Shuttha Shutthanandan

Shuttha Shutthanandan
Staff Member Title: 
Senior Research Scientist
(509) 371-6530
Contact Email: 

Dr. Shutthanandan joined EMSL in 1999 and he is responsible for the helium ion microscope and imaging XPS capabilities at EMSL. A major portion of Dr. Shutthanandan's current research at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory covers a broad range of materials synthesis, modification, and characterizations using state-of-the-art ion beam and x-ray beam techniques.  Within PNNL, Dr. Shutthanandan actively participates in several projects involving research on high resolution imaging of biological systems, environmental monitoring, thin film growth, surface and buried interface analysis, development of novel and new materials, atmospheric aerosols analysis, ion beam modification and synthesis of nano materials, hydrogen interaction with materials, radiation effects in solids, and studies of ion exchange mechanism in waste storage model systems. Most recently, Dr. Shutthanandan is working on integrating new technologies such as high resolution XPS imaging and Helium ion microscope to enhance sub nanometer depth profiling, imaging of biological and environmental samples, in situ measurements, and site specific radiation studies in his research.

  • 2003-present: Senior Research Scientist II, PNNL
  • 2001-2003: Senior Research Scientist I,PNNL
  • 1999-2001,Research Scientist, PNNL
  • 1998-1999, Staff Analysts, Charles Evans and Associates
  • 1994-1998, Research Assistant Professor, Tuskegee University
  •  Ph.D., Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA (1994)
  •  M.S., Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA (1991)
  •  B.S. Physics with honors, University of Jaffna, Sri-Lanka (1985).
Awards & Honors: 
  • Award of Appreciation, International Committee of Ion Beam Analysis Conference (2013)
  • DOE Office of Science- Mentor of the Year Award (2011)
  • PNNL Director’s Fitzner/Eberhardt Award for Outstanding Contributions to Science and Engineering Education (2007)
  • Outstanding Contribution Award, International Advisory Committee BioPIXE Conference (2008)
  • Outstanding Contribution Award, Pacific Northwest Chapter of the AVS (2004)
  • Certificate of Appreciation, Richland and Kennewick School Districts
  • Several PNNL and EMSL Outstanding Performance Awards
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant- Physics Dept., Montana State University (1993)

Professional Societies:

  • International advisory committee member – BioPIXE
  • Short course committee member –American Vacuum Society
  • Past President and current Board member –Pacific Northwest Chapter of the American Vacuum Society
  • Co-Chair –Ion Beam Analysis2013, Surface Analysis2012and BIOPIXE 6International Conferences
  • Chair –21st Annual symposium of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of AVS 2010
  • Organized symposia for the AVS, CAARI, ACrS, MST, and Surface Analysis 2004 Conferences
  • Chair of the local arrangement committee, Surface Analysis 2004
  • Co-Editor –Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics research, B Volume 332, 2014 – Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on BioPIXE, International Journal of PIXE, Volume 18, No 3 & 4, 2008
  • Past Editorial Board Member for DOE's undergraduate Journal.
Research Interests: 

Dr. Shutthanandan has an international reputation for his research studies of materials synthesis, modification, and characterizations using state-of-the-art ion beam and x-ray beam techniques in general, and the application of these techniques in environmental and biological samples in particular. He has published research on the kinetic, dynamic and energetic considerations of thin film growth of metals-on-metals and oxides-on-semiconductors systems; surface and buried interface analysis; the development of novel materials for next generation batteries, supercapacitors, spintronics, high-dielectric, catalysts and fuel cell applications; atmospheric aerosols analysis; ion beam modification of carbon nanotubes; ion beam synthesis of nano materials; hydrogen interaction with materials; radiation effects in solids; studies of ion exchange mechanism in waste storage model systems; development of novel oxygen storage materials for automotive exhaust catalysts; and developments next generation bio fuels. Recently, Dr. Shutthanandan and his team have developed an unique in situ experimental setup utilizing ion beam and x-ray beam techniques for studying site specific radiations effects and battery performances.

He has authored or coauthored more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific journal publications with H-index of 38 and contributed to more than 150 technical presentation (including 25 invited presentations) in the areas of materials synthesis, modification, and characterization.




  • GR Kulkarni, S China, S Liu, MI Nandasiri, N Sharma, JM Wilson, AC Aiken, D Chand, A Laskin, C Mazzoleni, MS Pekour, JE Shilling, V Shutthanandan, A Zelenyuk, RA Zaveri. 2016. "Ice nucleation activity of diesel soot particles at Cirrus relevant conditions: Effects of hydration, secondary organics coating, hydration, soot morphology, and coagulation." Geophysical Research Letters 43(7)3580-3588. 10.1002/2016GL068707
  • MI Nandasiri, J Liu, BPeter McGrail, JWJ Jenks, HT Schaef, V Shutthanandan, Z Nie, PF Martin, SK Nune. 2016. "Increased Thermal Conductivity in Metal-Organic Heat Carrier Nanofluids." Scientific Reports 627805. 10.1038/srep27805
  • L Zhang, W Jiang, AC Dissanayake, J Peng, W Ai, J Zhang, Z Zhu, T Wang, V Shutthanandan. 2016. "Lattice damage and compositional changes in Xe ion irradiated InxGa1-xN (x = 0.32-1.0) single crystals." Journal of Applied Physics 119(24)Article No. 245704. 10.1063/1.4954691
  • SR Spurgeon, Y Du, TC Droubay, A Devaraj, X Sang, P Longo, P Yan, PG Kotula, V Shutthanandan, ME Bowden, JM LeBeau, CM Wang, P Sushko, SA Chambers. 2016. "Competing Pathways for Nucleation of the Double Perovskite Structure in the Epitaxial Synthesis of La2MnNiO6." Chemistry of Materials 28(11)3814–3822. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b00829


  • TC Kaspar, ME Bowden, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, NR Overman, RM Van Ginhoven, BD Wirth, RJ Kurtz. 2015. "Epitaxial Fe/Y2O3 interfaces as a model system for oxide-dispersion-strengthened ferritic alloys." Journal of Nuclear Materials 457352-361. 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.11.046
  • H Zhang, Y Du, P Sushko, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, S Sallis, LFJ Piper, SA Chambers. 2015. "Hole-induced insulator-to-metal transition in La1-xSrxCrO3 epitaxial films." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 91(15)155129. 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.155129
  • T Varga, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, SA Stephens, S Manandhar, V Shutthanandan, RJ Colby, D Hu, WA Shelton, SA Chambers. 2015. "Strain-dependence Of The Structure And Ferroic Properties Of Epitaxial Ni-1 (-) Ti-x(1) (-) O-y(3) Thin Films Grown On Sapphire Substrates." Thin Solid Films 578113-123. 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.02.016
  • BT Flynn, H Zhang, V Shutthanandan, T Varga, RJ Colby, RP Oleksak, S Manandhar, MH Engelhard, SA Chambers, MA Henderson, GS Herman, S Thevuthasan. 2015. "Growth and Surface Modification of LaFeO3 Thin Films Induced By Reductive Annealing." Applied Surface Science 330309-315. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.01.028
  • GR Kulkarni, MI Nandasiri, A Zelenyuk, J Beranek, N Madaan, A Devaraj, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, T Varga. 2015. "Effects Of Crystallographic Properties On The Ice Nucleation Properties Of Volcanic Ash Particles." Geophysical Research Letters 42(8)3048-3055. 10.1002/2015GL063270
  • HC Huang, L Zhang, G Malladi, JI Dadap, S Manandhar, K Kisslinger, VRSes Vemuri, V Shutthanandan, H Bakhru, R Osgood. 2015. "Radiation Damage By Light- And Heavy-Ion Bombardment of Single-Crystal LiNbO3." Optical Materials Express 5(5)1071-1088. 10.1364/OME.5.001071
  • H Zhang, Y Du, P Sushko, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, L Qiao, G Cao, Z Gai, S Sallis, LFJ Piper, SA Chambers. 2015. "Electronic and magnetic properties of epitaxial perovskite SrCrO3(001)." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27(24)245605. 10.1088/0953-8984/27/24/245605
  • GR Kulkarni, K Zhang, C Zhao, MI Nandasiri, V Shutthanandan, X Liu, JD Fast, LK Berg. 2015. "Ice formation on nitric acid coated dust particles: Laboratory and modeling studies." Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 120(15)7682-7698. 10.1002/2014JD022637
  • PB Roder, S Manandhar, BE Smith, X Zhou, V Shutthanandan, PJ Pauzauskie. 2015. "Photothermal Superheating of Water with Ion-Implanted Silicon Nanowires." Advanced Optical Materials 3(10)1362-1367. 10.1002/adom.201500143
  • H Xue, HY Xiao, Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan, LL Snead, LA Boatner, WJ Weber, Y Zhang. 2015. "Ag Out-surface Diffusion In Crystalline SiC With An Effective SiO2 Diffusion Barrier." Journal of Nuclear Materials 464294-298. 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.05.001
  • H Zhang, Y Du, A Papadogianni, O Bierwagen, S Sallis, LFJ Piper, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, P Sushko, SA Chambers. 2015. "Perovskite Sr-doped LaCrO3 as a new p-type transparent conducting oxide." Advanced Materials 27(35)5191-5195. 10.1002/adma.201501959
  • MI Nandasiri, V Shutthanandan, S Manandhar, AM Schwarz, LS Oxenford, JV Kennedy, S Thevuthasan, MA Henderson. 2015. "Instability of Hydrogenated TiO2." Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6(22)4627-4632. 10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b02219


