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Scientific Review Groups (SRGs)

Stock Assessment Program | Stock Assessment Reports | Guidelines

What are Scientific Review Groups?

Scientific Review Groups (SRGs) advise NMFS and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) on the status of marine mammal stocks (under Section 117 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act) within three areas:

The SRGs advise NMFS and FWS on:

   NEW! NOAA Fisheries solicits nominations for Scientific Review Groups. Nominations are due October 31, 2016


Terms of Reference

Minutes/Reports from Group Meetings

Joint SRG Meetings

Regional Meetings


Alaska Scientific Review Group


The Alaska SRG advises NMFS and FWS on stocks of marine mammals that occur in waters off Alaska that are under the jurisdiction of the United States. These stocks include:

Key conservation issues for marine mammals in Alaska include


  1. Lloyd Lowry, Chair
    Alaska Department of Fish and Game (Ret.); University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  2. Robert Suydam
    North Slope Borough
  3. Karl Haflinger
    Sea State, Inc.
  4. Beth Mathews
    University of Alaska Southeast
  5. Grey Pendleton
    Alaska Department of Fish and Game
  6. Kate Wynne
    University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  7. Craig Matkin
    North Gulf Oceanic Society
  8. Kate Stafford
    University of Washington
  9. Bob Small
    Alaska Department of Fish and Game
  10. Mike Miller
    Sitka Tribe of Alaska
  11. Dave Tallmon
    University of Alaska, Southeast


Alaska SRG Meeting Minutes and Correspondence



Atlantic Scientific Review Group (SRG)


The Atlantic SRG advises NMFS and FWS on marine mammals along the Atlantic coast, Gulf Coast, and U.S. Territories in the Caribbean.

Marine mammals in this area include:

Key conservation issues for marine mammals in the Atlantic region include:

Scientific advice on marine mammals in the Caribbean is inhibited by relatively little directed research and monitoring in the waters surrounding U.S. Territories.


  1. Douglas Nowacek, Chair, Duke University
  2. James Powell, Ph.D., Sea to Shore Alliance
  3. Michael Moore, Ph.D., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  4. James Gilbert, University of Maine
  5. Robert Kenney, University of Rhode Island
  6. John Lawson, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  7. Andrew Read, Duke University
  8. Richard Seagraves, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
  9. Randall Wells, Chicago Zoological Society; Mote Marine Laboratory
  10. Sharon Young, Humane Society of the United States
  11. Christopher Clark, Cornell University
  12. Trent McDonald, Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.


Atlantic SRG Meeting Minutes and Correspondence


Pacific Scientific Review Group (SRG)


The Pacific SRG advises NMFS and FWS on marine mammals in waters along the west coast of the United States, within waters surrounding the main and Northwest Hawaiian Islands, and within waters surrounding U.S. Territories in the Western Pacific.

Marine mammals in this area include:

Key conservation issues for marine mammals in the Pacific Region include

There has been a long-term research and monitoring project on Hawaiian monk seals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and a photo-id study on cetaceans surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands, but information on other marine mammals throughout Pacific Islands areas is limited.


  1. Michael Scott, Chair, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
  2. Hannah Bernard, Hawaii Wildlife Fund
  3. Robin Brown, OR Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
  4. John Calambokidis, Cascadia Research Collective
  5. Mark Fraker, TerraMar Environmental Research, Ltd.
  6. Doyle Hanan, CA Dept. Fish and Game (Ret.); Hanan and Associates, Inc.
  7. Jim Harvey, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
  8. Steve Jeffries, WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
  9. Katherine Ralls, Smithsonian Institution
  10. Terry Wright, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
  11.  Timothy Ragen, Marine Mammal Commission (ret.)


Pacific SRG Meeting Minutes and Correspondence

More Information

Updated: May 12, 2016