Building Science-to-Sales Translator

HVAC Ducts in Unvented Basement/Crawl Space =
Interior Comfort Delivery System - Basement/Crawlspaces

Alternate Terms

Energy Saving Interior Comfort Delivery System
Technical Description: 

Traditional attics and crawlspaces can reach more extreme temperatures and humidity than living spaces and are inhospitable to heating and cooling equipment including ducts. Ducts and heating and cooling equipment work better when they are inside conditioned space. Crawlspaces that are designed to be heated and cooled and do not include vents for outside air can provide a more efficient working environment. 

Interior Comfort Delivery System - Basement/Crawlspaces
Sales Message
Interior comfort delivery systems are installed inside the conditioned space rather than in unconditioned crawl space. What this means to you is full comfort with much less wasted energy. Wouldn’t you rather have your heating and cooling delivered from inside your home rather than effectively outdoors?