general version)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-501704400050639-04647
1998/06/00Remedy proposed plan for dual site gw OU, Montrose & Del Amo sites (proposed plan - technical & expanded version)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-501804400200639-04648
1998/06/10Ltr: Transmits 5 rpts essential to cleanup proposal, w/o rpts & acknowledgment form, w/document listAndrew Bain / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Anthony Lynch / City of Carson - Public Library501904400790639-94604
1998/06/10Ltr: Transmits 5 rpts essential to cleanup proposal, w/o rpts & acknowledgment form, w/document listAndrew Bain / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Evelyn Harris / City of Torrance - Civic Center Library502004400830639-94605
1998/06/26Ltr: Announces issuance of proposed plan for dual site gw OU & transmits proposed plan, joint gw FS, gw risk assessment addendum & RI, w/o attchsJohn Lyons / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 - Office of Regional CounselKarl Lytz / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)502104400870639-94606
1998/06/26Memo: Initial list of recipients of technical & expanded version of proposed plan for dual site gw OU, w/TRICO labels, proposed plan TLs & 6/19/98 ltrJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-502204400900639-04649
1954/05/19Certificate of occupancy for Lindane pilot plant - S Normandie AveCity of Los AngelesStauffer Chemical Co502304401070639-95120
1955/02/01Memo: Transmits 5-part rpt re interrelated activities of Montrose & Stauffer w/enclLloyd Cummings / Stauffer Chemical CoJ Kettle / Stauffer Chemical Co502404401090639-04678
1956/02/01Memo: Transmits 5-part rpt re Stauffer-Montrose related activities w/attchLloyd Cummings / Stauffer Chemical CoJ Kettle / Stauffer Chemical Co502504401380639-04679
1957/07/30Memo: Transmits 7-part rpt re Stauffer-Montrose related activities w/attchLloyd Cummings / Stauffer Chemical CoJ Kettle / Stauffer Chemical Co502604401820639-04680
1958/10/07Memo: Transmits 7-part rpt re Stauffer-Montrose system of charges w/enclsLloyd Cummings / Stauffer Chemical CoJ Kettle / Stauffer Chemical Co502704402100639-04681
1959/00/00Relationship of Stauffer & Montrose at Henderson & Torrance plants, LA & San Francisco offices--502804402370639-04682
1960/00/00Relationship of Stauffer & Montrose at Henderson & Torrance plants, LA & San Francisco offices--502904402630639-04683
1961/04/30Detail of DDT concentrates production & inventory - DDT 75% concentrate grinding [MON400]Montrose Chemical Corp-503004402860639-95128
1961/06/30Summary of DDT inventories [MON400]Montrose Chemical Corp-503104402880639-95129
1963/02/28Summary of DDT inventories [SCC004]Montrose Chemical Corp-503204402900639-95127
1963/08/19Memo: Transmits rpt on Stauffer & Montrose NJ charges to Montrose of CA, w/enclLloyd Cummings / Stauffer Chemical CoJ Orr / Stauffer Chemical Co503304402920639-04684
1964/08/13Memo: Transmits rpt on Stauffer & Baldwin-Montrose charges to Montrose of CA w/enclLloyd Cummings / Stauffer Chemical CoJ Orr / Stauffer Chemical Co503404403220639-04685
1966/02/00Summary of raw materials consumed & by-product inventories [MON400]Montrose Chemical Corp-503504403510639-95126
1973/01/23Memo: Montrose spent acid [SCC005]R Campbell / Stauffer Chemical CoE Galloway / Stauffer Chemical Co503604403530639-95121
1977/00/00Farm chemicals handbook 1977 - cover p & pD80 re DDT--503704403550639-95130
1985/07/00Community relations plan, w/appendix AMetcalf & Eddy, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9503804403580639-00482
1989/01/24Memo: Status of contaminated groundwater & limitations on disposal & reuseSylvia Lowrance / Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Solid Waste & Emergency ResponseJeff Zelikson / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9503904404030639-95170
1996/11/00Community relations plan, w/appendices A-CC H 2 M HillEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9504004404060639-02277
1997/08/21Review draft RI rpt (v1 of 2)Hargis & Assoc, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9504104404450639-04702
1997/08/21Review draft RI rpt (v2 of 2) - tables & illustrationsHargis & Assoc, IncEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9504204408780639-04703
1998/06/00Fact Sheet: EPA proposes groundwater cleanup planEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-504304413000639-04692
1998/06/00Remedy proposed plan - dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) - technical & expanded versionJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-504404413150639-04693
1998/06/00Fact Sheet: EPA proposes groundwater cleanup plan (Spanish version)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-504504413740639-04694
1998/06/00Remedy proposed plan - dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) - technical & expanded version (Spanish version)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-504604413880639-04695
1998/06/00Public Notice: EPA announces public comment period (7/2/98-7/31/98) w/notice of community mtg (7/25/98) re dual-site groundwater proposed planEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-504704414460639-95134
1998/06/03Memo: Transmits 6 technical docs w/encl & doc listMichael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9504804414490639-04705
1998/06/18Document transmittal acknowledgement form (5 rpts) w/ltr designating AR repositoryEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Dina Cramer / City of Torrance - Civic Center Library504904414750639-95167
1998/06/18Advertising order - announces public comment period re dual site groundwater proposed plan (concurrence copy) w/attchsEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9505004414800639-95172
