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BizSpark in the World

  • What Microsoft BizSpark community manager reads for fun. Recommended reading on financial capital and innovation industries.

  • Today's Windows Azure Accelerator Advice: How Teams Work If you have not heard of BagsUp, let me introduce you. We recently spoke to two of the founders, Carl Jackson and Ben Jackson (pictured) about their time at the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure. We asked, "How does your team work together?" Answer: Intuition. They sit around a table with a whiteboard and a minimalist set up. They work together in the same room. * "We can accomplish more together than we can separately." *"Division of labor or division of tasks is seamless. Everyone innately knows. It makes us more efficient in understanding and allocating tasks and delivering on them." *"All three (founders) will be involved in understanding what the specifics are in that task (when moving from idea to component of the business). Everyone walks away knowing, I know what that is, and who is taking it forward." For more information on the Azure Accelerator Experience, check this link:

  • What does the Windows Azure Accelerator experience look like? You can apply to find out: But before you do... If you are considering doing this, read about their moments of deciding to devote time and energy, even with families at home, to this dream project. Al Bsharah and Bryan Hall, who founded @Embarke, which provides highly personalized analytics for marketers, literally went through gut-wrenching decisions, leaving behind family, and even bitter arguments, but they came out with a product. Word for word from Al, about how he and Bryan worked through arguments born out of intuition: "We had no data to back it up, we were just passionate about it. We just had to buckle down and prove each other right or wrong, and move in a direction. I got really lucky. I always knew finding a co-founder was hard. You hear it’s like a marriage, and this and that and the other thing. You are spending a lot of time with this other person, and in some cases more than with your own spouse. We see the same things through different lenses, and we have the same long term goals. Whenever we get into debates, we were always able to take a step back and say, 'I could be wrong.' For the first six months and the first year, it’s not an issue, and a year and a half later, it’s still not an issue. There is never any animosity. This is part of what it’s like." You can grow, too. It's part of the pain, the glory, and the test of building a solution.

  • Welcome to BizSpark another featured startup of the day. This time it's Smart Shopping, and app that runs on Azure.

  • You are an entrepreneur the moment you stop listening to your fears and start swimming in the direction of your dreams.

  • How to scale from startup early roots to a company that hires people, by Mobilligy co-founder Tyler Griffins, one of the participants in the first Windows Azure Accelerator class. This former JP Morgan invesmtent banker quit his Wall Street job and teamed up with a friend to launch a smartphone app that helps you pay bills, limit expenses and avoid hidden fees without having to visit a bank or bill paying site. How do they plan to scale? Here's how Tyler approaches hiring: 1. Describe the vision. Does that potential hire get excited about that? 2. Be very open and transparent about what you want to accomplish. Fit people according to their individual talents and the group goal. 3. No standard hierarchical lines like a corp. Align along passions and confidence in the role. 4. Have people take individual responsibility for certain things. 5. Know people ahead of time, before you have to hire them.

  • Testing a photo sharing app. Also, set up the foursquare check in for our Windows Azure Accelerator.

  • Good point to start your Friday during the end of the world. We hope you are going into the apocalypse with a smile today, and that your holiday season, wherever you are in the world, is joyous, happy, kind and warm.

  • This group does a great job of building community and sharing what it knows with each other. We have taken the best conversations from this week and made a blog post about them. This way, your influence travels. ps. This is not the blog posts I was referring to before. I still plan on making a couple of those out of some of the chats here, by topic. This is just a collection of exciting chats this week.

  • Our morning interview with Windows Azure solution @Distil, which prevents bots from ripping off your marketing efforts:

  • You love Microsoft BizSpark and you love Startups. Have I got an opportunity for you. Please email dcrets@microsoft with your bios and CVs if you are interested in being a technical evangelist for the world's biggest startup, Microsoft. Must be in the US, and the positions are in Boston and NYC.

  • Appetas, Inc. is one of the startups going through the Microsoft Windows Azure accelerator in Seattle. Today marks the first day for our trip through the accelerator to find out what these startups have been up to since their acceptance in early Fall. Watch a video with Appetas founder Keller Smith:

  • Alexey Petrov helps lead a team called Penxy that turns a tablet into a live streaming conference tool. One facet of this service is that it is hosted on Windows Azure

  • Classy. We opened up our Co-Working BizSpark Lab tonight. More pictures tomorrow. But we thought we'd share this utter bit of class tonight. :)

  • A smart phone for every stethoscope, treating a disease like a platform with @WindowsAzure #startups

  • If you all have not met Sonal Mane, you really should. She's a developer evangelist in Chicago, and she is in the third video in this blog post. How Software Solves:

  • Which Microsoft BizSpark company makes this awesome gun, and runs their multi-player gaming solutions services on Windows Azure?

  • Somebody tell me what this is.

