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2017 American River Division Interim Water Service Contract Renewal for the City of Roseville
Reclamation proposes to enter into a 24-month interim renewal contract (IRC) with the City of Roseville for up to 32,000 AFY of CVP water for M&I use in Roseville’s CVP service area. The term of the Roseville IRC would be from March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2019. In the event a new long-term water service contract is executed, the IRC, then-in-effect, would be superseded by the long-term water service contract and analyzed under a separate environmental review process. The purpose of the Proposed Action is to execute an IRC to provide a continued contract mechanism for the delivery of CVP water to the City of Roseville, and for the continued reimbursement to the federal government for costs related to the construction and operation of the CVP until their new long-term water service contract can be executed. The use of contract water for M&I use under the proposed IRC would not change from the M&I purpose of use specified in Roseville’s existing IRC.

Environmental Assessment available for public review.

John Hutchings
Phone: (916)989-7179
Fax: (916)989-7208

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File with .pdf extension Environmental Assessment 2017 American River Division Interim Water Service Contract Renewal for the City of Roseville Central California Area Office Folsom, CA .pdf ##########KB