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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability

Students (K–12)

Our K-12 education programs' goal is to encourage students in Northern New Mexico to pursue science, technology, engineering and math careers.


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  • Janelle Vigil-Maestas
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  • (505) 665-4329
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"When the going gets tough, encourage them to keep going." – Los Alamos National Laboratory Director Charlie McMillan
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STEM education news

Northern NM students shine at Future City competition

Northern New Mexico student teams took seven awards at the Future City regional competition in Albuquerque on January 24, 2015. In the event, student teams work with teachers and mentors using SimCity™ software to research and write solutions to an engineering problem; build tabletop scale models with recycled materials; and present their ideas before judges.

Twenty-three teams competed; a team from Littleton, Colo. won the competition and advanced to the national competition in Washington, D.C. Northern New Mexico area teams, their award, and project name included

  • James H. Rodriguez Elementary, Española, Communication Design for Shadow City and Unique Architectural Model for City of Crystal Water
  • McCurdy Charter School, Española, Irrigation Infrastructure for Chilitopia
  • Taos Middle School, Taos, Social Interaction Design for Chronic Crystal and Globalization for Epic Empire
  • Turquoise Trail Charter School, Santa Fe, Creative Use of Recycle Materials for Panopolis, and Safety Design for Naviopolis.

The Laboratory, Los Alamos National Security LLC, and NNSA were among several sponsors of Future City and several Laboratory staff members were judges and mentors.

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