  • TC Kaspar, ME Bowden, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, S Manandhar, RM Van Ginhoven, BD Wirth, RJ Kurtz. 2014. "Defect Structure of Epitaxial CrxV1 − x Thin Films on MgO(001)." Thin Solid Films 5501-9. 10.1016/j.tsf.2013.09.067
  • TC Kaspar, SE Chamberlin, ME Bowden, RJ Colby, V Shutthanandan, S Manandhar, Y Wang, P Sushko, SA Chambers. 2014. "Impact of Lattice Mismatch and Stoichiometry on the Structure and Bandgap of (Fe,Cr)2O3 Epitaxial Thin Films." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26(13)Article No. 135005. 10.1088/0953-8984/26/13/135005
  • A Devaraj, TC Kaspar, S Ramanan, SK Walvekar, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, RJ Kurtz. 2014. "Nanoscale Phase Separation In Epitaxial Cr-Mo and Cr-V Alloy Thin Films Studied Using Atom Probe Tomography: Comparison Of Experiments And Simulation." Journal of Applied Physics 116(19)Article No. 193512. 10.1063/1.4901465
  • SE Chamberlin, TC Kaspar, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, BC Kabius, SM Heald, D Keavney, SA Chambers. 2014. "Structural perturbations of epitaxial α-(Fe1-xVx)2O3 thin films driven by excess oxygen near the surface." Journal of Applied Physics 116(23)Article No. 233702. 10.1063/1.4903839
  • W Setyawan, MD Gerboth, B Yao, CH Henager, A Devaraj, VRSes Vemuri, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan. 2014. "Asymmetry of radiation damage properties in Al-Ti nanolayers." Journal of Nuclear Materials 445(1-3)261-271. 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.11.012
  • M Vijayakumar, B Schwenzer, V Shutthanandan, JZ Hu, J Liu, IA Aksay. 2014. "Elucidating graphene - Ionic Liquid interfacial region: a combined experimental and computational study." Nano Energy 3152-158. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2012.09.014
  • SP Pilli, LV Smith, V Shutthanandan. 2014. "Measuring time-dependent diffusion in polymer matrix composites." Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 18(4)633-641. 10.1007/s11043-012-9175-z
  • K Jin, Z Zhu, S Manandhar, J Liu, CH Chen, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, WJ Weber, Y Zhang. 2014. "Angular Distribution and Recoil Effect for 1 MeV Au+ Ions through a Si3N4 Thin Foil ." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 332346-350. 10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.093
  • G Martinez, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, JF Chessa, CV Ramana. 2014. "Effect of Thickness on the Structure, Composition and Properties of Titanium Nitride Nano-Coatings." Ceramics International 40(4)5757-5764. 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.11.014
  • S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, Y Wang, G Vizkelethy, B Rout. 2014. "21st International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 3321-6. 10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.125
  • F Liu, L Huang, RF Davis, LM Porter, DK Schreiber, SVNT Kuchibhatla, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, E Preble, T Paskova, KR Evans. 2014. "Composition and Interface Analysis of InGaN/GaN Multiquantum-Wells on GaN Substrates Using Atom Probe Tomography." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B--Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 32(5)Article No. 051209. 10.1116/1.4893976
  • NR Murphy, JT Grant, L Sun, JG Jones, R Jakubiak, V Shutthanandan, CV Ramana. 2014. "Correlation Between Optical Properties And Chemical Composition Of Sputter-deposited Germanium Cxide (GeOx) Films ." Optical Materials 36(7)1177-1182. 10.1016/j.optmat.2014.02.023
  • J He, F Wan, K Sridharan, TR Allen, AG Certain, V Shutthanandan, Y Wu. 2014. "Stability Of Nanoclusters In 14YWT Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steel Under Heavy Ion-irradiation By Atom Probe Tomography." Journal of Nuclear Materials 455(1-3)41-45. 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.03.024


  • T Varga, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, RJ Colby, S Manandhar, V Shutthanandan, D Hu, BC Kabius, E Apra, WA Shelton, SA Chambers. 2013. "Coexistence of Weak Ferromagnetism and Polar Lattice Distortion in Epitaxial NiTiO3 thin films of the LiNbO3-Type Structure." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B--Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 31(3)Article No. 030603. 10.1116/1.4801664
  • CM Wang, TC Kaspar, V Shutthanandan, AG Joly, L Kovarik, BW Arey, M Gu, A Devaraj, BD Wirth, RJ Kurtz. 2013. "Structure And Radiation Damage Behavior Of Epitaxial CrxMo1-x Alloy Thin Films On MgO." Journal of Nuclear Materials 437(1-3)55-61. 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.01.345
  • PA Jozwik, N Sathish, L Nowicki, J Jagielski, AW Turos, L Kovarik, BW Arey, V Shutthanandan, W Jiang, J Dyczewski, A Barcz. 2013. "Analysis of Crystal Lattice Deformation by Ion Channeling." Acta Physica Polonica. Series A: General Physics, Physics of Condensed Matter, Optics and Quantum Electronics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Applied Physics 123(5)828-830. 10.12693/APhysPolA.123.828
  • L Qiao, H Zhang, ME Bowden, T Varga, V Shutthanandan, RJ Colby, Y Du, BC Kabius, PV Sushko, MD Biegalski, SA Chambers. 2013. "The Impacts of Cation Stoichiometry and Substrate Surface Quality on Nucleation, Structure, Defect Formation, and Intermixing in Complex Oxide Heteroepitaxy–LaCrO3 on SrTiO3(001)." Advanced Functional Materials 23(23)2953–2963. 10.1002/adfm.201202655
  • RJ Colby, L Qiao, H Zhang, V Shutthanandan, J Ciston, BC Kabius, SA Chambers. 2013. "Cation Intermixing And Electronic Deviations At The Insulating LaCrO3/SrTiO3(001) Interface." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88(15)155325-1 to 155325-9. 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.155325
  • S Vilayur Ganapathy, A Devaraj, RJ Colby, A Pandey, T Varga, V Shutthanandan, S Manandhar, PZ El-Khoury, AN Kayani, WP Hess, S Thevuthasan. 2013. "Subsurface Synthesis and Characterization of Ag Nanoparticles Embedded in MgO." Nanotechnology 24(9)Article No. 095707. 10.1088/0957-4484/24/9/095707
  • DS Jensen, SS Kanyal, N Madaan, JM Hancock, A Dadson, MA Vail, R Vanfleet, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, MH Engelhard, MR Linford. 2013. "Multi-Instrument Characterization of the Surfaces and Materials in Microfabricated, Carbon Nanotube-Templated Thin Layer Chromatography Plates. An Analogy to ‘The Blind Men and the Elephant’." Surface Interface Analysis 45(8)1273-1282. 10.1002/sia.5268
  • AG Certain, SVN T Kuchibhatla, V Shutthanandan, DT Hoelzer, TR Allen. 2013. "Radiation Stability of Nanoclusters in Nano-structured Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steels." Journal of Nuclear Materials 434(1-3)311-321.
  • B Li, J Zhang, TC Kaspar, V Shutthanandan, RC Ewing, J Lian. 2013. "Multilayered YSZ/GZO films with greatly enhanced ionic conduction for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 15(4)1296-1301. 10.1039/C2CP42964K
  • JD Gaynor, AS Karakoti, T Inerbaev, SP Sanghavi, P Nachimuthu, V Shutthanandan, S Seal, S Thevuthasan. 2013. "Enzyme-free Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide from Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Immobilized on Poly(4-vinylpyridine) Self-Assembled Monolayers." Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1(28)3443-3450. 10.1039/c3tb20204f
  • SS Kumar, EJ Rubio, M Noor-A-Alam, G Martinez, S Manandhar, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, CV Ramana. 2013. "Structure, Morphology, and Optical Properties of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Gallium Oxide Thin Films." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117(8)4194-4200. 10.1021/jp311300e
  • H Wang, BM Lunt, RJ Gates, MC Asplund, V Shutthanandan, RC Davis, MR Linford. 2013. "Carbon/Ternary Alloy/Carbon Optical Stack on Mylar as an Optical Data Storage Medium to Potentially Replace Magnetic Tape." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5(17)8407-8413. 10.1021/am401693u
  • EJ Rubio, G Martinez, M Noor-A-Alam, SW Stafford, V Shutthanandan, CV Ramana. 2013. "Microstructure And Thermal Oxidation Behavior Of Yttria-stabilized Hafnia Nanostructured Coatings Deposited On Alumina." Surface & Coatings Technology 236142-148. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.09.004


