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Explore the futures and options markets with a variety of resources – including courses, webinars, and videos – designed to help you at each stage of your trading journey.

Whether you are brand new to derivatives, or an experienced trader looking to sharpen specific skills, our content will help you deepen your knowledge and improve your understanding of our markets.


CME Institute offers a variety of courses, helping you learn about futures and options, all of our asset classes, trading strategies, and more.


Practice trading, charting, and price analysis. Since practice makes perfect, our trading simulator and analysis tools offer hands-on learning in the futures and options markets.

Trading simulator – Study charts, add indicators and test your trading strategies in this simulated market environment.

Strategy simulator - Compare how an option, futures, or physical position would perform across different underlying price scenarios.

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CME Group has put together related courses and practice materials to create a syllabus of relevant information for a variety of topics and market participants.

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