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Wind Research Publications


Copping A E, Hanna L A, Whiting J M. 2016. "Sharing Information on Environmental Effects of Wind Energy Development: WREN Hub" Environmental Effects of Wind Energy Development - Conference on Wind and Wildlife 2015. PNNL-SA-117172.

Debnath M, Iungo V, Ashton R, Brewer W A, Choukulkar A, Clifton A, Delgado R, Lundquist J K, Shaw W J, Wilczak J M, Wolfe D. 2016. Vertical Profiles of the 3D Wind Velocity Retrieved from Multiple Wind LiDARs Performing Triple Range-Height-Indicator Scans. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. . PNNL-SA-119006.

Duberstein C A, Cullinan V I, Matzner S. 2016. "Specificity of Wing Beat Frequency as a Predictor of Species within Candidate Bird Groups at Risk from North American Wind Energy Development." Journal of Applied Ecology. PNNL-SA-117890.

Foster NAF. 2016. "Exports and Leasing Drive Distributed Wind Market in 2015." North American Clean Energy. PNNL-SA-120084.

Foster NAF, Orrell A C, Homer J S. 2016. "Defining States' Success in Deploying Distributed Wind." Energy Policy. PNNL-SA-120586.

Lundquist J K, Wilczak J M, Ashton R, Bianco L, Brewer A, Choukulkar A, Clifton A, Debnath M, Delgado R, Friedrich K, Gunter S, Hamidi A, Lungo G V, Kaushik A, Kosovic B, Langan P, Lass A, Lavin E, Lee J C, McCaffrey K L, Newsom R K, Noone D C, Oncely S P, Quelet P T, Sandberg S P, Schroeder J, Shaw W J, Sparling L C, St. Martin C M, St. Pe A, Strobach E, Tay K, Vanderwende B J, Weickmann A M, Wolfe D, Worsnop R P. 2016. "Assessing State-of-the-Art Capabilities for Probing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: the XPIA Field Campaign." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. PNNL-SA-115298.

Mirocha JD, MD Simpson, JD Fast, LK Berg, and R Baskett. 2016. "Investigation of lower-atmospheric wind predictions during low-level jet events using the Weather Research and Forecasting model." Wind Energy 19(4):739-762. doi:10.1002/we.1862.

Rai R K, Berg L K, Kosovic B, Mirocha J D, Pekour M S, Shaw W J. 2016. "Comparison of Measured and WRF-LES Turbulence Statistics in a Real Convective Boundary Layer over Complex Terrain." Boundary-Layer Meteorology PNNL-SA-115845.


Flaherty JE, WJ Shaw, VR Morris, JM Wilczak, AB White, T Ayers, J Jordan, and CW King. 2015. Installation and Initial Operation of DOE's 449-MHz Wind Profiling Radars on the U.S. West Coast . PNNL-24866, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.

Matzner S, Cullinan V I, Duberstein C A. 2015. "Two-Dimensional Thermal Video Analysis of Offshore Bird and Bat Flight." Ecological Informatics 30():20-28. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.09.001. PNNL-SA-109185.

Newsom RK, LK Berg, WJ Shaw, and M Fischer. 2015. "Turbine-scale wind field measurements using dual-Doppler lidar." Wind Energy 18(2):219-235. doi:10.1002/we.1691.

Stephan EG, TO Elsethagen, LK Berg, MC Macduff, PR Paulson, WJ Shaw, C Sivaraman, WP Smith, and A Wynne. 2015. "Semantic Catalog of Things, Services, and Data to Support a Wind Data Management Facility." Information Systems Frontiers. doi:10.1007/s10796-015-9546-5.

Wilczak JM, C Finley, J Freedman, J Cline, L Bianco, J Olson, I Djalaova, L Sheridan, M Ahlstrom, J Manobianco, J Zack, J Carley, S Benjamin, RL Coulter, LK Berg, JD Mirocha, K Clawson, E Natenberg, and M Marquis. 2015. "The Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP): A Public-Private Partnership Addressing Wind Energy Forecast Needs." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96(10):1699-1718. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00107.1.

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