  • KJ Alvine, V Shutthanandan, BW Arey, CM Wang, WD Bennett, SG Pitman. 2012. "Pb nanowire formation on Al/lead zirconate titanate surfaces in high-pressure hydrogen." Journal of Applied Physics 112(1)Article No. 013533. 10.1063/1.4731721
  • SVN T Kuchibhatla, V Shutthanandan, TJ Prosa, P Adusumilli, BW Arey, A Buxbaum, YC Wang, T Tessner, RM Ulfig, CM Wang, S Thevuthasan. 2012. "Three-dimensional Chemical Imaging of Embedded Nanoparticles using Atom Probe Tomography." Nanotechnology 23(21)Article No. 215704. 10.1088/0957-4484/23/21/215704
  • TC Kaspar, ME Bowden, T Varga, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, AG Joly, BD Wirth, RJ Kurtz. 2012. "Structural characterization of epitaxial CrxMo1−x alloy thin films." Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 24(9)095001. 10.1088/0953-8984/24/9/095001
  • T Varga, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, P Nachimuthu, V Shutthanandan, TB Bolin, WA Shelton, SA Chambers. 2012. "Epitaxial growth of NiTiO3 with a distorted ilmenite structure." Thin Solid Films 520(17)5534-5541. 10.1016/j.tsf.2012.04.060
  • Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan, MH Engelhard. 2012. "An Investigation of Hydrogen Depth Profiling Using ToF-SIMS." Surface and Interface Analysis 44(2)232-237. 10.1002/sia.3826
  • GA Hackett, KR Gerdes, X Song, Y Chen, V Shutthanandan, MH Engelhard, Z Zhu, S Thevuthasan, R Gemmen. 2012. "Performance of solid oxide fuel cells operated with coal syngas provided directly from a gasification process." Journal of Power Sources 214142-152. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2012.04.050
  • MS Rajachidambaram, T Varga, L Kovarik, RP Sanghavi, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, S Han, C Chang, GS Herman. 2012. "Formation of zinc oxide films using submicron zinc particle dispersions." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B--Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 30(4)Article No. 041805. 10.1116/1.4731255
  • D Salcedo, A Laskin, V Shutthanandan, JL Jimenez. 2012. "Feasibility of the detection of trace elements in particulate matter using online High-Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry." Aerosol Science and Technology 46(11)1187-1200. 10.1080/02786826.2012.701354
  • Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan. 2012. "Are Cluster Ion Analysis Beams Good Choices for Hydrogen Depth Profiling Using Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry?." Surface and Interface Analysis 44(1)89-93. 10.1002/sia.3776
  • A Kumar, R Devanathan, V Shutthanandan, SVN T Kuchibhatla, AS Karakoti, Y Yang, S Thevuthasan, S Seal. 2012. "Radiation-Induced Reduction of Ceria in Single and Polycrystalline Thin Films." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116(1)361-366. 10.1021/jp209345w
  • JK Jagielski, AW Turos, L Nowicki, PA Jozwik, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, N Sathish, L Thome, A Stonert, I Jozwik Biala. 2012. "Monte Carlo simulations of channeling spectra recorded for samples containing complex defects." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 27391-94. 10.1016/j.nimb.2011.07.047
  • V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, ML Stutzman, F Hannon, C Hernandez-Garcia, MI Nandasiri, SVN T Kuchibhatla, S Thevuthasan, WP Hess. 2012. "Surface Science Analysis of GaAs Photocathodes Following Sustained Electron Beam Delivery." Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 15(6)063501. 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.15.063501
  • R Chen, H Wagner, A Dastgheib-Shirazi, M Kessler, Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan, PP Altermatt, ST Dunham. 2012. "A Model for Phosphosilicate Glass Deposition via POCl3 for Control of Phosphorus Dose in Si." Journal of Applied Physics 112(12)Article No.124912. 10.1063/1.4771672
  • HY Xiao, Y Zhang, LL Snead, V Shutthanandan, H Xue, WJ Weber. 2012. "Near-surface and bulk behavior of Ag in SiC." Journal of Nuclear Materials 420(1-3)123-130. 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2011.09.028
  • JS Rajachidambaram, SP Sanghavi, P Nachimuthu, V Shutthanandan, T Varga, BT Flynn, S Thevuthasan, GS Herman. 2012. "Characterization of Amorphous Zinc Tin Oxide Semiconductors." Journal of Materials Research 27(17)2309-2317. 10.1557/jmr.2012.170


  • BW Arey, V Shutthanandan, Y Xie, A Tolic, NG Williams, G Orr. 2011. "Investigation of Cellular Interactions of Nanoparticles by Helium Ion Microscopy." 10.1117/12.887141
  • L Qiao, TC Droubay, T Varga, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers. 2011. "Epitaxial growth, structure and intermixing at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface as the film stoichiometry is varied." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83(8)085408. 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.085408
  • AN Mangham, N Govind, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, AG Joly, MA Henderson, SA Chambers. 2011. "Photochemical Properties, Composition, and Structure in Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown Fe “Doped” and (Fe,N) Codoped Rutile TiO2(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115(31)15416-15424. 10.1021/jp203061n
  • L Qiao, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers. 2011. "LaCrO3 heteroepitaxy on SrTiO3(001) by molecular beam epitaxy ." Applied Physics Letters 99(6)Art. No. 061904. 10.1063/1.3624473
  • B Zhao, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, JS McCloy, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, SM Heald, SA Chambers. 2011. "Electrical transport properties of Ti-doped Fe2O3(0001) epitaxial films." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 84(24)245325. 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.245325
  • TC Droubay, CI Pearce, ES Ilton, MH Engelhard, W Jiang, SM Heald, E Arenholz, V Shutthanandan, KM Rosso. 2011. "Epitaxial Fe3-xTixO4 films from magnetite to ulvöspinel by pulsed laser deposition." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 84(12)Article No. 125443. 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.125443
  • B Aguirre, RS Vemuri, D Zubia, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, K Kamala Bharathi, CV Ramana. 2011. "Growth, microstructure and electrical properties of sputter-deposited hafnium oxide (HfO2) thin films grown using HfO2 ceramic target." Applied Surface Science 257(6)2197-2202. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2010.09.072
  • RP Sanghavi, MI Nandasiri, SVN T Kuchibhatla, W Jiang, T Varga, P Nachimuthu, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, AN Kayani, S Prasad. 2011. "Thickness Dependency of Thin Film Samaria Doped Ceria for Oxygen Sensing ." IEEE Sensors Journal 11(1)217-224. 10.1109/JSEN.2010.2050766
  • MI Nandasiri, P Nachimuthu, T Varga, V Shutthanandan, W Jiang, SVN T Kuchibhatla, S Thevuthasan, S Seal, AN Kayani. 2011. "Influence of growth rate on the epitaxial orientation and crystalline quality of CeO2 thin films grown on Al2O3(0001)." Journal of Applied Physics 109(1)013525:1-7. 10.1063/1.3525558
  • CM Wang, TC Kaspar, V Shutthanandan, AG Joly, RJ Kurtz. 2011. "Structure of Cr Film Epitaxially Grown on MgO (001)." Acta Materialia 59(11)4274-4282. 10.1016/j.actamat.2011.03.051
  • G Jiang, F Rivera, SS Kanyal, RC Davis, R Vanfleet, BM Lunt, V Shutthanandan, MR Linford. 2011. "Characterization of the plastic substrates, the reflective layers, the adhesives, and the grooves of today's archival-grade recordable DVDs." Optical Engineering 50(1) Article No. 015201. 10.1117/1.3529981
  • M Toulemonde, WJ Weber, G Li, V Shutthanandan, P Kluth, T Yang, Y Wang, Y Zhang. 2011. "Synergy of Nuclear and Electronic Energy Losses in Ion-irradiation Processes: the Case of Vitreous Silicon Dioxide." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 83(5)054106- 054106-9. 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.054106


