Microdata Library

The Microdata Library facilitates access to data collected through sample surveys of households, business establishments or other facilities. These 'microdata' sets may also originate from population, housing or agricultural censuses or through an administrative data collection processes. The Library contains supporting documentation from censuses and surveys conducted or supported by the World Bank, as well as by other international organizations, statistical agencies and other agencies in low and middle-income countries. Learn More »

Central Microdata Catalog

The Microdata Library is comprised of a number of Collections. These collections can be browsed and searched individually or centrally from the Central Microdata Catalog.

Browse and search – rich metadata, questionnaires and the key reports for a broad range of development surveys are easily accessible.

Access microdata – researchers and policy makers familiar with the analytical techniques and tools necessary for the analysis of microdata can go further and search for, and gain access to, the unit level datasets either directly from the World Bank or from links to our partner catalogs.

As of December 26, 2016 the Library contains
Developed in collaboration with the International Household Survey Network.
Powered by the
Data Documentation Initiative metadata standard
