How you can help

Only our activism can secure America’s environmental laws – all of which are now under threat.

The next year will bring some big fights. With your help, we will ferociously defend bedrock environmental protections, in Congress, in the courts, and throughout the country.

We are a powerful force of more than 2 million members, and we will never back down from the fight.

Fred Krupp President, EDF

What makes the biggest difference?

You can make changes in your own life, but what drives the biggest change is a groundswell of support to influence policy and industry leaders. Sign up to get news and urgent alerts to add your voice. We won’t share your address. (Read our privacy policy.)

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Influence your elected officials — it’s easy to write to them, and they need to know you support environmental action!

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Every dollar makes a difference in the fight to defend our bedrock environmental standards and protect climate progress.

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