  • SA Chambers, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, TC Droubay, L Qiao, PV Sushko, T Feng, HD Lee, T Gustafsson, E Garfunkel, AB Shah, JM Zuo, QM Ramasse. 2010. "Instability, intermixing and electronic structure at the epitaxial LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) heterojunction." Surface Science Reports 65(10-12)317-352. 10.1016/j.surfrep.2010.09.001
  • TC Droubay, L Qiao, TC Kaspar, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers. 2010. "Non-stoichiometric material transfer in the pulsed laser deposition of LaAlO3." Applied Physics Letters 97(12)124105. 10.1063/1.3487778
  • L Qiao, TC Droubay, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, PV Sushko, SA Chambers. 2010. "Thermodynamic Instability at the Stoichiometric LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) Interface." Journal of Physics. Condensed matter 22(31)Art. No. 312201. 10.1088/0953-8984/22/31/312201
  • MA Henderson, V Shutthanandan, T Ohsawa, SA Chambers. 2010. "Structural Environment of Nitrogen in N-doped Rutile TiO2(110)." 10.1117/12.862297
  • RP Sanghavi, MI Nandasiri, SVN T Kuchibhatla, P Nachimuthu, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, W Jiang, S Thevuthasan, AN Kayani, S Prasad. 2010. "Performance Evaluation of an Oxygen Sensor as a Function of the Samaria Doped Ceria Film Thickness." 10.1557/PROC-1209-P03-07
  • Z Yu, R Devanathan, W Jiang, P Nachimuthu, V Shutthanandan, LV Saraf, CM Wang, SVN T Kuchibhatla, S Thevuthasan. 2010. "Integrated Experimental and Modeling Study of Ionic Conductivity of Scandia-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films." Solid State Ionics 181(8-10)367-371. 10.1016/j.ssi.2010.01.024
  • RC Moffet, TR Henn, AV Tivanski, RJ Hopkins, Y Desyaterik, AL Kilcoyne, T Tyliszczak, JD Fast, JC Barnard, V Shutthanandan, SS Cliff, KD Perry, A Laskin, MK Gilles. 2010. "Microscopic Characterization of Carbonaceous Aerosol Particle Aging in the Outflow from Mexico City." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10(3)961-976.
  • A Aiken, B de Foy, C Wiedinmyer, P DeCarlo, IM Ulbrich, MN Wehrli, S Szidat, ASH Prevot, J Noda, L Wacker, RM Volkamer, E Fortner, JX Wang, A Laskin, V Shutthanandan, J Zheng, R Zhang, GL Paredes-Miranda, WP Arnott, L Molina, G Sosa, X Querol, JL Jimenez. 2010. "Mexico City Aerosol Analysis during MILAGRO using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry at the Urban Supersite (T0). Part 2: Analysis of the Biomass Burning Contribution and the Modern Carbon Fraction." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10(12)5315-5341. 10.5194/acp-10-5315-2010
  • Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu. 2010. "Using C₆₀⁺ Sputtering to Improve Detection Limit of Nitrogen in Zinc Oxide." Surface and Interface Analysis 43(1-2)661-663. 10.1002/sia.3414
  • G Saini, DS Jensen, LA Wiest, MA Vail, A Dadson, ML Lee, V Shutthanandan, MR Linford. 2010. "Core-Shell Diamond as a Support for Solid-Phase Extraction and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography." Analytical Chemistry 82(11)4448-4456.
  • KJ Alvine, V Shutthanandan, WD Bennett, CC Bonham, DC Skorski, SG Pitman, ME Dahl, CH Henager. 2010. "High Pressure Hydrogen Materials Compatibility of Piezoelectric Films." Applied Physics Letters 97(22)Paper No. 221911. 10.1063/1.3517445


  • T Ohsawa, I Lyubinetsky, Y Du, MA Henderson, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers. 2009. "Crystallographic Dependence of Visible-light Photoactivity in Epitaxial TiO2−xNx Anatase and Rutile." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79(8)Article number: 085401. 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.085401
  • T Ohsawa, I Lyubinetsky, Y Du, MA Henderson, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers. 2009. "Crystallographic Dependence of Visible-Light Photochemistry in Epitaxial TiO2-xNx Anatase and Rutile." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79(8)Art. No. 085401.
  • Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan, Y Li, SA Chambers. 2009. "Quantitative Determination of Deuterium Atom Concentration in Zinc Oxide Thin Films by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry." 10.1063/1.3120047
  • SM Heald, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers, A Mokhtari, AJ Behan, HJ Blythe, JR Neal, M Fox, G Gehring. 2009. "X-ray absorption fine structure and magnetization characterization of the metallic Co component in Co-doped ZnO thin films ." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 79(7)Art. No. 075202.
  • WM Hlaing Oo, LV Saraf, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, L Bergman, J Huso, MD Mccluskey. 2009. "Suppression of conductivity in Mn-Doped ZnO Thin Films." Journal of Applied Physics 105(1)013715. 10.1063/1.3063730
  • S Gupta, SVN T Kuchibhatla, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu, W Jiang, LV Saraf, S Thevuthasan, S Prasad. 2009. "Influence of samaria doping on the resistance of ceria thin films and its implications to the planar oxygen sensing devices." Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical 139(2)380-386. 10.1016/j.snb.2009.03.021
  • CL Chang, S Sankaranarayanan, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, S Ramanathan. 2009. "On the relationship between non-stoichiometry and passivity breakdown in ultra-thin oxides: combined depth-dependent spectroscopy, Mott-Schottky analysis and molecular dynamics simulation studies." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113(9)3502-3511.
  • P Nachimuthu, YJ Kim, SVN T Kuchibhatla, Z Yu, W Jiang, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, J Szanyi, S Thevuthasan. 2009. "Growth and characterization of barium oxide nanoclusters on YSZ(111)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113(32)14324-14328. 10.1021/jp9020068
  • SVN T Kuchibhatla, P Nachimuthu, F Gao, W Jiang, V Shutthanandan, MH Engelhard, S Seal, S Thevuthasan. 2009. "Growth-Rate Induced Epitaxial Orientation of CeO2 on Al2O3(0001)." Applied Physics Letters 94(20)204101:1-3. 10.1063/1.3139073
  • SVN T Kuchibhatla, SY Hu, Z Yu, V Shutthanandan, Y Li, P Nachimuthu, W Jiang, S Thevuthasan, CH Henager, SK Sundaram. 2009. "Morphology, Orientation Relationship and Stability Analysis of Cu2O nanoclusters on SrTiO3 (100) ." Applied Physics Letters 95(5)Art. No. 053111. 10.1063/1.3193530
  • A Aiken, D Salcedo, MJ Cubison, J Huffman, P DeCarlo, IM Ulbrich, KS Docherty, DT Sueper, J Kimmel, DR Worsnop, A Trimborn, M Northway, EA Stone, JJ Schauer, RM Volkamer, E Fortner, B de Foy, J Wang, A Laskin, V Shutthanandan, J Zheng, R Zhang, JS Gaffney, NA Marley, GL Paredes-Miranda, WP Arnott, LT Molina, G Sosa, JL Jimenez. 2009. "Mexico City Aerosol Analysis during MILAGRO using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry at the Urban Supersite (T0). Part 1: Fine Particle Composition and Organic Source Apportionment." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9(17)6633-6653.
  • BR Johnson, BJ Riley, SK Sundaram, JV Crum, CH Henager, Y Zhang, V Shutthanandan, CE Seifert, RM Van Ginhoven, CE Chamberlin, A Rockett, D Hebert, A Aquino. 2009. "Synthesis and Characterization of Bulk Vitreous Cadmium Germanium Arsenide." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92(6)1236-1243. 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.03001.x
  • SP Pilli, KL Simmons, JD Holbery, V Shutthanandan, PB Stickler, LV Smith. 2009. "A Novel Accelerated Moisture Adsorption Test and Characterization." Composites. Part A, Applied science and manufacturing 40(9)1501-1505. 10.1016/j.compositesa.2009.06.008
  • Y Wang, L An, LV Saraf, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, DE Mccready, S Thevuthasan. 2009. "Microstructure and ionic-conductivity of alternating-multilayer structured Gd-doped ceria and zirconia thin films." Journal of Materials Science 44(8)2021-2026.
  • S Thevuthasan, LV Saraf, OA Marina, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, PE Burrows. 2009. "Nanoscale Effects on Oxygen Ion Conductance in Oxide Electrolytes."
  • S Thevuthasan, Z Yu, SVN T Kuchibhatla, LV Saraf, OA Marina, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu, CM Wang. 2009. "Oxygen Ion Conductance in Epitaxially Grown Thin Film Electrolytes."


