Climate: Securing a cleaner future

Our climate is in peril
Drought. Food insecurity. Loss of biodiversity. Climate change is already impacting our planet in incalculable ways.

Climate change threatens our future. Yet we have many reasons for hope: Our analysis shows we can stop the rise of climate pollution, while growing the economy.

To get there, we’ve zeroed in on solutions with the biggest impact. 

Our climate initiatives

  • Hasten the clean energy economy

    Hasten the clean energy economy »

    Why: Outdated policies governing electric utilities don’t fairly value clean energy, and polluters have had free license to pollute. 

    How: We’ll help overhaul obsolete rules that restrict the new energy market, while supporting and defending EPA’s Clean Power Plan.

  • Lower climate pollution from natural gas

    Lower climate pollution from natural gas »

    Why: We’ll slow the pace of climate change if we cut carbon dioxide and potent short-acting gases like methane.

    How: We’re targeting key states to pass methane standards, and making the case for fixing methane leaks across the natural gas supply chain.

  • Boost efforts to help China effectively slash pollution

    Boost efforts to help China effectively slash pollution »

    Why: China is now the world’s top emitter of climate pollution. 

    How: We’re working directly with China’s government to help the nation launch market-based solutions to trim emissions, while leveraging our business networks to lower pollution in China’s vast manufacturing sector.

  • Foster sustainable land use

    Foster sustainable land use »

    Why: Deforestation and unsustainable land use, like fertilizer pollution, are major contributors to climate change. 

    How: We’re advancing economic concepts and market mechanisms that help increase the value of rainforests and sustainable agriculture.

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