  • Congratulations to Microsoft Imagine Cup winners Graphmasters, for winning $100,000 in the "The grand prize grant of $100,000 was awarded to Team Graphmasters from Germany for its solution called nunav that reduces vehicle carbon emissions through an innovative navigation system. The second place grant of $75,000 went to Team StethoCloud from Australia, which developed a solution to diagnose childhood pneumonia. There were also grants of $50,000 to Team Vivid from Egypt, which built a mobile app to access medical records using the cloud; Team Cipher256 from Uganda for its mobile app and listening device to analyze fetal heart rates; and Team QuadSquad from Ukraine, which created a solution that transforms sign language into verbal communication. The teams used technologies including Windows 8, Windows Azure, Windows Phone, Bing Maps and more." Here's a picture we took today of their mentor. PR Newswire (

  • iOS developers, I have something for you. A message from the Windows 8 team: Message from Windows 8 – ‘We care about all startups no matter what platform they are currently familiar with, we will try our best to help them take advantage of the Window Store. In fact, on Dec. 13th and 14th we’ve partnered with the Big Nerd Ranch, a prominent iOS training company to host a Free Windows app development training specifically tailored for iOS app developers. The event will be live streamed on the verge, make sure you check it out.” You can go here for now:

  • Lots of stuff coming in December. Want to work hands on with Windows 8 engineers? We are opening another Apps Lab. This one is in New York City. Join us

  • Telling the truth in programming. Taken from Quora:

  • This is Dror Shimoni, CTO of HoneyBook, and a BizSpark member. His team is making wedding photos more viral. This company on Windows Azure has figured out how to make the sharing and showcasing of photos the surest, simplest thing ever.

  • Taken from the Twitter stream of one of our BizSpark community members. Startup hustle. Via Gurbaksh Chahal

  • We are incredibly grateful for entrepreneurs in this global economy. We are encouraged by and we admire those with families and those who are on their own trying to improve life for others by innovating, inventing, and trying something new. Here's to the bright lights in the world, and the ones who dare to go far in life.

BizSpark Plus Accelerator
and Incubator Programs

Startups can get BizSpark Plus Offers through Incubators and Accelerators who are BizSpark Plus Partners. Find a program near you:

Launchpad Ignition

Launch Pad Ignition is a 12 week startup accelerator in New Orleans to help startups develop their product, refine their business model, and prepare to raise capital.
Location: New Orleans
Applications: Dec 15, 2012 - Jan 15, 2013
Start Date: February 13, 2013
End Date: May 3, 2013


Accepting Applications now for the spring 2013 class

December 20, 2012

Apply now for The Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure, powered by TechStars. Dead... Read more.

Watch the Big Nerd ranch #iOStoWindows App Development Training

December 13, 2012

Design differences between iOS and Windows 8 - Live streamed on Channel 9 Read more.

Steven Guggenheimer & David Kirkpatrick - LeWeb Paris 2012 - Plenary 1

December 7, 2012

A LeWeb interview with head of DPE Steve Guggenheimer about the extraordinary opportu... Read more.


500 Startups Demo Day NYC - Feb 15, 2013

500 Startups Demo Day NYC is an invite-only showing of our current batch of Accelerator companies. This event ... Read more.

500 Startups Demo Day - Feb 6-7, 2013

500 Startups Demo Day is an invite-only showing of our 5th batch of accelerator companies. This event is prima... Read more.

Team Blogs

Featured Startup on Azure - Smart Shopping


Company, Founder & App Information BizSpark:  Tell us who you are and your role in th... Read more.

Featured Startup on Azure - Mobilligy


I sat down and spoke with Tyler Griffin, Co-Founder and CEO of Mobilligy, an app that... Read more.

Reversing the Brain Drain in Nepal by


One of the real benefits of technology we have been able to provide to rural Nepal ha... Read more.

Get Training & Resources

Check out the Training & Resources section. You will find product training, certification, technical resources, business tools, and more!

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Develop great apps for Windows 8.

Find qualified students for entry level and internship positions.

SkyDrive APIs let you connect your app or service with a user’s personal content.

Featured Videos


Hear the story of Soluto, a BizSpark One startup that created a powerful web service that lets anyone get more from their own PC, and help friends, family and colleagues to make their PCs better too.


BizSpark One company SundaySky helps enterprises enhance engagement with prospects and customers at every stage of the customer life cycle through its SmartVideo solutions.


Discover LiquidSpace, a BizSpark One company connecting people seeking flexible workspace with venues offering great workspaces to share.

Harnessing Technology to Address Global Challenges

For entrepreneurs starting technology-based ventures, there is tremendous potential to address opportunities and challenges around the world. Hear perspectives on the impact of technology for entrepreneurs from: -Jim Breyer, Managing Partner, Accel Partners -Jeff Clavier, Founder and Managing Partner, SoftTech VC -Tim Draper, Managing Director, Draper Fisher Jurvetson -Vinod Khosla, Partner, Khosla Ventures -Brad Feld, Managing Director, Foundry Group -Alexandra Johnson, Managing Director, DFJ VTB Aurora -Ann Winblad, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners -Tina Seelig, Executive Director, Stanford Technology Ventures Program

The Global Impact of Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are uniquely positioned to solve the world's big problems, hear perspectives and advice on entrepreneurship from: -Tina Seelig, Executive Director, Stanford Technology Ventures Program -Jeff Clavier, Founder and Managing Partner, SoftTech VC -Brad Feld, Managing Director, Foundry Group -Alexandra Johnson, Managing Director, DFJ VTB Aurora -Tim Draper, Managing Director, Draper Fisher Jurvetson -Vinod Khosla, Partner, Khosla Ventures -Ann Winblad, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners -Heidi Roizen, Venture Partner, Draper Fisher Jurvetson -Ron Conway, SV Angel -Sharon Wienbar, Managing Director, Scale Venture Partners -Jim Breyer, Managing Partner, Accel Partners

Immersion Digital

Immersion Digital is a BizSpark One startup creating immersive experiences that brings content to life. They are the creators of Glo, an interactive way to experience the Bible through HD videos, high-resolution images, zoomable maps, virtual tours and more.

Digital Folio

Check out Digital Folio, a BizSpark One startup that is changing the dynamics of consumer shopping with powerful software that saves time and money.