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Middle Rio Grande Project
Bernalillo Priority Site
Final Environmental Assessment and
Finding of No Significant Impact

At the present time, the Rio Grande is eroding the east river bank at the Bernalillo Priority Site project area allowing the river channel to be undesirably close to critical irrigation and flood control facilities. The Rio Grande makes and abrupt bend towards the east levee system at the project area, and the east river bank is less than 100 feet from the levee. Short-term pre-emergency activities, in the form of riprap placement along the east river bank, were implemented in 2003. At high flows, the east river bank could continue to erode, possibly breaching the east levee system and flooding private, Pueblo of Sandia, and Middle Rio Grande Project facilities. Threatened and endangered species are also of concern along this portion of the Rio Grande.

The purpose of this project would be to prevent damage to the east levee system by reducing the probability that high flows will cause further erosion of the east river bank. This action would also provide additional bank stability and reliability at the project area. A secondary purpose of the project would be to take advantage of opportunities provided by the proposed action to restore, improve, and enhance habitat for threatened and endangered species at the project area.

Middle Rio Grande Project
Bernalillo Priority Site
Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI
 Cover and Title Page
 Table of Contents
 Acronyms and Abbreviations
 Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need for Action
 Chapter 2 - Alternatives, Including Proposed Action
 Chapter 3 - Affected Issues and Environmental Resources
 Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences
 Chapter 5, 6 & 7 - List of Preparers, Consultation and Coordination, References
 Appendix A - Public and Agency Correspondence
 Appendix B - Plant and Wildlife Species Lists
 Appendix C - Bernalillo River maintenance Priority Site Bend Migration Monitoring
 Finding of No Significant Impact



Last updated: January 19, 2007