1998/06/25Ltr: Meeting invitations & transmits fact sheets re proposed plan to remediate site groundwater w/enclPeter Garcia / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlDel Amo/Montrose Partnership - Subgroup 2505104414850639-04687
1998/06/29Press Release: EPA proposes plan to cleanup groundwaterEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-505204415030639-95133
1998/07/00Hard copy of slides used at public meeting (7/25/98) re dual-site groundwater operable unit (OU) cleanup remedyJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-505304415060639-04688
1998/07/01Document transmittal acknowledgement form (AR microfilm & index) w/ltr designating AR repositoryEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Dina Cramer / City of Torrance - Civic Center Library505404415290639-94859
1998/07/02Ltr: Requests technical meeting to review proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) (6/98) w/TL (7/6/98)Chuck Paine / Del Amo RespondentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9505504415330639-95125
1998/07/02Ltr: Requests technical review meeting re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) (6/98)Chuck Paine / Del Amo RespondentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9505604415360639-95162
1998/07/08Document transmittal acknowledgement form (AR microfilm & index) w/ltr designating AR repositoryEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Theodore Kavich / City of Carson - Public Library505704415380639-94860
1998/07/08Document transmittal acknowledgement form (5rpts) w/ltr designating AR repositoryEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Theodore Kavich / City of Carson - Public Library505804415420639-95166
1998/07/13Chlorinated solvent concentration & model-predicted benzene concentration scenarios fr joint gw FS - app A w/TL to J Dhont fr J DudleyDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9505904415470639-04689
1998/07/13Ltr: Del Amo Respondents request 30-day extension of public comment periodChuck Paine / Del Amo RespondentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9506004415690639-95139
1998/07/13Ltr: Del Amo respondents request 30-day extension of public comment period w/TL to J Dhont fr J Dudley (faxed 7/13/98)Chuck Paine / Del Amo RespondentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9506104415710639-95165
1998/07/13Ltr: Del Amo respondents request 30-day extension of public comment period w/TL to J Dhont fr J Dudley (faxed 7/14/98)Chuck Paine / Del Amo RespondentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9506204415740639-95168
1998/07/14Ltr: Reponds to 1/30/98 ltr re joint groundwater feasibility study & remedial selectionJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Del Amo Respondents506304415770639-95123
1998/07/14Ltr: Technical meeting requestJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Del Amo Respondents506404415800639-95143
1998/07/20Ltr: Transmits p 5-46 of final joint groundwater FS (5/18/98) w/attchJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-506504415820639-95132
1998/07/20Memo: Transmits p 5-46 of final joint groundwater FS (5/18/98) w/attchJohn Dolegowski / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9506604415850639-95161
1998/07/21Ltr: Transmits ZIP disc with text narrative of RI rpt & joint groundwater FS w/key to file names & w/o discJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Michael Palmer / Hargis & Assoc, Inc506704415880639-95131
1998/07/21Public Notice: EPA extends public comment period to 8/30/98 re dual-site groundwater proposed plan, w/marginaliaEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-506804415930639-95135
1998/07/21Advertising order - extends public comment period re dual site groundwater proposed plan (concurrence copy) w/attchsEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9506904415950639-95171
1998/07/24Public Notice: EPA extends public comment period to 8/30/98 re dual-site groundwater proposed plan, w/proof of publication fr Daily BreezeEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-507004416000639-95136
1998/07/25Transcript of public meeting - dual site gw operable unit (OU) proposed plan workshop & public meetingEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9-507104416020639-04690
1998/07/28Ltr: Confirms that 30-day extension includes Montrose & other DDT defendants in US v MontroseKarl Lytz / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)John Lyons / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9507204417780639-95144
1998/07/28Ltr: Comments re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OP)Chris Guerre / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9507304417800639-95157
1998/07/30Ltr: Requests extension of comment period on proposed planAlistaire Callender / Hart Crowser IncJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9507404417820639-95146
1998/08/04Memo: Documents in question reside in both repositoriesJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9File507504417840639-95151
1998/08/05Ltr: Del Amo Respondents request additional 15-day extension of public comment periodChuck Paine / Del Amo RespondentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9507604417860639-95138
1998/08/05Ltr: Del Amo Respondents request additional 15-day extension of public comment period w/TLChuck Paine / Del Amo RespondentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9507704417880639-95145
1998/08/05Ltr: Del Amo respondents request additional 15-day extension of public comment periodChuck Paine / Del Amo RespondentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9507804417910639-95163
1998/08/06Ltr: Request to extend public comment period denied w/TLJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Alistaire Callender / Hart Crowser Inc507904417940639-95147