  • D Bera, SVN T Kuchibhatla, S Azad, LV Saraf, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu, DE Mccready, MH Engelhard, OA Marina, DR Baer, S Seal, S Thevuthasan. 2008. "Growth and characterization of highly oriented gadolinia-doped ceria (111) thin films on zirconia (111)/sapphire (0001) substrates." Thin Solid Films 516(18)6088-6094. 10.1016/j.tsf.2007.11.007
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, SM Heald, P Nachimuthu, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, CA Johnson, DR Gamelin, SA Chambers. 2008. "Lack of ferromagnetism in n-type cobalt-doped ZnO epitaxial thin films." New Journal of Physics 10Art. No. 055010. 10.1088/1367-2630/10/5/055010
  • Y Li, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu, SA Chambers. 2008. "Electronic properties of H and D doped ZnO epitaxial films." Applied Physics Letters 92(15)Art. No. 152105.
  • Y Li, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, AG Joly, P Nachimuthu, Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers. 2008. "A Study of H and D doped ZnO epitaxial films grown by pulsed laser deposition." Journal of Applied Physics 104(5)Article no. 053711. 10.1063/1.2975219
  • Z Yu, SVN T Kuchibhatla, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, P Nachimuthu, OA Marina, LV Saraf, S Thevuthasan, S Seal. 2008. "Growth and structure of epitaxial Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 by oxygen-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy." Journal of Crystal Growth 310(2008)2450-2456.
  • Z Yu, SVN T Kuchibhatla, LV Saraf, OA Marina, CM Wang, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu, S Thevuthasan. 2008. "Conductivity of Oriented Samaria-Doped Ceria Thin Films Grown by Oxygen-plasma-assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy." Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 11(5)B76-B78. 10.1149/1.2890122
  • M Tsuchiya, V Shutthanandan, MH Engelhard, S Ramanathan. 2008. "Direct Measurement of Oxygen Incorporation into Thin Film Oxides at Room Temperature Upon Ultraviolet Phton Irradiation." Applied Physics Letters 93(26)263109. 10.1063/1.3058691
  • RC Moffet, Y Desyaterik, RJ Hopkins, AV Tivanski, MK Gilles, YA Wang, V Shutthanandan, LT Molina, RG Abraham, KS Johnson, V Mugica, MJ Molina, A Laskin, KA Prather. 2008. "Characterization of Aerosols Containing Zn, Pb, and Cl from an Industrial Region of Mexico City." Environmental Science & Technology 42(19)7091-7097. 10.1021/es7030483
  • KS Johnson, A Laskin, JL Jimenez, V Shutthanandan, LT Molina, D Salcedo, K Dzepina, MJ Molina. 2008. "Comparative Analysis of Urban Atmospheric Aerosol by Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), Proton Elastic Scattering Analysis (PESA), and Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (AMS)." Environmental Science & Technology 42(17)6619-6624. 10.1021/es800393e
  • J Gan, T Allen, RC Birtcher, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan. 2008. "Radiation Effects on the Microstructure of a 9Cr-ODS Alloy." JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 60(1)24-28. 10.1007/s11837-008-0003-5
  • H Chen, JA Lucas, WA Priyantha, M Kopczyk, RJ Smith, KR Lund, C Key, M Finsterbusch, PE Gannon, M Deibert, VI Gorokhovsky, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu. 2008. "Thermal stability and oxidation resistance of TiCrAlYO coatings on SS430 for solid oxide fuel cell interconnect applications." Surface & Coatings Technology 202(19)4820-4824. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2008.04.059
  • SP Pilli, KL Simmons, JD Holbery, V Shutthanandan. 2008. "Accelerated Composite Moisture Infusion Test and Characterization."
  • CV Ramana, U Becker, V Shutthanandan, CM Julien. 2008. "Oxidation and Metal-Insertion in Molybdenite Surfaces: Evaluation of Charge-Transfer Mechanisms and Dynamics ." Geochemical Transactions 9Article No. 8. 10.1186/1467-4866-9-8
  • X Xiang, XT Zu, S Zhu, LM Wang, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu, Y Zhang. 2008. "Photoluminescence of SnO2 nanoparticles embedded in Al2O3." Journal of Physics D. Applied Physics 41(22)225102. 10.1088/0022-3727/41/22/225102
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, EM Iuliano, WB Seales. 2008. "PIXE ANALYSIS ON AN ANCIENT SCROLL SAMPLE." International Journal of PIXE 18(3-4)279-284.
  • V Shutthanandan, YL Xie, RS Disselkamp, NS Laulainen, EA Smith, S Thevuthasan. 2008. "MULTI-TECHNIQUE APPROACH TO MEASURE SIZE AND TIME RESOLVED ATMOSPHERIC AND RADIONUCLIDE AEROSOLS." International Journal of PIXE 18(3-4)209-218.


  • LV Saraf, MH Engelhard, P Nachimuthu, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, SM Heald, DE McCready, AS Lea, DR Baer, SA Chambers. 2007. "Nucleation and Growth of MOCVD Grown (Cr, Zn)O Films – Uniform Doping vs. Secondary Phase Formation." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154(3)D134-D138. 10.1149/1.2424422
  • LV Saraf, MH Engelhard, CM Wang, AS Lea, DE McCready, V Shutthanandan, DR Baer, SA Chambers. 2007. "Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of carbon-free ZnO using the bis(2,2,6,6 tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)zinc precursor." Journal of Materials Research 22(5)1230-1234. 10.1557/JMR.2007.0146
  • LV Saraf, MH Engelhard, CM Wang, AS Lea, DE McCready, V Shutthanandan, DR Baer, SA Chambers. 2007. "Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of carbon-free ZnO using the bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)zinc precursor." Journal of Materials Research 22(5)1230-1234. 10.1557/JMR.2007.0146
  • SA Chambers, SH Cheung, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, MK Bowman, AG Joly. 2007. "Properties of Structurally Excellent N-doped TiO2 Rutile." Chemical Physics 339(1-3)27-35. 10.1016/j.chemphys.2007.04.024
  • KM Reddy, J Hays, S Kundu, LK Dua, PK Biswas, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, MH Engelhard, X Mathew, A Punnoose. 2007. "Effect of Mn doping on the structural, morphological, optical and magnetic properties of indium tin oxide films." Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Electronics 18(12)1197-1201. 10.1007/s10854-007-9277-6
  • A Thurber, KM Reddy, V Shutthanandan, MH Engelhard, CM Wang, J Hays, A Punnoose. 2007. "Ferromagnetism in chemically synthesized CeO2 nanoparticles by Ni doping." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 76(16)165206-1 - 165206-8. 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.165206
  • KM Reddy, R Benson, J Hays, A Thurber, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, R Hansen, WB Knowlton, A Punnoose. 2007. "On the room-temperature ferromagnetism of Zn1-xCrxO thin films deposited by reactive co-sputtering." Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 91(15-16)1496-1502. 10.1016/j.solmat.2007.03.012
  • Z Yu, Y Zhang, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, I Lyubinetsky, MH Engelhard, LV Saraf, DE Mccready, CH Henager, P Nachimuthu, S Thevuthasan. 2007. "Synthesis and Characterization of Compositionally Graded Si1-xGex Layers on Si substrate." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 261(1-2)723-726.
  • J Hays, KM Reddy, NY Graces, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, M Luo, C Xu, NC Giles, CM Wang, S Thevuthasan, A Punnoose. 2007. "Effect of Co Doping on the Structural, Optical and Magnetic Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles." Journal of Physics. Condensed matter 19(26)Art. No. 266203. 10.1088/0953-8984/19/26/266203
  • CV Ramana, VV Atuchin, VG Kesler, VA Kochubey, LD Pokrovsky, V Shutthanandan, U Becker, RC Ewing. 2007. "Growth and surface characterization of sputter-deposited molybdenum oxide thin films." Applied Surface Science 253(12)5368-5374. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.12.012
  • A Chaparadza, SB Rananavare, V Shutthanandan. 2007. "Synthesis and characterization of lithium-doped tin dioxide nanocrystalline powders." Materials Chemistry and Physics 102(2-3)176-180. 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2006.11.022
  • BR Johnson, BJ Riley, JV Crum, SK Sundaram, CH Henager, Y Zhang, V Shutthanandan. 2007. "FY06 Annual Report: Amorphous Semiconductors for Gamma Radiation Detection (ASGRAD)."
  • A Thurber, J Hays, KM Reddy, V Shutthanandan, A Punnoose. 2007. "Fluorine doping in dilute magnetic semiconductor Sn1–xFexO2." Journal of Materials Science 18(11)1151-1155. 10.1007/s10854-007-9145-4
  • CL Chang, V Shutthanandan, SC Singhal, S Ramanathan. 2007. "In-situ ion scattering and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of stability and nanoscale oxidation of single crystal (100) InAs." Applied Physics Letters 90(20)10.1063/1.2740200
  • M Zhu, J Wang, BC Holloway, RA Outlaw, X Zhao, K Hou, V Shutthanandan, DM Manos. 2007. "A Mechanism For Carbon Nanosheet Formation." Carbon 45(11)2229-2234. 10.1016/j.carbon.2007.06.017
  • CL Chang, V Shutthanandan, SC Singhal, S Ramanathan. 2007. "On the stability and oxidation of single crystal (100) InAs surfaces." ECS Transactions 11(4)409-419. 10.1149/1.2779577


