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2015 American River Division Interim Water Service Contract Renewal for Sacramento Municipal Utility District
The Bureau of Reclamation proposes to enter into a 24-month (second) Interim Renewal Contract with Sacramento Municipal Utility District, an American River contractor, to facilitate the delivery of up to 30,000 acre-feet per year of CVP water for M&I uses in SMUD’s Rancho Seco service area. The term of this IRC would extend from March 1, 2015 through February 28, 2017; the IRC contains the same water contract amounts and terms and conditions as the prior RIC. In the event a new long-term water service contract is executed, the IRC then-in-effect would be superseded by the long-term water service contract and analyzed under a separate process.

Comments on draft EA/FONSI due by COB on December 3, 2014.

John Hutchings
Phone: (916)989-7179
Fax: (916)989-7208

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File with .pdf extension Draft EA/FONSI, 2015 American River Division Interim Water Service Contract Renewal for Sacramento Municipal Utility District .pdf 958.62KB