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Photo of a garibaldi fish in Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Here on this website
you will discover an incredible array of marine life and habitats as well as rich and vibrant
cultural connections and maritime history

Through education, conservation, science, and stewardship, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary provides protection to its extraordinary natural and cultural resources so that nature can thrive, historic shipwrecks and artifacts remain respectfully in place, cultural connections remain strong, and careful public use and enjoyment can be sustained.  Designated in 1980 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the sanctuary spans 1,470 square miles surrounding five of the Channel Islands: San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa and Santa Barbara.  Explore our web site and enjoy!

2016 Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest

Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Congratulates Third Place Winner Cindy Shaw!

third place photo Sanctuary Portraits

National marine sanctuaries provide an idyllic setting for a variety of recreational activities - this category celebrates the people who visit them.

3rd Place Beginning his ascent from a dive boat in Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, this diver was greeted by schools of fish surrounding the rocky reefs of San Miguel Island.
Credit: Cindy Shaw

Apply Now for Advisory Council Membership
volunteer photo

Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary is accepting applications for membership on the Sanctuary Advisory Council. Ten (10) positions are open and applications are due by June 6, 2016. Read more about this opportunity here.

National Safe Boating Expo
safe boating expo flyer

V​isit our booth at the National Safe Boating Expo this coming Saturday, May 9th, at the Coast Guard Station Channel Islands! Talk with Channel Islands Naturalist Corps volunteers, who will have brochures, maps and lots of other great information about best practices for boating in the sanctuary and Channel Islands National Park.

White House Recognizes Sanctuary
Expansions in California photo of coral reef and fish

N​​OAA recently announced the expansion of two sanctuaries off California’s north-central coast, more than doubling the size of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank national marine sanctuaries. See what the White House had to say about this big news...​

Deep-Sea Coral Research Expedition
on NOAA Ship Bell M. ShimadaBell M Shimada vessel

In March 2015, a team of NOAA-led researchers will explore the deep seafloor environment of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) aboard NOAA ship Bell M. Shimada. NOAA scientists will study the condition of deep-sea corals in this area and monitor water chemistry to assess this ecosystem's vulnerability ocean acidification. The team will also document previously unmapped areas of the sanctuary's deep seafloor.

Thank You Volunteers! volunteer photo

In 2015 1,585 volunteers donated 78,232 hours to the help the Channel Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.  Read more about our amazing volunteers and how we gave thanks for their many contributions.

Marine Shipping Working Group Convening in 2015

photo of a whale tail

Kicking off in February 2015, the Sanctuary Advisory Council's Marine Shipping Working Group will develop recommendations to address a variety of marine shipping issues. Find out more about plans for this important group.

Gold Medal Award for Whale Protection Work

The Department of Commerce has awarded a Gold Medal to a group of NOAA staff whose teamwork was instrumental in the International Maritime Organization changing the placement of shipping lanes within and around four California national marine sanctuaries to improve protection to endangered whales while supporting maritime trade and commerce.

Interactive Channel Islands Map

channel islands interactive mapThe Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas (MPA) interactive web-based map highlights the 11 marine reserves and 2 marine conservation that are part of the Channel Islands MPA network. Viewers can zoom in and out of the interactive map which shows the bathymetry and topography of the Channel Islands and includes reserve boundaries, coordinates and island information. Photos and video clips from each of the MPAs highlight key species and critical habitats and give viewers a visual connection to these special places.

Online Weather Kiosk Real time Weather Updates

volunteers on the beach

The weather kiosk features real-time online weather updates and practical information about effects of weather on ocean conditions in the Santa Barbara channel and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. By presenting real-time weather updates, the weather kiosk also serves as safety tool local sailors and fishermen. They can use the kiosk for up-to-the-minute reports on weather and ocean conditions. In addition, the weather section provides reports on various weather related topics. Forecasts, wind models, satellite and radar images, tide and current conditions and even data streamed from weather buoys are all available through links to various web services.

Revised August 17, 2016 | Contact Us | WebSite Owner: National Ocean Service
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