  • CT Joensson, IA Maximov, HJ Whitlow, V Shutthanandan, LV Saraf, DE McCready, BW Arey, Y Zhang, S Thevuthasan. 2006. "Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt Silicide Films on Silicon." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 249(1-2)532–535. 10.1016/j.nimb.2006.03.046
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, SM Heald, MH Engelhard, DE McCready, SA Chambers, P Nachimuthu, BS Mun. 2006. "Synthesis of Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Cr-doped TiO₂(110) Rutile Single Crystals using Ion Implantation." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242(1-2)198-200. 10.1016/j.nimb.2005.08.149
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, A Punnoose, J Hays, SA Chambers. 2006. "Quantification of Dopant Concentrations in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors using Ion Beam Techniques." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 249(1-2)402-405. 10.1016/j.nimb.2006.04.038
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, V Shutthanandan, SM Heald, CM Wang, DE McCready, S Thevuthasan, JD Bryan, DR Gamelin, AJ Kellock, MF Toney, X Hong, C Ahn, SA Chambers. 2006. "Ferromagnetism and structure of epitaxial Cr-doped anatase TiO2 thin films." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73(15)155327 (12 p.). 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.155327
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, DE McCready, P Nachimuthu, SM Heald, CM Wang, AS Lea, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers, MF Toney. 2006. "Magnetic properties of epitaxial Co-doped anatase TiO2 thin films with excellent structural quality." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B--Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 24(4)2012-2017. 10.1116/1.2216723
  • CM Wang, MH Engelhard, S Azad, LV Saraf, DE McCready, V Shutthanandan, Z Yu, S Thevuthasan, M Watanabe, DB Williams. 2006. "Distribution of Oxygen Vacancies and Gadolinium Dopants in ZrO2-CeO2 Multi-Layer Films Grown on α-Al2O3." Solid State Ionics 177(15-16)1299-1306. 10.1016/j.ssi.2006.05.036
  • LV Saraf, DE McCready, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, MH Engelhard, S Thevuthasan. 2006. "Correlation among Channeling, Morphological and Micro-structural Properties in Epitaxial CeO2 Films." Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 9(5)J17-J20. 10.1149/1.2186029
  • W Jiang, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, S Thevuthasan, WJ Weber, GJ Exarhos. 2006. "Hydrogen behavior in Mg+-implanted graphite." Journal of Materials Research 21(4)811-815. 10.1557/JMR.2006.0121
  • W Jiang, Y Zhang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, WJ Weber. 2006. "Temperature response of 13C atoms in amorphized 6H-SiC." Applied Physics Letters 89(26)art. no.:261902, (3 pages). 10.1063/1.2422892
  • D Salcedo, TB Onasch, K Dzepina, MR Canagaratna, Q Zhang, AJ Huffman, P DeCarlo, JT Jayne, P Mortimer, DR Worsnop, CE Kolb, KS Johnson, BM Zuberi, L Marr, RM Volkamer, L Molina, MJ Molina, B Cardenas, R Bernabe, C Marquez, JS Gaffney, NA Marley, A Laskin, V Shutthanandan, YL Xie, WH Brune, R Lesher, T Shirley, JL Jiminez. 2006. "Characterization of Ambient Aerosols in Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Campaign with Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Results from the CENICA Supersite." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6925-946.
  • KS Johnson, B de Foy, BM Zuberi, L Molina, MJ Molina, YL Xie, A Laskin, V Shutthanandan. 2006. "Aerosol Composition and Source Apportionment in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area with PIXE/PESA/STIM and Multivariate Analysis." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6(12)4591-4600.
  • S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang. 2006. "Applications of High Energy Ion Beam Techniques in Environmental Science: Investigation Associated with Glass and Ceramic Waste Forms." Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 150(2-3)195-207. 10.1016/j.elspec.2005.06.010
  • NN Yadav, S Maheswaran, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, TR Hart, HH Ngo, S Vigneswaran. 2006. "Comparison of Analytical Techniques for Analysis of Arsenic Adsorbed on Carbon." Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 41(2)185-189.
  • Y Zhang, LV Saraf, V Shutthanandan, KD Hughes, YR Kuan, S Thevuthasan. 2006. "Study of Hydrogen Stability in Low-k Dielectric Films by Ion Beam Techniques." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 249(1-2)335–338. 10.1016/j.nimb.2006.04.022
  • CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, S Thevuthasan, LE Thomas, WJ Weber, G Duscher. 2006. "Atomic level imaging of Au nanocluster dispersed in TiO2 and SrTiO3 ." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242(1-2)380-382. 10.1016/j.nimb.2005.08.144
  • DE McCready, Y Liang, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, S Thevuthasan. 2006. "Thermal Lattice Expansion in Epitaxial SrTiO3(100) on Si(100)."
  • Y Zhang, WJ Weber, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan. 2006. "Non-linear Damage Accumulation in Au-irradiated SrTiO3." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 251(1)127-132. 10.1016/j.nimb.2006.05.018
  • J Gan, JI Cole, TR Allen, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan. 2006. "Irradiated microstructure of alloy 800H ." Journal of Nuclear Materials 351(1-3)223-227. 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.02.009
  • TR Allen, L Tan, J Gan , G Gupta, GS Was, EA Kenik, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan. 2006. "Microstructural development in advanced ferritic–martensitic steel HCM12A." Journal of Nuclear Materials 351(1-3)174-186. 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.02.014
  • AN Kayani, RJ Smith, S Teintze, M Kopczyk, PE Gannon, M Deibert, V Gorokhovsky, V Shutthanandan. 2006. "Oxidation studies of CrAlON nanolayered coatings on steel plates." Surface & Coatings Technology 201(3-4)1685-1694. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2006.02.053
  • V Gorokhovsky, C Bowman, PE Gannon, D VanVorous, AA Voevodin, A Rutkowski, C Muratore, RJ Smith, AN Kayani, DS Gelles, V Shutthanandan, BG Trusov. 2006. "Tribological performance of hybrid filtered arc-magnetron coatings - Part I: Coating deposition process and basic coating properties characterization." Surface & Coatings Technology 201(6)3732-3747. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2006.09.007


