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Tobacco Prevention and Control Pages
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Quitline: 1-800-784-8669Alabama Tobacco Quitline

Tabaco de Alabama Quitline en Español

The Alabama Tobacco Quitline is now offering online counseling services at for any Alabamian who is ready to quit tobacco. Since April 2005, thousands of Alabamians have called the Quitline to help themselves or family members learn how to be tobacco free. Information and counseling sessions are confidential. We know quitting isn't easy - that's why we are here to help. Those who begin counseling can receive, if medically eligible, a free, four-week supply of the nicotine patch to assist in their attempt to quit.

If you, a friend, or family member are ready to quit smoking or chewing tobacco, the Quitline is here to help. Call 1-800-Quit-Now (784-8669) or visit

Resources for Health Care Providers

If you are a health care provider and want to help your patients, you can enroll them in our fax referral system. Have them sign the fax referral consent form and the Alabama Tobacco Quitline will contact your patient. In return, you will receive progress reports (with your patient's consent) on their attempt to quit.

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Image of an ashtrash on someone's tongue

Image of a cigarette and death

Image of a nicotine patch