Mission & Functions


The Deputy Director for Field Operations is responsible for:

  • providing management oversight of and direction to, the Headquarters Offices reporting to the Deputy Director for Field Operations, the Integrated Support Center Chicago and Oak Ridge Offices, and the Office of Science (SC) Site Offices;
  • setting SC-specific policy related to operational functions executed by the Office of Science and the management, operation, and overall well-being of SC laboratories;
  • ensuring effective and consistent implementation of operational policy across the SC complex; and
  • ensuring the Office of Science Management System (SCMS) is current with the SC mission and reflects best business practice policies and procedures. As the owner of the SCMS, the Deputy Director for Field Operations involves the Deputy Director for Science Programs and the Deputy Director for Resource Management in coordinating the objectives of the SCMS.


The Deputy Director for Field Operations:

  • Serves as the principal advisor to the Director Office of Science and Deputy Director for Science Programs on operational issues affecting the Office of Science. These include environment, safety, and health; safeguards and security; laboratory infrastructure management; management and operating (M&O) contracting and contract management, including evaluation and planning processes; and cyber security. Determines strategic direction and Program Direction budget priorities for the offices reporting to the Deputy Director for Field Operations.
  • Assists the Director Office of Science and Deputy Director for Science Programs in carrying out certain aspects of their operational duties and responsibilities.
  • Assists in the formulation of the budget requests for the Safeguards & Security and Science Laboratories Infrastructure programs and participates in the defense of these budgets through the Department of Energy (DOE), the Office of Management and Budget, and Congressional committees.
  • Provides management oversight of and direction to the SC Integrated Support Center; the SC Site Offices; and the SC Headquarters Offices of Safety and Security Policy; Laboratory Policy; Operations Program Management; and Cyber Security & Enterprise Architecture and appraises the performance of their Directors/Managers.
  • Establishes and sets expectations for SC-wide performance in SC-specific policies, plans, and procedures related to the operational functions executed by the Office of Science. Examples include management of cyber and physical security.
  • Established SC-specific policies, plans, and procedures related to the management, operation, and overall well-being of the SC laboratories. These include safeguards and security; environment, safety and health; operations program management; enhancement of contractor performance; improvement, extension, and competition of (M&O) contracts; Work for Others; and Laboratory Directed Research and Development.
  • Establishes the SC position regarding the impact of proposed or revised legislation, Executive Orders, and DOE policies regarding the management, operation, or well-being of SC laboratories or operational issues affecting the Office of Science and resolves disputes within SC when necessary.
  • Serves as Head of Contracting Activity for the SC complex.
  • Champions SC interests regarding the development of operational policies, requirements, or initiatives by the Department, other Executive Branch agencies, or the Congress. Whenever necessary, works at the highest levels of the Department to resolve disputes.
  • Ensures consistent implementation of operations-related policies across the SC complex, consistency in oversight of contractor performance, and monitors and assesses oversight effectiveness.
  • Ensures the SC Integrated Support Center provides best-in-class technical, business, and administrative services in support of SC, other DOE Program Offices, and as appropriate, other Federal agencies.
  • Integrates the efforts of the offices reporting to the Deputy Director for Field Operations and ensures that operations-related issues are integrated with the SC Program Offices and other DOE Program and Staff Offices.
  • Works with the SC Deputy Director for Science Programs to integrate operations-related activities with research program activities. Ensures SC Site Office Managers maintain working relationships with the Associate Directors sufficient to effectively integrate SC science programs with laboratory operations at laboratories performing SC-sponsored research.
  • Represents SC and makes commitments for the Department in discussions and meetings with high-level government and private sector officials. Meetings are typically with members of the Congress and representatives of other science funding and policy agencies, including the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:18:53 PM