  • LV Saraf, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, OA Marina, DR Baer, S Thevuthasan, P Nachimuthu, DW Lindle. 2005. "Oxygen Transport Studies in Nanocrystalline Ceria Films." Journal of Materials Research 20(5)1295-1299.
  • CM Wang, Y Zhang, V Shutthanandan, DR Baer, WJ Weber, LE Thomas, S Thevuthasan, G Duscher. 2005. "Self-assembling of nanocavities in TiO2 dispersed with Au nanoclusters." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 72(24)245421, 1-5. 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.245421
  • TC Droubay, SM Heald, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, SA Chambers, J Osterwalder. 2005. "Cr-doped TiO₂ Anatase- A Ferromagnetic Insulator ." Journal of Applied Physics 97046103.
  • CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2005. "Microstructure of Co-doped TiO₂ (110) Rutile by Ion Implantation." Journal of Applied Physics 97(7)99-104.
  • TC Kaspar, SM Heald, CM Wang, JD Bryan, TC Droubay, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, DE McCready, AJ Kellock, DR Gamelin, SA Chambers. 2005. "Negligible Magnetism in Excellent Structural Quality CrxTi₁-xO₂ Anatase: Contrast with High-Tc Ferromagnetism in Structurally Defective CrxTi₁-xO₂." Physical Review Letters 95217203. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.217203
  • S Azad, OA Marina, CM Wang, LV Saraf, V Shutthanandan, DE McCready, A El-Azab, JE Jaffe, MH Engelhard, CHF Peden, S Thevuthasan. 2005. "Nanoscale Effects on Ion Conductance of Layer-by-Layer Structures of Gadolinia-doped Ceria and Zirconia." Applied Physics Letters 86(13)131906-131909.
  • A Punnoose, J Hays, A Thurber, MH Engelhard, RK Kukkadapu, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan. 2005. "Development of High-Temperature Ferromagnetism in SnO₂ and Paramagnetism in SnO by Fe Doping." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72(5)054402 (14 p.).
  • A Punnoose, J Hays, A Thurber, MH Engelhard, RK Kukkadapu, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan. 2005. "Development of high-temperature ferromagnetism in SnO2 and paramagnetism in SnO by Fe doping." Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 12(7)
  • S Maheswaran, S Thevuthasan, F Gao, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, RJ Smith. 2005. "Misfit Dislocations at the Single Crystal Fe₂O₃/Al₂O₃ Interface ." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72(7)Article number 075403. 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.075403
  • W Jiang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, CM Wang, WJ Weber. 2005. "Nitrogen Analysis Using Energetic Ion Beams." Surface and Interface Analysis 37(4)374-378.
  • W Jiang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, DE McCready, WJ Weber. 2005. "Erratum to: “Carbon analysis using energetic ion beams” [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 222 (2004) 538-546] ." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 227(3)450-451.
  • P Nachimuthu, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, EM Adams, WJ Weber, BD Begg, DK Shuh, DW Lindle, EM Gullikson, RC Perera. 2005. "Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine-Structure Study of Ion-Beam-Induced Phase Transformation in Gd2(Ti1-yZry)2O7." Journal of Applied Physics 97(3)Article 033518.
  • S Azad, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, DE Mccready, LV Saraf, OA Marina, CHF Peden. 2005. "Growth and Characterization of Single-Crystal Multilayer Nanostructures for Fast Ion Conduction."
  • CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, G Duscher. 2005. "Direct Imaging of Quantum Antidots in MgO Dispersed with Au Nanoclusters." Applied Physics Letters 87(15)153104 (3).
  • CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, S Thevuthasan, G Duscher. 2005. "Atomic Resolution Imaging of Au Nanocluster Dispersed in TiO₂, SrTiO₃, and MgO." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88(11)3184-3191.
  • CM Wang, S Azad, V Shutthanandan, DE McCready, CHF Peden, LV Saraf, S Thevuthasan. 2005. "Microstructure of ZrO2-CeO2 Hetero-Multi-Layer Films Grown on YSZ Substrate." Acta materialia 53(7)1921-1929.
  • LV Saraf, DW Matson, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, OA Marina, S Thevuthasan. 2005. "Ceria Incorporation into YSZ Columnar Nanostructures." Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 8(10)A525-A527.
  • D Salcedo, K Dzepina, TB Onasch, MR Canagaratna, JT Jayne, DR Worsnop, JS Gaffney, NA Marley, KS Johnson, BM Zuberi, L Molina, MJ Molina, V Shutthanandan, YL Xie, JL Jimenez. 2005. "Characterization of Ambient Aerosols in Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Campaign with Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Part II: Overview of the Results at the CENICA Supersite and Comparison to Previous Studies." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 54183-4221.
  • BK Roberts, A Pakhomov, V Shutthanandan, KM Krishnan. 2005. "Ferromagnetic Cr-doped ZnO for Spin Electronics via Magnetron Sputtering." Journal of Applied Physics 9710D310. 10.1063/1.1847914
  • TR Allen, J Gan, JI Cole, S Ukai, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan. 2005. "The Stability of 9Cr-ODS Oxide Particles Under Heavy-Ion Irradiation ." Nuclear Science and Engineering 151(3)305-312.


  • CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, DR Baer, LE Thomas, S Thevuthasan. 2004. "Microstructure of Precipitated Au Nanoclusters in TiO₂."
  • CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, LE Thomas, DR Baer, S Thevuthasan, G Duscher. 2004. "Precipitation of Au Nanoclusters in SrTiO₃ by Ion Implantation." Journal of Applied Physics 95(9)5060-5068.
  • LV Saraf, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, S Thevuthasan, CM Wang, A El-Azab, DR Baer. 2004. "Distinguishibility of Oxygen Desorption From the Surface Region with Mobility Dominant Effects in Nanocrystalline Ceria Films." Journal of Applied Physics 96(10)5756-5760 .
  • AC Tuan, JD Bryan, A Pakhomov, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, DE McCready, DJ Gaspar, MH Engelhard, JW Rogers, KM Krishnan, DR Gamelin, SA Chambers. 2004. "Epitaxial Growth and Properties of Cobalt-doped ZnO on α-Al₂O₃ Single-Crystal Substrates." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 70(5)054424.
  • YJ Kim, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, AS Lea, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers, R Sears, B Taylor, B Sinkovic. 2004. "Growth and Properties of molecular beam epitaxially grown ferromagnetic Fe-doped TiO2 rutile films on TiO2." Applied Physics Letters 84(18)3531-3533.
  • A Pakhomov, BK Roberts, AC Tuan, V Shutthanandan, DE McCready, S Thevuthasan, SA Chambers, KM Krishnan. 2004. "Studies of Two-and Three-Dimensional ZnO:Co Structures Through Different Sythetic Routes." Journal of Applied Physics 95(11)7393-7395 Part 2.
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, SM Heald, TC Droubay, MH Engelhard, TC Kaspar, DE McCready, LV Saraf, SA Chambers, BS Mun, NM Hamdan, P Nachimuthu, B Taylor, R Sears, B Sinkovic. 2004. "Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Ion-implanted Co-doped TiO₂(110) Rutile." Applied Physics Letters 84(22)4466-4468.
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, SM Heald, TC Droubay, MH Engelhard, TC Kaspar, DE McCready, LV Saraf, SA Chambers, BS Mun, NM Hamdan, P Nachimuthu, B Taylor, R Sears, B Sinkovic. 2004. "Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Ion-Implanted Co-Doped TiO₂(110) Rutile." Applied Physics Letters 84(22)4466-4468.
  • P Nachimuthu, S Thevuthasan, MH Engelhard, WJ Weber, DK Shuh, NM Hamdan, BS Mun, EM Adams, DE McCready, V Shutthanandan, DW Lindle, G Balakrishnan, DM Paul, EM Gullikson, RC Perera, J Lian, LM Wang, RC Ewing. 2004. "Probing Cation Antisite Disorder in Gd₂Ti₂O₇ Pyrochlore by Site-Specific Near-Edge X-ray-Absorption Fine Structure and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70(10)100101(R), 1-4.
  • W Jiang, WJ Weber, V Shutthanandan, L Li, S Thevuthasan. 2004. "Thermal and Dynamic Responses of Ag Implants in Silicon Carbide ." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 219-220642-646.
  • RJ Smith, Y Zhang, V Shutthanandan, LJ Bissell, S Thevuthasan, W Jiang, WJ Weber. 2004. "NRA and ERDA Investigation of Helium Retention in SiC as a Function of Irradiation and Annealing." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 219-220631-635.
  • Y Zhang, WJ Weber, W Jiang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, M Janson, A Hallen. 2004. "Annealing Behavior of Al-Implantation-Induced Disorder in 4H-SiC." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 219-220647-651.
  • Y Zhang, WJ Weber, W Jiang, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, A Hallen. 2004. "Effects of Implantation Temperature on Damage Accumulation in Al-Implanted 4H-SiC." Journal of Applied Physics 95(8)4012-4018.
  • W Jiang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, DE McCready, WJ Weber. 2004. "Carbon Analysis using Energetic Ion Beams." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 222(3-4)538-546.
  • S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, WJ Weber, W Jiang, AS Cavanagh, J Lian, LM Wang. 2004. "Ion-Beam Synthesis of Epitaxial Au Nanocrystals in MgO." Journal of Materials Research 19(5)1311-1314.
  • Y Zhang, WJ Weber, V Shutthanandan, R Devanathan, S Thevuthasan, G Balakrishnan, DM Paul. 2004. "Damage Evolution on Sm and O Sublattices in Au-Implanted Samarium Titanate Pyrochlore." Journal of Applied Physics 95(5)2866-2872.
  • Y Zhang, V Shutthanandan, R Devanathan, S Thevuthasan, DE McCready, JS Young, G Balakrishnan, DM Paul, WJ Weber. 2004. "Damage Accumulation and Amorphization in Samarium Titanate Pyrochlore." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 21889-94.
  • CM Wang, S Azad, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, DE McCready, CHF Peden. 2004. "Distortion of the Oxygen Sublattice in Pure Cubic-ZrO₂ ." Journal of Materials Research 19(5)1315-1319.
  • LV Saraf, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, CM Wang, KT Koch, JD Andreasen, OA Marina, Y Zhang. 2004. "Oxygen Diffusivity and Defect Transport in Pure and Yb Doped Nano-crystalline Ceria."
  • Y Zhang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, DE McCready, JS Young, R Devanathan, JD Andreasen, G Balakrishnan, DM Paul, WJ Weber. 2004. "Damage Evolution and Annealing of Au-Irradiated Samarium Titanate Pyrochlore."
  • V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, CM Wang, JS Young, LV Saraf, S Thevuthasan. 2004. "RBS, TEM and SEM Characterization of Gold Nanoclusters in TiO2(110) ."
  • RJ Smith, C Tripp, A Knospe, CV Ramana, VI Gorokhovsky, V Shutthanandan, DS Gelles. 2004. "Using CrAIN Multilayer Coatings to Improve Oxidation Resistance of Steel Interconnects for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks." Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 13(3)295-302.
  • PE Gannon, C Tripp, A Knospe, CV Ramana, M Deibert, RJ Smith, VI Gorokhovsky, V Shutthanandan, DS Gelles. 2004. "High Temperature Oxidation Resistance and Surface Electrical Conductivity of Stainless Steels with Filtered Arc Cr-Al-N Multilayer and/or Superlattice Coatings." Surface & Coatings Technology 188-18955-61.
  • CM Wang, Y Zhang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, G Duscher. 2004. "Microstructure of Precipitated Au Nanoclusters in TiO₂." Journal of Applied Physics 95(12)8185-8193.
  • MR Nakles, JJ Wang, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang. 2004. "Further Investigation of Low-Energy Ion Sputtering in Ion Thrusters."
  • CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, Y Zhang, S Thevuthasan, G Duscher. 2004. "Direct Observation of Substitutional Au Atoms in SrTiO3." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70(17)172201-172201-4.
  • A Punnoose, JS Hays, V Gopal, V Shutthanandan. 2004. "Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Chemically Synthesized Sn₁-xCox O₂ Powders." Applied Physics Letters 85(9)1559-1561.


