PSD Science Handouts

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About the Physical Sciences Division

PSD analyzes and diagnoses physical processes that influence weather and climate, to better understand and make predictions on global-to-local scales.
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21st Century Observations and Modeling in CA

Since 2008, ESRL has partnered with the California Department of Water Resources to address water resource and flood protection issues.
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Arctic Atmospheric Observatories

Long-term, intensive measurements of Arctic clouds, radiation, aerosols, surface energy fluxes and chemistry to understand the processes driving Arctic climate change.
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Atmospheric Rivers

These narrow corridors of concentrated moisture transport in the atmosphere are a key process linking weather and climate. When striking land, ARs can produce flooding rains that can cause damage to life and property.
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Boulder Atmospheric Observatory (BAO)

A research facility in Erie, CO maintained by the ESRL Physical Sciences Division, which is used for studying the planetary boundary layer and for testing and calibrating atmospheric sensors.
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CalWater 2015

A study of phenomena that play key roles in water supply availability and extreme precipitation events along the US West Coast: Atmsopheric Rivers and Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation.
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Climate Attribution

Identifying the major sources of observed climate and weather patterns. Includes determining causes of observed climate variations that may not be unusual, but for which great public interest exists because of profound societal impacts.
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Causes and Predictability of the 2011 to 2014 California Drought

According to this NOAA-sponsored study, natural oceanic and atmospheric patterns are the primary drivers behind California's ongoing drought.
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El Niño Rapid Response Field Campaign

An unprecedented field campaign in 2016 to study El Niño while the event was ongoing.
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Explaining Climate Extremes

An Assessment of the 2011 Missouri River Basin Flood – A study of meteorological causes for the flood event to better understand its causes and assess its predictability.
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Explaining Hydrologic Extremes in the Upper Missouri River Basin

Researchers studied the physical causes for the recent increase of high annual runoff in the Upper Missouri River Basin and present their findings in a new assessment report.
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Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO)

A management strategy that uses data from watershed monitoring and modern weather and water forecasting to help water managers selectively retain or release water from reservoirs in a manner that reflects current and forecasted conditions.
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Hydrometeorology Testbed (HMT)

Conducting research on precipitation and weather conditions that can lead to flooding, and fostering transition of scientific advances and new tools into forecasting operations.
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Improving Hurricane Intensity Forecasts

Studies to develop, test and improve measurements of air-sea momentum & heat fluxes to help better predict hurricane track and intensity.
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Improving Wind and Extreme Precipitation Forecasting

An overview the Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP) and Hydromet Forecast Improvement Project (Hydro-FIP).
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International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere

IASOA coordinates activities regarding atmospheric observations at various research platforms throughout the Arctic.
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A ship-based ice camp will drift for 1 year with central Arctic ice pack to collect coordinated observations of atmospheric, oceanic, sea ice, biogeochemical, and ecosystem processes.
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Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts over the Missouri River Basin

An assessment of operational and experimental forecast system skill and reliability.
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Technology Transfer

For more than four decades, PSD has developed, applied, and transferred to the commercial sector a wide variety of atmospheric and oceanic measurement technologies.