1998/08/06Ltr: Request to extend public comment period denied, w/TLsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Chuck Paine / Del Amo Respondents508004417980639-95148
1998/08/10Ltr: Extension of public comment period to 8/30/98John Lyons / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9 - Office of Regional CounselKarl Lytz / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)508104418040639-95142
1998/08/13Technical Memo (draft): Checking of cost estimate tables in joint groundwater FS Rpt - appendix CHooshang Nezafati / C H 2 M HillJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9508204418060639-95160
1998/08/21Groundwater monitoring rpt - 1998 annual re administrative order on consent (AOC) #92-13 w/TL to J Dhont fr C PaineDames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9508304418090639-04686
1998/08/24Ltr: Request that public comment period be extended additional 60 days to 10/30/98Steven Tekosky / Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe (Attorneys)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9508404421970639-95149
1998/08/25Comments re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU), w/env & mail receipt #Z350-590-594 (Redacted, FOIA ex 6)John Carpenter, Resident / City of TorranceEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9508504422030639-04704
1998/08/28Ltr: Transmits comments on remedy proposed plan - dual site gw operable unit (OU) - technical & expanded version (6/98) re AOC #92-13, w/enclsChuck Paine / Del Amo RespondentsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9508604422150639-04698
1998/08/30Ltr: Comments re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) (redacted, FOIA ex 6)Claire Adams, Resident / City of TorranceJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9508704423420639-95173
1998/08/30Ltr: Comments re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) (faxed) (Redacted, FOIA ex 6)Claire Adams, Resident / City of TorranceJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9508804423450639-95174
1998/08/31Ltr: Comments re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) (6/98), w/exhibits A-D & marginalia by J DhontPeter Veregge / Howrey & Simon (Attorneys)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9508904500010639-04696
1998/08/31Ltr: Transmits comments on remedy proposed plan - dual site gw operable unit (OU) - technical & expanded version (6/98), w/enclsFrank Bachman / Montrose Chemical CorpJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9509004501610639-04699
1998/08/31Ltr: Transmits comments on remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) w/env & attchSteven Tokosky / Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe (Attorneys)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9509104502440639-04701
1998/08/31Ltr: Denial of 8/24/98 request for extension of public comment period, w/fax TLJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9Steven Tekosky / Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe (Attorneys)509204503020639-95150
1998/08/31Listing of computer disc files - Del Amo respondents electronically sent comments re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU)Dames & MooreEnvironmental Protection Agency - Region 9509304503060639-95152
1998/08/31Ltr: Comments re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU)Joeann Valle / Harbor City/Harbor Gateway Chamber of CommerceJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9509404503090639-95155
1998/08/31Ltr: Comments re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) (faxed)Joeann Valle / Harbor City/Harbor Gateway Chamber of CommerceJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9509504503120639-95156
1998/08/31Ltr: DTSC employees (C Guerre) ltr was personal comment not DTSC opinion, w/envHaissam Salloum / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9509604503150639-95158
1998/09/03ROC: Incorrect version of comments received by EPA fr Howry & Simon for Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co re dual site gw operable unit (OU) remedy w/attchsJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9File509704503190639-04700
1998/09/04TL: Computer disc copy of Montrose comment ltr (8/31/98) submitted to EPA re proposed groundwater remedyRobert Howard / Latham & Watkins (Attorneys)Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9509804505030639-95122
1998/11/16Ltr: Comments re remedy proposed plan for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU) (6/98) w/exhibits A-H (late comment)Neal Marder / Sonnenschein, Nath & RosenthalJeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9509904505050639-04697
1999/01/20Correction of FS cost estimates following spreadsheet numerical error - joint groundwater FS (5/98)Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-510004507090639-04691
1999/03/22Ltr: Concurrence with proposed remedy for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU), w/TL to J Dhont fr G ContiNennet Alvarez / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlJohn Kemmerer / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9510104507920639-95159
1999/03/22Ltr: Concurrence with proposed remedy for dual site groundwater operable unit (OU)Nennet Alvarez / CA Environmental Protection Agency - Dept of Toxic Substances ControlJohn Kemmerer / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9510204507970639-95169
1999/03/30Record of decision (ROD) for dual site gw OU, v1 of 2 - declaration & decision summary (03 ROD 02 [Montrose]) (03 ROD 03 [Del Amo])Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-510304508010639-04709
1999/03/30Record of decision (ROD) for dual site gw OU, v2 of 2 - response summary (03 ROD 02 [Montrose]) (03 ROD 03 [Del Amo])Jeffrey Dhont / Environmental Protection Agency - Region 9-510404510590639-04710

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