  • P Nachimuthu, S Thevuthasan, YJ Kim, AS Lea, V Shutthanandan, MH Engelhard, DR Baer, SA Chambers, DK Shuh, D Lindle, EM Gullikson, RC Perera. 2003. "Investigation of Copper(I) Oxide Quantum Dots by Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy." Chemistry of Materials 20(15)3939-3946.
  • CM Wang, S Thevuthasan, F Gao, V Shutthanandan, DE McCready, SA Chambers, CHF Peden. 2003. "Interface Characteristics of Iso-Structural Thin Film and Substrate Pairs." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 207(1)1-9.
  • W Jiang, WJ Weber, Y Zhang, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan. 2003. "Ion Beam Analysis of Irradiation Effects in 6H-SiC." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 207(1)92-99.
  • W Jiang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, DE McCready, WJ Weber. 2003. "Oxygen Analysis Using Energetic Ion Beams." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 207(4)453-461.
  • CM Wang, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, AS Cavanagh, W Jiang, LE Thomas, WJ Weber. 2003. "Microstructure of Precipitated Au Nanoclusters in MgO." Journal of Applied Physics 93(10)6327-6333.
  • S Thevuthasan, W Jiang, V Shutthanandan, WJ Weber. 2003. "Accumulation of Ion Beam Induced Disorder in Stronium Titanate." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 206162-165.
  • CM Wang, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, AS Cavanagh, JM Walton, W Jiang, WJ Weber, LE Thomas, LM Wang, J Lian. 2003. "Microstructure of Precipitated Au Nanoclusters in Single Crystal MgO."
  • V Shutthanandan, J Zhang, P Ray. 2003. "Energy and mass dependence of isotopic enrichment in sputtering." Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing 76(7)1093-1097.
  • LV Saraf, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, Y Zhang, OA Marina, S Thevuthasan. 2003. "Oxygen Diffusion in Nanocrystalline CeO2."


  • V Shutthanandan, DR Baer, S Thevuthasan, EM Adams, S Maheswaran, MH Engelhard, JP Icenhower, BPeter McGrail. 2002. "High Energy Ion Beam Studies of Ion Exchange in a Na₂O-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ Glass." Journal of Applied Physics 91(4)1910-1920.
  • AA Rouse, C Szeles, JO Ndap, S Soldner, KB Parnham, DJ Gaspar, MH Engelhard, AS Lea, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, DR Baer. 2002. "Interfacial Chemistry and the Performance of Bromine-etched CdZnTe Radiation Detector Devices." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 49(4)2005-2009.
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, RS Disselkamp, AM Stroud, AS Cavanagh, EM Adams, DR Baer, LA Barrie, SS Cliff, TA Cahill. 2002. "Development of PIXE, PESA and Transmission Ion Microscopy Capability to Measure Aerosols by Size and Time." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 189284-288.
  • YJ Kim, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, CL Perkins, DE McCready, GS Herman, Y Gao, TT Tran, SA Chambers, CHF Peden. 2002. "Growth and Structure of Epitaxial Ce₁-xZrxO₂ Thin Films on Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (111)." Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 126(1-3)177-190.
  • CM Wang, S Thevuthasan, F Gao, V Shutthanandan, DE McCready, SA Chambers, CHF Peden. 2002. "HRTEM Characterization of Interface Between Iso-Structural Thin Solid Film and Substrate." Microscopy and Microanalysis 8(Suppl S02)1160-1161.
  • SA Chambers, CM Wang, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, DE McCready, AS Lea, V Shutthanandan, CF Windisch. 2002. "Epitaxial Growth and Properties of MBE Grown Ferromagnetic Co-doped TiO₂ Anatase Films on SrTiO₃(001) and LaAlO₃(001)." Thin Solid Films 418(2)197-210.
  • W Jiang, WJ Weber, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan. 2002. "Deuterium Channeling Study of Disorder in Al-₂(₂⁺)-Implanted 6H-SiC." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 190(1-4)636-640.
  • W Jiang, WJ Weber, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan. 2002. "Channeling Study of Lattice Disorder and Gold Implants in Gallium Nitride." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 191(1-4)509-513.
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, Y Liang, EM Adams, ZJ Yu, R Droopad. 2002. "Direct Observation of Atomic Disordering at the SrTiO3/Si Interface Due to Oxygen Diffusion." Applied Physics Letters 80(10)1803-1805.
  • LA Barrie, RS Disselkamp, V Shutthanandan, TA Cahill, SS Cliff. 2002. "Size-Segregated Multi-Elemental Aerosol Analysis at Williams Tower During Texas Air Quality 2000."


  • BPeter McGrail, JP Icenhower, DK Shuh, P Liu, JG Darab, DR Baer, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, MH Engelhard, CH Booth, P Nachimuthu. 2001. "The Structure of Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 Glass: Impact on Sodium Ion Exchange in H2O and D2O." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 29610-26.
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, DR Baer, EM Adams, S Maheswaran, MH Engelhard, JP Icenhower, BPeter McGrail. 2001. "Investigation of Alkali Ion Exchange Processes in Waste Glasses Using Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry and Nuclear Reaction Analysis."
  • W Jiang, WJ Weber, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan. 2001. "Accumulation and Recovery of Disorder on Silicon and Carbon Sublattices in Ion-Irradiated 6H-SiC." Journal of Nuclear Materials 289(1-2)96-101.
  • W Jiang, WJ Weber, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan. 2001. "Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Elements by Combined Ion-Beam Methods."
  • W Jiang, WJ Weber, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan. 2001. "Properties of Gallium Disorder and Gold Implants in GaN."
  • W Jiang, WJ Weber, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan. 2001. "Multi-Axial Channeling Study of Disorder in Gold Implanted 6H-SiC."
  • S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, W Jiang, WJ Weber. 2001. "Ion Beam Slicing of Single Crystal Oxide Thin Films."
  • S Thevuthasan, W Jiang, V Shutthanandan, WJ Weber. 2001. "Accumulation and Thermal Recovery of Disorder in Au₂⁺-Irradiated SrTiO₃." Journal of Nuclear Materials 289(1-2)204-209.
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, JS Young, TM Orlando, WJ Weber. 2001. "Hydrogen-Damage Interactions in Yttrium-Stabilized Zirconia." Journal of Nuclear Materials 289(1-2)128-135.
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, YJ Kim, CHF Peden. 2001. "Channeling Studies of CeO₂ and Ce₁-xZrxO₂ Films on Yttria-Stabilized ZrO₂(111)."


  • S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, EM Adams, S Maheswaran. 2000. "High Energy Ion Beam Analysis of Buried alpha-Fe~2O~3(0001)/alpha-Al~2O~3(0001) Interface."


  • AA Saleh, V Shutthanandan, NR Shivaparan, RJ Smith, TT Tran, SA Chambers. 1998. "Epitaxial Growth of fcc Ti Films on Al(001) Surfaces." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 56(15)9841-9847.