GRACE Projects

We highlight the connections among food, water and energy, promoting a sustainable future through our projects including:

Sustainable Table Seasonal Food Guide Seasonal Food Guide The Meatrix Water Footprint Calculator Nexus: Food, Water and Energy Ecocentric Blog


Ecocentric Blog Posts

Taste It, Don't Waste It: Holiday Curry

Got lots of holiday leftovers? Don’t waste ’em! Throw a curry party to use up all of those savory bits - from meat to veg! All you need to do is whip up our easy recipe for a curry base, then toss in what you have on hand. (We’ve also got some genius-level tips for throwing the best after-after-after party!)

Tips and Tricks for Wasting Less Food This Holiday Season

The holiday season means lots of fun - and lots of food! From cookies to pie to potato skins, we’ve got tons of tips and tricks on how to use up all of the delicious food you make this holiday season, plus lots of good planning tips to cut down on food waste in general. Happy (waste-free) Holidays!


Algal Blooms
Take Action
Taste It, Don't Waste It!
Seasonal Food Guide
 Water Footprint Calculator
Our Heroes
The Meatrix for explore
Meatless Monday
Real Food